The Doctor's Hybrid

By HavenSea3

540K 17.3K 926

Athena Uley is the twin sister to Sam Uley. She was the brain while he was the brawn. Athena went on to becom... More

Character Information/Aesthic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15**
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20**
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23**
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapteer 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74**
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 43

3.8K 156 23
By HavenSea3

It is Christmas Eve and it's been 6 days since Athena called me and I let it go to voicemail.

I haven't gained enough strength to listen to it until today. Today was suppose to be our wedding rehearsal and tomorrow be our wedding but I left.

I am sitting in my office looking down at this voicemail and all I have to do is press play to hear it. Well here goes nothing.

"Hi. I'm uh not really sure if you will get this or not but in case you do, I want you to know I put all the wedding stuff in your office. Since I wasn't enough for you maybe you can use all of those things for the girl that is enough for you. My dress, ring, and Jasmine bracelet is there too. I want to hate you so much for doing this to me. Anyways, it is time I move on and get over you. I hope whoever you find gives you everything I couldn't. Goodbye."

Oh what have I done. Her voice was cracking and she was whimpering though the whole message. It was hurting me to hear her like this. She thinks I want someone else and that there will be someone else. Plus she's wanting to move on. I get up and start pacing. I don't even realize I am pacing almost the entire house.

I am brought out of my thoughts when Alice spoke up. "What's wrong Carlisle?"

I stop moving and rub my hand over my face.
"I listened to Athena's voice mail." I say and then replay it for everyone else to hear.

"Oh Carlisle." Alice says.

"I see she took my advice on that coffee date" Rose says.

I snap my head over to her. "What did you say? Have you been in contact with her?" I asked.

"Yes I have. I never lost it either because unlike the rest of you she is my mother and we shouldn't have left her or Jasmine. They were apart of us and you let a fucking moody asshole make our decisions for us and pushes us away from mom. Over a damn blood bag. Mom was an actual mate and you were her imprint. This isn't and wasn't fair to mom. So yes I have been in contact with her and I don't plan on stopping either because I love her more than to just drop her like she meant nothing to us." Rose said.

"Why would you encourage my mate to date someone else?" I ask laced with venom.

"Oh she's your mate now? Was she your mate when you walk away from her? Did you really except to just walk away and her not move on to someone else? Is that what you want? For you to just leave and do as you please but her sit back at home hoping and praying you'd come back someday but never would? That's fucking messed up if you thought that." Jasper finally snapped.

"Jasper how can you side with Rose? Carlisle is our adoptive father. We should support him." Alice says.

Jasper looks at her in shocked. "Really? So if he wanted us to be apart and never see each other again would you support that? Would you support just walking away from me because he said so?" Jasper asked.

"That's different." Alice says.

"HOW!? How is that different than what he has done to him and Athena? SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!! And yet she is the one paying the price because you, Esme, Emmett and Carlisle all supported Bella coming into this family when she's a blood singer. Only me, Rose, Klaus, and Athena didn't agree with it because we knew what would happen and here mom is paying for that." Jasper yells.

"Who is she moving on with? And she shouldn't be. She shouldn't be with anyone else." I say looking at them.

"Who she is going out with doesn't matter. What matters is that she is trying to be happy again. If you didn't want her with someone else, you shouldn't have left her." Rose says and her and Jasper walk out.

She cannot move on. She's mine. What should I do to get her back? Go home? Or just move on myself?

It is now Christmas morning! I am excited. Jasmine and I have made it our goal to make sure momma is happy today even though it was suppose to be her wedding day.

I have never met the guy she was suppose to marry but if I ever do, I am wolfing out on him. No one hurts my mommy and gets away with it.

I go and wake up Jasmine. "Jasmine come on we gotta go wake up momma" I say shaking her a little bit. She starts moving around and grabs her blanket and we run to momma's room. As we go in we run and jump on her bed.

"Merry Christmas mommy" we both say snuggling into her. She laughs and pulls us close.

"Merry Christmas puppies"

We eventually get outta bed and go to the living room in our pj's. The Christmas tree is already turned on and there are presents everywhere.

Momma turns on Christmas cartoons for us to watch while she makes breakfast. Jasmine and I are curled up together on the couch wrapped in our blanket.

"Kids breakfast is ready" momma yells.

We run into the dining room and see eggs, pancakes and bacon. She also cut up some fruit for us. We all three sat down and started eating together.

Momma may not come out and say it but I can tell she is sad today but she's trying to be happy for us. I just hope our gifts makes her happy.

Once we finish eating we help momma clean up then go into the living room.

"Alright pups which of you want to open first?" Momma asked.

I looked over at Jasmine and she's smiling at me.
"Can you actually open ours first?" I asked.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

I nod my head and go get her two presents Sam helped us buy and wrap. "Jasmine and I know what today was suppose to be so we really wanted to get you something that will make up for it." I say nervously handing her the gifts.

She starts to open them and sees the necklace and ring we got her.

She starts to tear up and puts her hand over her mouth. "Jasmine said you always hand a ring on your finger so we thought we'd give you one with our birth stones and the necklace just shows you being our momma wolf" I tell her.

"Oh Jackson and Jasmine. Thank you mommy loves it. Come here." She motions for us to come over on her lap. We born climb into her and she pulls us close.

"You both have made my day. I know what today was suppose to be but I'm here with my two favorite pups instead. I'm happy and I love you both so much." She says kissing both of our heads.

"We love you momma" both Jasmine and I said.

"We did it Jasmine. We made momma happy." I say to my little sister and she giggles.

We spent the rest of the morning opening gifts then went to Uncle Sammy's for Christmas dinner and got more presents. It was a great day!

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