Once a Dream (Zayn Malik Fan...

By ForeverPrettyyy

22.2K 342 105

Victoria Justice was an 18 year old that works at the mall in a shoe store. Has a beautiful voice but denies... More

Once a Dream
Introduction :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

514 11 5
By ForeverPrettyyy

Victoria's P.O.V.:

I woke up being so warm, I wonder why. Then I fluttered my eyes open to see arms wrapped around my waist. I looked for the owner of the hands, to realize it's Zayn that has his arms around me.

I looked at his face and saw his long beautiful eyelashes which held his beautiful light brown eyes behind them. His high cheekbones make him look even better, and oh those lips that I want to kiss. WOAH WHAT AM I SAYING! AS IF HE'LL LIKE ME AND WHAT THE HELL, HOW WILL I KISS HIM WHEN I HAVENT EVER KISSED SOMEONE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO KISS!

Anyway back to reality.

I got up from his arms as trying to not wake him up, and I succeeded. Well I know now that he is a deep sleeper.

I went to the kitchen and made the batter for blueberry pancakes and waffles.

As I was mixing the batter, I heard someone say, " Good morning." I turned around to find Liam, I replied with a "Good Morning" and went back to mixing.

"Do you want any help?" he asked me.

"Yeah sure, make some toast will ya?" I ordered him.

"Yeah sure!" he replied.

I put the batter in the waffle machine thing and I put the pancakes on the pan like thing.

"Mornin" Ari said coming towards us.

"Hey ARI" Liam and I said in unison.

"Mind helping?" I asked.

"Sure, bacon and eggs?" she asked.

"Yup" I said nodding my head.

She started taking out all the ingredients and started cooking.

For now, I had about ten pancakes and ten waffles ready.

I put new batter in both places and waited for them to cook.

Liam finished making the toast and was now putting plates, forks and knives on the table.

I flipped the pancake and put them in the plate.

Ten minutes later, I was done and so were Ari and Liam.

I took cups from the cupboard and set them on the table as Ari brought apple and orange juice cartons to the table.

I took two huge pans and went to where everyone was sleeping.


They all groaned and got up. Only of course, Harry and Zayn didn't.

"Good luck waking them up." Liam said heading to the kitchen, to stop Niall from eating everything.

I walked over to Zayn and whispered, " Wakeup,,Zayn,hello" but he grabbed me and set me beside him and cuddled into me. I kissed his cheek to which he fluttered his eyes open.

I got up and told him, "Breakfast is ready, get up."

With that I scurried to the kitchen.

When I kissed his cheek I got sparks.. Theywere so amazing and my stomach was making flips.

I sat down on one of the chairs beside Louis and on my other side there was an empty seat for Zayn. Across from me, sat Ari who at one side had Niall and the other side Harry.

Zayn sat down and we dug in. We ate like there is no tomorrow.

Louis' phone rang.

"Hello..Oh Hi babe... when are you coming? Thirty minutes? Okay by, love. Love you, too." With that he ended the call.

"SO WHO'S READY TO GO TO THE BEACH!" I screamed and everyone began cheering.

"What are you still doing here?!" I said then continued, "Go get changed!"

Everyone scurried to their room as I did, too.

I took the bag that I packed yesterday and put it beside the door. I took the outfit I chose yesterday.

I went to the bathroom and showered quickly and wore my clothes.

I got out of my room taking my bag and slamming the door shut.

I walked towards the living room to find Liam flipping though channels and Niall eating. WELL, HE SURE CAN EAT BECAUSE WE ATE A COUPLE MINUTES AGO.


"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Still getting ready." Liam told me looking at me for a second, then going back to flipping through the channels.

I ran to Ari's room and barged in.

"Ari, you ready yet?" I asked.

"Ahuh." She said nodding, and took her phone from the charger taking her bag.

We got out of her room. "I'm going to see if the other boys are ready." I informed her walking toward Zayn's room.

"I'll get Harry." She said walking to Harry's room. I knocked at the door and walked in without hearing an answer.

"Zayn?" I called, entering the room.

"Yes?" he said.

As I entered his room fully, I saw him looking at himself through the mirror.

"Oh, stop checking yourself out! You look good! C'mon we're waiting for you!" I teased him.

"You think I look good?" he asked me teasingly.

If I blush, then I would have a blush right now, but thank God I don't have the ability to blush.

"Don't be too full of yourself and let's go!!" I told him avoiding his statement.

He grabbed his bag and we left his room.

I knocked on Louis' room and asked, "Louis, are you ready?"

"Ya, I am!" he exclaimed opening the door and sliding out.

We walked down the stairs to find everyone waiting.

"So what are we going to do until Louis' girlfriend comes?" Ari asked.

We all shrugged and sat on the couches making our self comfortable.

We broke into small talks.

"Is she really bad?" I whispered in Zayn's ear.

"Yup!" he said, popping the 'p'.

"Oh well, I wish she isn't as bad as you say she is!" I whispered.

"She's worse!" he mumbled so only I can hear.

As I was about to say another statement, I was interrupted.


"KENDALL'S HERE!" Louis screamed.

He must really love her!

We headed to the door grabbing our bags that held our beach things in.

I saw Kendall and thought of introducing myself to her.

"Hi Kendall! I'm Victoria and this is my best friend Ariana." I said putting my hand out for her.

She plastered a fake smile on her face and said with all sarcasm evident in her voice but I don't think Louis noticed,"Hi Victoria nice to meet you and Ariana."

I pulled my hand away and looked at Zayn who had a look on his face saying I-told-you-so.

Oh, well. I guess she is somehow bad.

"Let's go. The beach is waiting for us!" Ari screamed.

We all hurried out of the house and towards the cars.

We all reached the car and got in. We took two cars....Me, Zayn, Liam, and Niall took one car. The other car was taken by Ariana, Harry, Louis, and Kendall.

We couldn't drive so we had to take cabs.

We hopped in and drove. I think that the driver was okay with us, but I couldn't say anything about the other car. Louis was goofing off and I saw that because they're in front of us.

Suddenly I felt something vibrating.

I dug my hand in my pocket and took my phone out.

I looked at it, and it said that I had one text from Ariana..


A= This car drive would be good, but you aren't there..

V= I'm sorry..I'm not available to be in the car at the moment

A= Booooooooooooooooooo :(

V= haha..So how did you find Kendall.

A= ummm.. hard to explain... I mean when Louis isn't looking she glares at me. And when he is, she's so kind and sweet...


A= I KNOW RIGHT... I think she's a two faced person.

V= well, no shit Sherlock....

A= don't call me Sherlock you witch.....


A= Please stop..



V= Ummmmmmm oooookaaaaay.......

A= Sorry Vic..... that was Louis who typed that horrid text. He stole my phone.....

V= ehhhh.. I think someone needs to be taught a lesson..

A= Hahaha yeah of course....

With that, we talked a little more till we reached...

Liam was talking to the driver.

Zayn on that thing. You know the website..called twootter....oh no no, it's twitter sorry.

Niall munched on his candy while doing God knows what on his phone.

I was bored so I pressed the Temple Run app.










Ahhhhhhhhhhhh a twig....

Freakin potato.....

Finally we arrived at the beach.

We got out and Liam paid the cabs.

We snatched our bags from the trunks and went to find a good spot.

We found a good spot and the three of us girls spread our towels while we sat..

I was tanning when suddenly I couldn't feel the sun hitting on me anymore.

I opened my eyes, to sea Kendall sitting up glaring at me and Ariana.

We looked at her and I let out a "what"

"Listen here you sluts.. you stay away from Louis or else I will chop your heads off.. HE's mine and you wont get him. Understand?" she hissed at us.

Well sorry miss potato over there but here comes my sassiness.

"Woah Woah Woah.... Who the hell do you think you are?! The Queen of England probably? Oh well sorry to burn your dreams, but I'm sure that you aren't because if you were, then probably all the people in England would be dead......Oh, and about Louis...he's a good lad, but not our type." I said motioning to myself and Ari and then continued," He is like a brother to us and it would be Awkward to be in a relationship with him." I said with a blank face. I got up and went to the water to take a swim, with Ariana by my side.

"Hey boys!" I screamed waving, as we neared them.

They waved back and I walked towards Zayn who wasn't swimming. But I could see it in his eyes that he wished he could swim right now. That's weird .

"Up for a walk?" I asked stretching my hand out to help him get up.

"Sure!" he replied taking my hand and pulling himself up.

We began walking until I broke the ice.

"So why weren't you swimming?" I asked, looking at him.

I saw his cheeks become a crimson color.AWWW he's blushing.

"Ummm....welll" he started mumbling.

"Are you going to tell me today, or are we going to stay till tomorrow waiting for you to talk?" I asked in a joking manner.

He chuckled nervously and said, "Well I can't swim"

"Nothing to be ashamed about, Zayn." I told him.

"It is...embarrassing... I mean look at all of the boys.......swimming and having the time of their lives!" he exclaimed.

"It's okay. I'll teach you!" I said, puffing myself to look brave.

He chuckled as we walked towards a big rock and sat on it.

Watching the sunset, it's so beautiful. I put my head on his shoulder and we looked around.

After around an hour we returned to the group, our hands brushing slightly.

"Where have you been?" Liam asked.

"Walking" I said as if it were obvious.

They gave me a you-don't-say look, as I shrugged.

"Why didn't you swim?" Ariana asked.

"Well Zayn over there" I said pointing at him," doesn't know how to swim so I stayed with him so he won't be alone."

"How sweet!" Harry gushed in a high-pitched tone, acting like a girl.

I stuck my tongue out at him and jokingly said, "At least I'm not a dork!"

"You're just jealous of my hotness!" he said winking.

"Oh of course I am..." I exclaimed, sarcastically.

He flipped his curls and made a pose.

"Anyway I want ice cream!!"Ari exclaimed like a child.

"Such a child!" Kendall said in a bitchy tone.

We all sent her a glare, but of Louis who was looking at her in a loving way and I don't think he heard it...

"Anyway let's go home and buy ice cream on our way" Liam said and began walking.

We followed him and got in the cabs that we ordered.

The cab ride was broken into side talks all around it.

"Soooo what are your thoughts about Kendall?" Niall asked.

"Ummm I don't really know her, but from what happened today...she's horrible." I said truthfully.

"What happened today?" Liam asked.

"Umm well her words were 'Listen here you sluts.. you stay away from Louis or else I will chop your heads off.. HE's mine and you wont get him'....it's a bit harsh, ya know?" I said.

"She called you sluts?!" Zayn exclaimed. I nodded.

"Well she's the last one to talk." Niall said. I chuckled at that and decided to change the subject.

"So who in your band has a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Louis." They said at once.

"So...anyway when is Simon going to hear your song?" I asked them.

"I don't know." Zayn said.

"Me neither."Niall added.

"SHIT SHIT SHITTY SHIT!!!" Liam exclaimed in panic.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"We should have been home by 5, so that Simon would hear us sing..."He exclaimed. If he wasn't going to stop panicking, I won't be surprised he is going to get a panic attack.

"Hey Hey..CHILL...It isn't the end of the world." I said trying to calm him.


"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.

"What are you waiting for. Do you need an invitation!?!?! Help me calm him down. He's your band mate not mine!" I exclaimed literally yelling.

"Hey bud calm down." Niall said.

"Okay ummm I think we need to tell the others....."Zayn said trailing off.

"Yup we should!" I said and quickly snatched my phone from my pocket.



Victoria= Hi Ari

Ariana=Oh hey Vic..

Victoria=Listen tell your cab driver to take you to the house not the ice cream place.


Victoria=Well, we kind of had to be home at 5 so Simon would hear the boys singing.

Ariana=Oh okay..BYE.


With that I ended the call.

Before I put my phone away it started ringing.

I found out that it was uncle.




V=Calm down. We're on our way back

P= Simon told them he needed them at five. He has been waiting here the past two hours

V=I'm so sorry uncle...I mean Paul, but we're two minutes away.

P=Hurry up, Okay

V=Ya. Of course.. We're almost there.

P=Okay sweetie be careful.


P=Bye Sweets.

Wow.....Simon is angry.....Well I'll keep it to myself because I don't want Liam to have a heart attack.

"Can you hurry Up.please" I told the driver.

"Ya sure.." He said and drove for about a minute before arriving.

We strolled out of the car,Zayn paying and Niall and I trying to calm Liam.

The others came, too.

We entered the house to see my uncle with his arms crossed and Simon with a blank look on his face. OH DEAR!!

When the boys entered, trying to be as enthusiastic as possible they said, "Hello Uncle Si and Paully."

"Hello boys! Where have you been?" Simon asked.

"Beach." Liam answered nervously.

"Didn't I tell you to meet me here at 5?" He asked eyeing Liam.

I thought about saving them and said," Pardon my rudeness, I'm Victoria Justice, Paul would be my Uncle. This is Ariana Grande my best friend."

I had my hand out and he shook it. He shook Ariana's hand and said," Why are you here though and not with your parents?"

Well aren't you just rude, Simon!

"Umm my parents died in an accident and because I didn't want to come here alone, so I brought Ariana with me." I said.

Thank God I can hold in my emotions or I would have been crying by now just by the thought of my parents.

"So anyway, Niall go get your guitar and everyone go to the living room." Paul instructed, trying to get the topic of my parents away. After all, it was his sister who died.

Niall rushed to his room and we walked silently to the living room.

"Can I see the lyrics?" Simon asked after everyone got comfortable.

Liam grabbed the notepad beside him and gave it to Simon.

"Who wrote those lyrics?" Simon asked after he read the song and Niall came to the room with his guitar.

"Well it was all of us really. The girls also helped a lot." Liam said..

"We didn't do anything really, it was you who wrote the song by yourself. Ari and I just added things where it was needed." I gushed out.

"We'll boys, I need to hear you out!"Simon said, hinting for them to start.

Liam began singing as Niall strummed..



You're insecure,

Don't know what for,

You're turning heads when you walk through the door,

Don't need make-up,

To cover up,

Being the way that you are is enough,


Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you,


Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately,

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful


So c-come on,

You got it wrong,

To prove I'm right,

I put it in a song,

I don't know why,

You're being shy,

And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,


Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you,


Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately,

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]


Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,


You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,


Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful ([Harry:] Oh),

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately ([Harry:] desperately),

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful ([Harry:] beautiful) ,

Oh oh,


That's what makes you beautiful"

Simon cleared his throught and said," Boys,that was........"



Okay before you start hating on me, listen!

Ummm....So I was supposed to put this chapter on Feb 1, on Harry's birthday..but I didn't know what to write.

I have writers block and I feel sick plus my Internet sucks and plus plus school is hell plus plus plus I will upload the next chapter faster...

Yay! I know right.

Anyway dedicated to my 80th fan which made me very happy.

I'm close to a hundred.

Anyway this chapter, I hope was pretty long.

I want to thank the people who vote, read, and comment for this story.

You guys got me to 100 votes.

Aren't you just the best *squeezes your cheeks*

This story is about to get to 5,000 reads.....

I'm so happy *does a happy dance*

Anyway my 80th fan is @blahblahEDblahblah

Her stories are awesome so go read them.

I read them and loved them, and I hope you do, too.

I love you guys.

Keep commenting, voting, and fanning coming.

2+ votes for the next chapter!


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