Flynn - a kissing booth fan f...

By Joanne406417

42.3K 1.5K 1.2K

Ever wanted to hear The Kissing Booth story told from Noah's point of view? Well here's my take... This is fa... More

Fun and Games
Hurts (Book)
Hurts (Movie)
Seems (Book)
Seems (Movie)
Thuds (Book)
Thuds (Movie)


958 29 20
By Joanne406417

A/N - you may recognise some more scenes from the movie montage, and the order I've used them in here is deliberate to better fit the narrative, so please don't be upset with me for not exactly matching the movie, okay?

The couple of weeks after our little experiment are pretty great. There's a particularly memorable day when Elle and I are making the most of our free period together in a deserted hallway at school, when I spot the chemistry teacher leaving the lab, the door not quite closing behind her. Once she's out of sight, I pull Elle after me into the empty room, and lock the door behind us. Kissing her, I lift her onto the desks and climb up between her legs.

"Seriously? In here? Noah!" Elle giggles incredulously.

"Yep, here. But we need to be quick and you're gonna have to be quiet," I smirk.

We made it work. Another first for both of us. Even after what I told her about my reputation not exactly being accurate, I've noticed that Elle's still a little bit obsessed with firsts. As in, if I admit to her that something we do is the first time I've ever done that thing, she's just a bit happier about it than she would be otherwise. Smug, even. So now I make sure to tell her when that's the case. First time having sex on school property - check.

In fairness, that might be the only time we have sex on school property, after Elle informs me there's a security camera in the lab. Of course, she only tells me that after she gets detention for creating a stink bomb in said lab so she could get sent to the principal's office to steal the recording from the camera... Have I mentioned Lee and Elle's schemes before?

I guess this was just an Elle scheme, though, since Lee still has no idea what's going on between Elle and I. He's so caught up with Rachel, he barely has any time for Elle anymore, which is both good and bad. Good because Elle's still not sure about how to break the news to him, and bad because I know she's missing him. I also know there's nothing I can do about it really, but I'm trying to make up for his absence as much as I can.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get in a fight so I can get detention with you?" I ask again.

"What?" Elle snorts. "Just randomly go and punch someone in front of a teacher to get detention?"

"No, not randomly...I'm sure someone has done something worth punching them for. Like Warren, for example. I'm sure he's been a douche to another girl by now."

"Unbelievable," Elle shakes her head. "You'd really do that just to sit next to me in detention?"

"Well, I mean, we could pass each other dirty notes too," I smirk. "Plus, I could drive you home afterwards. But I promised you I wouldn't fight...'s up to you."

"No," Elle sighs. "I am not giving you permission to get into a fight just so you can keep me company in detention."

"Hey, I was only kidding. Kinda."

"I know. And thanks, I appreciate the thought."

"I'm sure I could figure out another way to get into trouble. I do sort of feel responsible for what led to you getting detention in the first place, you know?"

"Hey! That was on both of us. I could have said no. I was a willing participant," she grins.

"Come on, Shelly, you know you find me irresistible," I tease.

"Ugh! Shut up," she laughs, pushing at my chest before I grab her hands, lacing our fingers together.

"Okay, well, if you won't let me get detention on Monday, I could still drive you home afterwards if you wanted?"

"Yeah, no. I don't think that would help my case with my dad, arriving home on the back of your motorcycle."

"I guess not. But he's going to find out about us eventually, Elle."

"I know, but I can only deal with him being mad at me for one thing at a time, okay?"

"Yeah I get it," I frown, dropping her hands. "I guess I wouldn't be his first choice of boyfriend for you."


"It's fine, Elle, don't worry about it."

This line of conversation is a bit of a downer and I decide it's time to lighten the mood a little.

"So, do you still want to catch a movie today?"

"Definitely. Are you going to let me actually watch it this time?" Elle grins.

"I guess that depends what you choose, Shelly," I smirk.

"Hey, my taste in movies is excellent, thank you very much."

"Debatable. If you choose another sappy rom-com, I'll have to distract myself just to stay awake."

Which actually doesn't sound all that bad to me. But Elle ends up choosing a comedy and we spend most of the movie laughing and only a little bit of the movie making out. Things are looking up until we spot Lee and Rachel on the way out of the theatre. I don't know what they're doing here, it's out of the way, not the usual place Lee would go.

Fortunately, they're facing away from our exit route, playing one of the games in the arcade area. I manage to smuggle Elle out undetected, but I see the look on her face when she looks back at them from the doorway. Lee's teaching Rachel how to play the DDM game that's always been Elle and Lee's thing. They've been doing that stupid dance game since they were little kids and are crazy competitive about it.

I should know, because I've watched them enough over the years, first when they needed someone to take them to the arcade, and later, when I would stick around to play pool with friends. It's kind of odd to admit now, but I always enjoyed watching Shelly in her element. She just made it look like so much fun, and her crazy antics with Lee never failed to make me laugh. So I get why she's upset about Lee playing DDM with Rachel, I just don't know what to do to fix it. My brother's kind of being an ass, ignoring his best friend, but it's not like I can confront him about it.

Nearly getting busted is becoming a recurring theme for Elle and I. One Saturday we're at her house, in the middle of a pretty heated make out session when there's a knock at her bedroom door. Considering we didn't hear anyone enter the house, I'm pretty sure Elle's dad is about to kill me, so I grab my clothes and throw them out the window, while Elle hurries to put her shirt back on. Before she reaches the door, I crawl out the window and hang on to the wooden frame for as long as my arms will hold me, then drop to the ground.

Luckily, it's really only my pride that's bruised as I lay on my back on the driveway below, wearing only my boxers. Elle's head appears at the window and I give her a quick salute before scrambling to my feet and getting dressed as I go retrieve my bike from its hiding spot. She texts me soon after, letting me know it was just Lee. Apparently he actually made time to see her this afternoon for a change. I'd be happier for Elle if it didn't mean that our time together got cut short.

The next week it's Tuppen, of all people, who nearly spots us. We'd been at the beach and as we're leaving I convince Elle to try starting the bike on her own. Her first few attempts are pretty pitiful, but all of a sudden she just gets it, the bike roaring to life under her. She's so surprised, and I'm so proud of her, but the moment is spoiled when I see Tuppen and Olivia walking towards us.

I can't do much to hide myself, but I jam the helmet on Elle's head, grabbing her and crashing my lips to hers to cover her face with mine. It works, but that was definitely a close call. It's frustrating to be around her and not be able to even look at her too much, and nowhere is that more challenging than at Sunday lunches. It was fun for awhile, sneaking around, all the secret glances and foot-holding under the table.

But what I really want is to let the whole world know that I'm with Elle, that she's my girlfriend. I don't want to have to pretend that I don't have feelings for her anymore. The end of the year is coming up quick, and that means the end of high school and everything that goes along with that.



Elle's Birthday.



I've accepted my place at Harvard and now it feels like there's this giant clock, counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until I have to leave. I don't know what that's going to mean for me and Elle, but I don't want to waste the time that I have left here. I know I'll regret not making the most of this. But the question remains, how do we tell everyone we're dating? And more specifically, how do we tell Lee?

Elle and I are hanging out at my place for a change, since my parents have gone out for the day and Lee's gone over to Rachel's. We're in the garage, Elle reading funny snippets from her ridiculous girly magazine out aloud while I tinker with my bike.

"Hey, um, could you pass me the wrench, please?" I ask, pointing. "The little black toolbox on top of the shelf. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she grins, as she gets up to fetch it.

I turn back towards the bike so all I hear is a yelp and a crash. When I look around, Elle's lying awkwardly on the floor.


"Ow," she groans as I rush over to her.

"Are you okay? Elle?" I brush the hair out of her eyes and see she's got a small cut on her cheek, but it's not bleeding much.

"Does it look bad?" she winces.

"No. It's just a graze. You might get a bit of a bruise, though... Actually, we should probably clean it. Knowing you, it'll get infected, and then it's gonna look bad."

Elle pouts. Okay, so now's probably not the time to make fun of her. I help her up and can't help but notice when she winces again.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," she waves her hand dismissively. "It feels like I've broken my butt, but I'm fine. It's nothing."

I bite my tongue instead of making a joke about rubbing it better, and keep an arm around her as I guide her upstairs to my room. Elle sits on the edge of my bed, looking uncomfortable, and I head to my bathroom for supplies. When I get back, she's shifting about like she's trying to work out exactly what hurts.

"You're such a klutz," I chuckle.

"Not always," she rolls her eyes.

"No. Only half the time."

I take a seat in my desk chair and Elle sits opposite me while I dip the washcloth in some water, before dabbing her face, wincing again when I touch the cut.

"When'd you become such a doctor?"

"Since I started getting into fights. You kind of learn to take care of yourself when that happens."

"Why do you get into all those fights anyway?"

"I think I...I guess it's kind of just how I'm wired."

Elle shakes her head slightly. "I don't believe that."

"Well I mean, my parents even sent me to see a couple of counselors. But you know, we're all fucked up one way or another, right?"

"You could change."

The sincerity in Elle's eyes takes me aback for a second.
"You think I can change?"

"You're Noah Flynn," she smiles, running her thumb down my bottom lip to my chin. "I don't think there's much you can't do."

The way she says it, with a laugh in her voice, makes me laugh a little too. It's a nice moment, ruined only seconds later when Lee's voice reaches us, right before he opens the door.

"Hey, Noah, have you seen Elle?"

Elle half gasps in surprise as she turns towards him, and we both stand up.

Lee's face goes from surprised to suspicious as Elle greets him.


"What's going on in here?" Lee asks before he really looks at Elle. "Jesus! What happened to your face?"

"Oh, I had an accident and Noah offered to help."

Lee's eyes flick to me and he indicates at Elle with his chin. "Did you do that to her?"

I've stayed silent until now, but that's enough.

"What did you just say?"

"I said did you do that to her? Did you hit Elle?" His voice is angrier on the second question and I can't believe he's even asking it.

"You really think I'd hit her?" I bite back, throwing down the washcloth I'd still been holding.

"I wouldn't put it past you."

Elle jumps in, "Hey, no. Lee, I'm fine. I just tripped in the garage. I was looking for you."

Judging by Lee's expression, he's not buying her explanation and he glances back to me.

"You really expect me to believe that she just tripped?"

"Get a clue, Lee! You weren't even here!"

Lee yells back, pointing his finger at me angrily. "I swear to God, if you laid a hand on her!"

"All right, that is it!" I can't take anymore of his bullshit and I lunge towards him, but Elle scrambles between us, pushing against me.

"No! Hey! Stop! Noah! Stop!"

I glare at Lee over her head, still wanting to clock him.

"Look at me. Noah, look at me!" Her hand on my chest and her pleading eyes snap me out of the rage.

"Come on," she says to Lee, dragging him out of my room, leaving me trying to work out how everything went so bad, so fast. I can't believe Lee would actually think that I would ever hit Elle. Does he really think so little of me? That I would lash out and hit a girl? Does Elle think I would do that to her? That I could ever do that to her?

Elle's gone for a little while, probably smoothing things over with Lee, and I sit back in my chair, wondering where we go from here. I'm contemplating going to find them when she walks back in, sitting down opposite me again. Her expression is worried and that makes me nervous.

"Look, I have to tell him tonight."

"Yeah. It's time," I agree quietly, reaching out to hold her hand before I lose my nerve. "That way I can take you to prom."

The look of surprise on Elle's face makes me chuckle slightly. Did she really think I wouldn't want to take her? It would be another first for both of us, and as much as it's normally Elle who's keeping track of those things, there's no way I'm letting some other guy take her to her first prom.

Her surprise shifts to happiness and we both lean in for a kiss, her hand finding the side of my face, in the way that's become so natural. The happiness is short-lived, though, when we hear a very familiar voice ask a question from the doorway.

"What the fuck?"

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