Flynn - a kissing booth fan f...

By Joanne406417

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Ever wanted to hear The Kissing Booth story told from Noah's point of view? Well here's my take... This is fa... More

Fun and Games
Hurts (Book)
Hurts (Movie)
Seems (Book)
Seems (Movie)
Thuds (Book)
Thuds (Movie)


1.2K 35 29
By Joanne406417

A/N: A fair bit of original story in this one, guided by the movie but expanding on it because I needed more. As always, let me know what you think!

Standing under the shower, I can't help but smile. Last night definitely hadn't turned out the way I'd thought it would. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think I'd end up having sex with Elle at the Hollywood sign. A chuckle escapes my lips as I remember how bossy she was. Trust her, with zero experience, to still be demanding.

Of course those memories lead to thoughts of what happened last night and what might happen in the future and before I know it, the blood has drained from my brain. Thinking about being with Elle is better than any porn I've ever seen, but the relief I provide myself doesn't come close to matching the experience with her last night.

Showered and clothed, I sit at my desk and attempt to cram in some homework before we have to go to lunch. But thinking about our weekly lunch with the Evanses makes me think about Elle again... lunch is definitely going to be interesting. Picking up my phone, I toy with the idea of texting her. I stare at the screen, thumbs hovering over the keyboard, wondering what I could type. Everything that comes to mind is too much or too little.

In the end I send a single sunrise emoji.

I don't have to wait long for a response.

Elle: 😊

As long as Elle's smiling, I'm happy.

"What are you grinning about?" Lee's voice invades my thoughts from where he's leaning against my doorframe.

"None of your business," I scowl. "You look like shit."

"Thanks," he says dryly. "I feel like shit. Letting Tuppen convince me to do another keg stand was a bad idea."

"Obviously. Thought you were hanging out with Rachel last night?"

"Yeah I was, but she had curfew so after she left, some of us kept drinking...I crashed at Warren's."

I grunt, thinking about that idiot putting his hands on Elle.

"He's nursing some sore ribs this morning, brother."

"He's lucky that's all he's nursing, Lee."

"How was Elle?"

I fight to not change my expression. "What do you mean?"

"How did she like your caveman routine this time?"

"You mean how did she react to my saving her from some creep trying to drag her into a hot tub against her will? About the same as usual. Not happy, stormed off."

It wasn't a lie, that did happen.

"Uh huh. I'm sure that won't make lunch awkward at all," Lee quipped.

Time for a distraction. I don't want to talk to Lee about why things may or may not be awkward between Elle and I.

"Speaking of lunch, you might want to shower and change. You smell like a brewery."

"That's the plan. See you later."

Lee disappears and I relax, thankful that no lies were required. I've never been big on telling everyone (or anyone) everything, but lying isn't really my style. Omissions of details I can live with, for now.

The Evanses are already seated when we arrive, and I've never been more glad to take my usual seat, directly across the table from Elle.

"Hey," I smirk, acting very normal for us. What isn't normal is the quick text I send her from under the table.

Me: X

Her little brother, Brad, quickly grabs my attention, but out of the corner of my eye I see her small smile when she reads my message. She doesn't reply, but I feel her foot nudge my leg under the table. Yeah, okay, we can play this game. I stretch a leg out, easily reaching Elle's side, and hook my foot behind one of hers. There. The foot equivalent of hand-holding.

While everyone's distracted looking at their menus, I glance at Elle over the top of mine and find she's looking at me, too, so I give her a quick wink, enjoying the blush that spreads across her cheeks. Ugh, who am I? Here I am, playing footsies with a girl and loving every freaking second of it. Elle Evans, what have you done to me?

There seems to be an unspoken agreement between Lee, Elle and I not to bring up the party. I don't think any of us are keen to share the details with our parents, Lee because he got wasted and is trying his best to hide a hangover, Elle and I for reasons obvious only to the two of us, although the fact that I crash-tackled Warren in her defense is probably worth keeping quiet about too. We manage to keep the conversation on safer topics like sports and school, and I avoid having to talk about college applications.

I haven't told anyone that I've applied for early acceptance to Harvard, and I'd like to keep it to myself until I find out if I actually get in. It's kind of my own personal challenge and I don't need to see the disappointed looks that would surely be on Mom and Dad's faces if I don't get selected. Lunch finally over, everyone gets up to head for the parking lot, where the endless goodbyes will begin. Lee excuses himself to use the restrooms on the way out, and I find myself at the back of our group, Elle walking right ahead of me.

A gentle tug on the belt loop of her jeans slows her so that I'm close enough to bend and whisper in her ear.

"Can I call you later?"

Elle half turns her head, not actually meeting my eyes. "Why?"

I move my hand to the small of her back, my middle finger finding the strip of exposed skin between her jeans and top, tracing lightly across it. Seeing the goosebumps rise makes me smirk just a little.

"Because I want to. So can I?"

"Okay, but later, after dinner. I have homework."

"Talk to you then, Shelly."

I break contact and shove my hand in my jacket pocket as we reach our families, leaning on Dad's car while I wait for him to finish talking to Mike. Lee comes jogging over and points at Elle.

"You all good to work on that history paper still, Shelly?"

"Sure, yeah," she gives him a smile.

"Cool. Dad can you unlock the car so I can get my backpack out? I'll just head back to Elle's now."

So this is why I'm not allowed to call her until later tonight. Because Lee's going to be there all afternoon. Right. Elle's looking everywhere but in my direction. Fine.

"Dad? Any chance we could leave soon? I've got homework as well, you know?"

Mom shoots me a look to let me know I'm being rude, but I just shrug and slide into the car, wishing I'd brought my bike instead. By the time we get home, I'm over the worst of my mood. Elle and Lee probably planned that study session before last night happened, and it would have been weird for her to cancel it without good reason. But still, having to arrange contacting my girlfriend around her spending time with my brother is less than ideal.


Elle is my girlfriend.

I hadn't exactly thought about that in the haze of everything that happened after her agreeing to date me.

I have no idea how to be someone's boyfriend, not really. Although I guess the whole 'keeping it a secret' thing means I don't have to change my life much. But Elle and I are going to have to figure out ways to see each other. It's not so much of an issue for me, I basically come and go as I please without many explanations, but it might be harder for her. Something to talk about when I call her tonight maybe.

I manage to get some more study done before my mind drifts to Elle again, and I start thinking of places I could take her, specifically places a bit out of the way where we're unlikely to run into people we know. She's going to have to get over her aversion to the bike, though. I could take her for a ride along the coast road. There's no way she could possibly hate the bike after that.

My musings are interrupted by the sound of Lee clattering up the stairs, Mom yelling after him that dinner will be ready in 10. For once, I'm not dragging my feet to the table, because once dinner's over I can call Elle. Rolling my eyes at myself, I take the plate Mom hands me and dig in. I really need to chill out.

For a full hour after dinner I make myself try and read the book we've been assigned for English, but I know I'm not retaining any of it, so I throw it towards my desk and pick up my phone. Why am I so fucking nervous? Get a grip, Flynn.

I press 'call' and wait. It rings, and rings, and just when I think she's not going to answer, a breathless Elle appears on the other end of the line.


"Hey. I was starting to think you were letting me go to voicemail."

"No! I just had to run to answer it, I was in the shower."

"Really? Interesting..." now this is a mental image I can work with. "Does that mean you're naked?"

"No!" She giggles. "I'm wrapped in a towel."

"But you're naked under the towel, right?" I smirk.

"Stop! You're terrible."

"Hey, I'm not the one sitting there naked," I chuckle.

"I'm not naked! I'm wearing a towel!" She laughs.

"I'm not sure I believe you and it's hard to focus thinking about you naked," I smirk.

"Ugh! Hold on a minute, okay?"


There's a muffled noise as Elle puts down the phone, followed by sounds of drawers opening and closing, and then she's back, a smile still in her voice.

"There, I'm dressed. Fully."

"In what?"

"Ugly old pajamas, so get your mind out of the gutter," she giggles.

"Boo. I liked the towel better," I smirk.

Elle laughs, "Such a perv."

"I'm pretty sure it's normal for a guy to think about his girlfriend naked, Elle. If I was thinking about someone else naked, then you'd have cause for complaint."



"Yeah, I'm still here," her voice is quiet.

"Hey, I was only joking around, okay? I didn't mean to be weird about the naked stuff."

"No, it's not that."

"Then what?"

"You called me your girlfriend."

"Well aren't you?"

"I guess..."

The lack of conviction in her voice makes my heart rate pick up.

"Elle, are you having second thoughts about this? About us?"

If she says yes, I'm pretty sure my fist is going straight through the wall.

"No! No, I'm not. It's not that."

The wall is safe for now then.

"Do you have regrets about what happened last night? Because if you've decided it was too soon, that's okay. We don't have to..."

"No, stop! It's not that. It's just, it surprised me, that's all, the way you just casually said girlfriend."

"Okay...was it a good surprise or a bad surprise?"


The small smile I hear in her voice has me grinning. This is fun, but we're veering close to getting sappy and I'm not ready for that.

"Okay, good. So, I was wondering... when can I see you again?"

"Umm...maybe Wednesday I guess? After school? Lee wants to wait around to drive Rachel home after drama club, so maybe you could give me a ride home?"

"Definitely. And maybe we could talk more then about how this is going to work, the whole us not getting caught while we figure everything out thing."

"Absolutely. A logistics meeting."

"Sure, Shelly," I chuckle. "Looking forward to it."

"Me too," Elle says, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

Suddenly three days feels like a long time to wait.

"Okay, well, I should probably let you go, but I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Okay. Goodnight, Noah."

"Sweet dreams, Elle."

The next day at school I head to the library at lunchtime, for two reasons. One, because I'm sick of everyone asking me about tackling Warren, and two, because I really need to read that book for English. The one that didn't seem at all interesting yesterday compared to thinking about Elle. I start reading, making some notes as I go, but I'm soon distracted by a movement near the doors. The universe really doesn't want me to finish this book.

Elle walks in, taking a seat a few tables down, facing me. I wait until she spots me and smirk when she smiles, picking up her phone. It's not long before a text comes through.

Elle: A book?... Glad to see you know how to read!

Very funny, Shelly. Not all jocks are illiterate.

Me: I just look at the pix

Wednesday seems like a very long way away.

Time continues to grind on for the next couple of days, but eventually school finishes on Wednesday afternoon and I head for the parking lot to wait for Elle. I hear her laugh before I spot her, short as she is, standing with some of the guys she and Lee hang out with. It seems she's in no hurry, so I talk a few people hanging around near where I've parked my bike. Elle waits until the crowd thins out before walking my way, a distrustful look on her face.

"Don't hate the bike, okay? I promise you'll be fine."

"It's not that, I just thought we were going to talk."

"And we will. At my house. My parents are going out with their friends and Lee is busy with Rachel, so...let's go."

"Okay, fine."

I help Elle with her helmet and soon we're flying along the freeway, her arms wrapped tightly around me. When we get home, we head out to the patio, Elle slinging her stuff down on a chair by the pool. But suddenly it seems like a much better idea to kiss than to talk. And that's how we soon end up in my room, on my bed, Elle straddling me wearing her short school skirt while I try not to think about just how little fabric is currently separating us.

"Nope. No. Nope. Never work." Elle suddenly says, pushing away from me.

"What's wrong?"

"We're supposed to be in a logistics meeting right now, okay? We're trying to figure out how not to get caught."

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's not like anyone's gonna think that I have a girlfriend or anything."

"Oh yeah, god forbid anyone actually thinks you're in a relationship."

"Hey! I have my reputation to think of!"

"Is that so?"

"Oh 'tis so," I tease, pulling Elle back on top of me.

"Really?" she giggles before leaning in to kiss me again.

Suddenly things get a little more complicated because there's a knock at the door and my mom calls out, saying she needs to get my laundry.

"Shit! Hide!" I whisper frantically to Elle, before calling back to Mom, "Ah, just a minute, just a minute!"

Elle's looking at me like she's in shock from where she's standing at the side of the bed. "Go! Go down there," I point under the bed.

"Yeah, yeah, just one second, Mom. Hold on."

Elle rolls under the bed and I strategically place a pillow over myself.

"Yup. Come in."

I really hope Elle's far under the bed as Mom comes in holding a laundry basket, looking around my room. "Hi, honey."

"Hey, Mom. You know, I could have brought the laundry down."

"It's okay, I have an hour to kill before your dad and I have to meet the Andersons."

She's gathering up pieces of laundry around my room and then she spots something near my bed. Too quickly for me to distract her, she comes over, kneeling down to reach underneath.

"Shit!" I whisper under my breath. Mom's struggling to get whatever's there, and I'm praying to god she doesn't look hard enough to see Elle. But all of a sudden, she stands up, sock in hand.

"Oh and by the way, don't forget. We're going out on Saturday to celebrate your big news."

I pray she stops talking. I haven't told Elle the news yet.

"We don't have to, Mom," I say softly.

"Of course we do," she replies brightly, oblivious to our audience. "It's not every day you get accepted to an Ivy League school."

I guess that's out of the bag now. Mom turns back as she reaches the door.

"Oh! And I invited the Evanses."

Well, hey, suddenly this just got better.

"Do me a favor?" Mom asks, making me raise my eyebrows.

"Be sweet to Elle. She kind of has a crush on you," Mom smiles.

This would be hilarious even if Elle weren't hiding in earshot.

"Really?" I smile. "I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't. Boys never do," Mom replies, closing the door behind her.

I can't help snorting with laughter as soon as the door clicks shut.

"Shut up!" Elle complains, hitting the slats underneath my bed before crawling out. "Elle has a crush on you," she mimics.

I point at her. "You," I laugh, then gesture to my chest, "have a crush on me."

"She's not even supposed to be here," Elle whines as she sits next to me on the bed again. "I have to be downstairs in ten minutes and work on the prom banner with Lee."

I stop laughing as Elle brushes the hair away from my face, suddenly sober. "Um. So, Ivy League school, huh?"

I look down before answering. "It's not a big deal." That's a lie. It is a big deal, but I only found out yesterday and I wanted a bit more time to process it before telling her.

"Which school?"

"Harvard," I choke out, still not able to look at Elle.

"Are you shitting me? That's amazing!" she exclaims, making me look up at her. She looks so proud of me, I don't want to ruin this by thoughts of what comes next.

"I don't even know if I'm gonna go or not yet," I shrug, reaching out to touch her knee. "Listen, you can't tell anyone about this, okay?"

I haven't even told Lee yet, and I don't want a big deal made out of it by everyone else. It's too much pressure. Elle's expression turns thoughtful and I can only guess she's thinking the same thing I am.

Why did everything have to happen at once?

We've only just got together and soon I'll have to decide if I'm going to move to the other side of the country.

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