Mamamoo One shot

By mywindflowerheart

8.9K 209 99

one shot all ship's More

My lost Star (moonsun)
Confession ( Wheebyul )
i say......mamamamamooooo
The Boss I
The Boss II
The Boss III
The Drummer
The Vocalist
The Date
A Mistake
Still the One
You're my Universe
Still The One (English Version)
My Angel II
This time
Nothings Gonna Change
A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember II
Neighbors (Hwasun)
Unnie (Wheesun)
Forbidden (Wheesa)
Unfated ( Wheesa)
Once in our Lives

My Angel (wheesun)

243 6 0
By mywindflowerheart

Wheesun story

Wheein POV

I was living alone in Seoul, South Korea for 2 years now and am about to go back to the Philippines after graduating from a short course in Fine Arts. It's not my choice but my guardian will. Atty. Kim Yongsun. When my parents died, all their wealth has been transferred to Atty. Kim not unless I got married legally and of the right age and in my free will. When the marriage was proven nulled and void in any circumstances all the inheritance will go to charity and that's left me furious it's my inheritance as a matter of fact why they have resulted in such will. It'll leave me no choice but to follow.

Due to my consistent intractable behavior towards her, she gives me an ultimatum. Never thought It was the last night I'll join my friends lubing in BGC when one guy in the group on the crowded dance floor try to make out with me against my will and he keep on pushing his chance but I rejected him. I just want some fun not to sell my soul and body to the devil or someone I don't deserve to give my precious body to.

We ended up in the precinct to my wonder whoever called the police to arrest the guy who tried to harass me. To my total disappointment No Atty. Kim or Yongsun shadows came for me. But Manang Annie, I'm expecting her as my guardian to be present. Well, I know I've been so bitchy and bratty towards her lately. Recalling the last argument we had that makes her furious and pinned me to bed that unforgettable moment of my life. Finally, admitting to myself what I felt for her only breaks my heart after.

"Wheein Hija?... Wheeinie?!" An old woman calls me and brings my mind to the present. The woman is like my grandmother. She works with my parents ever since I'm not yet been conceived.

"Manang, Where's Yongsun?" I asked looking far behind if she just came after her but based on her agitation. I know what it already means.

"Hija, She's out of town. You know work-related. Kuh, She's always busy, wait I'll just talk to the officer in charge for us to go home." I left seated on the corner furious inside.

She doesn't even come for me. She always said she'll protect me, she'll be there for me. Swear in my parent's grave that she'll be at my side but she's always absent. Sometimes I want to think she's here because she's just after the money. Why do I keep hoping she'll notice and like me the way I want her to like me. I have been a good girl but she takes me for granted. All I get was a "Good job. "
"That's great, Wheeinie."

All the promises and praises that I never felt any trace of sincerity. She's always in a hurry or busy with her work or at her home office. That I always felt I'm a hindrance to her work. That's when I finally knew how to get her attention by doing something she hates me doing.

Yeah, I know we're both women but it doesn't matter to me as long as we both felt the same. I can feel she like me too. One moment she'll show me care and sweetness but the next minutes she'll be cold and distant again.


My thoughts get interrupted by a faint voice. I look up at her standing in front of me.

"Let's go." She said giving me her shawl. I wear a tubeless red dress and 6in heels. I never felt cold not in this moment I felt Manang Annie's sincere affection. I head out first and find our driver waiting outside the police station. I get inside in silence and lean my head back. I'm a bit drunk and lightheaded. Wish this continues the feeling of rejection towards her end but how. I don't know, if only I can tell my heart to stop hoping and wishing to forget her or this feeling.

At home, I walked straight to my room and lay in my bed, and let the sleep takes away all the hurts and disappointment washed away into my sleep.

In the morning,

I stretch my body and felt the blankets covering me. I sit up, only to be surprised to see the person I don't expect to be here in my room sitting on the lazy chair beside me reading my book. We met our gaze and for one second I saw mixed emotions in her eyes. I felt conscious and checked myself. I still wear my mini dress that is almost pulled down on my breast. I saw her smirk after seeing me covering my chest. If only I'm not on my hangover and reek of alcohol state I'll make sure you can't resist me Yongsun.

I crawl out of the bed and went to the bathroom leaving its door open for her to see how I strip in front of her without remorse. It makes me feel triumphant inside that I've kicked the gay panic on her ass. Seeing how flustered her face trying to avert the sight. I grab the small towel and wrapped it around my body and brush my teeth. After washing, I went to her front and seat at the edge of the bed drying my face.

"What kind of luck of me to bring you here? I thought you forgot my existence. After that night-"

"Stop! There's nothing that happens that night Wheein. You're just drunk and hallucinating. I don't come here to talk about that thing."

I felt a tinge in my heart has said to my face that those kisses won't mean a thing to her.

"Look, I'll wait for you downstairs let's eat lunch. It's the weekend and I have free time to finally know what's you want in your life." With her last gaze over my body, she walks away fast that I don't even bring myself to argue or object.

It took me a while before I decided to go down to the dining area. She's on her phone again talking with some on her phone. I rolled my eyes and take the chair to the side. It makes me happy to see the food served is all my favorite. Mix stir fry plates of seafood and tuna sashimi and crab stew and different Korean side dishes. Well, my family resides here in the Philippines after putting up their business. I don't know the businesses matters for I'm not into business. I want arts, I love arts the smell of paints on canvas the beauty and uniqueness of each creation. The passion and amazing talents of every artist. It interests me more than studying all about marketing and management or economics.

I saw Yongsun stern gazed at me while we eat. Seems like she wants something to tell. After feeling full and grabbing the dessert of fresh fruits salad made by Manang Annie herself. It's my favorite cause only my favorite fruit was in there.

"Wheeinie... Uhm... How's your school?" Yongsun started.

"It's still not okay. I told you my head won't cooperate with me learning all those businesses strategies and business matters. I'm dumb on that field."

"I know you're smart, you're just slacking off. I'm not here for you for the rest of your life. You'll get married and have family and what will you do with your parent's company to let it drain to bankruptcy? Grow up Wheein you're not a kid anymore."

"Where are you going? Why don't you run the company? You're doing great. I'll give you the compensation double as what my parents pay you."

"That nonsense Wheein, I want my life too. I'm just here to fulfill your parent's will."

"Then sold the company. I don't care! I don't give a damn! You can leave if you want. Don't bother yourself fulfilling that damn testament that I don't think will do good for me in any option. What if I don't want to marry? I'll be poor? Broke and homeless? You're free from me? Is that why you're pushing me to do all you think is best for me? Why don't you date me to one of your business partners so you'd out the problem? You can dispose of me as easily as you want. Don't bother o tell me you care cause I don't feel you're sincere. " I get up and was about to leave when she holds my wrist tight and stared straight at me. She's furious, I don't care. I get used to this silent war between us.

"Why?! Why it's so hard for you to listen and trust me? It's all for you. What happened to you Wheein you're not like this before?" Her features softened and her grip loosen and slide down to hold my hands. For instance, I lost all the walls I build inside my heart.

Not again Wheein! She's just fooling you. Making you fall for her.

"It's you who made me like this!"

I heard her sigh deeply in defeat.

"I'll send you to Seoul, Study Fine Arts, and do what you want. For two years you're free to do what you want in your life, I won't lift a finger to help you or dictate to you what you want. But after two years you have to come home and take over the company. No more options no more conditions. Your parent's Last Will should be executed no matter what." She said with finality.

"Unnie? Are you throwing me away? I don't even know anyone there."

"It's for you to learn and grow up." Her eyes soften and give my face a lingering gaze and gently caress it.

"Yongsun..." I saw her eyes glisten in suppress tears. I lifted my hand to wipe those tears but she turn away and leave me hanging. Confused and wondered. What's just happened?
I'm free? For 2 years?

That night I heard someone knocking on my door. It's one of the maids.
"Mam Wheein, Miss Yongsun wants me to hand this to you. "

I was curious about what was on the brown envelope and surprised to see all my legal documents and supporting papers and a place where I am supposed to live in Seoul. Plane tickets and bank accounts.

"Wait! Where is she?" I asked, I can't believe she'll send me as soon as possible. As early as tomorrow I don't even have a chance to say goodbye to all my friends.

"Mam Wheein, she left already after giving me that."

"What! It's late where is she going? Never mind, go ahead. You may take a rest now. I wait for her."

I waited till midnight and there are no signs of Yongsun coming home tonight. The clock strike 1 am, 2, 3 and morning has come there is no Yongsun.

I fell asleep on the couch and felt someone tapping my arm.

"Hija, wake up it's 10 am already. Why do you sleep here? You have to get ready. You'll miss your flight if you stay a little longer?"

I want to cry. Yongsun never even show me her face before I leave. She won't even take me to the airport. Not even saying goodbye to me. Why you're so rude to Unnie? Do I don't really matters to you?

With the last glance around to Manang Annie and Manong Jun who drives us here. I wave goodbye. Before I take a step I thought I saw someone familiar and I'm never been wrong.

It's Yongsun Unnie!

I drop my bag and run back to her. I don't care if look like crazy, I hug her tight and felt her warm embrace. I heard her sobs and gentle rub on my back.

"Hush, baby... Don't cry. I'll wait for you to come back." Yongsun cup my face and stare straight into my eyes.

"But it'll take me too long to get back here. Did I really have to leave?"

Yongsun smiles and caresses her cheek.

"You love arts right? It's time to follow your dreams. I won't hold you back. I'll wait for you." Yongsun pulled me into her arms and hug me tight we heard the last call of my flight. I can't help but cry hard, I don't want to leave but it's all for myself.

"Cha... stop crying. You'll be late, go now." She wipes my tears and gives me a bright smile.

"Unnie, promise to visit me there."

Yongsun smile and nodded for the last time she embrace me. She kisses me on the cheek to my surprise.

" I'll wait for you." She said. With a heavy heart, I started to check-in my luggage on the counter and It was far enough to see them. I take with me the promise she'll visit or wait for me.

Months of settling in here in Seoul, even though I was born here but my Hangul was not fluent. I struggled to have friends, I meet this girl the same age as mine. She's intimidating at first but so cute and friendly when you know her deeply. We became friends and she helps me to cope with the fast-paced life here. People, here we're different in the place I grew up. Simple and happy, here is loneliness and wariness. Though, I learn to live alone. Take care of myself. Study hard and be responsible for my own actions but my heart still waits for the day I'll finish school and go home.

I miss home so much. I miss Yongsun. She promised to visit me but ita been a year and we had barely seen or speak the phone. One time another person even answered my calls. Telling she's taking a bath. It makes me furious from jealousy but I don't have the rights. Glad Yongsun calls and said she sleepovers at her friend's house. They attend a party and she gets drunk. But I have a gut feeling she's lying to me.

I never insisted nor asked when will she ever had a time or plan to visit me here. Maybe she knows I'm doing okay on my own.

Wait for me Kim Yongsun!

To be continued.

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