Love from the fire

By 1manjari

196 35 0

I hate everything. I was convinced of this until the day I met him... We burned our school down and ran away... More

Me, Skylar
That Boy Again
Our Conversation
Arguments With Myself
Guilt, Grief, Regret
Winter Feather
Finally, The Phone Call
Mom? Can't Be Her?
Life Lessons
Gray's Perspective.
Mile's Perspective
Back To Skylar's Perspective
Letting My Anger Out Again
Twins By The School,

The Big Day

6 1 0
By 1manjari

The air was cold as I waited by the school. It was evening and the sky was a greyish black colour.

I was waiting for Gray to show up. Today was the big day, after all. Damn, I'm both nervous and excited. I keep thinking I will mess it all up somehow.

I got a little lost in my thoughts. Gray soon ran up to me and crashed into me. We both fell to the ground.

"Did you have to crash into me like that?" I asked, possibly sarcastic.

"Yeah. You looked like you were day dreaming or something. Had to get you back up."

"By knocking us both down?" I questioned.

"Hell yes!" He exclaimed.

I sighed. We both got up. There was no one around. Just the two of us.

He handed me a pack of matches and he had his own pack too.

Smiling, he asked, "You ready?"

I nodded and we both climbed over the fence. Then, we approached the building and took in the sight of it. This is the last time anyone's ever going to see it again.

Gray took a deep breath in and out next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched slightly at that. I'm not used to people touching me. Not my friends. Not even my own family.

"I'm sorry." He admitted. "I, I need a moment. Would you listen?"

"Sure." I responded.

He took a few deep breaths as he continued. "I've struggled so much throughout my life. I don't know where to begin. It's difficult for me. I always have to smile and act ok, but my mental health is terrible. It's slowly killing me. And no one understands."

He paused. I wrapped my arms around him without really thinking about it. He's one of those people who seem mentally strong, are mentally strong but struggle alone.

"Everything will be ok." I reassured. But it felt weak. "I'll admit, I haven't known you for very long, but you've been really kind to me. I'll do what I can for you. Just tell me anything, don't hold back. It doesn't need to make sense either."

His breathing only got heavier. Eventually, I let go of him and we got to work, lighting matches and throwing them at the school building.

It was slightly scary, but the flames were beautiful. They grew and danced elegantly. It reminded me of something, but I remember what exactly. It's like nostalgia, but hidden nostalgia. Like, art that is expressive but I can't understand it.

Soon, the fire was getting noticeably larger. It was time for us to go.

"We'll take the bus to the boat harbour. From there, we'll take the boat and there's somewhere we can go. It will all be ok, I promise." He told as we climbed back out over the fence.

There was a subtle, romantic air between us as we walked to the bus stop. I can't fully describe it, but maybe I'm the only one feeling it.

"We did it." I laughed.

"Mhm." He replied, distracted. He was humming a tune until we made it to the bus stop.

Two minutes later, the bus came and we went in. We sat near the middle by the windows.

"You sure we won't get caught?" I whispered to him.

He nodded firmly with a serious look in his eyes. "I promise. You just got to stay with me and trust me. I got plans."

And something about the firm look in his eyes reassured me that he was telling the truth.

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