peter parker and his awesome...

By Space_Ninja_Fcuker

427K 8.8K 3.4K

SEMI PAUSED CAUSE OF MY LIFE so its about peter and he awesome family with some field trip to SI some he will... More

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WHY ARE THEY HERE part 3 (edited)
WHY ARE THEY HERE part 4 (short)
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Ohio? part 3
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when peter is pissed part 2
When peter is pissed part 3 (edited)
when peter is pissed off part 4 (short)
animal trafficking ring
animal trafficking part 2
animal trafficking ring part 3 (short)
Zoom call (shorter)
Zoom call part 2
zoom call part 3
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How the fuck did i not know this part 1
annoyed hero petey
you have a what sword now (longish short)
you have a what sword now part 2
peter and online classes dont mix well
baby whyyyy
class forgotten (short)
hungry spidey
phone call
superman? (short)
the bartons protect
Asthma attack
christmas special short
Adhd (part 1)
Adhd (part 2)
To much tiktok
uh no
they have been found
Sad peter
uh gotta run
innocent spidey
They dont care
They dont care part 2
special binders
special binders part 2
The twins are back
Peter dies or does he?
hydra and school time Aventures (short)
Translation part 2
Please stand up
stream part 2
spidey (short)
mama spider
your ok
scary peter
The heirrr (semi finished)
unmasked but unknown part 1
unmasked but unknown part 2
unmasked but unknown part 3 (A/N)
unmasked but unknown part 4
overprotective peter
not the same or are we (unfinished)
im just a kid (short)
im just a kid part 2 (short)
short fic
tonys groupchats
exam week
yeah sorry not sorry
dont do it
A/N halp
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and they were roommates part 2
and they were roommates part 3
and they were roommates part 4
second to late
your not broken
heres a life update
A/N again

gang (edited)

993 31 33
By Space_Ninja_Fcuker

Im so so so sorry for those who read this but its happier towards the end?
so alot of tw but Idk which

Peter -age 10-
I quietly climbed into the attic as aunt may left knowing that HE was coming soon but thankfully HE could never find me in the when I was hidding in the attic its like whenever HE comes up here HE cant see me

now you may be wondering who HE is well its Skip the worse person ever anyways I heard the door open and I froze as I hung from the beam I was trying to climb "Oh petey~" he said in a sweet voice making my blood run cold

I hung frozen before my grip loosened and I fell making me quickly hide but I knew he heard "Oh naughty naughty hiding in the attic" he said coming into the attic and I froze in my hidding place as I closed my eyes and hoped he didnt see me

"Oh petey~ I know just the thing to do when I find you to teach you a lesson and maybe Ill even give you the gift I bought you" he said and I knew he was smirking

"found you" he smirked as he grabbed me making me yelp as he dragged me downstairs and into my room tossing me onto my bed but also making me hit the wall which earned a whimper of pain

I looked at him in fear as I backed into the corner as he reached into a bag and pulled out some ropes and a knife "now behave dont wanna let people hear you" he grinned

*and i aint writing no more*

Peter -age 13-

I snuck out of my window as skip entered the house since aunt may thinks he is nice and just calls me a liar and hits and starves me whenever I say bad things about him "Oh peterr come to your master~*imma be sick*" skip said but I just climbed up to the roof

its been three months since Ive last seen him and I gained some spider powers a month and a half ago and also been saving up for months and planning how to escape from this hell

I stood on the roof as I pulled on my mask and gloves before securing my bag before starting to race across the roof tops and shooting webs when needed as I ran away from home

Peter -age 16-

Its been three years since I ran away and started to work to make myself better which while doing so ended with me joining a gang ok let me explain some stuff

*flashback four months before*

I looked around at the city that I was in before ducking into an alleyway and climbing up to the roof since being on roofs where alot easier and helped lower a headache since apparently my hearing has gotten a upgrade so being in loud places causes headaches

anyways I was walking around listening before I heard someone getting beaten up so I looked towards it and saw three beefy guys holding a mildly beaten guy with a deadly type of aura around him while two other not as beefy guys *oml it wont stop correcting to gays* beating a skinny but muscular guy

I put my mask and gloves on before dropping down and punching the two semi beefy guys causing them to get knocked back a bit before I punched them again with more strength knocking them out before turning and shooting webs in the face of the beefy guys and started a fight allowing the guy they were holding to run to the beaten one

after I knocked the last one out I tied them all together before looking at the other two and the one with the deadly aura moved infront of the beaten on looking like he would fight me if I tried to hurt him "I wont hurt either of you as long as you dont try to hurt me" I said and the deadly guy nodded and moved back to hold the beaten one but was still in position to fight

"do you need help getting back?" I asked and the deadly guy looked at the unconscious beatened on and nodded "not a talker?" I asked as I moved to help "not when my love is hurt" he said "what happened if you dont mind me asking" I asked as I helped lift the beaten one carefully

"we were on a date when these men attacked just because we are lovers" he said looking at his beaten lover "oh im sorry that your date was ruined" I said before we stopped talking as the deadly one lead the way to wherever

we walked towards a guarded mansion and I didnt even questioned why since I could tell one of them probably lived there "bosses" a guard yelled as two of them ran towards us "hey gary can you get father and tell him to meet us in the med bay and that Im with a uh friend" deadly said

"oh course boss" 'gary' said "you dont seem surprised" deadly said looking at me making me chuckle "didnt know I could show expressions on my mask" I laughed as he led the way to the med bay "well no but you know what I mean" he said with a slight smile as we got into the med bay

"well now that you guys are safe imma take my leave" I said moving to leave "wait stay until my father gets here" deadly said "fine" I sighed before smirking and climbing up the wall to sit near the ceiling "what the fcuk" deadly said staring at me "you good there deadly?" I asked amused "how did you do that and deadly?" he asked

"magic and yes deadly since I dont know your name ive been callin you deadly in my head" I said "really and my name is harry and thats carlos" (can anyone figure out who they represent?) he said "well im pan nice to meet you" I said "any relation to peter pan?" harry asked with a smirk "maybe" I laughed just as a man with weapons and a all black suit entered but I couldnt see his face that well

"father!" harry said "hello son what happened" the man asked as he looked over harry before hugging him and then checking over carlos "we got ambushed by so homophobic dudes who were stronger but thankfully pan saved us" harry said making his father look at him "whos this pan?" the man asked

"that would be me" I said as I slowly dropped down and the man looked at me and I gasped as I saw who it was "magnus??" I questioned making him tense since barely any knew his real name "how do you know that name" he asked and I laughed before taking off my mask

"You tell me" I laughed looking at me "peter?" he questioned "I go by pan but yea its me" I said as he hugged me "god its been so long" he said "im sorry but how do you two know each other" harry asked "oh I grew up with his father and pan connected with me to get some storys of him" magnus answered

"yup but its been about fourish years since we last talked" I said and harry nodded before turning his attention to carlos as he woke up "hey baby" harry whispered siting next to carlos and putting a hand gently on his check "harry?" carlos asked as me and magnus silently left the room

*flashback over*

"Pan! come see the newbies" harry yelled from outside my room "ok ok" I laughed pulling out my mask and gloves since I had upgraded to semi scary ones to scare people. what its fun scaring people

I exited the room and walked with harry to the main meeting room "how many?" I asked "about 10 but I can tell three are most likely not gonna make it" he said "whys that?" I asked "the way they act" he shrugged

we walked in silence before stopping at the door as I climbed up the wall to the top of the doorway to sneak into the room "lets do it" I whispered with a grin as harry smirked before opening up the door and walking in with me sneaking in

"ah harry nice of you to join us but where are the other two" magnus said raising a eyebrow "one was in his room and the other in mine" harry said "ok" magnus said eyes narrowed at the 'was'

"now newbies this is my son and you will treat him as your boss if you make it" magnus said "hm you were right I see the three" I whispered since harry has semi enhanced senses "right anyways how you gonna scare them" he questioned quietly

"like this" I whispered before dropping silently behind the newbies making magnus roll his eyes "great batch of newbies" I said in a little bit louder then normal voice scaring 8 of the 10 newbies making me walk towards the two that didnt get scared

"names?" I asked "Jack reacher at your service" one smirked "skip-" the other started making me freeze as I looked at him before grabbing his neck cutting him off "ill be taking this one and you wont be seeing him again" I said towards magnus but didnt look away from skips face

"pan?" magnus asked a bit worried since ive never done this and the icy tone in my voice was different then normal "me and him have a history ill explain later" I said before knocking him out as I dragged him from the room

I tied him up in a torture room and waited for him to wake "ugh" he groaned as he awoke "morning rapist" I said as I leaned on the wall infront of him "how do you know about that" he asked tensed "oh how could I forget the one who gave me so much trauma" I asked as I removed my mask so he knew exactly who I was

"peter?" he questioned "Thats not my name anymore" I said before moving towards the torture tools "now where shall we start the fun" I questioned with a grin "wait no please" he said as he realized what was going to happen "oh that is like music to my ears but I think screaming would be nicer" I laughed

*hours later*

I left the room with blood all over me and walked towards my room with a sort of peaceful air around me "your finally out" magnus said as I looked at him "yup" I smiled

"so whats the background of why you have been torturing that man for hours" he asked "well to put it simply he was a abuser and rapist and so many others and I was a victim of his" I said making magnus nod before slowly hugging me

"well now I understand the reason and have to ask can we torture him too?" he asked "sure imma take a shower, eat and then take a nap soo you probably wont see me for a while" I said with a slight yawn

"ok sleep well then" magnus said kissing the top of my forehead before leaving the room 'what magnus has become like a father to me and harry a brother' I smiled as I walked back to my room and took a shower

I finished the shower and put on some boxers and shorts before making my way to the kitchen as I dried my hair "hey pan you okay?" a voice asked I saw carlos and harry "yea im fine now" I said

"thats good well me and carlos are heading to his parents for the weekend so call if you need me" harry said giving me a hug "got it bye guys enjoy your weekend" I laughed waving at them as they left before grabbing some food from the kitchen and heading up to my room to sleep

did I originally reread this? Nope
did I originally edit this? Nope
did I finally reread this? Yup
did I finally edit this? Yup
should I reread it again? Yup
am I? nope
why? cause lazy

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