Love Never Existed - Hyunsung

بواسطة Hanniemin9

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Why do we stop believing in love? And why is it that we believe in love? What is love in the first place? An... المزيد



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بواسطة Hanniemin9

The moment Jinsu tried to pull me out of the kitchen, two men in black suits entered and surrounded us.

"Don't let them go."

They blocked our way out, and led us to the living room after receiving the order of Jinsu's mother.

By this moment, I was so confused that I felt I committed a sin so big that I was about to get killed or go to jail.

"Let us go, mother!" Jinsu hollered. "You can't-"

"Separate him from my daughter..."

In a blink of an eye, these two men separated me from Jinsu and pinned me to the ground.

Their knees were pressing my back while their arms were holding mine at each side.

"Yah! What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Leave him alone!" Jinsu yelled as she burst into tears and tried to hit those men in the face.

She slapped, scratched, kicked and even pulled the hair of those men. However, they didn't budge. They seem made of steel.

It was until Jinsu's mother gave the order to release me that they did it.

I groaned as I sat on the ground. I rubbed my neck and arms. The grip was so sudden and strong that I hadn't the time to tense the muscle to lessen the pain.

Jinsu threw herself in my arms and checked upon me with tears in her eyes.

"Ji- a-are you okay? Did t-they hurt you? I-"

"I'm okay, babe. Don't worry...but...I don't get it. What's going on? What's wrong, Jinsu?" I asked while wiping her tears, "is this really your mother?"

She nodded as her tears fell down more, "yes, she is."

"Then why is she-"

"Then why what?" The woman interrupted. "Of course I am her mother."

"Why are you treating your daughter like that?" I asked while hugging Jinsu, "what did she even do?"

She laughed sarcastically. "treating my daughter badly? I am sorry, but I think there is a misunderstanding here. I am not treating my own blood bad. I am just treating bad some lofty scumbag...and that is you..."

It was there when it finally hit me.

I knew they were overprotective over Jinsu, but not to this extent.

However, I was once again in the wrong.

The problem was not that Jinsu got a boyfriend, but the status of the guy she had ever chosen to be with.

"Jinsu, I am not upset because you have a boyfriend behind my back. What upsets me is that I can see a simple sight, and without digging in his background that this guy is not from our class..."

Jinsu's mother looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, and added, "am I right...?"

That comment was so rude and cruel that it took me time to process it.

That comment not only affected me, but also Jinsu.

She separated from my embrace with a gloomy and dark expression, and the next thing she did was to stand up and go in the direction of her mother.

"Apologize..." She demanded with firm tone, "apologize to him in this instant, mother..."

The woman scoffed. She seemed offended. "Apologize? Why? People apologize when they make a mistake or offend someone. I did not commit any of those. I just stated facts. This person here is just a mere-"

Me and the two men that held me previously flinched in surprise. I stood up from the ground immediately when I heard a loud noise that interrupted Jinsu's mother's words.

Her daughter slapped her left cheek with such force that left a red mark on that porcelain skin of hers.


A sixth person's voice entered the scene.

He was a tall and strong man. Quite handsome and with refined poise.

He looked familiar to me. I recognized him from all those pictures that are in the house holding Jinsu when she was a baby. He was Jinsu's father.

Jinsu's father made the guards get out of the house and immediately went to check on his wife, the one that was speechless, holding her cheek and looking at her daughter in disbelief. She was stunned to speak.

"Jinsu...princess...why did you do this?"

"Daddy...mother is acting rude towards my boyfriend..."

"Huh? B-boyfriend?"

Jinsu started to rant everything that happened with a very displeased voice. Her mother didn't stay quiet and started to rant her version as well.

It was the first time I saw Jinsu so pissed off and offended that I got worried about the state she was in.

When Jinsu's father got the gist of the situation, he sighed and looked at me with a soft expression and muttered, "I'm really sorry..."

I bowed to him. I felt so small that I didn't know if I should stay there or take Jinsu and leave somewhere else.

But, how would I do that if her mother was digging daggers in my head?

I tried to remain mannered just like my brother had raised me, and patiently waited for the development of this situation.

If it wasn't because Jinsu's father took both ladies and sat them down on each side of the couch, the quarrel could have been going on forever. Jinsu's mother talking about status, money and names while Jinsu refuting and counter attacking all those meaningless reasonings. It was just too much to handle for a person like me.

Jinsu sat down next to me while facing her mother with a frown on her face. In the front couch, her mother was sitting next to her husband while facing me with a very menacing expression.

It was so intimidating her gaze that I avoided her eyes a couple of times. I felt ashamed.

She was a beautiful woman. Just as Jinsu is. However, their personalities were completely different.

Jinsu had the personality of her father. Gentle, patient, and sweet.

Since he was the main authority and the only one that remained cool despise the adversities, he was the one that started to make the questions.

I explained to him who I was. My background, and my relationship with Jinsu. Since when did it start, etc...

He nodded at everything I said in understanding while his wife scoffed and snorted at everything that came out of my mouth.

Jinsu's fists were so red for how much she was clenching them, and my face was so red from the humiliation I was receiving.

That woman was saying so many rude comments directed at me and my family.

My parents and brother had always been nobles and hardworking people. We do not come from a prestigious family, but at least we are honest and everything we have is well earned, and no matter what I have always defended them from people like this one.

However, at that moment, I didn't. I let that woman speak. I hated her, but there was something important in the middle for me; and that was Jinsu. So I remained silent, receiving all those hate comments towards poor people.

Seeing my sweet and soft girl being all mad and having a quarrel trying to defend me didn't please me.

I hated it. I hated seeing her trying to step out for me in front of this rude woman.

While they were arguing, I tried to think about what to do. When doing this, some facts hit me. There I understood why Jinsu always talked to me more about her father than her mother.

At her father she referred to as 'daddy' whereas when mentioning her mother, she referred to her as 'mother' and not 'mommy' or 'mom'.

At that time I didn't find it weird, but now...I wish I had asked about this detail.


Three hours have passed, and I see no progress. On the contrary, each time was worsening. More yells and more insults coming from Jinsu's mother towards me.

I was really tired.

It seemed that no matter what Jinsu and her father say, that woman wouldn't let see reason in her brain.

She simply couldn't accept that her precious daughter loved someone like me.

Her father and Jinsu were okay with that, and that was enough for me. That woman had lost my respect the first time she dared to insult my brother and parents. I could have stood everything directed to me, but not to them. Especially my brother.

After thinking of a possible solution to all this, I arrived at one that was viable. But this had a little bit of risk. Jinsu could get mad at me, or I could break her heart.

Even though this was on the table, I made up my mind and accepted whatever the outcome of this could be.

I stood up from the couch and bowed to the woman, and said:

"You are right, ma'am. Now, I see what you mean. I'm really sorry for taking so long to comprehend. My ignorance and low capability didn't let me see things clearly. But now I understand. I am really sorry for the inconvenience. The least this bastard and lofty scumbag here wants to provoke is a rupture in the relationship mother-daughter you and Jinsu have. I can only break up with your daughter right in front of you so you can rest assured that you won't need to worry in the near future for us being together..."

"Jisung!" Jinsu stood up and turned me around, cupping my face and with a scared expression. "W-what are you doing? Don't listen to my mother! She is wrong! You are not-"

I cupped Jinsu's cheeks and smiled at her, "you know I truly love you, right?"


"Answer this to me, Jinsu...please..."

"Yes, I do, Ji!"

"Are you sure?"

"I am certain! Why are you asking me this?!"

"Because if you know I love you, will understand that I am doing this because of the same reason..."

"No! You can't do this! You can't break up with me because of this. Ji, please-"

I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, "I love you, Jinsu...keep that in mind always and never forget it..."

After that, I turned my sight to Jinsu's mother, the one that was nodding in approval.

"Bravo..." she said elegantly, "it, indeed, took you time, but I am glad you finally understood what I had been trying to make you see. Young gentleman, in this world, one needs to know one's place. You need to know that when loving someone not only the feelings are needed, but status, money, and class are the first requirement to fulfill. I hope you learned your lesson, and in the future you set your eyes on someone from your level and not on someone like my precious daughter..."

I bit the inside of my cheeks. I could feel the bitter taste of blood running in my mouth for the impotence I felt. Despite this humiliation, I smiled and nodded, then turned my attention towards Jinsu's father, the one that was looking at me with a soft expression.

"Thank you for the hospitality, sir. Please, allow me to take my leave..."

He stood up immediately and pointed outside, "let me escort you, please..."

As we were heading to the main door, I turned around to have a glimpse of Jinsu. She was looking at me with tears on her face as if hoping this was a type of nightmare or at least a joke.

Her eyes were so sad. I could see how much I hurt her.

I hated to see her like that. I had always made Jinsu laugh, or pampered her if she was pouting or acting childish.

So, imagine this view in my heart? I felt like dying.

However, no matter what, I wouldn't give up on her just like that. I loved her...why would I leave her just because her mother said so? Why would I leave her just because I didn't come from a wealthy family just like them? For me, what I valued the most were the feelings, and I loved Jinsu more than I can explain with words. I couldn't live without her, and she made sure to let me know that she also felt the same way about me.

Of course, I wouldn't give up on her just like that. No, after all the sweet moments we went through.

When I saw her mother wasn't looking at any of us but the ground, I subtly winked at Jinsu.

After that I pointed with my index finger upstairs and signaled with my hands a ten.

Jinsu widened her eyes at this. Somehow, she understood what I would be doing, so she wiped her tears and turned around swiftly.

"Where are you going?" Her mother asked when she saw Jinsu heading out of the living room.

"To my room."


"Do you seriously still want to talk with me after what you just did? You took the love of my life away. You are horrible, mother! I can't believe you were capable of this."

"The love of your life? Tsk," Jinsu's mother clicked her tongue, and said, "Go ahead, take a nap or cry, sweetie. I hope you calm down and come to me when the reality hits you. You need to mature more and set your eyes in something more than a handsome face. Love is not..."

I couldn't hear what other words they exchanged because I was already arriving at the front door.

Jinsu's father and I walked through the front yard quietly. Neither of us dare to comment on what just happened.

When I was about to go out and head to the main street, he held me from my shoulders. After that, he turned me around and brought me into a tight hug.

I blinked repeatedly. I was not expecting that sudden action.

"S-sir? I-"

He separated from me and laughed nervously. He seemed embarrassed for what he just did.

"I- umm... Ahem! I am sorry about that..."

"'s okay? I mean, it's okay, sir..." I scratched the back of my neck just as nervous as he was.

We stared at each other for a moment, and before I could turn around and go, he cleared his throat and then said, "so you have a brother..."

"Excuse me?"

"I have brothers as well...many of them..."

"I...umm...that's great, sir..."

" know...the youngest one used to climb and sneak through my room when our parents wanted to punish him,"

I gulped when I heard this. Somehow I felt spotted.

He continued, "I was one of the oldest, so I had to behave well. Climbing walls has always been quite interesting to me. If I had a purpose, like him avoiding being punished, I would have also climbed the room of one of my oldest brothers. Have you ever tried it before, Jisung?"

I only stared at him with a confused expression. I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me. I didn't know if he was testing me or giving me hits, but I remained silent.

"No? should try..." He gently pushed me in the direction of the back of the house, where Jinsu's room was situated, "it seems you have a very good purpose today..."

"Huh? What? But-"

I was so confused that I turned again in his direction. I didn't know if he was setting a trap on me.

However, that didn't seem to be the case. I saw him walking to those men that arrived with Jinsu's mother and led them somewhere else where they couldn't see me.

Jinsu's father looked at me and then pointed with his head to keep going and hurry up.

I hesitated for a moment, but later, without wasting more time, I proceeded to run to the back of the house. I was not so sure if I was doing something good after being spotted by the father. Nevertheless, he seemed not to be lying and seemed to read through me the whole time.

Since I already knew this house by heart, it was not difficult for me to climb the first floor until the second and enter the window that was already opened.

I hopped on it and closed it right away.

Inside the room, there was Jinsu walking from one end of the room to the other. When she heard me, she ran to me and threw in my arms.

"How dare you! Why did you break up with me?!"

"I didn't..." I chuckled as I locked her in my arms, "I didn't do it, Jinsu. I just made it look like that for your mother."

Jinsu frowned with tears in her eyes.

"Hey...I'm serious. I never said the words...did I?"

"You-" she softened her expression when the realization hit her, "Ji..."

"Jinsu...I know what I did and I am sorry. I had to act like that. Things were turning really bad for us with your mother and I was afraid of losing you. I tried to look for some solution and that was what came to my mind."

Jinsu hid on my chest and wept harder, "I-I was so scared...I-I thought my mother had convince you of leaving me..."

I smiled at this, "well...your mother convinced me of something..."

"Huh?" She separated from me to see me with those glassy eyes full of sadness, "of what?"

I cupped her face, and said with a proud smile, "of wanting to be with you even more... You are a fighter, don't let anything nor anyone go over you. You defend what you love with nails and teeth without thinking about what can happen. I admire you...I love you...and because of this...I want to always be with you. Please allow me to always be by your side in the good and the bad times...please allow me to protect you from everyone, even your own mother, Jinsu... Please allow me to work harder, become someone important and maybe one day...if you let me and if you are willing...turn you in my..."

Jinsu's lips started to tremble. She knew what was coming next so I pressed my lips against hers, pecked them and then whispered as I wiped her tears, "in my life partner..."


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