Manan: Baby love

By user32078143

342K 21.1K 1.8K

Its a manan fanfiction. How a 15yr old boy found a new born baby and fell in love with her a first sight. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 53

2.6K 181 14
By user32078143

Hello Everyone, so one of my friend @Mananworld20 started writing a story. Please do read it and show lots of love to it.

Back to the story.

In Malhotra Mansion:

After talking with Nandini Manik went towards his room. As soon as he entered the room he let out a sigh. He missed seeing Nandini in the room waiting for him to come back from office and greet him with so many kisses. He kept his bag on the couch and sat on the sofa.

Cabir: Manik what-

He stopped in middle when he saw Manik in deep thoughts.

Cabir: What happened bro? Everything ok?

Manik: (sighs) Yes was just missing Nandini.. When she is not around everything seems so empty and lonely. This room feels so empty without her.

Cabir: I can understand even I feel the same when Navya is not around me and I am sure those 2 duffers must be feeling the same but don't worry they will be back within 2 days.

Listening to this Manik's face lightened up.

Manik: Seriously? Who told you?

Cabir: Of course Navya who else will tell me... So don't be sad and if you are missing her then just call her and talk with her.

Manik: I just did.. Mukti called me few minutes back Nandini was not listening to her so she had called me.

Cabir: (laughing) Nandini and her never ending tantrums... No one can handle it except you.

Manik: (chuckled) Because you guys have spoiled her too much.

Cabir: Of course we did after all she is our baby sister.. We are not like you who just keeps on scolding my baby.

Manik: Ohh hello if I don't scold her then you guys will spoil her more and then she will not listen to anyone.

Cabir: Ya Ya we know that... Anyways I came here to call you for dinner.

Manik: You go I will freshen up and join you guys soon.

Cabir nodded and went down while Manik went inside the bathroom and freshen up.

After half an hour when he was done he went downstairs only to see the boys busy in their phone.

Manik: Boys what are you all watching?

Dhruv: Buddy did you checked your phone?

Manik gave him a confused look but shook his head as no.

Abhi: You should see it.

He took his phone from his pocket and saw message from Nandini. He opened it there were many photos of her and some with the girls. He clicked on it and his eyes popped out after looking at the picture.

Manik: What is this? What is she wearing?

Dhruv: Just look at the girls.. I feel they are doing this on purpose they want to tease us.

Cabir: Seriously I regret stopping you guys that day from tracking the girls I should have let you guys do your work.

Manik: She is looking so damn hot... Why she doesn't wear such clothes when she is with me?

Cabir: Because you don't allow her... (mimicking his voice) Nandini you can't wear this I don't want others to look at you in this clothes.

Manik just rolled his eyes.

Abhi: I swear I am not leaving Mukti once she is back.

He said this while looking at the picture forgetting that he is in front of his friends and he spoke a little louder which was heard by them.

They fake coughed and he came out of his trance and saw all 3 of them giving him a teasing smile to which he realised that they heard what he said.

Cabir: So what were you saying? You will not leave Mukti when she is back... What's your plan haaaa?

Manik: Someone's hormones are at peak right now.

Abhi: I..It's not like that ok... Anyways I am hungry if you guys don't want to join then I am having dinner alone.

And without waiting for their reply he ran from there.

Later on they had their dinner with few chit chat and teasing each other and then went to their respective rooms.

Cabir came to Manik's room as they had something important to discuss.

Cabir: Manik is everything ready for tomorrow? This project is very important for us. We can't lose it.

Manik: Don't worry Cabir I have finished with the presentation work and mailed it to you. Tomorrow we will directly go to Oberoi Heights for the meeting and I am sure that we will crack the deal.

Cabir: Cool then I guess we should call it a day and even you go to sleep now don't overwork.

He walked out and Manik closed the door and laid on the back. He took his phone and video called Nandini who picked his call on first ring.

Manik: Seems like you were waiting for my call.

Nandini: I knew you will call me.. So did you saw my pictures?

Manik: Are you purposely trying to tease me?

Nandini: (giggling) Very smart ha. You caught my trick.

Manik: (smirks) Ahha wrong move my dear just wait till you are back.

Nandini: (blushing) I guess its too late we should go to bed.

Manik: Sleep as much as you want once you are with me you will not get much sleep.

Nandini: Will see that later on.

Manik: Anyways before sleeping wish me luck. I have a very important meeting tomorrow.

Nandini: I am 100% sure you will crack the deal. All the best. Love you. Now sleep or else you won't be able to wake up on time tomorrow.

Manik: Bye take care. Come back soon. I miss you.

He cuts the call and both went to sleep.

Next Morning:

All the boys were sitting on the dining table having their breakfast but unlike other days Cabir was sitting quietly and was lost in some deep thoughts.

Abhi: Cabir... Cabir.

He called him few times but he didn't respond to him so Abhi shouted in his ears.


Cabir: Huh? Bro why are you shouting in my ears?

Abhi: I am calling you from last 5 min. What were you thinking ha?

Cabir: Nothing.

Manik: Cabir what's wrong? And don't you dare say its nothing because we know there's something going on in your mind. So speak up.

Cabir: I am tensed. This deal is very important for us Manik. I am not questioning your abilities but I am sure our competitors will do something or the other to bring us down.

Manik: Cabir I told you yesterday that we will surely get this deal so just chill. (smirks) Afterall Manik Malhotra never loses so you don't worry. Now if you are done we should get going or else we will be late for the meeting.

He nodded and both of them left for their destination.

After 1 hour they reached Oberoi Heights where they were welcomed by the receptionist.

Receptionist: Welcome Mr. Malhotra and Mr. Dhawan we are glad to have you here. (they both just smiled a bit) There's still some time left for the meeting till then you can wait in our waiting area. I will guide you.

They both followed the receptionist till waiting area. As soon as they reached there they saw their biggest competitor who was coming towards them with a smirk.

??: Oh my my what a pleasure to see you Manik.

He moved his hand for a handshake but Manik just ignored it.

Manik: I am not interested to talk with you Harshad.

Harshad: (smirks) Well I just came here to wish you luck because I guess you will need it because I am sure your presentation will not sustain in front of us.

Cabir: I am still amazed Harshad like after losing for like 10 times you still have the confidence to challenge us ha.

Harshad: Because I am not going to lose not this time.

Cabir: You know Harshad its long time now you should come up with new dialogues because this is for 'n' number of time I am listening this sentence. I know you can't come up with new ideas for presentations but at least for dialogue you can search something or else if you want I can give you some that to FREE.OF.CHARGE.

Harshad: You- Just wait and watch you both.

Saying this he went from there. After that they met few of their business friends. Later on they were called for the meeting.

Mr.Oberoi: Hello and Good morning to everyone. I hope I didn't you guys wait for long time. So lets begin with the meeting.

One by one others started giving their presentation. Now it was time for Harshad to start.

After introducing himself as soon as he started with his presentation it shocked Manik and Cabir to which Harshad smirks which didn't go unnoticed by both of them. Cabir was about to interrupt in middle but was stopped by Manik.

Manik: Cabir don't say anything.

Cabir: What do you mean? He stole our presentation. What are we suppose to do now?

Manik: I will handle it don't worry.

Soon Harshad finished his presentation and Mr. Oberoi was highly impressed with him.

Mr. Oberoi: Wow Mr. Saxena I am very much impressed with your ideas. Good job. Now Mr.Malhotra you can start.

Harshad came and stood in front of him.

Harshad: Did you like my surprise?

Manik just glared at him and went and stood in front. He attached his pen drive and there was a completely different presentation. Harshad was shocked because he thought that Manik will be humiliated in front of everyone but he just changed the whole game. Manik's smirk grew bigger after looking at his face.

He started with his presentation and it was completely different from the earlier one and much better than it. Even Cabir didn't knew about the backup plan but now he was just enjoying Harshad's condition.

After finishing his presentation there was a complete silence in the room and suddenly everyone started clapping.

Mr. Oberoi: Come here my boy. (he hugged Manik) You never fail to amaze me. So ladies and gentlemen I have made my decision and the deal goes to Malhotra Industries. This meeting ends here. Thank you everyone for your time and ideas.

Everyone started clapping while Harshad was burning in jealously.

Mr. Oberoi: My secretary with forward you the details later on. 

Manik and Cabir went out just to see Harshad standing there waiting for them.

Cabir: 11th time.

Manik and Harshad looked at him with a questionable look.

Cabir: 11th time you lost from Manik. I guess you should give up now. Even though you might be habitual but still its not a good habit you see.

Harshad: Acting very smart ha I-

Manik: Harshad we are not acting smart but we are born smart... What you think that you will play this childish games of stealing my project and I will not come to know. If the amount of brain you used to steal my project you would have used it in developing a new project of your own at least you could be capable enough to stand beside me.

Harshad: Don't fly to high Manik I will make such a comeback that you will lose your everything.

Cabir: (clapping) Wow Mr. Harshad Saxena came up with a new dialogue. You know instead of business you should had enter in acting industry I am sure you would have aced it.

Harshad: I challenge you Manik.. In two weeks we have one more project lets see who wins it.

Manik: (smirks) Challenge accepted.

Harshad: This time I will make you beg in front of me.

Manik: Will see that. Now can you please move aside so that I can go because I have a lot of work pending unlike you who just don't have any work.

Manik and Cabir went from there leaving Harshad alone.

In car:

Cabir: Idiot, Stupid, Duffer you knew he was going to steal our presentation, you had the backup ready then why didn't you tell me?

Manik: My wish.

Cabir: And my wish is that I want to kill you.

Manik: Aren't you happy with my surprise?

Cabir: Surprise my foot. I want to know why you didn't involve me in this?

Manik: Because he was spying on us... Last week I came to know that other project manager is working for Harshad and he was giving details to him and so I didn't involved you in all this.

Cabir: Well what you did with that manager then?

Manik: (smirks) I am sure by now he must be in jail using all his contacts to get bail.

Cabir: (pats his shoulder) Good job my bro. I am impressed.

And they drove away.

That's all for today. Hope you like it.

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