Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures 😋 Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Online Interview
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Baby Shower Stream
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Return of the Overminder
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Govenment Robot
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS
IRL - The 100 Year Comet

IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs

26 2 0
By Emilythecat66

(Based on the 2022 BAFTAs where tom won a award for being in loki and sebastian was there too as a nomine but sadly didn't win anything 'which he should, he still hasn't got an award yet', i'm also mixing this award ceremony in with the streamers awards ceremony where jerma wins the best stream award with his doll house stream)

It was a nice day and it was also the day of the BAFTAS, tom and sebastian have both got nominated at the ceremony with tom getting nominated for his role as loki in the loki tv series and sebastian getting nominated for his role in the recent movie he did which emily couldn't remember the name off, emily was going too as she was part of loki but she wasn't getting a award so she was tom and sebastian plus 1, mima and casper were staying at home which they didn't mind and ben was babysitting them while emily was away which emily was happy about
"hey emily?" ben says as emily was making sure her fur was clean
"vhat?" emily replies as she looks over ar ben who was looking at her confused
"do you think casper will get a element like me, you and mima have?" ben asks and emily jumps down to him
"umm...maybe, i don't know, it is around that time where he should get an elemental ability if he was to get one, as you know, mima got hers love ability a week after she was born" emily replies then explains and ben nods as he knew
"yeah, i hope he does get one, i feel like he's part of the elemental friends" ben says and emily looks at casper who was chewing a dog chew ben gave him while mima was pouncing on a chicken feather she found
"...i think so too" emily says happily and she gives ben a nose kiss "anyway, i'm going in a minute so keep an eye on these two and don't let them cause trouble, okay?" she adds sounding like a protective mother which made ben smirk
"yeah, i will and if i don't, i will make it up to you" ben says and emily nods but looked worried
"i hope it doesn't have to come to dat but okay" emily replies and she licks ben on the cheek
ben blushes and then emily goes to her door, she waves at ben and he waves back before emily leaves her room, meanwhile behind stage at the building the BAFTAs are taking place, a man was standing with this black pointy light blue gem crystal on a necklace in his hands and in front of him was a star pentagram with 5 candles on each point of the star
"now that i have this and all this set up, let see if it works" the man says and he puts the crystal in the middle of the star pentagram
he then starts chanting in a weird language not part of earth's vocabulary and then the star pentagram glows a deep red colour, the fire from the candles then stretch towards the crystal and the crystal absorbs the fire from the candles, the crystal then floats up a little and hovers there while changing from a light blue colour to a black colour
"sprits of the dead, absorb yourselves into the crystal and let yourself receive a power you cannot resist!" the man shouts and then a lot of white mist gets absorbed into the crystal
lots and lots of white mist was being absorbed into the crystal and the crystal was reacting by shaking more and more violently, then when the last of the white mist is absorbed into the crystal, the crystal glows brightly and then it dulls as the white glow turns black, the black light then turns into a cocoon and then the cocoon vanishes as a lady appears from the cacoon, the lady had long black hair that was floating everywhere, she was very pale like a ghost white pale, she was wearing a white robe going down to her ankles and when the lady opened her eyes, the eyes weren't there and instead were just all black
"who has summoned me?!" the ghost lady says looked angry but then sees the man "oh! it's you~" she says in a semi flirty tone seeing the man
"mistress ondine, it's nice to see you again" the man says as he kneels down then looks up at the ghost lady now named ondine
"it's nice to see you too, bashie-boo~" the ondine lady says in a flirty tone then looks around "where am i?" she asks and the man named bash smiles
"you're in a theatre like you ask me to summon you from" the bash guy replies and has a grin on his face
"good boy~ and what year is it?" the ondine lady says then asks and the bash guy looks at a watch on his left wrist
"it's the 3rd of march 2022, mistress" the bash guy replies as he looks at his watch then up at the ondine lady
"that's...almost 1500 years after my death by that stupid knight, sir jeffrey!" the ondine lady says and she gets angry
"don't worry, mistress, sir jeffery is long dead by now" the bash guy says calming the ondine lady down
"i know but doesn't he have a long distant relation?" the ondine lady says then asks and bash looks worried
"he does and i have tried to track this relation down but i keep getting cold so he is still out there" bash says and the ondine lady growls annoyed
"damn it! ugh! just forget about it for now and let's get on with the plan!" the ondine lady says and bash bows at her
"yes, mistress" bash replies and he walks off with ondine following him
meanwhile a little while back, at emily's house and in emily's bedroom, casper was still chewing his dog chew when he scents something as he sits up abandoning his chew, he looks around and he looks at ben who was dozing then at mima who was killing her favorite toy which is keel toys pippins red panda, he looked worried and he goes over to mima and pokes her on the head
'ow! why did-what's wrong, casper?' mima says with her face to casper
'something is wrong, i can sense it' casper replies with his facial expressions and mima looks at him worried
'what do you mean?' mima says with her facial expressions with a worried face and a tilted head like a puppy
'umm...i don't know but i can feel a really bad feeling' casper says with his facial expressions and mima still looked confused
'is this bad feeling telling you anything on why it's bad?' mima says with her facial expressions and casper looked worried and a little scared
'it's telling me that mummy might be in danger at that place she and our grandads are going to' casper says with his facial expressions and mima looked shocked as she has her paws on her face
'*gasp* we need to save mummy!' mima says in shock and a little panic
'i know but how? we can't leave the room, daddy is babysitting us while mummy is out' casper says and mima thinks
'hmm...i have a plan!' mima says with her facial expressions and she rubs her paws together looking smug
meanwhile at the award ceremony building and at the back of the building which is blocked off, a lot of soldiers were in lines, there was about 60-70 soldiers in all and in front of them was their leader
"right men, we have be instructed by the prime minister and the royal family that we need to guard this building from anything super natural as for the last couple of award ceremonies in the past have been rudely attacked by all sort of super natural things like space robots, flying cameras, possessed animatronics and all that kind of stuff, so all of you need to be on guard of anything really odd or different, got it!" the leader says and synchronised stomping was heard
"yes, sir!" the soldier all say at once as they saulute
"umm...sir?" one soldier at the front says nervously as he puts his hand up
"what is it, jackson!" the leader says as he shouts in the soldier's face
"umm...what about emily? she's the one who usually sorts out these type of things and she is coming to this award ceremony today as both of her dads are coming as they've been nominated for awards" the nervous solder says and the leader stays quiet for a mintues then starts grinning evily
"oh, don't worry about her, i'll make sure she gets to watch us take down this unknown thing and show her that the milatery is as strong as a super hero cat" the leader says evily then he pulls off his hat to reveal he is bash
meanwhile back at emily's house and emily, tom and sebastian were ready to go to the award ceremony, emily looked the same but tom had a nice black suit on and sebastian also had a black suit on but he was all black with a white tie while tom had a white shirt under his suit jacket with a blue tie
"what's mima and casper doing?" sebastian asks emily calmly as he had to keep still as tom was fixing his tie
"well, before i left me woom, casper was chewing a dog chew and mima was killin' a feathers cuz all feathers need to be killed appeartly" emily replies with a smile then she giggles a little
"at least they're busy" tom says and then backs away from sebastian "there, all tidy" he says happily seeing how clean sebastian's tie looked
"thanks dear" sebastian says loveingly to tom and he kisses tom on the forehead making tom chuckle
"stoop! me heart can't take da cootness! agh!" emily says with her left paw on her chest and then she 'dieds'
"oh no, we were too cute again!" sebastian says happily joining in with the joke and he chuckles
"yeah, come on emily, we need to go" tom says as he picks up emily and emily recovers from being 'dead'
"ok, ok, i was just kiddin', let's go" emily says calmly happy and she flies in the middle of tom and sebastian
both tom and sebastian hold emily's paws and she teleports the trio to the award ceremony, when they were gone, mima and casper who were hiding behind the door to the living room from the hallway come out from hiding and sit in the living room on the carpet, the pair managed to sneak out as ben had dropped off to sleep like what all dads do
'so, how are we going to get there? mummy is gone now with grandad tom and grandad sebby' casper says with his facial expressions having a confused look then a worried look
'easy, you fly us there, mummy has been teaching you to fly, hasn't she?' mima replies with her facial expressions as she looking smart
'yeah, she has but...i haven't master it yet, i still get a but clumsy white flying' casper says with his facial expressions as he looks at his gray and white wings and mima makes a poker face
'don't worry, i, sure you'll be able to master it now come on, we need to go!' mima says with her facial expressions then she jumps onto casper's back
even though casper was a week old, he seems to have gotten a little bigger then mima and now he was the size of a 10 week old german shepherd puppy while mima was still the size of a 8 week old kitten
'umm...okay?' casper says with his facial expression looking unsure after mima climbs onto his back but then looks brave
he goes though the open window in the kitchen and he starts flying but it was very clumsy about it as he almost fell a few times but got the hang of it, he flies to the ceremony with mima on his back and he makes sure he's not seen, meanwhile at the ceremony and tom and sebastian were getting pictures from the paparazzi while emily sat at the side, she was happily watching the pair as they were getting couple photos together when emily hears a very familiar voice
"and i did a funny walk like this!" the male voice says and emily turns around to the voice's location
"...jermaine?" emily says as she looks around for the said jerma
she finds jerma doing his funny walk trying to impress some other streamers he was with and emily lights up with sparking eyes
"jermaine!" emily shouts happily as she flies up a little to see jerma and she zooms off to see him
both tom and sebastian heard emily shout and see her zoom off, they were a little confused on who emily saw as emily is shy but then they went back to taking pictures with the paparazzi, emily goes over to jerma and jerma sees her and smiles widely
"emily!" jerma says happily and the pair have a hug "it's nice to meet you again, haven't seen you since when...we were ponies" he says then whispers so nobody except emily would hear him
"reah, i see you all da time on your streams but you rarely see me, dis needs to change!" emily replies and looks annoyed that she rarely sees jerma
"i know, i still have you on mind with a livestream i'm doing" jerma says and emily looks excited
"really?! yay!" emily says happily then notices something "hey, you've gotten a little chubby since i last saw you" she says and points to jerma's tummy which is quite big at the front
jerma blushes a little and then drags emily out of the way to tell her something
"'s because...umm..." jerma says scratching his cheek trying to think on how to say his announcement
"wait!...wait...don't tell me you are actually pregnant, are you?" emily says and jerma looks at her blushing more "ooo! you are! who's the father?" she says then asks looking interested
"'s steven...or as you know him...ster, it's ster" jerma says still looking embarrassed and emily giggles
"i knew you and him had somethin' going on, my dream told me!" emily says and she smiles "how far along are you?" she asks and jerma smirks a little
"about 7 months, the doctor told me it's a boy and, he expected to arrive in mid may and your name your dream suggested is going to be his name" jerma says happily and emily tilts her head a little
"what? emile? i mean, it's a good name dat i've haven't heard in a while so it's a good name" emily says and jerma nods
"i know, i have to thank you for your dream giving you that name suggestion and then texting me about it, so thanks, i guess" jerma says and emily smiles sweetly at him
"you're welcome!" emily says happily and she giggles a little "anyway, forgot to ask dis at the beginning but what are you doing here?" she asks and jerma smiles at her
"i'm here for the streamer award, i've been nominated by the fans for the doll house stream i did last year" jerma explains and emily nods "it's being held in the smaller hall from the big hall as that's been taken for the BAFTAs" he adds and emily nods faster
"reah, dats why i'm 'ere, the BATFAs i mean, both dad and seddy have been nominated for awards so reah" emit explains and jerma hums
"i thought you would be, looks like there is a lot of people over there" jerma says and the both of them look over at the celebrities walking around on the red carpet at the BAFTA area
"reah, dere's a lot of peeps i barely know over dere other den dad and seddy of course" emily says as she looks at tom and sebastian who were waking around the red carpet
"everyone needs to come inside the building now!" a man shouts and both emily and jerma look over
"looks like we're going in" jerma says and emily nods
"reah, i'll got to meet up with dad and seddy so i'll see you later, okay?" emily says looking sad she has to leave jerma and jerma nods
"okay, see you later" jerma says and he goes off into the building catching up with the other streamers
emily smile as he goes inside then she flies off to tom and sebastian who were waiting for her at the door
"emily, where did you go? you just shouted something then zoomed off" sebastian says as emily approaches him and tom
"umm...i found out my friend jermaine 'ere" emily says happily and both tom and sebastian look at each other then at emily again "he's 'ere for streamer awards dey are havin' next door to the BAFTA room in a smaller hall" she explains and tom and sebastian nods to understand
"that's nice, now let's go inside" tom says and pulls sebastian and emily inside the building
the pair follow tom as they had no choice and when the trio get inside the building, they have a look around, meanwhile casper and mima had somehow made it to the award ceremony as they land hiding behind a bush and they sneak into the ceremony before the doors shut, the pair go hiding behind a standing poster next to the stairs and they see emily and sebastian walking around the big lobby hall while tom went to talk to a 10 year old he remembers doing interviews with in the past
'there is mummy! we need to avoid her, grandad tom and grandad sebby at all costs' mima says with her facial expression as she looked serious
'i know but where do we hide! there is no place to go' casper replies with his facial expressions as he looks around worried for places to hide
mima looks around for a place to go and then she spots someone opening a door
'over there! quick!' mima says with her facial expressions as she tells casper to follow her
the pair run over to the door and get there just in time the door closes, they see they were in a secret room which was a little office room but then some stairs were seen in the middle of the room, the pair go down the stairs then when they see something, casper takes mima up to a open vent and they hide in there, what they saw was a man and a fhost looking lady watching something on a screen and both mima and casper see that they are watching security camera of the building and all the people
"there is the cat you have to watch for, mistress, she's called emily and she's the countries hero" the man says to the lady and the lady looks at emily on the screen closer
"...she does look a threat, what do you have planned to stop her?" the lady says and the man grins evily
"don't you worry about that, let's just get ready for the plan" the man says and the lady nods and cackles
"yes, let's get this plan started so then i can take over this world and nobody can stop me *cackles*" the lady says and then she floats though the walk
'see! i knew something was wrong!' casper says with his facial expressions which looked super worried
'we need to stop her before she gets to mummy' mima says with her facial expressions which looked determined 'come on!' she says as she pulls casper's arm and the pair run down the vent
the pair run down the vent and then they end up looking up at the stage as they were little vent around the stage, they also find another few vents behind stage and the pair meet up in the middle of the middle vent
'so what do we do?' casper asks mima with his facial expression which looked confused
'umm...mummy always comes up with plans as she goes along so i guess we do the same' mima replies with her facial expression which was a thinking look
casper nods and they go to the different vent bars watching the event unfold and waiting to help out if they can
meanwhile everyone famous person was heading into the BAFTA hall and they all sat down in their chairs, tom and sebastian sat together at one of the tables near the front of the stage and emily went onto the table in front of them but then tom grabs her and puts her between his legs and emily sat up on her hind legs putting her paws on the table looking like a child who lifting themselves up to see what was going on, soon the BAFTAs start and of course it was live on television so there were camera men walking around pointing their cameras as celebrities for their reactions to certian things, meanwhile in the streamer awards next door to the BAFTAs and jerma won the award for best stream which was the dollhouse strewm he did last year, he went up to the podium and he grabs his cheap looking trophy
"umm...well...i like to thank the fans for voting for this stream, it was just a silly strewm idea i came up with a while ago and i didn't expect it to be so popular, i also like to thank everyone who helped me put the stream into place, they were all great and i couldn't of done it without them" jerma says happily and everyone claps for him
he smiles and he was about to walk off stage when a bunch of clamping noises was heard, jerma looks around and he sees that everyone was clamp to their chairs with metal clamp that came out of their chairs, there was one over the chest and one over the legs and everyone except jerma was trapped, jerma panics and he runs behind stage on the right unsure what to do
"ha! i'm glad that worked, now nobody can bother us while we work on the big plan" a man says who walked on stage from the left of behind stage
"good, now let's go!" a ladys voice says and a ghost lady came up from under the stage
"yes, let's go" the man says and the pair walk/float off though the area they came from
suddenly the room was gassed and everyone was coughing till they all went quiet, jerma looked in the room and sees that everyone was unconsious and he was really worried, he then looked behind stage and sees that all the staff have been knocked out but not with the gas, they looked to be knocked out with something really hard to the head
"ok, ok, i'm in trouble" jerma says to himself as he leans ageist the wall while putting his right hand in his baby belly "i need to do something" he adds to himself but couldn't think as he was a little stressed
then jerma's baby kicks him at the side of his belly and it seems to calm jerma down a little
"right, i need to calm down...sorry, emile...right, i need to find emily and tell her what's happened" jerma says to himself and he goes off to a door to the side that said 'to the big stage'
he opens the door and he runs up a flight of stairs behind the door, meanwhile back on the BAFTA room and everyone was getting awards for things but as emily was lying down on the table, she couldn't help but feel that something was massively wrong but she couldn't tell what, backstage and jerma came though the door and sees that the staff back stage had been knocked out as they were all lying in the floor unconsious
"oh no! it's happened here too" jerma says as he looks around worried as he had his left hand on his belly and his right on his forehead
meanwhile in the under stage vents and both mima and casper were looking at jerma
'who's that?' casper says with his facial expression which looked confused as he looks at mima who was wagging her tail happily
'that's our mummy's friend, jermaine, she told me to treat him like a uncle if i ever meet him' mima replies with her facial expression which were happy and wanting to meet him
'how do you know what he looks like?' casper says with his facial expressions which were a confused head tilt
'i saw a video of him on mummy's laptop a while back while mummy was grooming me' mima replies with her facial expression which were very calm and looking intelligent with a smirk
'oh! should we go meet him then?' casper asks with his facial expression looking happy while pointing at jerma
'yeah, let's go!' mima says with her facial expression which was really happy with a wagging tail
mima then pushes up the vents bars making jerma jump a little but then he sees it was mima as she runs over to him
"oh! hi!" jerma says in the voice he uses to talk to kids "you must be emily's daughter, mima" he adds and mima nods happily with her tail wagging
casper was slowly going over to jerma and he sits in front of jerma, jerma notice casper sitting there and he crouches down putting his hands on his back to help lower down
"and who are you? you're cute" jerma says happily still in his voice he uses ti talk to kids and he pets casper on the head
casper loved the affection and he rubs his face on jerma's hand while mima had jumped onto jerma's shoulder, jerma then picks up casper and slowly stands up trying not to fall over from his baby belly to get him stuck, he somehow successfully gets up again and holds onto casper with his arm like a girl holds onto a doll or plush toy
"we need to somehow get emily's attention, i think she's in trouble" jerma says and he looks at casper who had a 'i know we do' face
jerma looks around for something he can use as a weapon just in case the ghost lady or the man attacks him and he weirdly finds a sword on a frame, he takes it out as it had no glass in front of it and it was a little heavy but jerma could lift it up as he use to go to the gym, he holds it out in front of him and he felt cool holding onto it
"i feel so cool right now!" jerma says as he child side took over
mima looks over at the frame the sword was on and there was also a little plaque at the bottom
'this sword belong to the legendary knight, sir jeffery, whoever holds this sword will feel the strength of sir jeffery and nobody knows where sir jeffery relatives are but if they hold this sword, it will glow brightly' the plaque says and mima looks at it interestedly
"come on, let's see what we can do" jerma says to the kitpy and the leoparos in his shoulder and he goes straight behind stage to look for something to help to tell emily what's happening
meanwhile in front stage and a lady with black hair and a black sparkly dress with one leg showing comes on stage and everyone claps except emily who gained a really bad feeling as she was blushing pink under her eyes and over her nose and she lies down
"hello everyone, welcome to this lovely show but i'm afraid it has to end" the lady says then all of a sudden everyone is clamped down with clamps coming out of their chairs
like with the people in the streamer awards, there is one clamp over people's chest and another one over peoples laps bolting them to the chair, everyone was freaking out as screams and yells of 'let me go!' was heard
"emily!" tom says to emily who turns around to see both tom and sebastian were trapped in their chair like everyone else
she goes to tom and tries to pull the clamp off tom's chest but it doesn't seem to budge, she then goes to sebastian to try the same thing with the clamp but that clamp doesn't move either, she then jumps onto the table and she snarl and growls at the lady
"let dem go!" emily shouts at the lady and the lady just cackles
"oh~ i don't think i can do that" the lady replies and then she turns into the ghost lady "now bash!" she says and emily gets confused
she then senses something and she jumps out of the way as something black flies passed her, she turns around to see what it was that was fired at her but then the thing that was fired at her suddenly comes back and hits emily, it turned out to be a muzzle that covers emily's mouth and it also clamps down emily's wings and handcuffs emily front paws together
"ha! got her!" bash says happily and he joins the lady on the stage
"good job, bash~, now to start with my plan! ahahaha!" the lady ondine says and she cackles evily
"n-not do fast!" a male voice says and jerma comes onto the stage with both casper and mima on his shoulder
"jermaine?! casper and mima?! what are you two doin' 'ere?! i thought i left you at home with your father!" emily says first in shock then in massive parent worry either tom and sebastian looking worried too
both mima and casper look guilty as they both gain guilty faces and jerma holds his sword up in a brave way
"well, well, well, look what we have here, this cute little guy is trying to save the day, how sweet~" the ondine lady says as she goes over to jerma
jerma gets both brave and scared and he swing his sword at the lady but it goes right though her, jerma backs up a little as he gets a little scared and the lady just cackles
"i don't what your idea was but as you can see, i'm a ghost and that did nothing to me, so i think it's time to end this" the ondine lady says and she tries to grab jerma at the neck
jerma flinches back frightening as he closes his eyes but then the grab never came and a scream came instead, he opens his eyes and sees casper attacking the lady
"ahh! bash! get this creature off me!" the lady ondine says as she struggles to become free of casper's bite to her neck
bash comes over and tries to grab casper but bash's hands went straight though casper like e wasn't there, everyone was in shock as they watched in front of them or on the screen of casper attacking the ondine lady, the ondine lady then grabs casper by the scruff of the neck and throws him away but luckily casper lands on his feet, while ondine was fighting with casper, emily transforms herself into a mouse to break out of the break out of the muzzle and then makes herself a cat again, she kicks the muzzle on the floor and then makes something appear using her magic
"jermaine! catch!" emily yells at jerma and then she tosses jerma something
jerma catches it and it was a black microphone, jerma looks at it confused then looks over at emily who was holding her pink microphone
"da only way to weaken a monster like her is to have a sing battle so have one with her and i'll help you" emily explains and jerma looks at the microphone again then nods at emily
"ok, you ghost lady, let's have a sing battle! right here, right now!" jerma says and points the sword at the ondine lady
"*sigh* alright and if i win, i'll get to take over this entire theater, got it?" the ondine lady says as she makes a microphone appear with her ghost powers
jerma nods and then the battle starts, the song starts playing (which sound like sorrow song from the fnf ben drowned mic of time mid mixed with bendy phase 2 from the fnf bendy inkwell hell mod) and emily started it off and then when jerma took over after figuring out what to do, emily became a background singer to jerma and the pair sounded amazing together, the ondine lady voice sounded nice but it had a ghostly effect to the voice making it sound a little off putting, when the song was over, the song started picking up speed and emily, jerma, tom, sebastian and everyone else was was confused by the musics sudden speed
"you've don't it now!" the ondine lady says but her voice sounded like multiple people saying it "now for my true form!" she adds and when the lights come back on the lady wasn't a ghost anymore making everyone freak out
the lady was now a giant shadow with ondine's hair still on its head and it was exposing a crystal where it's heart is suppose to be, the song changes (which sounds like phase 3 of the fnf bendy inkwell hell mod mixed with absent song from the fnf ben drowned mic of time mod) and the song sounded really creepy with the ondine shadow monster kept jump scaring the crowd, jerma and emily sang together and everyone in the audience loved it, while the song battle was happening, mima had jumped off jerma's shoulder and went over to casper who was sitting there enjoying the song
'i have a plan, i need you to grab that crystal from the shadow monster's chest' mima says with her facial expression which looked serious
'umm...okay' casper replies with his facial expression which was worried but then brave
when the song was over, the ondine lady was getting angry when casper grabs the crystal from her chest and lands on the empty table
"NOO! MY CRYSTAL! AAA!" the ondine lady says as she starts to change
"MISTRESS ONDINE! NOO!" bash shouts and he tries to grab ondine lady have he went right though her
suddenly the sword jerma has starts to glow and then ondine lady's heart is exposed on her left chest
"jermaine! stab her!" emily says pointing to the sword and jerma looks at the sword too "...i'm never sayin' dat again" she adds in a mumble to herself then she quietly giggles
jerma then stabs the sword into the ondine lady's exposed heart and the lady screams in pain
"AAA!..." the ondine lady says and she falls down with the sword in her heart " can't be?! you must be-ugh!" the ondine lady says then she falls over dying
"NOO! MISTRESS ONDINE! MISTRES ONDINE! SPEAK TO ME!" bash cries out as ondine disappears
suddenly a lot of white mist appears and a bunch of flying ghosts come out of the mist making people freak out, all the ghost surround casper and they all lift him up in the air, he freaks out and emily jumps onto the table casper was on with mima also going on the table not long after
"casper!" emily says with mothers worry as she watches him fly up
the ghosts look happy that casper saves them and the crystal in casper's mouth glows a white blue colour, the crystal then comes out of casper's mouth then goes to his chest, it then glows really white and casper closes his eyes from the brightness, he then feels something go around his neck and when the brightness dieds down, he opens his eyes and looks down to see he has a collar now like what mima, emily and ben have, the collar was pure white with phantom quarts around it and the tag was of a little cartoon ghost, casper was then put down and emily catches him in her arms
"casper?" emily says as casper looked zoned out but her voice grabs his attention "huh? looks like you're a elemental friend now like me, mima, ben and da other friends, it also looks like you've become da element of da afterlife" she explains after noticing the collar and this makes casper happy
he always wanted to be an elemental friend like his mummy, daddy and mima and now he is one which made him smile widely, he hugs emily then mima and when he hugs mima, the pair have a little laugh, emily huffs a laugh then looks over at jerma who was standing on the stage looking at emily with his left hand in his belly and his right still holding the microphone
"you alright, jermaine?" emily asks jerma and he smiles
"yeah, just...need a sit down" jerma replies and he sits on the edge of the stage by emily, mima and casper who have stopped cuddling
"you-you!" a voice says and the 3 animals, jerma, tom, sebastian and the other look over at bash should looked peeved "you BRATS! YOU KILLED MY MISTRESS, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" he shouts and he charges for casper
casper and mima huddle together but then felt being picked up by hands, they looked to see they were picked by jerma and jerma hugs then close to him as the pair look over at emily who was snarling and growling, emily had changed her collar to her electric power and she charges up a electric bolt, she shoots off the electric bolt at bash and he takes a massive hit of electricity, bash is electrocuted and he goes down twitching from the electricity
"don't you DARE hurt my beers!" emily says in mother protection mode then she does a angry sneeze
bash stays down more then likely dead and then the soldiers barge in the room holding their guns up, they look around to see nothing wrong, they do see everyone strapped to their chair and they go over to try and break them free but the metal was too strong
"looks like we need strong bolt cutters" one of the soldier says and the others agree with him
emily looks over at the likely dead body of bash and she goes over to him, she looks though his pocket and then finds a remote control, she jumps back on the table then looks at the remote
"hmm...i tink it's...dis one!" emily says and she presses a button
suddenly the clamps on the people come undone and they all get up from their chairs, they all look around and they are all unsure what to do now as the award ceremony was kinda ruined by bash and ondine
"umm...i suggest everyone go back to their hotel room and your award will be delivered by post" emily says into her microphone which had somehow connected to the speakers and everyone shrugs or nods
everyone except emily, mima, casper, jerma, tom and sebastian left the hall and all of then went home to their hotel rooms, jerma and emily were sitting on the stage while tom and sebastian were playing with mima and casper happily
"so vhat happened to get yourself 'ere?" emily asks jerma
"well, i had just won the award for best streamer for the doll house stream and then when i was about to walk back to my chair, everyone had been clamped to their chairs and then i ran behind stage, everyone was then gassed with i guess a sleeping gas and then i panicked, i then came to find you and i end up finding your daughter and that snow leopard thing in the vents" jerma explains and emily nods with a hum "i then grabbed this sword off the wall and then i went on stage after everyone got clamped into their chairs" he adds and emily nods again "then you saw the the way, what is that snow leopard thing?" he finishes then asks as he points to casper
"dat's casper, my adopted son that was 'born' last week, and by born, i mean hatched from a egg" emily explains and jerma looked interested
"you named him after casper the friendly ghost?" jerma says as he looks at casper then back at emily
"no!...i don't tink i did at da time, i just named him casper due to his white and gray colours he had but now...i tink i did" emily says unsure on the name situation "anyway, you were very brave up there ageist dat ghost lady, even with you being pregnant and everythin'" she says changing the subject and jerma smile with a little blush
"yeah, i kinda almost forgot i was pregnant but during the singing battle, the baby kept kicking me so i wouldn't forget, the jerk!" jerma says as he puts his left hand on his belly and then he looked offended which made emily giggle
"i bet dat was ster side showin' in 'im" emily says and she giggles again while jerma huffs with his arms crossed
"you're probably right" jerma says looking annoyed but then sighs to calm down
"does he know? ster i mean" emily says and jerma looked guilty
"no...and i want to tell him but...i don't know how without him likely freaking out" jerma replies and emily huffs
"just tell 'im, i bet he wants kids anyway knowing that-you know, he 'did it' with you 7 months ago" emily says with a mischievous face and then she giggles with jerma blushing
"he did but i don't know if he was drunk" jerma says and emily points her paw up
"ok, how many did you have?" emily says and jerma thinks
"umm...just 2" jerma says and emily nods
"and how many did he have?" emily asks and jerma thinks
"uhh..." jerma says to think then he realised something "just 2" he says in realisation and emily smiles "both of us weren't drunk...he wanted to do that, he wanted to-" he says getting louder and emily shushes him to calm him down which it does
"see? he wanted a child with you so you should tell 'im" emily says and jerma looks at her then nods
"i will...when i get home" jerma says and emily smiles at him then giggles
"ok, jermaine!" emily says happily and then she looks at the sword "dat sword" she says and points to the sword with jerma looking at it too "it glowed brightly before you stabbed da did have a dim glow while you were holdin' it but glows brightly when you were about to stab da lady, i wonder why?" she explains and jerma was confused like emily
mima who was with sebastian and had heard the last of the conversation, jumps away from sebastian and goes over to emily, mima then pokes emily on the arm and emily looks at her
"what is it, mima?" emily says to her daughter and the kitpy starts barking
"what is she saying?" jerma asks and emily gets interested as she makes an shocked face
"ok, so...when you grabbed dat sword, you grabbed it from a frame and underneath on da frame is a plaque and it said on da plaque dat dis sword belonged to a guy named sir jeffery and according to the plaque, if a relative of sir jeffery holds da sword, it will glow brightly..." emily explains what mima told her and jerma looks slightly shocked
", does that mean-?" jerma says processing what's been said and emily nods with a hum
"yep, you are the ancestor of sir jeffery" emily says finishing jerma's sentence and jerma gasps happily
"that means i'm a quarter british!" jerma says excited and emily makes a confused giggle
"yes you are, boston boy, yes you are" emily says calmly and she pets jerma in the right hand
"aww, well at least i'm not french" jerma says realising and sounding glad
"what? why?- oh! cuz of scout, yes! his dad is obviously dat tom jones guy and not the spy" emily says confuse then realiseing and then sounds like she was obviously lying then she giggles
jerma giggles too and then emily got curious while she watches mima go back to tom and sebastian who were playing with casper
"i wonder how far of a relative you are from sir jeffery?" emily says curiously and she makes her phone appear with her magic
she looks up sir jeffery in google and sees that the guy was born in 1860 and died in 1911
"ok, he lived for 51 years and he had a wife and 3 kids, the wife and 3 kids then moved to america in 1913 before the first world war started after sir jeffery died of cancer and dat're sir jeffery's times 3 great grandson while emile here is sir jeffery's times 4 great grandson" emily explains then points to jerma's baby belly when she mentions jerma's baby
jerma was stunned to be that close of a grandson to sir jeffery, he though he'll be a times 6 or 7 great grandson to sir jeffery, not a times 3 and he smirks a little, he then picks up the sword and it glows a yellow colour when he holds it straight, he then puts it down again and then lies down on the stage
"no, don't lie down!" emily says worried then she starts giggling
"why?" jerma says but then realises why as she's he gets up, he can't due to the baby belly stopping him from sitting up "no! i can't get up!" he says struggling to get up and emily keeps giggling "emily! help me!" he shouts in frustration and emily giggles more
emily uses her magic to lift jerma up and when he was sitting up again he frowns, crosses his arms and huffs
"i hate being pregnant!" jerma says with a huff and emily giggles again with a snicker
"no you don't, you are just upset you can't sit up anymore" emily says as she calms down a little "don't worry, i've been there" she adds knowing too well about the sitting up problem as she had the same issue while being pregnant with mima in the past
"emily?" jerma says looking at emily with a smirk on his face
"vhat?" emily replies curiously but playfully and jerma picks her up
"thank you" jerma says happily and emily smiles
"jermaine, i should be thankin' you, if you, mima and casper weren't 'ere, i don't what i'll do ageist dat ghost" emily says happily and she giggles "so, thanks jermaine" she says happily and then the pair hug with jerma hugging emily having emily's head going to his cheek and emily purring happily and rubbing her head on jerma's cheek
after the hug, jerma puts emily back next to him on the stage and she looks at him curiously
"so, do you have a hotel you are in for the night then goin' 'ome da next day or...?" emily asks and jerma shrugs
"i was hoping to get my award then go home right after the ceremony but since you're here, you can teleport me home" jerma says and he gives emily a cheeky grin which emily huffs at
"...fine! i'll take you home!" emily says in a slightly joking annoyed tone and jerma smiles "do you have your trophy?" she asks a and jerma pulls the trophy out of his pocket
"here" jerma replies and sees that the trophy broke in half while it was in his pocket
"what is dis cheap peice of rubbish? hold on!" emily says then she uses her magic as her paws glow pink
she changes jerma's cheap trophy into a diamond trophy with an engraving on it that said 'best streamer - jerma985 aka jeremy elbertson aka jermaine for the dollhouse stream' on it and emily open mouth grins waiting for jerma to see the jermaine part
"wow! thanks emily!...wait a mintues...emily!" jerma says then he notice the jermaine part and emily giggles mischievously
"jermaine?" emily replies sounding mischievous and she snickers
jerma laughs and then he feels the baby kick him hard making him flinch, emily gets a little worried and jerma smiles at her
"i think it's time to go home" jerma says then he yawns sounding exhausted
"ok!" emily replies and she puts her paw on jerma's hand
the pair teleport away after jerma grabs the sword and they end up in jerma's gaining room, jerma smiles to see his gaming room and then turns to emily happy and tired
"thanks emily, i will text you if i need anything" jerma says happily exhausted and he pets emily on the head
"okay jermaine, good night and remember to tell ster about the baby" emily replies and jerma smile
he leaves the gaming room and emily teleport back to the award theater where tom and sebastian were waiting for her when she returns
"i think we should head back" tom says as he and sebastian show emily that both mima and casper are asleep
"okay, hold my paws" emily says and the pair do what she says
emily then teleports them all back to their house and in the living room, the pair collapses onto the sofa and they place mima and casper in the fluffy pillow in the middle
"well...that's another event that was ruined by something" sebastian says and tom nods agreeing with him
"reah but at least it was stopped before anythin' worse happened" emily replies and she goes on the sofa in front of the sleeping mima and casper "i better put these 2 into bed and check what ben's been doin' da whole time" she adds and then uses her magic to lift up the sleeping pair
emily leaves tom and sebastian alone and she goes to her room, when she gets there she sees ben was asleep in the floor probably not noticing mima and casper had escaped and she puts her babies to bed with mima going into her pink one and casper going into his blue one, emily then lifts up ben with her magic and puts him into bed and she tucks him in, she then gets into bed next to him and she ends up being more exhausted then she though as she drops off to sleep instantly, with tom and sebastian and the pair went to bed about 20 mintues after emily fell asleep and they were asleep on their bed with tom lying on his back and sebastian sleeping ontop of him using his chest as a pillow and lastly with jerma and he had fallen asleep on his couch on his side with his head on a pillow, his right arm under the pillow and his left arm on his exposed baby belly as he wasn't wearing a shirt and only pyjama bottoms.
jerma had a dream that night that he and ster were being a domestic family and they were playing with a 3 year old boy which jerma know was emile, jerma felt happy in the dream and he didn't want to leave it.
The End

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