By fatiimah_tj

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Just read and find out. ©2022. More

Author's Note.
Chapter 01.
Chapter 02.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 04.
Chapter 06.
Chapter 07.
Chapter 08.
Chapter 09.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 05.

161 26 0
By fatiimah_tj

This chapter is dedicated to Deedi--, my love❤️

...both families will now have to choose, to save Jasmine or Muslim...

After maghrib prayer at the hospital, mummy had to go home after being convinced by Muslim that she needed to rest. The drive back home was a silent one, only the low soothing voice of Tariq Mohammed reciting Surah An-noor from the holy Quran could be heard, that too when great attention is paid to his recitation.

Sa'eeda was looking at the window, indulging in the peace of the night though it wasn't really tranquil, not actually paying attention to what she was seeing, her facial expression numb though her face clearly showed that she cried. So this is how we are going to watch her die in great dilema and quandary, only Allah knows what she kept deep inside, how she sleeps every night, maybe she cries her self until she finally knocks out. Something has to be done as soon as possible, or so, Sa'eeda thought.

Mummy didn't say anything, she wasn't thinking of anything, neither was her mind in the reality. She felt she was the worst mother on Earth, she was ready to face anything to mend things but how?

"Where have you been Nooria? When did you start going out without my permission." Usman asked Nooria as soon as she went into the parlor. She kept quiet, looking into his eyes with tears eyes.

"Good evening daddy." Sa'eeda said appearing from behind.

"Hold your greetings. Nooria is anything the matter, why are you crying it's breaking my heart." He said and approached his wife, he held her hands and helped her to sit. Seeing that, Sa'eeda left them.

Nooria didn't say anything, she was just sniffing, trying to find her words. When her effort proved futile, she cried into his chest as he hugged her and stroked her back.

"Enough of the tears noorie, tell me what's wrong, crying will not solve anything, it will add more to you situation, it will give you headache and I don't want it, speak to me please." He was concerned about her tears. Where did she even go to?

She sniffed and said in a shaky voice, "as if you're going to do anything about it, as if you care, as if you know what's right or wrong to decide for your family, we failed as parents. Ya lal ajab!" She completed in Arabic and ran up the stairs.

Her husband followed her because he was worried, if there's anything he hates is seeing his wife in discomfort, talkless of a whole her being in tears, that broke him into gazillion pieces.

"Nooria what's wrong? Please let me know, I'll see what I can do" He said as he entered the room.

"Our daughter is dying all because of our selfishness." Her voice was broken.

"Selfishness? What selfishness?" He sat close to her on the bed.

"The marriage we forced her into. You were asking where I have been to huh? I was in the hospital. The doctor said Jasmine's heart will definitely fail if she continues like this. We pretended as if everything was fine during the wedding, we were extremely happy while our daughter was sad. By the way we are not the ones to live the marriage for her but because it made us happy we did it and daughter has been unconscious for what she didn't do. We failed as parents. What are we doing Usman?" She voiced in between sobs and for the first time in forever, she called his name.

Usman was speechless, he couldn't say anything but then, he wasn't feeling a pinch of regret in making Jasmine marry Muslim since that was what his only brother, Omar, wanted.

He adjusted his sitting and made her face him. "Look Nooria, there's nothing to worry about, okay? We can fix it without breaking the marriage of just a week. We're not selfish, we did what we have to with reasons. You see my late brother Omar did everything for me since when our parents died, he was the reason I'm what I am today, I didn't do anything to pay him back, that happened to be the only thing he asked from me, what will my name be if I don't do it honey?

And again, we're not only fulfilling Omar's wish, we are fixing Muslim's heart and emotional sense..." He was saying when he halted to listen to his wife interruption.

"Yes. Muslim's heart is getting fixed but my daughter is dying Usman. If she dies, Muslim's heart will shatter again, he'll be back to what he was. Right now all I care for is my daughter's well-being and happiness, I don't care about anything else. We are ending this marriage...for the better." Nooria said after wiping her tears.

"We are not going to do such. There must be another way. Let's think Noor."

"Think what? We are not thinking anything, Muslim will divorce Jasmine, we will apologize to Sadeeq and they'll get married." She stormed with finality in her voice as Sa'eeda appeared, she heard high voices so she went to see.

"Mummy!" She called.

"Don't say anything, get out. And you Usman, this is Jasmine's life, she'll decide what she wants." She said and left with a flounce, she slammed the door behind her and was breathing heavily. Maternal instincts.

"Daddy..." Sa'eeda tried speaking to him.

"I want to be alone Sa'eeda." He said, he really wanted to think of a solution.

She feebly walked out of the room in defeat and fear of what might happen.


He sat on a chair and drew it close to her bed, he was lost looking at her innocent face, she looked beautiful sleeping peacefully, he watched her slow heartbeats on the heart monitor, he felt he was dying each second he heard the sound of the machine beeping. But then why?

Could it be that he was already loving her? Heck no! He wouldn't do that to Khayr, he had promised her, Jasmine is just a sister and nothing more. But who knows whether he would, sooner or later?

He didn't eat anything after the meat pie he ate at office before noon, hardly had he ate half of it, he didn't even pay heed to his growling stomach, all he wanted was for her to regain consciousness and be fine. Perfectly fine.

Time seemed to be moving slower than he had ever experienced, he looked up from his slumber to look at the clock hoping to see maybe 5 in the morning but it was just 1:45 am. What the heck! So all this while, he only slept for not up to 25 minutes, that's good! All thanks to Jasmine.

He couldn't sleep anymore, all he wanted was Jasmine to wake up, he didn't want the family to think he was responsible most especially his Hajiya. He was engrossed in his own thoughts when he felt his hand yanked away and a hiss passed Jasmine's lips. So he held her hand, he didn't even know.

She squinted her eyes due to the dazzling light to take in the surrounding, oh, she was on hospital bed, she could only remember the world spinning and that her legs were wobble before darkness embraced her and now hospital with this monster holding her hand, acting like he care. She saw how relieved he was when their eyes contacted and it annoyed her. She tried adjusting to sitting position but decided not to because of the way her head was throbbing.

"Hey don't." Muslim said when she had tried sitting and that earned him a glare before she asked, "for how long have I been here?" In a low hoarse voice, he couldn't believe why her voice sounded like that, when did she cry?

Jasmine was surprised to hear her voice as that, she knew she had a dream that she cried for hours while hugging Sadeeq, why was it showing in the reality. Why must everything she does remind her of him, it caused pain in her.

"We came here at around 5pm yesterday." He replied.

"Why did you even care to bring me here? You should have let me die, rest in peace." She voiced as her vision got blurry, tears filled her eyes.

"My dear, if you want to die, there are many options. You can hang yourself, drink poison, fall from a tall building or easier, you cut your wrist with a very sharp knife or cutter in your kitchen but make sure you write a note before killing yourself so that the family won't hold me responsible for killing their priceless jewel." He said and chuckle which made Jasmine smile, the tears in her eyes were missing. He wasn't joking yes.

"I'm not dumb you know. What I learnt from islamiya will never be let to disappear into thin air by me. And besides, just like getting married to me is part of your destiny, divorcing me is also part of your fate, I'm certain, but who knows what Allah has in store." She shrugged, leaving him clueless. "I'm hungry." She voiced.

"It's..." He looked at the wall clock. "...after 2 in the morning. Where do you want me to get food?"

She didn't bother replying him, he pain was enough for her to handle.

He felt the sudden urge to get food for her so his legs picked him, he didn't know where to get but he knew he would definitely bring food with him for her.

After hours of speeding on the empty tarred road, he finally saw an open hotel restaurant and got a nourishing drink alongside a snack he thought she would like, shawarma.

He went into the hospital all happy, feeling victorious that he was able to find food for his wife.

"Salam alykum." He muttered just for him to hear, he saw her eyes shut and thought she was tired of waiting so she slept. He carefully went to the chair beside her bed, careful enough not to wake her up as he kept the bags he brought with him on a table beside him.

Hearing the sound of shuffles, she opened her eyes. "I heard when you came in. I thought you went to get the doctor." She said and shut her eyes again.

Truly, that escaped his mind, he thought that since she woke up, everything was okay. "Oh I forgot." He replied.

"A doctor came by to check when I was praying, I explained everything to her, she said she would go and call Dr Aali or what's that his name." She spoke, her eyes still closed.

"Oh." She said calmly. "Here's your food." He handed her the bags. She opened her eyes and sat on the bed, folding her legs as she collected.

Her nose scrunched up in disgust at the sight of shawarma wrapped in a foil paper and dropped it aside. She opened the other and at the sight of milkshake, her face lit up with happiness.

"Thank you." She whispered which made Muslim's heart warm.

"Are you sure you didn't add anything to kill me?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What the hell Jaz, I didn't do anything." He semi-yelled and she shrugged. He wanted to continue speaking but the call to Fajr prayer made him stop and looked up.

"Wow." He said, considering the fact that he didn't sleep throughtout the night and that he spent almost 3 hours driving on the streets, searching for food for his so-called wife! When did he become this dedicating?

A while later.

"Baby." Nooria said as she entered Jasmine's room with Usman and Sa'eeda behind her.

"Yes mummy." Jasmine answered. "Good morning."

"Morning. How are you feeling." Mummy asked as she placed her palm on her daughter's face.

"Alhamdulillah, much better. Good morning daddy." She said and smiled weakly to which daddy just nodded. She knew he was the type that doesn't like talking so she didn't feel offended by his response.

"Sister." Sa'eeda called with a weird smile. "I'm happy to see you fine. Where's my in-law?"

"He went home to freshen up." She answered.

"Leaving you alone?" Usman asked, like he care and mummy rolled her eyes.

"Yes daddy, he needs to. He didn't even eat anything since he brought me here, it took a lot before he finally gave in to go." Jasmine explained and smiled. Nooria and Usman looked at each other and they could read their faces.

Daddy: Can you see Nooria. That's love and care she's showing.

Mummy: Nah it's just fake!

Nooria smiled at her daughter and said, "You'll be discharged soon and I'll speak with you afterwards. Relax your mind dear." She patted her head.

The family spent and emotional time with Jasmine. Muslim picked Hajiya, Aisha and Abdulqaadir on his was back to the hospital, it was a very beautiful family time they had before Jasmine was discharged and they all went with her to her house.

Sa'eeda, Aisha and Abdulqaadir went out while the parents and the young couple stayed in. Nooria and Fatima sat on the same chair while Usman sat on another. Jasmine and Muslim sat on the ground, not making eye contact with any of the elders.

"Muslim I don't understand what is going on. How can Jasmine be traumatized to the point that put her life at stake? What did you do to this poor girl?" Fatima took the first step to speak.

"Hajiya trust me. Wallahi I didn't..." Muslim tried explaining, still looking down at his fingers. Jasmine was also fidgeting.

"Shut up Muslim. You promised me that you'll take care of her but you're doing otherwise. If you can be this heartless in just few days what will happen after months or years? If you take me as your mother, take care of Jasmine as if she's me. If you can't, set her free, she's too young to be treated like this, divorce her." Fatima said in disappointment, she believed if she was shown love by her son, she wouldn't have been in that state.

Muslim gasped at the utterance of "divorce."

"No Hajiya, it's not his fault. Jasmine doesn't want to forget the so-called Sadeeq, I hate him already. He's making my daughter's life miserable." Usman hissed.

"What's his fault here? We are at fault, we forced them into what they don't want and now that it's back-fighting us you want to blame Sadeeq, the poor boy we caused pain to. What are you thinking?" Nooria semi-yelled and Jasmine surreptitiously smiled, she was glad the marriage was giving problems, maybe it would end soon.

"Shut the fuck up Nooria!" Usman said in a higher voice but careful enough.

"You shut the fuck up not me, I'm saying the truth and that's what matters." Nooria talked back. Muslim sucked at what was going on. No one is taking my wife! His subconscious mind said.

"Er...I am sorry Hajiya, she's just upset you know women." Usman tried to make Fatima not feel dumped because Omar died, she's a single mother, she had already gone through a lot without her husband.

"No it's fine. I understand, I expect more than this though." She chuckled. "She's a mother, the maternal instincts would make her do even more than that. I am also a mother." Fatima cleared.

"There's nothing like maternal whatever. This is just selfishness." Usman said, glaring at his wife.

"Selfishness. Usman you're calling me selfish today?" She voiced more a like question in a cracked voice and used her hand to refer to herself. "Wow, just wow." He voice cracked again.

"Hajiya Fatima, we are not breaking this marriage, that's all. Let's go." Usman said with finality and directed his last part to Nooria.

The smile on Jasmine's face suddenly disappeared while Muslim's mood lit up and Jasmine didn't fail to see it. He was effing happy which she found annoying.

Usman went outside, leaving all of them speechless, everyone had their own moods and expression, some were happy, some sad, some mad while Fatima's expression couldn't be read. It was a tough time.

Nooria cried as Fatima consoled her, she wasn't angry at all. "Have faith in Allah." Was all she said before she left and Muslim followed her lead, leaving Nooria and her daughter, Jasmine.

Nooria wiped her tears and stood up, she looked at her daughter an their eyes contacted, she saw more than what Sa'eeda was talking about and felt more guilt washing down her body, she didn't speak a word before she went out.

Nooria and Sa'eeda entered Usman's car while Muslim gave Aisha his car to drive his brother and his mother home. He bid them goodbye and went inside, he met no one in the parlor so he thought she would be in her room. He knocked and peeped in, he saw her on her bed, he whole body shuddering.

"Jasmine." He voiced and approached her.

"Don't touch me. I hate you." She hugged her body tightly, escaping from his touch as he extended his hand to her.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. Just listen to me, please." He said, he really didn't know what he wanted to say to her but he felt he needed to talk with her.

"Muslim. I hate you, get out of my room now." She yelled and used a pillow to shoo him.

"Jasmine stop." He held her shoulders. "Deep breaths." He ordered an she obeyed. "Zero your mind and calm down."

He thought that she found his words soothing because she kept mum and was obeying what he said so he smiled and laid beside her, he drew her to his body and was stroking her hair gently. Both of them find it weird but he found it exciting at the same time.

So this girl is just yearning for love and romance. Dr Aali was right, Muslim thought. When she was deep in Dreamland, he slipped from her grip and left the room.


The writer in me has forgotten about my baby Sadeeq. We'll see him in the next chapter, maybe.

Sooooo. Please don't be a ghost reader, it won't take anything to at least just vote.

Your comments are needed too.

Thank you,

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