See You Later ~ Elizabeth Ols...

By grw255nyc

447K 21.6K 18.1K

Y/N meets Elizabeth Olsen in her first week at NYU and instantly becomes enamored by the girl. While Lizzie s... More

1 ~ Orientation
2 ~ Friendship
3 ~ Brunch
4 ~ Music
5 ~ Self Doubt
6 ~ Twins
7 ~ Lyrics
8 ~ Bagels
9 ~ Hannah
10 ~ Sleepover
11 ~ Sunflowers
12 ~ Rules
13 ~ Musicals
14 ~ Apologies
15 ~ Therapy
16 ~ Family
17 ~ Monologue
18 ~ Fall
19 ~ Changes
20 ~ Green Eyes
21 ~ Tribeca
22 ~ Thanksgiving
23 ~ Christmas
24 ~ New Years
25 ~ Birthday Dinner
26 ~ Alone
27 ~ Letters
28 ~ Nikolay
29 ~ Summer
30 ~ Patience
31 ~ Explanations
32 ~ Answers
33 ~ Conflicted
34 ~ Running
35 ~ Breakup
36 ~ Cigarettes
37 ~ Love
38 ~ Best Friend
40 ~ Time Capsule
41 ~ Official
42 ~ Possessive
43 ~ High
44 ~ Honey
45 ~ Study Break
46 ~ The Hamptons
47 ~ Growth
48 ~ Realize
49 ~ Sundance
50 ~ NDA
51 ~ Powerless
52 ~ Go Ahead
53 ~ Tenerife Sea
54 ~ Miscommunication
55 ~ Truth
56 ~ Charity Case
57 ~ Either Way
58 ~ Avengers
59 ~ Photograph
60 ~ See You Later

39 ~ Jazz

7.4K 367 196
By grw255nyc


"Let's go for a run." Lizzie suggests as we lounge in her apartment.

"Yeah? You okay?" I ask knowing Lizzie does not particularly like running.

"Yes...I just...I'm feeling anxious." She describes, so I sit up and nod.

"Alright, let's go. Want to take the train up to Central Park and run around there?" I suggest and she nods.

"Yeah that sounds nice. I'll get ready." She decides, standing to go get dressed. She throws a pair of leggings and a simple shirt at me before going back into her room, giggles erupting from her sweet lips. I smile to myself at her goofiness.

I get changed quickly and sit back down. Thankfully I wore sneakers that I can run in. She steps out of her bedroom once she is ready and we make our way downstairs. The train ride to Central Park is quiet but comfortable as we get used to being around each other again.

Once we get out of the subway we head towards the park. We start with a walk first to warm up our bodies and I smile to myself when her hand bumps into mine a few times.

I can tell she isn't sure if it's okay so the next time I feel it I intertwine our fingers slowly, squeezing gently. She looks over to me with a shy smile and I blush lightly.

"You can always hold my hand." I state quietly and she squeezes my hand in response.

"I'm warm." She informs me so we reluctantly let go of each other to start our jog. It's nice and helps my mind sort out all its thoughts.

She hasn't even tried to kiss me and I can't figure out if it's sweet or if it's bad. Like...she still wants too right? On the one hand she's being respectful but a part of me is afraid she is losing interest.

Our run is nice but I go back to overthinking as we walk to cool down, blocks away from the subway. "Lizzie?" I ask and she hums in response. "Do you you still want to be with me?" I ask and she looks over in surprise.

"Of course I do." She responds easily and I nod. "Why? What's wrong?" She asks, sliding her hand into mine.

"It's's been like a week since I told you I love you and you haven't tried to kiss me." I point out, my lips slightly pouty at the thought.

"Oh. I uh. To be honest I'm kind of nervous." She admits.

"But why?" I ask, not understanding. We've kissed so much.

"I"m just...afraid to mess up again." She explains and I nod.

"But, you don't want to. You can't let your fear hold you back from what you want." I advise.

"You want me to kiss you?" She clarifies and I blush.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind it." I tease and she smiles softly.

"Can I take you on a date first?" She requests and I nod. She really is trying to treat me nicely. She's been so chivalrous and attentive in the past week and it makes me want to kiss her. "Okay, tonight then." She decides and I look over to her in surprise.

"Okay, what should I wear?" I ask.

"Something nice, but not fancy." She decides.

"Okay." I agree.

"Um, I want to celebrate your birthday...since we didn't get to do that together yet." She reveals, her eyes avoiding mine.

"That's sweet, although it's only like 5 months away." I point out.

"We will celebrate again...but I want to celebrate your 19th year with you." She explains.

"Okay, anything for you." I tease and she laughs lightly, a blush on her cheeks.

We head down into the subway and thankfully get to sit on the way back. "I'll pick you up at 7." She informs me as she stands to get off at her stop.

"Okay, see you then." I agree and we share a smile before the doors close, leaving me alone on my journey home.

When I open my apartment door I laugh at Pam dancing in the kitchen while she cooks. "Hey bitch!" She greets when she sees me.

"Hey, hoe. How was your day?" I ask and walk into my bedroom.

"Well, considering my best friend is MIA kind of sucky." She calls me out and I frown.

"I'm sorry, I was with Lizzie." I explain.

"I know, has she kissed you yet?" She asks and I sigh, shaking my head. "Dude, just grab her and kiss her." She suggests.

"That's not...I want her to want to kiss me. Actually she said she would after our date tonight." I share with a blush as I search through my clothes for something suitable.

"Ooh la la." She teases and helps me out with my outfit. She takes out some nice black pants and a white button up, helping me roll up the sleeves before kicking me out of our dorm. I wait downstairs for my date and smile when I see her coming through the door with a bouquet of sunflowers, a gift bag in her hand.

She smiles brightly, her movie star smile on display when she sees me. I take in her simple black dress that hugs her curves nicely with greedy eyes. "Hey, you." She greets and pulls me into a hug. Her hands are a little full but she tries her best, while my arms slide around her waist to squeeze tightly. I'm insanely happy to see her.

"Hey, sunshine." I greet breathlessly.

She leans back and our eyes connect. I smile at how sparkly hers are and she grins back. "Happy birthday, bug." She whispers and my smile widens.

"Thank you." Is it weird that we are celebrating a birthday that happened months ago? Yes, but it's her way of making it up to me and it's really cute.

"Do you want to bring these upstairs?" She asks, holding out the flowers to me.

"Oh yes, uh let's go." I prompt and sign her into the building. I take the bouquet so I can slide my hand into hers and she sticks close to me on the elevator ride up. When we walk into the apartment, Pam is sitting on the couch eating her pasta.

"Oh well hello." She greets when she sees us. I move to put the flowers in a vase or cup of some sort and let Pam talk to Lizzie.

"Hi. Pam. It's great to see you again." Lizzie greets kindly.

"You as well, although you're stealing my best friend away a little too often for my liking." She teases and Lizzie looks frightened at the thought.

"I'm sorry! I'm not meaning to take away from your time together. Y/N didn't say anything." She starts to go into a ramble but I stop her, coming to her side and wrapping my arm around her back to set my hand on her hip.

"She's messing with you." I inform her quietly and she sighs in relief.

"Oh. But really, I uh. Is it okay that I am taking her out tonight?" Lizzie asks anyway like she's talking to my mom or something. Pam smirks in response.

"You better take her out and show her a good time." Pam encourages and they share an amused smile.

"Alright, now that whatever that was is over, bye Pam." I prompt and take Lizzie's hand to lead her out of the apartment. I'm surprised by a car waiting out front for us but slide into the back seat when Lizzie opens the door for me.

"My sisters might have helped a little." She reveals, setting the gift bag on the seat between us. I frown and move it to the floor so I can reach over and hold her hand. She gives me a soft smile at the action and I sigh a little. Just fucking kiss me.

The entire ride I play with her fingers while she observes me quietly. When the car stops she offers an apologetic smile as she lets go of my hand to get out of the car. Before I can open the door she's around the back of the car and opening it for me. I take her outstretched hand and let her lead me into a restaurant.

"Um, they do jazz music sometimes and tonight there are live bands so I thought you'd like it." She explains as we enter the building, the music already filling my ears and making my heart happy. I can tell she's nervous but I wish she would just relax. It's just me.

"It's perfect, thank you." I assure her and we share a smile before she tells them her name for the reservation. We get a table close to the front and sit on the same side of the circular table so we can both face the mini stage. I like that we are sitting close and not on opposite ends of the table. We can face each other but still be close.

It also means I can reach over and set my hand on her thigh. I can tell she's surprised by the action when her eyes widen and she looks over to me with a faint blush on her cheeks. She smiles though and sets her hand on top of mine.

We order some wine and they don't check our ID's thankfully. She also orders a couple spaghetti plates for us knowing I'm already hungry. The smooth jazz from the band on the stage calms my body and makes the whole thing seem so romantic.

"So, I uh. I got you something." She states simply, referring to the gift bag on the table in front of us.

"You didn't have to." I remind her and she nods.

"I know but...just open it." She requests and pushes it closer to me. I have to take my hand back to open it up and she watches with anxiety in her eyes.

I take the tissue paper out and take out the small box waiting for me, unwrapping it slowly before I recognize the box. I look up at her and she offers a hesitant smile. I open the box and almost lose my breath at the sight of my leather bracelet, the one I left in her apartment when I found out about Nikolay.

"Um. I fixed the engraving. The coordinates are better now." She starts to explain. "The park where we met, and well. I left the other spot blank for now. I fixed it. I think maybe...we could put new coordinates on it someday?" She explains adorably and I can tell she's nervous about my reaction.

"I like the sound of that." I confirm thinking about what places we could go that could become special to us.

"Yeah?" She checks with a hesitant smile.

"Mhm." I confirm.

"There's more. But, can you look later?" She requests and I nod, curious to know but I can wait. She reaches over and carefully takes the bracelet from my grasp to put it on my wrist.

I smile at her concentrated face before she looks up with an adorable grin on her lips. Before I can lean over to kiss her in thanks, she leans back into her seat and her attention shifts to the band. Fucking hell.

I smile at the reminder of how confused I was about whether she would kiss me after the first innocent peck she gave me. I'm thinking the same things now. Are you going to kiss me? Are you thinking about kissing me again?

As if she can tell I'm thinking about her she looks back over to me, finding me staring. "Bug, we came for the music." She reminds me when she realizes my attention is not on the band at all.

"I'm listening." I offer and she playfully rolls her eyes. She leans over and plants a warm kiss on my cheek before grabbing my hand and holding it in her lap. I continue to watch her and she watches the band. If she notices me staring she doesn't comment on it and I smile when I see a faint blush on her cheeks.

My eyes drink in her high cheekbones, her defined jawline and the shadows her eyelashes cast on her cheeks. Her looks have changed a little bit since we first met. Her face has slimmed a little and her hair is obviously brunette now. Her eyes and smile remain the same. Gorgeous.

Our food comes quickly and we get to eating, comments about the music are made and it's a really nice time. I enjoy it a lot and once the bill is paid I'm even more excited to spend more time with her. "Where are we going?" I ask when she get back in the car.

"I'm taking you home." She reveals and I pout. I thought we would go back to her apartment. "I um. I can stay over if you want?" She offers and I nod.

"Yes please." I request both for my sake and hers. I know she sleeps better with me and I sleep better with her too. We give each other comfort and I don't want her to be alone tonight.

When we pull up to my building she gets out first and I slide to her side to get out onto the sidewalk. We walk in hand in hand, the gift bag in my other hand until I set it down on my desk. I realize she didn't follow me inside once I dropped her hand to unlock the door and frown at her standing at the threshold, rocking on her feet adorably.

"What are you doing?" I ask and walk back to the door facing her.

"I um. I want to drop you off and uh. Give you a kiss goodnight." She explains.

"But I thought you're staying over?" I clarify and she nods. Oh, she just wants to be an adorable dork. I smile and step out of the apartment, closing the door.

"I had a really nice time with you tonight Y/N." She whispers as we stand face to face.

"Thank you for taking me on such a lovely date, Lizzie." I respond as I watch her eyes flicker between my lips and eyes.

"May I kiss you goodnight?" She asks, her hands sliding onto my hips.

"Please do." I confirm and smile before meeting her halfway, our lips meeting after months of being apart.

Her lips feel like coming home. So soft and comforting. It feels like I'm meant to kiss her. I reach up and gently hold her face in my hands as our lips dance together familiarly. My body relaxes the longer we kiss, the anticipation fading and comfort taking hold.

She pulls away slowly, her eyes fluttering open as a wide smile grows on her face, love filling her eyes. "Have a good night." She whispers and steps away.

An amused smile is planted on my face as I turn and open the door, waving before closing it. I giggle as she waits a few seconds before knocking. I open it back up and she practically runs into my arms, our lips meeting again in a more urgent kiss. I grab her thighs as she basically jumps on me and giggle against her lips.

My heart feels so full, my body is so jittery. There's no way I can sleep now.

"Well...I guess the date went well." Pam interrupts our moment and we break away with a smack of our lips, both looking over to the voice with wide eyes.

"It went great." I confirm.

"Don't be too loud." She teases and turns to enter her room again, her door closing with a slam. Lizzie's lips on my cheek break me out of my light glare at her door and I walk us into my bedroom, kicking the door shut. Fuck. This feeling is better than I ever imagined.

A/N Awwwwwwwww they kissedddddddd. Let me know what you think!

Also happy As it Was Day Harry Styles Fans!

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