I'm Never The One | Bamon

By Lil-miss-readalot

69.6K 2.7K 967

'I'm Never The One' is the criminally untold romance of Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore. What if Damon had... More

Part I
Chapter 1: 'In The Dead Of Night'
Chapter 3: 'Coincidences Don't Exist'
Chapter 4: 'I'm Never The One'
Chapter 5: 'The Subtle Art Of Sexting'
Chapter 6: 'Impending Doom'
Chapter 7: 'Night Of The Comet'
Chapter 8: 'Murderous Monsters'
Chapter 9: 'Booty Call'
Chapter 10: 'Friday Night Bites'
Chapter 11: 'This Old Heart Of Mine'
Chapter 12: 'Naughty Vixen'
Chapter 13: 'Family Ties'
Chapter 14: 'You're Undead To Me'
Chapter 15: 'Witches R-Us'
Chapter 16: 'Lost Girls'
Chapter 17: 'Sweet Tooth'
Chapter 18: 'Haunted'
Chapter 19: '162 Candles'
Chapter 20: 'Diabolic Master Plan'
Chapter 21: 'Liar Liar'
Chapter 22: 'History Repeating'
Chapter 23: 'The Turning Point'
Chapter 24: 'A Deal's A Deal'
Chapter 25: 'Bloodlines'
Chapter 26: 'Your Past Is My Present'
Chapter 27: 'Unpleasantville'
Chapter 28: 'Friends Don't Flirt'
Chapter 29: 'Children Of The Damned'
Chapter 30: 'Fool Me Once'
Chapter 31: 'Forty-Seven Seconds'
Chapter 32: 'A Few Good Men'
Chapter 33: 'There Goes The Neighbourhood'
Chapter 34: 'Let The Right One In'
Chapter 35: 'Under Control'
Chapter 36: 'Miss Mystic Falls'
Chapter 37: 'Blood Brothers'
Chapter 38: 'Let It Happen'
Chapter 39: 'A Witch's Place'
Chapter 40: 'Isobel'
Chapter 41: 'Lovely Day'
Chapter 42: 'Team Edward'
Chapter 43: 'Say It Back'

Chapter 2: 'Pilot'

3.1K 99 17
By Lil-miss-readalot


The death of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert was a tragedy that left the town stunned. What was even more shocking was the miraculous survival of their daughter, Elena Gilbert. A miracle that brew curiosity and relief amongst the townsfolk.

Bonnie is especially grateful for her friend coming out of the incident magically unscathed and who's house she is currently parked in front of. Assuming that she would need a ride Bonnie, like a good friend, had offered to take her to school. She can't imagine how it must feel like for her to have to be inside a car, let alone drive one. To be reminded of your grief by a simple daily task.

Speaking of, the tan brunette makes her way to the passenger seat.

"Good morning." She says in a surprisingly upbeat tone.

"So it is," She watches Elena settle into her seat and secure her safety belt, "Ready?"

"Ready." She says after taking a deep breath in reassurance.

The drive starts off quietly, except for the soft hum of the radio. Recently, they have been sharing many moments that are just like this. Where they could sit in a comfortable silence, where no words need to be exchanged to feel each other's presence. But being the talkative person she is, the peaceful quiet doesn't last long.

"So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already!" Even though she loves her grandmother to bits and couldn't part with her if she wanted to, her sanity is starting to decline with all the mumbo jumbo she fills her head with.

The whole summer she had endured her grandmother prattling on about the subject. From diving deep into her side of the family's supposed magical history to haunting stories about creatures of the night. She went on about how, 'It is imperative that you prepare for the future'. That Bonnie has 'the gift' and how a force as powerful as magic won't stay dormant for long.

And even though it seems silly to even consider the idea she can't help but think about all the mysterious and unexplainable occurrences in her life, "But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands..." Turning to her friend to know her thoughts, but she can see that she's already too far gone, "Elena! Back in the car."

"I did it again, didn't I? I-I'm sorry Bonnie. You were telling me that..." Her apologetic face breaks her heart.

"That I'm psychic now." She says confidently and hopes that it will bring a smile to her travel companion.

"Right. Okay then predict something. About me." Her playing along is a good sign.

"I see..."

Before she can 'gaze into the future' a dark small figure bounces off of the windshield causing her to quickly swerve the car towards the side walk.

"What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena are you okay?" She looks over to make sure she's in one piece as the girl tries to even her breathing. Good.

"It's okay. I'm fine." She says after catching her breath.

"It was like a bird or something. It came out of no where."

"Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life."

This makes Bonnie melt with sympathy. Her friend is the strongest person in the world. She is going to make it her personal mission to bring joy back into Elena Gilbert's life, which is a pretty mammoth task as nothing could overshadow losing both your parents so suddenly. But she is determined.
No mater the cost, because she deserves that much.

"I predict, this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy." The brunette nods along and for the first time in a long time she genuinely smiles.

Turning into Laurel Avenue they make their way to school.


The halls of Mystic Falls High School are filled with students rushing to their lockers; to get their class time tables; to meet up with friends- some after spending months apart. The start of a new school year always creates a chaotic atmosphere. The only thing she can't spot are the eligible bachelors. This instantly makes her think of her mysterious stranger. The rest of the summer predictably consisted of attending a funeral, lifeguard duty, cheerleading camp and her Grams talking her ear off about their magical ancestors from the old pilgrim days. In that exact order. For a moment she thinks about telling Elena all about her encounter with tall, dark and handsome but immediately decides against it. Maybe mentioning the random guy she met on the street should stay in the 'do not discuss pile'.

"Ugh, I need a man!"

"Bonnie!" Her friend giggles at the sudden exclamation.

"I know, I know. I'm a strong independent women who doesn't need a boy to keep her steady, but that doesn't mean I can't want one. Although my luck seems to have already run out with the apparent lack of male real estate."

"Bonnie!" She can't stop laughing, and it makes Bonnie smile. Maybe her mission won't be too hard to achieve after all. As Elena is about to chastise her friend's vulgarity a sight makes her pause.

Matts looks like a kicked puppy.

After the funeral of the beloved members of the town, the former couple had finally split and it wasn't exactly a clean break. Lots of tears were shed and now what is left of the relationship are awkward glances from across the hall. He slams his locker closed after not reciprocating his ex's limp wave.

"He hates me."

"That's not hate. That's you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but I'm secretly listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."

"Elena! Oh my god!" Oh no...

The two girls watch their blonde friend approach them with quick steps. They both share the same look. Here we go.

"How are you?" She snatched the brunette into a tight embrace, "Oh, it's so good to see you," Caroline faces Bonnie with her baby blues sticking out of their sockets, "How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here," Elena sways her head to the side to try and get Caroline's attention, "And I'm fine. Thank you."


"Yes. Much better."

"Oh, you poor thing." Bonnie winces as Caroline brings the girl into another crushing bear hug. She tries not to laugh at how obviously uncomfortable she looks.

"Okay Caroline." Elena squeaks due to the lack of oxygen.

"Oh! Okay, see you guys later?" After releasing the girl from her clutches who waves her goodbye, she strusts down the hallway already on the way to attend to whatever seems to  demand her immediate attention. Bonnie tries not to laugh at the smile that seems to be stuck on her friend's face.

"No comment." Says Elena as she shakes her head in disbelief.

Their little trio has been unstoppable since 1999. They've been attending the same school together since they were in the first grade and they were inseparable. Then somewhere along the line came spilled secrets and sharing crushes and all the other petty jealousies that come with childhood.

It created a crack in their holy trinity so now their group felt more like Bonnie and Elena then Bonnie and Caroline. She is the glue keeping the band together. If it wasn't for her they probably would've drifted apart. Times like these are when she wishes she could just let go and not stick herself in the middle all the time, but her childhood memories deserve more than that so it's the three musketeers for life. End of discussion.

As the duo passes the registration office something immediately catches Bonnie's eye.

"Hold up, who's this?" A tall mystery in low waisted loose jeans and a jacket with a black hood. A newbie.

"All I see is back." Elena shrugs.

"It's a hot back." She nudges the brunette's side suggestively. There is something that intrigues her about the new boy that she can't put her finger on. She playfully leans into her 'psychic abilities', "I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar."

"You're really gonna run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"

"Pretty much."

Someone shouts something relating to Jeremy down the hall, which immediately catches Elena's attention who runs off to find her younger brother. The two siblings have very different coping strategies. Elena, obviously is trying to move on through trying to look on the bright side of things and tackle life with a positive attitude, while her brother drowns his sorrows in over the counter pharmaceuticals.

Focusing on the guy in front of her, she wonders why just looking at him gives her goosebumps. Leaving the registration office he walks right passed her and the uneasiness in her body still lingers. Letting the strange feeling that's attached to him guide her, her steps fall behind his.

Despite the lure she shakes off her weird behaviour and decidedly changes course by making her way to class, without taking her eyes off of the fleeting figure. Choosing not to continue to follow the new student that doesn't stand a chance against the female student body of Mystic Falls High...or maybe just Caroline.

Speaking of...

"Mmm, who is that?" The blonde sighs beside her, appearing out of thin air.

"Down girl." She warns her with a mockingly stern glare.

"Oh come on, it's been forever since we've had some fresh meat around here. I'm just admiring the cuisine."

Bonnie shakes her head, her friend never ceases to amaze her.

"Give the poor guy a chance to catch his breath. Classes haven't even started yet."

"Always keep your eye on the ball, Bonnie. It's the first day of junior year and my kiss list needs a serious update, it's starting to get depressing."

"First of all, I can't believe you still have that. Second of all, what happened to Mike? And Ryan? And Brook? And-"

"That was sophomore year. I haven't had any remotely steamy encounters since then. Not even a measly summer fling."

"Stop pouting. I'm sure there's a queue of boys just waiting for you to look their way."

Through out their friendship Bonnie has realised Caroline needs a certain amount of encouragement and self-esteem boosting every now and then to keep her sane. Not to call her extremely conceded or insecure, but she knows all too well how fragile her ego is.

"I don't want just any guy. I'm looking for something a little more special this time. I think I want to settle down."

"I never thought I would hear you say those words."

Her friend has never been the relationship type. All the boys she's gotten involved with over the years have included three very important components. Sexual attractiveness, reckless shenanigans and most importantly an expiration date.

"Don't you want a little romance? Look at Elena and Matt."

"They broke up."

"But they were still cute before that..."

"No, I'm not supporting this." She is very biased when it comes to this topic of conversation.

"But you supported Elena when she wanted the same thing." This is not good. She doesn't like where this conversation is heading.

"And look how great that turned out. I have sworn off playing Cupid- for good."

"Fine, but don't expect me to be there for you when a guy manages to melt that ice cold heart of yours."

"Yeah, like that will happen."

"I don't know Bonnie, something is going to be different this year. I can feel it. My spidey senses are tingling and everything." She lets her head hang self consciously. Maybe she should start keep Gram's supernatural theories to herself.

"Ugh, that is the last time I share anything with you."

"All I'm saying is that anything is possible. And who knows...maybe you'll find your Prince Charming this year."

"Doubtful, very doubtful." The shrill ringing of the school bell signals her leave, "That's the bell."

"Wait! I have to talk to you about cheer.
There's still-"

"Later!" She makes her way down the hall, trying not to bump anyone as she shouts over her shoulder.


"Once our home state of Virginia joined the confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union."

It's interesting to Bonnie how this lesson is necessary when the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia constantly glorifies the past of the old Civil War days with endless parades and memorial cites.

The fact that her history teacher is so passionate about the subject makes her more inclined to stop listening all together. Bored by the lesson, Bonnie's mind wanders and catches a very interesting sight. The exchange of looks between her friend and the new kid brings a smile to her face. She slips her phone under  her desk to send a quick message.


She watches Elena coyly hide a smile and put her phone away before the teacher sees.



"Bonnie, can you ease up on the judgment please!" Caroline fusses while running a hand through her pristine curls. She's spent the last forty-five minutes talking non-stop about the new guy at school aka her next victim.

"You don't even know him and you're already trying to sink your claws in." Bonnie reasons, shaking her head when the bartender is about to ask for her order.

"Sure I do." The blonde states confidently accepting her berry mocktail. Not denying her plans to subdue the poor guy.

"Yeah, like what?" The duo abandon their seats to walk through the main area of The Grill.

"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot." She turns around dramatically, revealing a devious grin, "He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue."

"You got all of that in one day?"

"Oh please, I got all of that between third and forth period. We're planning a June wedding"

Before Bonnie can inform her friend of the new boy's interaction with Elena in history class she's already walking away, leaving her staring after her in hesitance.

One of the biggest causes of rivalry between her two best friends has almost always involved fighting over boys. Well less fighting and more so ignoring each other until one of them gets over their shared crush. Bonnie decides that this time she refuses to get involved.

Spotting Matt sitting all alone at a table she makes her way toward the boy with a broken heart, which she realises a little too late is a bad idea. Giving up her ears to his sulking all night is almost too much to take, but as a good friend she lets him vent.

"How's Elena doing?"

"Her mom and dad died. How do you think? She's putting on a good face, but it's only been four months."

She knows everyone has moved on from the tragedy, but for Elena it's still fresh. She'll probably never truly move on. How could she? How does someone move on after having gone through that kind of loss at such a young age? But that's the difficult thing about losing people.

Everyone else gets to forget and go on living when all you have left is the grief. No passage of time can fully heal grief, no matter how badly you try to forget too. She knows absent parents isn't the same as not having any at all, but that loss still breaks the heart the same way.

"Has she said anything about me?" That's it.

"Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. You pick up the phone and call her."

"I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me."

"Give it more time, Matt."

At that exact moment Elena and Stefan enter the restaurant together, attracting curious eyes in their wake. Perfect timing.

"More time, huh?" All Bonnie can do is offer him a tight smile as he makes his way to them. Unsure how this will play out, she tenses in her seat. Not being within earshot of the conversation she can't hear the words being exchanged, but the relaxed body language and the civil handshake between the two suitors puts her at ease.

She thinks that maybe the night won't be totally disastrous, but completely regrets that thought when she ends up sitting at a table with her and Caroline on one side with the friendly couple on the other. Bonnie wants to bang her head against it's surface when she realises what position she's put herself in. With the awkward dynamic in place Caroline naturally begins her investigation.

"So you were born in Mystic Falls?"

"Mm-hmm, and moved when I was still young."

"Parents?" She interjects, trying to save him from the intense gaze sizing him up.

"My parents passed away." This is getting off to a great start. Of all the questions she picks the most touchy subject, but her eyes drift to Elena and she sees the way she's looking at him. With deep empathy.

"I'm sorry," He nods to the brunette appreciatively. Their intense starring match continues, "Any siblings?"

"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle."

"So Stefan," The blonde tries to steer his attention back to her, "If you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow."

"It's a back to school thing at the Falls." Bonnie's stomach turns at the thought of it.

"Are you going?" He specifically asks Elena. Hopefully this will send the message to Caroline and she won't have to get involved at all. Before the brunette can reply she answers for her.

"Of course she is." Her friend gives her look and shyly gazes back at Stefan while pushing her hair behind her ear. The attraction between them can't be more clear. She just hopes that it's clear enough to everyone at the table.


"Bonnie, is that you?" Her grandmother asks into the pot she's turning after hearing her front door open and close.

"Yeah, it's me." Two arms wrap around the old women's waist, "Hey Grams."

"Hey baby, how was your first day back?"

"It was good," She says peeking over to see what's bubbling on the stove, "Watcha' cooking? Eye of Newt?"

"Close, beef stew." She's forced release her hold around the surprisingly strong elderly women who elbows her in the stomach playfully.

"Mmm, smells great. Can't wait to try it."

"Are you staying over again?"

"It's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home." A very fair point.

"You know, most kids your age don't visit their grandmothers this much." Grams gives her a judgmental look.

"Hey, It's not my fault you're the coolest person on planet Earth." She shrugs nonchalantly.

"Yeah right, make yourself useful will you? Those carrots aren't gonna chop themselves."

"Yes, Chef."

"Without the attitude please."

"Sorry, Grams."

After sufficient stirring and a nearly chopped off finger, Bonnie sets the table as her Grams comes over balancing two plates of steaming food on each hand.

"So I tried to predict something today."

At the brief mention of magic her grandmother quickly puts down the food and sits in her designated seat, while she sits in the opposite seat as always.

"And?" The older woman inquired with a wickedly sharp brow, her hands reaching to grab her granddaughter's.

"Aaand, it didn't work."
No matter how heartfelt the optimistic prediction she gave Elena was today, she can't help but be disappointed it didn't work the first time she attempted it. Stupid bird.

"It takes time to tap into it for some. Although," She goes to grab her fork and knife, "-a little faith wouldn't hurt."

"Grams, I respect your belief in all this. Truly I do, I love having a kooky grandmother," She ignores the warning look she's receiving, "But I just don't believe in it, okay? There's no such thing as ghosts or creatures of the night or witchcraft and before you say anything- pulling a golden coin from behind my ear when I was a kid does not count."

"Child, let me tell you something," She puts down her unused spoon and removes the ruby stoned ring from her finger, "Magic has always attracted people whether they believe in it or not. But even for those who do believe only a select few possess the divine vision- the gift that has been rightfully bestowed upon them from their ancestors before them," She begins to spin the ring into a glistening sphere, "But even then, for that potential to break through one needs to know what they are capable of."

The spinning loop is starting to make Bonnie dizzy. Out of frustration, the stubborn young girl slams her palm on the ring to stop its orbit, giving Grams the evil eye for scaring her who starts to smile as she looks back down at her hand. She lifts up her palm to give the piece of jewellery back to the crazy old lady, only to gasp when she sees nothing beneath it.

"Anything is possible," Grams reaches her hand towards Bonnie's cheek and slips it past her earring to pull something out from under her curls, "But it can only be so if you believe that it is true."

The big red stone attached to the silver band glistens in the elder's retracting hand.



"I had faith when I tried to predict something and nothing happened."

"You can't predict the future like it's nothing. Especially not with a lack of focus, you have to concentrate." She is told as they finally begin to eat their meal.

"Concentrate." She scoff under her breath as she raises her spoon for another sip of stew.


Trying to keep up with her teacher's rambling about another significant battle of the Civil War her notes start to turn into doodles. Tired of trying to get everything down, her mind suddenly drifts off to that late night before the start of the summer.

"I'm Damon."

His low voice plays in her head. Somehow her scribbles turn into two piercing eyes. She captures them just as she remembers. Long eyelashes batting over pools of cerulean blue.

"The people who don't believe in fairytales are often the ones who want them the most."

She can recall everything about the encounter: His humoured smile that knows more than it's letting on; the raw curiosity in his dark brows; the dazzling look in his eyes that read her far too well...

"You want a love that consumes you.
You want passion and adventure and-"

"Miss Bennet?" The annoyed voice of her teacher wakes her from her day dream. He's standing right in front of her desk so that probably isn't the first time he's calling her name.


"The number of casualties in the Civil War?" His raised eyebrows exacerbates his condescending tone.

"Um...a lot? I'm not sure, like a whole lot." She knows teasing him isn't the smartest move right now, but she can't help how much she despises him.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennet," His childish retort only increases her disdain, "And please refrain from doodling in my class. Save all that inspiration for art class."

She dramatically drops her pen and lets it bounce noisily on her desk in retaliation. What kind of teacher randomly degrades their students for not having general knowledge on a topic they only started the day before. Someone who believes intelligence lies in the ability to memorise significant dates in history isn't someone she can take seriously.

"Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?"

"It's okay, Mr Tanner. I'm cool with it." She silently thanks her friend for the solidarity.

"Elena, Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events." The brunette's gaze draws away from the committed staring match with the new guy. Bonnie's mission seems to be completing itself.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't know."

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break."

The defeated look on her face ignites Bonnie's rage. She has never had a strong desire to physically harm someone, but she would make an exception for this poor excuse of an educator. Before she could unleash her anger Stefan interjects with an answer to the question.

"There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians."

"That's correct. Mister...?"


"Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?"


"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."

"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr Tanner." The whole class laughs in surprise at the unexpected burn. Besides the impressive knowledge Stefan has on the subject, it really does bring joy to her soul to see Tanner get a taste of his own medicine.


As day turns to night all the teenagers of Mystic Falls can be found at the bonfire site at The Falls. Another place designated for kids to fool around till the early hours of the morning.
Bonnie would usually be looking forward to this back to school event, if only the anxious feeling gnawing at the pit of her stomach would just go away long enough for her to enjoy her drink.

"Another Lockwood special?" Caroline is currently on her fifth drink of the night and they've barely been there for an hour. This is a recipe for disaster.

"Would you relax, please? It's a party."

"Oh, I would love to relax if these wedges you forced me into weren't so determined to cement me into the ground." She looks down at the contraptions on her feet that are an accident waiting to happen, she's almost fallen on her face twice now.

"Stop complaining, you look great."

She gestures to her outfit that consists of denim cut out shorts, a white top with short butterfly sleeves and platforms with straps that add exactly four inches to her height. She regrets leaving behind the jacket she wore at school earlier today. Hyperthermia seems a highly plausible risk with the way she's shivering.

"I'm wearing shorts in sixty degree weather."

"Then go warm up by the fire."

"Thanks." She gives her friend an offended look.

"Sorry okay, I'm just really nervous about night and your negativity is adding unnecessary stress."

"Jeez okay," She watches her friend frantically look around, "What's got you so worked up?"

"I just don't want my plan to seduce Stefan to fall through-"

"Your what?"

"Tell me if you spot him, I need to get to him before anyone else does." Knowing very well that anyone else is referring to one person she feels it is her duty to not let her friend embarrass herself.

"Listen Care-"

"I'm gonna go wait by the entrance so I can catch him as soon as he gets here." Like a predator after their prey she struts quickly towards the end of trail that leads onto the site.

Having fully given up, Bonnie makes her way to the bonfire landing right next to Elena who spots her almost immediately.

"Hey Bonn- what happened to the jeans and

"I made the stupid mistake of letting Caroline get ready at my house."

"Oof, that ones on you."

"Yep." They share a laugh gazing into her the warm fire. Unable to avoid the topic any longer she breaks the silence, "Sooo..."

"Sooo...what?" Elena parrots back, turning away from the flames.

"You and Stefan, that's what." The flustered look in those brown doe eyes tells her all she needs to know.

"What about me and Stefan?"

"Don't give me that clueless act. You are so into him."

"I just met him."

"And you're already attracted to him, anyone with eyes can see that."

"Bonnie." She sighs covering her blushing face with her hand.

"You think he's hot. It's not a big deal, you can admit it," Her friend shakes her head stubbornly, "Just admit it, Elena."

"Oh, okay, so he's a little pretty."

"He has that romance novel stare. Stefan looked deep into her eyes, piercing her very soul." Which she has seen first hand in every class she shares with them.

"Do you think he'll show?"

"Of course he is, you're here." The brunette rolls her eyes at her.

"I hope he didn't get lost, he should be here by now."

"So where is he?"

"I don't know. You tell me, you're the psychic one."

"Right, I forgot," The shorter girl straightens her posture, "Okay, so give me a sec. Grams says I have to concentrate."

"Wait, you need a crystal ball." Elena gives her the bottle she's still drinking from to hold, while she picks up an empty one off of the floor and presents it eagerly, "Ta da!"

Bonnie wraps her hand around the bottle, touching the fingers holding it.

First, pure brightness. Then it fades into an image of Elena sitting in front of her parents's grave, writing in her dairy. A big black bird...a crow jumps into the frame. After her friend shoos it away there's a man behind her watching from the shadows.

She quickly pulls her hand away and is met with a concerned face.


"That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow."


"A crow. There was fog, a man...I'm drunk. It's the drinking. Nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I'm gonna get a refill." She's surprised she isn't tripping over herself as she scurries off to the drinks table and gets herself a beer. Planning to find her other friends, a strange sensation stops her. A pull.

It leads her away from the crowds of people and deeper into the dark woods. She tries to keep up with her determined feet while not losing her balance. It's unclear to her what's happening, but she feels she needs to be here. Her hands try to reach for a tree to stop herself from falling over when something in front of her stops her tumbling. Two familiar eyes gaze up into her own. The man in a crouched position keeps his hands steady at her waist.

They meet once again??

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