I Really Don't Want to Sign a...

By Kessho_Yuki

40.1K 781 11

COMPLETED Alternate Title : 我真没想和大佬协议结婚 Author : 三千风雪 After three years of marriage, Sheng Mingzhi and Lu Jia... More

chapter 1: male primary three
chapter 2: reunion
chapter 3: disrespectful to the old
chapter 4: teacher xiaosheng
chapter 5: "what a man"
chapter 6: summation
chapter 7: one meter four
chapter 8: love variety
chapter 9: old man fun
chapter 10: being responsible
chapter 11: giving gifts
chapter 12: the showy wife
chapter 13: keeping the virtue of men
chapter 14: stomach pain
chapter 15: live streaming
chapter 16: appearances
chapter 17: live out of the loop
chapter 18: blowing rainbow farts
chapter 19: flirting
chapter 20: going to the feast
chapter 21: coaxing the child
chapter 22: drunkenness
chapter 23: sleeping legally
chapter 24: taking advantage
chapter 25: applying medicines
chapter 26: little conscienceless
chapter 27: thank you for your wife's praise
chapter 28: lu ge's hot search!
chapter 29: airborne hot search
chapter 30: jealousy
chapter 31: redeeming rewards
chapter 32: a little miss
chapter 33: the trouble card
chapter 34: good morning kiss
chapter 35: new variety shows
chapter 36: don't be human
chapter 37: the heartbeat
chapter 38: publicly funded love
chapter 39: sneak peek
chapter 40: wife, so spicy
chapter 41: catching adultery
chapter 43: reversal!
chapter 44: the ambiguous period
chapter 45: first love
chapter 46: kissing!
chapter 47: soft heart
chapter 48: show love
chapter 49: coaxing
chapter 50: hot search first
chapter 51: fight
chapter 52: how are you?
chapter 53: in love?!
chapter 54: alumni gathering
chapter 55: birthday gifts
chapter 56: add point extension
chapter 57: overhaul rumors!
chapter 58: overhaul!
chapter 59: #卧槽 #
chapter 60: the dust settles
chapter 61: brother lu upside down!
chapter 62: in the inner volume
chapter 63: male high school students compete with each other
chapter 64: flirting with the "boss lady"
chapter 65: expose brother lu!
chapter 66: microblogging business
chapter 67: thoughts
chapter 68: cut the wrong number
chapter 69: confession!
chapter 70: boyfriend powder
chapter 71: couple avatars
chapter 72: the right ear
chapter 73 #??? #
chapter 74: gifts
chapter 75: performance warm-up
chapter 76: one step away
chapter 77: the slogan of assistance
chapter 78: the stage of the gods
chapter 79: he came to see my concert
chapter 80
everyday love
EXTRA love roundup
love roundup official announcement!
trailer recording!
live streamer dead!
pledge yourself to each other
live before bedtime!
make the essence of the essence
all-in-one recording!
the society is recorded and broadcast
single-player part recording
positive film broadcast!
positive film replay!
positive film and broadcast again!
do all in one's power
we will meet in the end
xiao jiang's fan outside
don't be confused
reunion after a long absence
end of full text

chapter 42: hot search!

381 9 0
By Kessho_Yuki

Sheng Mingzhi: ...

What is sophistry? Can't this dog man spit out a good word in his mouth?

However, I am really a little bit inferior now.

Sheng Ming opened his mouth, and his brain organized some explanatory words, when he was about to speak.

He suddenly paused.

Wait a minute.

Why should I explain it to Lu Jiayan?

When did the plastic marriage between the two of them become the extent to which they had to explain themselves to a meal with their college male classmates?

Just when he was struggling.

Lu Jiayan's gaze fell coldly on Xu You, who had not spoken since just now, because of shock.

The man opened his mouth lightly: "It seems that the workload given to you by the company is not saturated enough, so that you still have time to spare time to invite the lady boss to dinner." 

The three words "hostess" are said lightly.

But listening to Xu You's ears, it was already a blast of thunder falling, and his brain was blank, and his throat knot moved, and he hurriedly said: "Sorry, Lu Zong."

When Sheng Mingzhi returned to God, Xu Yu didn't know when he was gone.

He didn't hear anything just now, and then he heard Lu Jiayan say the three words "lady boss.".


The face is really big, who is the boss lady? <

Lu Jiayan pulled open the door of the Bentley, and Sheng Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, but still sat silently in the co-pilot.

The other party got into the car from the other side, and after waiting for Bentley to drive slowly forward for about five minutes, Sheng Mingzhi finally spoke:

"I am a college classmate with him."

Then there was silence in the car.

"Well, sophistry is ineffective." Lu Jiayan looked at his watch: "It took you ten minutes to come up with this explanation?"

Sheng Mingzhi: ...

"Who's sophistry." Retorted by Lu Jiayan' unsalty and unsalty, Sheng Ming's young master's temper came up: "Am I telling the truth?" 

Originally it was to meet a college classmate to have a meal, the old man has something to worry about!

"And you can't be so careful with your eyes." Sheng Mingzhi taught him: "You have to understand the nature of Mr. Xiaosheng's work. 

Lu Jiayan glanced at him: "The nature of the work worth lying to me?" Okay



Count you for good reason.

Sheng Mingzhi could not refute it for a moment.

He didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the car froze for a while.

He didn't expect that he was just going out to dinner with his college classmates, was it worth Lu Jiayan being so angry?

Sheng Mingzhi secretly glanced at the other party, and the man drove intently, ignoring his meaning at all. <

Inexplicably, the grievances in Sheng Ming's heart came up.

At the same time, he also felt that something was wrong, obviously even if he had been before- even if the dog man ignored himself, he would not be so irritable.

Probably, he's been too nice to himself lately.

Always give Sheng Ming a kind of illusion, he seems to like his own illusion.

Just like that, I went all the way to Xishan No. 1 without a word.

Sheng Mingzhi buried his head in Weibo, in fact, he didn't read a word, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his head.

Until Lu Jiayan spoke again, breaking the silence: "Did you have enough to eat just now?" It was okay that he didn't speak, and Sheng Mingzhi felt that his grievances could be endured.

As soon as Lu Jiayan began to speak, he immediately couldn't help it, just like a dam breaking its dike.

After thinking about it for a long time, he blurted out, "Don't you stop talking to me?" 

The tone is not to mention how sour it is.

Lu Jiayan was silent for a moment and said slowly, "I am not."

He sighed softly, "Didn't you hold back?" 

Sheng Mingzhi: ".

Lu Jiayan said slowly, "I want to have a cold war with you, so that Teacher Xiaosheng feels a little wronged, but I am reluctant to be too wronged by Teacher Xiaosheng." 

Oh, I won't forgive you for saying nice things.

Hurry up and buy me a big villa.

Lu Jia said slowly, "Ming Zhi." Do you know why I'm angry. <

Sheng Ming looked at him childishly.

Lu Jiayan: "I'm not angry because you're eating with others, but lying to me." 

He said slowly, "In your heart, am I so unworthy of your trust?" 

Until he finished eating, Sheng Mingzhi didn't understand what Lu Jiayan meant by this sentence.

What is not worthy of his trust? The key is that in their false business marriage, what kind of trust can there be between husbands and wives?

It's a miracle to be able to tremble and tremble until now.

He rolled over on the bed, his thoughts still messy.

I really couldn't hold back, Sheng Mingzhi sent a message to Shen Ling.

He first wrote a bunch of things in the chat box, listing all kinds of strange things after Lu Jiayan returned to China.

Then, tentatively type in the chat box:

"Did you say he didn't like me a little bit?" 

The fingertips froze on the screen for a long time.

Sheng Mingzhi pressed Send. <

Shen Ling quickly replied:

"The last time you had this illusion was the last time you .jpg]

Sheng Mingzhi: [...],

Shen Ling: I vaguely remember what you said that you thought you would win the 50 million lottery.jpg 

Shen Ling: [Is it the courage given to you by Liang Jingru that gave you the illusion that Lu Jiayan likes you.jpg]

Shen Ling: [Bao, don't love too much.]

Sheng Mingzhi: "You think you have a lot of friends, it doesn't matter if you lose me (smile)

Shen Ling withdrew three messages.


"You're right, you're so handsome, lu jiayan likes you is just a normal human feeling!"

【 How in this world can anyone not like our family, oh my God, unless he is blind! 】 

【Ling Na Belle's expression (pinched) .jpg】

Shen Ling's answer is simply nonsense.

It was useless for Sheng Mingzhi to ask, and simply gave up to ask.

Besides, he and Lu Jiayan were already married.

Also talk about what you like or don't like... Seems a little, pretentious?

Xiao Wang sent a message in the ravine, asking him to remember to forward the official Weibo of "I Am an Intern" tonight. <

Sheng Mingzhi remembered that the trailer for the first episode of tonight was going to be broadcast.

This time, he copied Xiao Wang's copywriting to be distracted, and deliberately checked it three times without problems before forwarding Weibo.

The gold father behind "I Am an Intern" is Shengjia, so the early marketing momentum is very fierce.

As soon as the trailer was broadcast, the forwards broke through 10,000, and many fans who had not yet had time to watch it first went to the video barrage to punch in.

After Sheng Mingzhi forwarded it, his black fans also began to bounce in the comment area:

"It's hard. It is not easy to do cleaning in Shengjia. 

"Youdidn't get a card for your academic qualifications?" I don't believe it. "Going to Shengjia for internship is not enough for you to tweet and show off?" You've changed. 

"Why haven't you replied to our comments lately, and the three best students in the internal entertainment have been selected?"


Sheng Mingzhi flipped through the comments, feeling that the combat effectiveness of the black powder was too weak, and there was no desire to reply.

Besides, this group of B people scolded him not as ugly as before, and Sheng Ming didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

Less than fifteen minutes after the broadcast, Su Yang and Yu Jie's hot search has been arranged clearly.

The top ten of the entertainment list were contracted five, which shows that the popularity of this show is still quite high.

Sheng Mingzhi clicked on the video and glanced at it a few times.

His own shots were pitiful, and all the shots related to Lu Jiayan were cut by a knife.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he expected. <

Sheng Mingzhi knew that Lu Jiayan had never liked the entertainment industry very much, and when he came to the conference room, it was estimated that he was only teasing himself on a whim, and it was impossible for him to appear in front of the public.

However, there are also shots that are not cut clean, and when they are swept away, only a ghost can be seen.

Pulling the progress bar to the end, the whole trailer is only the wonderful part where he and Yu Jie tear x.

After the processing of the program team, the original tit-for-tat gunpowder smell was reduced a lot, but it still could not hide the atmosphere of disgust between the two.

Soon, a hot search for #Yu JieShengming's work quarrel slowly climbed up.

Then came the audience's discussion:

"There was a guest disagreement in the first issue, and I chased .jpg"

"The most popular hilarity of this musician has come."

"But I think Yu Jie is right, the seniors who are older than Sheng Ming are all doing errands, so it is not appropriate for him to sit in the office?"

"Well, didn't you say that the job assignment is based on the results of the interview, they are already in the workplace, they come according to the rules of the workplace, who cares about the coffee position (soybean sweat)"

"Some people don't take the internal entertainment too important..."

"Laugh to death, Sheng Mingzhi's fake academic qualifications can also sit directly in the office? As soon as the last comment came out, there were hundreds of more buildings in the building reply:

"What is the situation of academic qualification fraud?" Have melons? "

"Smell the melon."

"Oh, didn't Douban pickpocket it a few days ago, Sheng Ming's academic qualifications are fake, and he is not a student of Yunyi at all."

"Stunned, people are stupid and bold, and now they are still fake in this situation? Still fake in such a hot variety show?

"I said that Sheng Ming was not embarrassed, where did he have the courage to tear up with Yu Jie, a real student of the University of Arts..."


Sheng Mingzhi looked inexplicably.

Rumors about academic qualifications appeared once a few days ago under his Weibo.

He didn't take it seriously and replied directly.

Unexpectedly, the first trailer was broadcast today, and the rumors of academic qualifications once again came back.

And it's getting worse.

The trailer aired for half an hour.

A marketing number on the home page was forwarded, and it exceeded five or six thousand in a short period of time.

The content is well prepared, well-founded, and threatening:

@Entertainment Reveal Brother: No, no, no, there will be people who don't know that there is a problem with a certain eighteen-line academic qualification, right? In fact, the internal entertainment about the falsification of academic qualifications is not the first thing, but I don't know why there are so many paste coffee who are keen to paste gold (soybean sweat) on their academic qualifications. <

Entertainment reveal brother is an old whistleblower, but everything he breaks is true.

So there are many real fans who love to eat melons, and the comments exploded after a while:

"Just finished watching the intern's trailer... Wouldn't it be such a coincidence? 

"It feels like I've guessed who it is."

"...... Only after eating melon in the watercress. "What are you hiding, I'm going to say it out loud that Sheng Ming's academic qualifications are fake!"

"Don't make rumors upstairs, is there still less Internet reversal in Jane this year?"

"Eat melons with caution."


I watched the rhythm behind the comment area gradually tilt towards Sheng Mingzhi.

Entertainment secret brother immediately replied to the hot first:

[Secret brother, can you reveal who it is to a secret code? "The one who is pasty and does not do anything (eat melon)"

This reply is almost no different from not playing codes.

In addition to Sheng Mingzhi, who else can afford the four words of "paste and non-action".

Therefore, the netizens who were still slightly hesitant to eat melons immediately turned against the other side. <

Academic qualification fraud is the bottom line, and it can be seen that netizens cannot tolerate this matter.

Soon, Weibo linked Douban, a self-proclaimed "somewhat networked" Douban netizens boldly opened wheat in the Chagua Entertainment Group:

[Title: Gua Fidelity, there is indeed a problem with the academic qualifications of a certain eighteen-line line. Douban's posts are of higher quality than Weibo' and are justified.

As soon as the landlord came up, he opened the Sherlock Holmes detective mode and turned over the photo of the new students enrolled in the five-year period of Yunjing Art University in 2019-2024.

[The official age of a certain eighteenth line is twenty-two years old, then we can speculate that he entered the school four years ago, that is, he went to college at the age of eighteen, and should be a new student of the 19th class, but there is no shadow of him in the photo of the new students of the 19th Yunjing Art University, and even the military training is not in the photo. For the sake of safety, I have been picking up five years of enrollment photos, I did not see him, fans do not wash what to say early enrollment late, you five years late enrollment? This

Douban post was moved by the marketing number and re-launched a round of forwarding on Weibo.

Because of the reasoning and evidence, the situation has fermented rapidly, and even Yu Jie's bought water army has been mixed in the comment area directly with the Weibo account of Ait Sheng Ming.

"Really academic qualifications are fake, before he still had a little good feeling for his comedian people, good head (Huang Dou speechless)"

"@ Sheng Mingzhi, explain the explanation?"

"Academic qualification fraud is the bottom line, if it is really fake, please ask the program team to ban inferior artists." <

"I have long thought that he is quite unattractive, and I also think he is so annoying when I watch the trailer, who do I look down on?"

"Didn't he have any respect for his predecessors at all..."

"Oh my God, it's disgusting."


Of course, there are also real passers-by:

"Ky, I am the only one who feels that Sheng Mingzhi doesn't look like someone who can do such a thing as falsifying academic qualifications?"

"Don't eat melons, although I hate him, but it's really boring to spread rumors."

"Ugh. So far, Sheng Mingzhi has not said that he is a Yunjing Art University, where did you get the news? "


There are also black powders that have been mixed in Sheng Mingzhi's Weibo, and now they have been mixed up with shengming's microblogging because they have too much interaction with Shengming's microblog:

"Think too much, no one washes the ground."

"Laugh at the fucking death, fake academic qualifications such a high-level operation Sheng Mingzhi this little waste thought out?"

"If the little waste is really yunjing yida's eighteenth square grid, it is not enough for him to show off."

"Don't expect too much from this b, showing off your wealth will only be the lowest level, this brain can still fake academic qualifications?"

"@ Sheng Mingzhi, come to live, come out of their own anti-black, work is important, don't be ashamed."

"@ Sheng Mingzhi, I let you plastic surgery so thoroughly, now it's good, don't listen to daddy advice, people can't find you in the admission photo." <

"@ Sheng Mingzhi, whitewashing public relations copywriting has sent you a private message, turn me five thousand."


In less than twenty minutes, a topic was parachuted into the fourth hot search: #Sheng Mingzhi was questioned about academic falsification In

an instant, Weibo exploded.

It is not that Sheng Ming is more famous, but that the academic qualification fraud is really stepping on the bottom line of netizens.

More is the passerby pouring in to eat melons and condemning them by the way.

In addition to a few marketing numbers linked to the next breaking news, for a time, some "somewhat well-connected" "program team staff", "Shengjia interns", "one of my art friends", and even teachers of Yunjing Art University.

These accounts sprung up like mushrooms and simultaneously made a voice on Weibo.

A program team member:

"To be honest, xxx's temper is really a little bad, he doesn't interact much with other guests, and then he is a little cold. By the way, he looks good, everyone can make up their own brains why he can sit well in the office (dog head)"

- almost wrote the sentence "Yes, I was raised by the high-level in the connotation shengming child" on the face.

A Shengjia intern (doubtful version):

"It's disgusting, relying on some star aura to seize workplace resources, yue, anyway, we don't like him in the same period."

A certain "one of my art friends":

"23333, I have a friend of the art university who laughed, although I know that many eighteen lines like to blow my art, a little proud and a little speechless (soybean speechless). HHowever, the academic qualification fraud really stepped on everyone's bottom line, since I like my art university, then I will test it by myself.

 A teacher of a certain Yunjing Art University directly ended up with the connotation of Sheng Mingzhi who had never attended the University of Fine Arts:

"All along, teaching students is to ask them to be down-to-earth and work hard, to be honest, they really can't teach the kind of students who love vanity."


When Xiao Wang saw the first hot search on Weibo, the fermentation of the situation was irretrievable.

His eyes were black, and everyone was almost gone.

Sheng Mingzhi's mobile phone was bombarded by his ruthless bombardment.

He ate his own melon until he was halfway through and was interrupted.

Answering the phone, Xiao Wang's roar came and went straight to the point:

"Don't read Weibo now!" Wait, you haven't gotten off the beaten track with the black powder???

This questioning, skillful, somewhat distressed.

Sheng Mingzhi looked down and looked at the mobile phone screen.

Netizen "a kitten" scolded in the comment area: "Do you still want to face ah, even such a disgusting thing as academic qualifications are fake?" 

Sheng Ming replied  childishly: "Selling a netizen's brain of a kitten is almost brand new and unused."



The silence of the fans.

In the middle of the night, Sheng Ming said slowly, "... No. Hmmm


Reply to netizens only, how can it be called tearing with black powder?

Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine." 

Immediately, he said with chagrin: "This time I blamed it, holding a fluke mentality, and as soon as my brain was pumped, I filled in a false academic qualification for you." I don't know how this academic qualification was distributed. I guess it is Yu Jie's side to buy the hot search, you can rest assured, Yu Jie's academic qualifications are also fake, he dares to buy you a black hot search, we also buy back, this grievance we do not eat!

After Xiao Wang finished speaking, he was full of guilt, and he was afraid that Sheng Mingzhi would look uncomfortable: "It's okay, you don't have to worry..."

I wanted to open my mouth to persuade, but I didn't know how to persuade.

After all, such a large-scale black hot search, Sheng Mingzhi is not the first time to encounter, there can be more black material can not be more.

When Xiao Wang thought that this matter was caused by his own negligence, he blamed himself even more.

He opened Weibo and wanted to open a trumpet to scold the black powder under Sheng Mingzhi's comments, so as not to make Sheng Mingzhi bullied.

Then as soon as I opened it, I saw a full screen, his cub's reply:

"I rely on academic qualifications to falsify really disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting "What did the doctor say about your situation?"


"Are you introducing yourself?"

[I really threw up, thanks to the fact that I still had a good feeling for you before, and now I'm off the powder!]

"Great, happy event.jpg"


"How many moms?" Talk so arrogantly? 

"Replyingn to your comment is to hear how the dog barks."

"Is it possible that you are stupid?" A conjecture, not necessarily correct."


Xiao Wang: ...


Is that what you're saying isn't on the line with black powder?

What kind of hallucination did he have that he would feel that this little ancestor of his family could suffer a loss on the Internet?

At eight o'clock in the evening.

One of Yu Jie's microblogs pushed the whole incident to a climax:

@Yu Jie Yujie: Back to his alma mater to punch in ~

Nine photos of the campus of Yunjing University of the Arts.

Comments soared directly to ten thousand.

Eating melon netizens rushed to Yu Jie's Weibo for the first time, and the first hot comment has been replied by Yu Jie.

"Teacher Yu! Would you like to ask if Sheng Mingzhi is your alumnus? I see that you and he are both art college students, and both are 19th class students (this is very important to me, so hopefully get a reply!).

Yu Jie replied: I don't know very well, I am not in the same class as Teacher Sheng.

The tone is clear and clear.

Same class admission, the same major, but not the same class.

Yu Jie's connotations and hints are about to overflow the screen.

At this point, even Yu Jie was down.

The matter of Sheng Ming's falsification of academic qualifications has been made for almost one night now, as if it is already a nailed down.

Some passers-by who did not believe it at first expressed disappointment at the moment.

Even Xiao Wang found this matter more tricky.

The PR team has been working as much overtime as possible.

At this moment, Sheng Mingzhi posted a weibo on the cusp of the storm.

@Sheng Mingzhi: There is a sick treatment (Huang Dou is speechless)

and a picture of the acceptance letter of Yunjing University.

[Yunjing University Admission Notice]

[Sheng Mingzhi student: I hereby admit you to the Department of Finance of our university to study in the major (class). Please come to the school with this notice to report...]

The admission letter also has the official seal of Yunjing University.

The time is August 15, 2019.

Three minutes later, Yunjing University's official Weibo posted Sheng Mingzhi.

The subcutaneous administrator is estimated to be the student union, and the forwarding content is more lively.

@Yunjing University: [Dog Head] I see who wants to steal the school grass of our Legendary Beijing University [Dog Head]

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