I'm Never The One | Bamon

Por Lil-miss-readalot

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'I'm Never The One' is the criminally untold romance of Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore. What if Damon had... Más

Part I
Chapter 1: 'In The Dead Of Night'
Chapter 2: 'Pilot'
Chapter 3: 'Coincidences Don't Exist'
Chapter 5: 'The Subtle Art Of Sexting'
Chapter 6: 'Impending Doom'
Chapter 7: 'Night Of The Comet'
Chapter 8: 'Murderous Monsters'
Chapter 9: 'Booty Call'
Chapter 10: 'Friday Night Bites'
Chapter 11: 'This Old Heart Of Mine'
Chapter 12: 'Naughty Vixen'
Chapter 13: 'Family Ties'
Chapter 14: 'You're Undead To Me'
Chapter 15: 'Witches R-Us'
Chapter 16: 'Lost Girls'
Chapter 17: 'Sweet Tooth'
Chapter 18: 'Haunted'
Chapter 19: '162 Candles'
Chapter 20: 'Diabolic Master Plan'
Chapter 21: 'Liar Liar'
Chapter 22: 'History Repeating'
Chapter 23: 'The Turning Point'
Chapter 24: 'A Deal's A Deal'
Chapter 25: 'Bloodlines'
Chapter 26: 'Your Past Is My Present'
Chapter 27: 'Unpleasantville'
Chapter 28: 'Friends Don't Flirt'
Chapter 29: 'Children Of The Damned'
Chapter 30: 'Fool Me Once'
Chapter 31: 'Forty-Seven Seconds'
Chapter 32: 'A Few Good Men'
Chapter 33: 'There Goes The Neighbourhood'
Chapter 34: 'Let The Right One In'
Chapter 35: 'Under Control'
Chapter 36: 'Miss Mystic Falls'
Chapter 37: 'Blood Brothers'
Chapter 38: 'Let It Happen'
Chapter 39: 'A Witch's Place'
Chapter 40: 'Isobel'
Chapter 41: 'Lovely Day'
Chapter 42: 'Team Edward'
Chapter 43: 'Say It Back'

Chapter 4: 'I'm Never The One'

2.4K 95 15
Por Lil-miss-readalot


Growing up under the roof of their father, Giuseppe Salvatore, they didn't really have a choice.

When the home wasn't filled with the violent booms of the Salvatore patriarch, jovial laughter and the soft patter of spirited footsteps filled the hallways. Whether it was sneaking out for late night swims at the quarry or battling at a deck of cards until the sun rose, the two were as thick as thieves.

Even as Damon outgrew the breeches of boyhood the pair were still inseparable. Still partaking in mischief and relishing in impromptu adventures.

But now, all those fond memories of the past no longer apply. All vows of love and  understanding have long been forgotten. All that remains of their brotherhood is the promise of undying mutual resentment. All it took was a single woman to tear the two apart, forever.

It's hard to believe that there was a time when things were civil between the siblings. It's hard to believe that there was a time that existed before Kathrine Pierce. Forever changed, the beginning of their lives started not at birth, but with a girl who's smile shone in two different directions.

For them, the world had only completed its first orbit and time's hand had only struck its first hour the moment she glided out of that oak wood carriage and planted her feet onto the Salvatore Estate.

It's hard for Damon to shake the nostalgic vision of her from his head, even as he taunts his brother.

"Crow's a bit much, don't you think?"

"Wait till you see what I can do with the fog."

The look of disdain on his brother's face only grows as he asks, "When'd you get here?"

"Well," Damon sighs, "I couldn't miss your first day of school," he scans over Stefan with a wave of a hand, "Your hair's different. I like it."

The brooding vampire's patience is thinning by the second, "It's been fifteen years, Damon."

"Thank God," He rolls his eyes, "I couldn't stand another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look?" He mocks him further with laughter, "Did not suit you. Remember Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads."

The raven haired vampire struts across the carpeted floor, meandering around the bedroom.

"Why are you here?" Stefan reiterates.

Damon turns his head to him with a confused look plastered across his face, implying that the answer is obvious, "I miss my little brother."

"You hate small towns. It's boring, there's nothing for you to do."

Based on tonight's events alone, he'd like to beg to differ.

"I've managed to keep myself busy."

"You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That was very clumsy of you."

"Aah, that could be a problem...for you."

"Why are you here now?"

"I could ask you the same question. However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word: Elena."

He smiles at the further furrowing brows that deepen with realisation.

"She took my breath away, Elena, she's a dead ringer for Kathrine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?"

"She's not Kathrine."

"Well, let's hope not. We both know how that ended. Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?"

"I know what you're doing, Damon. It's not gonna work."

"Yeah? Come on. Don't you carve a little?"

He thumps Stefan on the head.

"Stop it."

"Let's do it," thump, "Together, I saw a couple of girls out there," thump, "Or let's just cut to the chase," thump, "Let's just go straight for Elena."

"Stop it!" He tries to push the instigating brother away with a futile shove, which only makes him invade his personal space further.

"Imagine what her blood tastes like!"

Stefan's face transforms into its true self. A deprived vampire with veins bulging out from beneath his eye sockets and protruding vangs that are desperate for satisfaction.

"I can."

"I said stop!"

The younger sibling, growling with anger, throws himself at his brother. Sending them both through a window, leaving shattered glass and unattached wooden planks in their wake. Stefan hits the pavement and lands on his front. The piercing fractured pieces from his sneak attack lie beneath him, making cuts that have already started to heal. He stands up, dusting the fragments of damage off his jeans as his eyes meet an empty space.

"I was impressed." Damon's voice rings suddenly from behind him, his form leaning against a freshly snipped shrub, "I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face," He dramatically imitates Stefan's growl, "-thing. It was good."

"You know," The brother sniffs, recovering from his fall, "-it's all fun and games, Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die."

"That's a given."

"Not here, I won't allow it."

"I take that as an invitation."

"Damon, please. After all these years, can't we just give it a rest?" He staggers tiresomely.

"I promised you an eternity of misery," His second best kept vow, "So I'm just trying to keep my word."

"Just stay away from Elena." Stefan warns firmly.

"Where's your ring?" He redirects, "Oh yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes." He presents the crested ring in the palm of his hand, "Relax, it's right here."

Damon allows his own true form to show and grabs ahold of his brother's neck the moment he secures the daylight ring on his finger and launches him at the garage. The beaten up figure bounces off of it and harshly hits the pavement, again, and lands on his back, at his opponent's feet.

"You should know better then to think you're stronger than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn't try it again." The noise of a swinging back door comes from the house, "I think we woke Zach up. Sorry, Zach."

Damon walks away, unscathed, cheerfully whistling as he leaves the premises.


"Are you sober yet?" Bonnie asks after watching Caroline take another gulp of her third cup of coffee.


They have been here for nearly an hour and it's safe to say that she's had enough. Although she is grateful that the Grill is fortunately open at such late hours, she is desperate to call it a night. Still, there are worse things.

'It's Vicky...she's hurt.'

'I'll be right back...I'm sure it's nothing.'

'I have this feeling...that it's just the beginning.'

A lot has happened tonight that's keeping her knee bouncing under the table. Letting her worries settle at the back of her head she decides to pull her focus towards her current situation.

"Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get me home."

"Why didn't he go for me?" Bonnie's leg stills, "You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?"

"I'm not touching that."

When they first started drinking from the ripe age of fifteen, mostly thanks to Tyler breaking into the liquor cabinet in his father's study, she's been able to track how drunk Caroline is under three distinct stages.

First there's tipsy Caroline, which mostly consists of flirtations with the opposite sex. After a couple more drinks her filter completely drops, which results in tactless judgments and arguments that go into the next week. Then comes the final saga of her drunkenness, which she likes to call the 'Boozey Breakdown' stage. This mostly consists of regretted confessions and in the worst cases many many tears. She really hopes it hasn't gotten that far yet.

"I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And...Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! And he just picks her. And she's always the one that everyone picks for everything. And I try so hard, and...I'm never the one."

No matter how many times Bonnie has rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatic rants, she can't deny something that completely rings true.

Elena Gilbert is the golden girl of Mystic Falls.

That's the way it's always been. It doesn't take much for her to stand out in a crowd. She possesses a bright light that has always drawn people to her. It's one of the reasons why Bonnie herself adores her. She just hates how much it prevents Caroline from seeing the light that she bares. It's almost as if she blows out her own candle in fear that someone will compare it to Elena's.

Bonnie never dwells on how much attention gravitates towards the doe eyed beauty. She's personally never needed much of it, as long as she gets enough of it from the right people. The thought of being everyone's first choice sounds appealing, but honestly seems like more trouble than it's worth.

On the other hand, Caroline has the bad habit of claiming suitors that are unavailable and for the most part, a waste of space. It's almost tragic how she naturally pins herself against someone she considers a friend.

"It's not a competition, Caroline."

"Yeah, it is." The seriousness would almost be enough to cause concern if not for her current state. Is that what she truly thinks?

She reaches over to comfort her friend by placing her hand over the vulnerable girl's fisted one in front her. After the slow end of the conversation she grabs the check and leads her friend to the car.

The short drive home is long enough for her anxiety to rise. As she drops off Caroline she realises that sneaking her friend back into her house isn't what makes her nervous, especially since her mother's probably doing a late night shift.

"I'll be back, I'm sure it's nothing."

She regrets letting him go on by himself. Almost enough to make her drive into the woods to look for him, but she knows better than to be so reckless. Although that simple fact does nothing to convince the part of her that's considering it. What if something happens to him? What if he becomes one of the many people made victim to whatever monsters lay in the shadows?

Shaking the thought from her head and remembers to tell Grams she's staying at home tonight. She keeps a hand on the wheel and uses the other to dig in her purse for her phone. After a few feels inside she realises that it's not there, but instead on a brown wooden table that she can picture with absolute clarity.

"Damn it..." She sighs letting her head fall back on her seat as she realises that she left her most prized possession behind. Making a quick u-turn she makes her way back to the cafe.

Relief comes over her as she pushes away the entrance door with the 'open' sign still turned upright. Making her way the counter and spots the same waiter she had given her payed bill back to moments ago.


"I remember you." He says with an easy smile that Bonnie would normally find charming if it weren't for her being in a hurry.

"Yeah, hi-"

"Doing another caffeine run? Because I'm pretty sure you and your friend already cleaned us out."

"No um-"

"Oh, I know. You're here for your cellphone, right?" She hold in her sigh and gives him an attempt of an amused smile.


"Well, don't worry. Your friend already came to pick it up."

"Friend? The blonde?" There's no way Caroline isn't passed out on her pillow right now.

"No, he had dark hair and- oh wait, there he is."

She turns towards the direction he is pointing at. Standing by the entrance stairs Damon has the smuggest expression she has ever seen.
He gives her a playful wave, which she reciprocates weakly. Bonnie can't believe it, he's here. She thanks the waiter and makes her towards him.

Trying not to look too taken a back she walks slowly to lessen the risk of her wobbling on uneasy feet. Both caused by being taken by surprise and the dangerously high heeled shoes she's still wearing. Meeting her half way he sits down at the table she's about to walk passed. Leaning back gleefully in his chair he looks up at her wide eyed expression. She, regrettably, says the first thing on her mind.

"You're alive."

"I am," He reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out her cellphone, "Looking for this?"

"Yeah, thanks I-" Suddenly it's out of her reach as she tries to take it back. He skilfully spins the device between fingers.

"You know, I've been waiting here awhile and," He dramatically clears his throat, "Excuse me,
and I've had some time to think-"

"Have you?" She lifts a suspicious brow at his act.

"Mhmm," He nods playfully, "And after you ditched me in the woods-"

"I didn't ditch you-" She weakly tries to defend her actions. Looking back, from his perspective, it might've been a shitty thing to do. At the same time she wasn't willing to risk waiting around after hearing about Vicki.

"You ditched me," He narrows his eyes humouredly, "Then I had to fight my way through that...vicious...thing-"

"You got attacked?" Panic starts rising in her chest.

Damon starts feeling bad when the genuine look of concern makes its way onto her face, but he's having too much fun to stop now.

"Yeah, even when I tried to get away it wouldn't give. It just kept coming at me and coming at me."

"Oh my god." She sits down in the opposite chair, "Are you okay?"

"I'll be okay. I'm just glad it finally went away or else I don't know what would've happened."

"That's horrible."

"I know- pesky mosquitos." He sighs, fighting off a grin. She scoffs and crosses her arms in disbelief, letting her back hit her chair.

"I can't believe I fell for that."

"Anyway, after dealing with all of that and preventing cellular theft without so much as a thank you, I honestly feel like I should be compensated for all my good deeds tonight."

"What do you want?" She asks, unconsciously holding her breath.

"Have a-" He looks down at the contents of the cup in front of him, "coffee with me."


"Because you owe me."

"Owe you?" He let's out a confirming hum, "I don't owe you anything."

"Oh come on, Bonnie...What do you have to lose?"

It's a fair question, quite reasonable really. But naturally she hesitates and allows her mind to analyse all the ways in which this could go wrong. Is she mature enough to encourage an interaction that's based on not so parentally guided friendly activities? Is she prepared to be involved with someone obviously a lot older than her, with enough life experience to wreck her sanity and quite possibly break her heart? Does she even have the guts to dare to get to know him?

"Fine, one coffee- but only because I pity you."
Her stern facade doesn't hold up long as she finds herself forfeiting the act and returns his amused smile.

"That's fine by me. It still gives me all the time I need."

"To achieve what exactly?" Her eyes narrow in suspicion.

"To seduce you, obviously." He says nonchalantly as he signals a waitress over.

"Wow, bold. What makes you think that you can make that happen?"

"You're here, aren't you?"

"First of all, I'm only here because you shamelessly guilt tripped me-"

"Completely deserved-"

"Not because of any overestimated abilities you believe you have."

"I bet I can win you over by the end of the night. If I can't then I'll leave you alone and never bother you again, but if I succeed then..." He pretends to ponder then his gaze pierces hers as he decides, "I get your phone number."

"How original, I've never heard that one before."

"Bonnie..." The sound of his playful warning undoubtedly affects her. She has never heard her name sound as good as it does when it comes from him.

"Damon..." She mocks back. The pounding in her chest jumps when he offers her his hand.

"Do we have a deal?" She can't help the twitching at the corners of her mouth at his smug expression, he is so certain that she'll agree.

"You know, you're not nearly as charming as you think you are." She reluctantly places her hand in his, ignoring how his touch cools her heated palm.

"Then why are you smiling?" She purses her lips to stop them from broadening. Her denial does nothing to falter his confidence as the waitress gets to the table and scribbles down his order of two foamless cups of coffee.

No matter how much Bonnie tries to give him a run for his money by playing hard to get, she finds herself giggling at his hundredth joke of the night. She knows that conceding this quickly into their little bet isn't the way to play this game, at least not by the advice of Seventeen Magazine's: Top Ten Ways To Leave Him Wanting More!

But then she realises...she doesn't want the prize she's being offered. So she lets her guard down as she continues to try and follow his ridiculous retelling of a wild night in Brazil. Their hands still attached and their abandoned coffees put aside.

"So I'm still naked at this point-"

"-Oh god." Bonnie groans into her free hand.

"I know, I know just let me finish," She uncovers her eyes in anticipation, "So there I am on the tallest Bridge I've ever seen-"

"How did you even get-"

"Shhh, listen. I'm on the bridge and as I'm just about to run across to the other side I hear this siren go off and lights flash at me."

"No! The Cops?"

"At both ends, closing in on me. I have nothing on me, no money, no identification, no pants," She can't help but chuckle at the reminder, "More drunk than I have ever been and I can't speak a word of Portuguese. Now I'm trying to think how the hell am I supposed to get out of this and quickly realise that there's only two options: either I jump and swim for it, mind you it's December, or I keep running which would probably get me arrested. So in those last defining moments I cook up an option three."

"The third option being?"

"Thankfully one of them could speak English so I play sober and spin up some tragic tale about how I was robbed by these guys who jacked everything from me, including my briefs and that they left me stranded on this bridge- absolute bullshit. They take me down to the station, give me a blanket to cover up, take my statement and I'm gone. Completely got off scot-free."

He waits for her reaction.

"Nope, don't believe a single word."

"It's true," He defends, "I can be very persuasive."

"No, they're probably just tired of butt naked tourists streaking on national monuments."

Neither of them realise how much they are leaning into to the conversation. Their faces inches apart and their hunched shoulders shaking with laughter as if their exchanging dirty secrets.

"That definitely tops my craziest New Years Eve story."

"Let me guess, New Years Eve ball at the Lockwood Mansion?"

Surprise takes over her face at the lucky guess.

"I thought you were new to town, didn't you just move here?"

"Well technically, I'm moving back. Believe it or not I actually grew up here."

"Really? Why would you come back?" She assumes his eyes wince slightly at her tone of phrase, "Not that I'm not glad you did, just curious why would you want to come back after literally seeing the world."

"It's always good come back home," He smirks suggestively as he says, "I guess the company isn't too bad."

The blush on her cheeks forces her to bashfully look down at the table. In between their joined hands she sees his ring that's captured her attention more than once and uses it to change the subject.

"What's the story behind this?" She begins to play with the object embedded on his middle finger. Too entranced by the old fashioned design to notice Damon's hesitation.

"It's uh- a family heirloom of sorts. I've always had it. Supposedly, according to my very deceased ancestors, it has special powers. Gothic, I know."

"Powers?" This immediately takes her attention off the ring as she looks back at him.

"Mhmm, it can cause natural disasters, raise the dead, attract the opposite sex..."

She shakes her head in disbelief and looks back at his hand, "Well, it does look really cool."

He leans his head over until his smirk touches her jaw and whispers in her ear, "That means it's working."

Making no move to pull away from the contact, she rolls her eyes at him, "You just won't quit, will you?"

"Don't count on it anytime soon." He says in the same soft volume as he drags his lips along her cheek till he meets the corner of hers, enjoying the adorable smile that grows under his touch. Very much ready to continue things where they had left them off earlier tonight he continues down the path on her face. A clearing throat interrupts them.

"We're closing up now." A depleted voice informs before shuffling away from the table. Neither of them had noticed the empty tables that are now busted and polished, set up for the next day's shifts.

After collecting themselves the two make their exit into the parking lot with matching grins. On the way to her car, she stops her hand from retrieving her car keys from her bag and fully faces the guy in front of her with an open expecting hand.

"My phone. You're still holding it hostage."
She informs his confused expression.

"Oh right," He digs it out of his jacket pocket, "Forgot I still had it."

As she goes to take it back he lifts it out of her reach. Her mouth opens slightly in disbelief at his childish teasing. Every attempt to grasp at the device he moves it higher until it's practically dangling above her head, taunting her. She changes her strategy to boosting herself higher by pressing onto his lower shoulder.

Just as she is about to snatch it from him he let's his arm drop down quickly and takes advantage of their close proximity by pulling her into him until she meets his chest. Her batting eyes don't have time to comprehend what's happening and before she knows it her lips meet his. As expected, the kiss is hot and yearning, but this time it's slower.

She can feel his hands drift lower down her body, passing her waistline. His left one sliding down her backside finding a comfortable resting place at the back of her thigh and the other smoothly slips her phone into her back pocket. A leg finds its way in between hers making it difficult to stand straight resulting in an uncoordinated shuffling backwards until her back is pressed up against her car door. Her arms wrap around his neck, leaving no space between their chests. The contact is so consuming that neither of them notice the sporadic flickering of the street lamps along the side walk.

The friction begins to get to Bonnie as her thoughts drift to when their bodies were connected just like this only hours ago. Both softly groan as they pull apart, the sweet smacking sound of their lips separating is enough to make them shiver.

"Goodnight, Damon."

"Goodnight, Bonnie."

They reluctantly free themselves from their entangled state. With one more look into each other's eyes they wordlessly confirm something their both thinking. This can't be the last time.

With a flirtatious wave he spins on his heels and walks away. She turns to unlock her car and opens the door to climb into the driver's seat, but pauses as she remembers something.

"Wait! I didn't get your-" As she turns around, expecting to meet his retreating figure, she is met with a disappointingly empty lot and sighs, "-number."

Her focus is briefly distracted by the last mysterious flicker of the lights around her.


Getting behind the wheel to start the ignition she is drawn to the familiar buzz beneath her. She flips open her Black Berry to check her messages and lets out an amused huff when she sees who it is.

Damon: I won ;)


A/N (Sorry for the late update, more coming soon.)

In case any of y'all were wondering the 'pull' that Damon and Bonnie feel towards each other isn't some kind of mate-bond situation. That is not apart of this plot. The reason why they feel so gravitated toward each other is because I believe these two are very intuitive characters.

No matter how logical or stubborn they can be both have a profound sensitivity that is displayed in the show. Wether when it's when Bonnie encounters the supernatural like she does when she meets Damon for the first time in my story or when she makes general physical contact with vampires in the show. Or when Damon is drawn to Bonnie in my story and when he goes on a blood binge anytime he undergoes an intense emotional confrontation in the show.

Also, they just have the hots for each other and I wrote their sexual tension in somewhat of a romantic way. Although, the two characters do not have a romantic connection yet. The smut in this book will be a little flowery at times so prepare yourselves. Also Damon was raised in the 1800s so he's going to take the time to woe her a bit.

My overall theory is that the reason they don't get along in the beginning is because of: Damon's obsession with Elena as well as his 'violation'/ 'mistreatment' of Caroline (and that's putting it lightly); Bonnie naturally being wary of vampires; anytime they interacted before they had a proper conversation always involved some form of violence or suspicion of each other (aka. The very uncomfortable dinner at Elena's house that Damon and Caroline crash in the third episode of season 1 or when Damon stalks Bonnie in the parking lot of her high school then later almost drains her of her blood when Emily breaks their deal and ruins his plans of getting Kathrine out of the tomb).

Not a great way to start a relationship. I believe the reason they had so much chemistry in later seasons was because they could finally get to know each other and interact without it being about saving Elena/ Mystic Falls or the plot forcing them to be on opposing sides.

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