Pranking One Direction

By Izzy_Hansen5

71.8K 1.4K 287

My name is Amelia. I work for Nickelodeon in New York with my best friend Mikaela. One day we get the oppurtu... More

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Pranking One Direction
The Call
The Prank
Madison Square Garden
Saying Goodbye to My Boys
Missing My Boys
Fights With Friends
Sad and Depressing News
Having Fun but Taking Care of Business
Sad Day in New York
London Bound
Going On Tour
Day out in London
Time with Zayn
Broken Heart
Going Home
Meeting the Family
Valentine's Day
Going Public with the Engangement.
Girls Day Out
The Tommo Wedding
Words Break Me
Bachelorette Party
My Wedding
Good/Bad News
Girl Time
Unexpected Events
Welcome Home Mikaela
Left Behind
The End

Love Lasts

1.3K 33 12
By Izzy_Hansen5

"Amelia phone!!" Jackie yells up the stairs.

I groan and crawl out of the bed. I wrap a blanket around myself and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and Jackie hands me the phone.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey goldie" Zayn says

"Zayn it's six thirty in the morning what could you possibly want?" I ask

"Amelia, Niall flew to New York today" he says

I feel my body tense and the phone fall from my hand. I hear it crash onto the floor and Zayn's voice shouting at me. Jackie looks at me and notices the beginning stages of my panic attack. She grabs the phone tells Zayn to wait a minute and sets it down. She walks over to me and helps me sit at the kitchen table. She never liked it when I had a panic attack. The room starts to blur as the tears come out. I feel myself rubbing at my scars and I hear Jackie talking on the phone. It's distant though even though she's in the same room. She hangs up and I feel myself relaxing. She hands me a glass of water. I grab it tentavily and take a sip. 

"Honey let's get you out of here" she says

"Okay let me go get changed" I say standing up 

I walk slowly to the stairs and climb them. I get to my room and go straight to my medications. I grab my depression pills and take one. Then I grab the pill that I never thought I needed ever again but now I need two in the same week. My anxiety pills. I take one and swallow it. I walk over to my closet and pull out jeans and a t-shirt. I pull them on and brush my hair leaving it naturally curly and leaving it down. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I walk downstairs and see Jackie in the kitchen waiting. We walk out to the car and climb in. She doesn't tell me where we're going just drives.  

When I finally realize we're she's taking me I look at her and say "How'd you know?"

"Whenever you were sad before you always went here....I'm just going to drop you off and I'll come get you when you call or after he leaves....if he even comes" she says

"Okay thanks" I say

She pulls up to the gate and I kiss her cheek and crawl out of the car. I wave goodbye and run up the familiar path. I slow when I see the familiar head stone up close. 

I slowly walk over to it and I see the familiar words on it 'Rena Johnson, Singer and Loving mother of Amelia Johnson'. I cut the distance between it and I and sit down. 

This is where I came after my mom died. I'd just sit here and talk to her like she was there. 

"Hey mom" I say "Long time no see....well I'm home....and I'm staying....Niall and I got into a fight....he thought I was cheating on him....but I wasn't I promise....I had that nightmare know the one I told you about before the one of the day when you died.....and well Zayn came in and comforted me" 

I lay down on the grass and look at the sky. 

*Niall's POV* 

I get off the plane and walk to baggage claim. I grab my small suitcase and walk to the car rental.

"Hi my name is Niall Horan....I'm here to pick up my rental car" I say

"Right I have your keys right here" the guy says

I sign the papers and the guy hands me the keys. I walk over to the car lot and find the car. I climb in  and start the car. I drive to Amelia's old house and follow the way I remember to Jackie's house. I get there and park the car. I get out and walk to the door. I knock and hear footsteps. Jackie opens the door and looks at me.

"Come in" she says

"Is Amelia here?" I ask

"No....I probably shouldn't tell you this but.....I can tell you where she is" she says

"But I though being her 'mom' you were supposed to tell me off and give me this lecture about leaving her alone untill she wants to talk to me" I say sitting on the couch.

Jackie sits on the recliner and says "I know I probably should but....I can see how much she likes you loves you in fact.....she's hurt and she misses I'm going to tell where she is so you can go talk to her and patch things up with her....because as her 'mom' I'm supposed to make sure she's happy and right now she's not happy" 

"So where is she?" I ask

"She's at the cemetary where her mom is buried...she goes there when she's upset" she says

"Okay" I say

Jackie draws me a map to the cemetary and draws me the path to follow to the headstone. I thank her and walk out to the car.

"Better hurry it looks like rain is coming" Jackie yells from the door.

"I will don't worry" I yell back.

I get in the car and follow the map to the cemetary. I get there and park the car in the parking lot across the street. I get out and quickly cross the road. I look at the map to the headstone and follow it. I'm almost there when it starts raining. I sigh and put the paper into my pocket. I walk the rest of the way and see Amelia laying on the ground fast asleep. I walk over to her and sit on the ground next to her. 

"Amelia" I say shaking her.

She moans and opens her eyes and looks at me. She gasps and sits up.

"Niall how'd you find me?" she asks

"Jackie told me" I say

"Of course" she says

"Amelia I want to talk to you" I say

"Well talk" she says

"Amelia,princess, I'm sorry about not listening to you when you tried to explain what happened. I'm sorry for slapping you. I'm sorry for hurting you and I just want to come to take you home" I say

"Niall....I love you but I don't think I can trust you're supposed to believe me when I say that nothing happened and then how do I know that everytime something wrong happens your not going to drink and come home and hit me again?" she asks. The hurt showing in her eyes

"Princess I love you....I promise I'm done drinking...I've made Josh,Liam,Louis, Zayn, and Harry promise me that they wouldn't let me drink more then two beers when we go out" I say

"Promise?" she asks

"Promise" I say

"Okay I'll come home" she says smiling

I smile and she looks at the headstone. 

"Niall this is my this is Niall" she says

"NIce to meet you Mrs. Johnson" I say "I won't break her heart again...I promise" 

Amelia smiles and I smile back at her. I stand up and pull her up. I grab her waist and start dancing with her. She laughs. I laugh and pull her in closer. I look at her lips and back to her eyes. I lean in and kiss her. 

*Amelia's POV*

I finally got my romantic kiss in the rain. And I got it from my love Niall Horan.

Hey guys!!! so what do you think?!?!?! tell me in the comments...I hope you guys enjoy it!!


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