Summoning Poseidon: A New Ame...

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(Nihonkoku Shoukan belongs to Minorou. This is merely a fanfic written by me) 23 October 2077. After years of... Plus

Chapter 1: Rapture
Chapter 2: Contact and Deals
Chapter 3: Niter
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8: Past and Future
Chapter 9: Strike at the Heart
Chapter 10: Fall of Hark XXXIV
Chapter 11: Parpaldia by Gaslight
Chapter 12: Battle of the Sea of Altaras
Chapter 13: Unrewarded Treachery
Chapter 14: Promises of the Ancestors
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: New Years Port Strikes
Chapter 18: Fall of Leifor
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Even more negotiations
Chapter 23: The Seal is Broken
Chapter 24: Arms Deals and Tech Sharing
Chapter 25: Green Mist
Chapter 26: Rodenius Never at Peace
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 7: Defections and Responses

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Par YMPlays

Central Calender June 1st 1639

New Mariposa Naval Base, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt Briefing Room, 0400 hours

"As you are well aware, the Lourian troops have retreated into their vassal duchies. Right now, four military camps have been identified by our stealth drones, all in different vassal duchies. Based on what we can tell, these places," the officer points to a certain thing on the photo, "are where they store ammunition and black powder."

"Now, we are going to use guided bombs against it. It is a waste, I am aware, but we need to give them a little surprise. As a result, we are using the oldest generation laser-guided bombs first. For this, each target will need two planes. One to mark the target, the other to drop it. You need not worry about the local air forces. As you are aware by now, they merely have wyverns, which could not match the flight performance of our Phantoms."

"The strike would be simultaneous across these four vassal kingdoms. You will be landing at strips of land we borrowed from the Qua-Toynians as a temporary airfield to refuel. Our goal is only the targets selected. Do not engage anything else."

The officer paused a bit.

"So that would be your operation. If you don't have any further questions..."

Nobody seemed to have any questions.

"End of briefing, dismissed"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Airspace above the Duchy of Kestingtron 0800 hours

Two Phantoms fly above the Kestingtron airspace, one of them carrying two guided bombs(one extra in case of malfunction).

<<Anvil-2, this is Anvil-1, Kestrington capital in sight, heading 270, follow me and turn on afterburners.>>


The two Phantoms soared right over the Kestrington Capital. Making a loud boom as they go.

Radar signatures popped up on both of their HUDs.

<<<Anvil-1, this is Anvil-2, seven bogies dead ahead, heading 090, speed 260 km/h>>>

Anvil-1 smiled. They really only have wyverns. The wyverns are absolutely no threat to the two Phantoms.

<<Anvil-2, ignore them for now. These wyverns don't have the capabilities to harm us. Just dodge their first shot. and zoom off. >>

The two dived a little, making the fireballs from the wyverns miss and then continue speeding to their target. The enemy army camp honed into view.

<<Anvil-1 to Anvil-2, target has been marked. I repeat, target has been marked>>

<<<Bombs away>>>

The bombs were dropped. Not too long later, a big explosion was seen where the army camp was.

<<Target Alpha has been neutralised. RTB>>

With that, the two Phantoms headed back to the temporary airfield to refuel and return to the carrier.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Duchy of Kestrington, 1500 hours

There was a huge ruckus in the streets. Everybody saw how effortlessly the weird aircraft dodged the wyverns and zoomed off at impossible speeds. Not too long later, explosions were heard in the distance.

Duke Marlbrough had sent scouts to check out the site of the explosion. What was reported back was...disturbing. The Lourian army camp in the area was completely blown up. It seems like the enemies had bombed the powder storage, causing a large secondary explosion that wiped out half the camp, many lay dead or dying, horrific burns all over them.

Then he heard a weird sound coming from outside. It was similar to when the aircraft flew over earlier today, but somewhat different. Duke Marlbrough got to the top of the tower of his castle and saw it. It was a different aircraft fly by. Down dropped various pieces of papers. Some dropped on the tower.

The Duke of Kestrington picks the paper up. What was written on it was written in Common Language.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1900 hours, Court of the Duke of Kestrington

The paper dropped from the weird aircraft caused a large controversy among the courtiers. As a result, an emergency meeting is called.

"""Who do these Americans think they are? Simply flying over our air space, bombing the Lourian army camp and asking us to defect to their side? That is absolutely preposterous!""" the court chaplain said.

""In case you didn't notice, they did it with impunity. My liege, if I may, it is the opinion of this humble servant that we should jump over to the American side,"" proposed the marshal.

Duke Malbrough was intrigued by this opinion. "Why do you say so?" he asked the marshal.

""It is obvious, my liege. Based on the Feudal Contract, the liege must also fulfil his part of the contract to the vassal. The part I am referring to is, of course, the provision of protection. In exchange for us providing them taxes and manpower, they have to defend us in return. They have increased our taxes recently, but recent events have shown that they could not protect us. In fact, they could barely defend themselves, as shown by the destruction of their army camps near the capital," the marshal explained

""""And that is not all, if I may,"""" the steward asked for a chance to speak.

"Go on."

""""The Lourians had increased the taxes on us twice within the year already. Due to that, we were forced to raise taxes on the peasants. We're now being bled dry by these taxes. If we don't lower them, expect peasant revolts within the year. However, I don't see how we could pay off the Lourians without increasing taxes. Perhaps we could negotiate better terms with the Americans,""""

""""Likewise, the Americans are planning to help us build up our infrastructure. With how advanced their weapons tech is, it is highly likely that they are very advanced, so this kind of help could benefit us greatly in the long-run,"""" the steward put forward his point of view.

""""""The Americans also don't really seem too intent on interfering with most of the laws already present. Those they do interfere with are a none factor. Slavery is so taboo in Kestrington that nobody practices it anyway. Due to banditry, it's not like banning peasant ownership of swords was going to benefit us in any way. To be honest, they're far less meddlesome of a liege than the Lourians could ever be,"""""" the chancellor interrupted.

"You have all raised very good points. However, to be sure of what the council thinks, I will hold a vote. Those in favour?"

Out of the seven members of the royal council, six raised their hands. The only one who didn't was the court chaplain, who was always in favour of the status quo anyway.

So now the only thing left to do is to raise a white flag with red stripes. The Americans would somehow know that they have agreed to switch sides. However, even with the decisions made, the members of the council wondered if they had made a mistake.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar June 3, 1639
Enclave Oil Rig

President MacPherson was delighted to hear that the vassal duchies on the Lourian-Qua-Toyne border and Lourian-Quilan border decided to switch sides. The people here, albeit primitive, seem to have more sense then expected.

Likewise, he has just authorized a mission to land people to set up crude relay towers across the duchies. Combining them with the crude ones in Qua-Toyne used in the temporary air strips, they should provide some communication capabilities to the defected Duchies. Allowing some diplomacy to take place slightly easier.

MacPherson didn't enjoy the idea originally. It was very primitive compared to the Satellite communication from the pre-war days. Heck, even the relay towers set up were rudimentary compared to what was set up in the old world. However, there was no other way to set up communications with the local governments without it, so he digressed.

Once they get approval, the military would send some troops in. They don't have much in terms of a land force, so some marines would have to do, along with some tanks from the storage. However, the tanks did seem to draw some concern the higher ups of the military due to low training among the crews. There's not much else they could do though. They need to prove to the vassal duchies(or as he liked to call it, new states) that they are a capable fighting force.

Likewise, logistics could be an issue. The new states are not connected via railroad, which means that they would have to use vertibirds to transport in ammunition. His military staff has reminded him of this. Unfortunately, this is the only way they could effectively defeat Louria without resorting to nuclear bombing.

President MacPherson sighed. He then uttered a silent prayer to God, so that his troops would get the best outcome.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendat June 10, 1639

Kingdom of Louria, royal capital Jin Hark, Castle Hark, royal council


King Hark XXXIV smashed the table. The news of border duchies switching sides had spread all throughout the Kingdom. Many of the other duchies are considering doing the same now. The constant hiking of taxes combined with unpopular edicts made this a long time coming.

"These ungrateful vassals...if that's...what...they want..."

His councillors looked at him, knowing what comes next. King Hark XXXIV has already done this before too many times.

"I will slaughter every one of them! Burn down their towns and salt their grounds! They shall not exist any further of they switch sides! Send this decree out!"

The councillors pretended to look obedient. Secretly, they're all tired of this madness. If this goes on, they will all be dead.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar June 15, 1639

Duchy of Kestrington, in front of castle Kestrington. 1200 hours

Duke Malbrough stared in awe as the dragonfly-like aircraft lands in front of the castle. Troops dismounted from the craft, carrying weapons that look similar to that of the Lourians but more compact. They don't seem to be wearing much armor, but their attire were uniform and green. It looks as if they would blend into the Environment from a distance.

Then he saw what the Americans called heavy infantry. The suit of armor made them look much taller and more imposing than the average man. They carry weapons that were ludicrously large for a common man, but perhaps they weren't common men, but rather enhanced through means that was not known to him.

Impressively, the Americans were also hauling something else off their flying machines. It looked oddly like a mini-version of the bombards the Lourians have with one key difference: they are angled in such a weird way. Knowing rumours about the American troops, he could expect at least something similar to the power of the Lourians.

However, the size of the American army scared him. There were 6000 Lourians still inside Kestrington. While most have retreated into Louria, these men were still very well-trained and disciplined. They also have bombards, which render the walls of Kestrington castle useless. In contrast, there are 200 Americans here. Duke Malbrough could only grit his teeth as things there isn't a way to turn back now.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kestrington Castle War Room, 1400 hours

Captain Franklin Joseph looks at the battle map on the war table. It is very crude compared to whatever they have back at New Mariposa Base or the Enclave Oil Rig. However, extra information is always useful, and the locals know the most about the situation here. Luckily, he had done his best to learn the common language. He won't be needing a translator for this mission.

""There are two more camps near this castle: one northwest of here, one southwest. If they coordinate just right, the earliest they would attack is on the day after. If they sent everyone, they could muster about 6000 men to assault this castle.""

Captain Joseph knows how unlikely it is for these castle walls to survive being hit by a bombard. The position of the castle was bad as well. It wasn't even set on a hill, so the attackers will have a slightly easier time winning.

Not that it matters though, they have air cover from vertibirds. According to the duke, most of the enemy wyverns are already gone. Even though it would take 30 minutes for the vertibirds to arrive, he doubts that the castle would fall within that short amount of time.

"Your highness, if I may, may I request that your men avoid the areas here, here and here?" asked Captain Joseph, pointing at various spots on the map, places where the enemy is most likely to march through.

""Why?"" the duke asked. Perhaps he sought to face the Lourians in a head-on engagement?

"We wish to set up explosive traps there," answered Captain Joseph with a grin.

""Granted. Anything else?""

"We would also request to set up positions here and here," referring to two roads that sloped slightly upwards towards the castle. If the enemies were directed off that route, these two routes will be the easiest to take, but also slightly beneficial to the defenders. "If they get here, a few men might not be enough, hence why we need some of your men as well," he explained.

""Why not deploy more of your men there?"" the duke asked.

"Some men are required to guard fallback points, for the unlikely event that things go south or they somehow managed to brute force through the traps. There are also support unitd. which are not the best troops on the front line," Captain Joseph explained, hoping that the duke understands.

""Very well, some Pikemen, bowmen and crossbowmen will be deployed in this position to bolster your troops.""

Captain Joseph was relieved to hear that. If all the units could have arrived here without issue, he wouldn't have had to request that. However, the tanks and armored personel carriers got stuck in mud and were unable to make it. But with Pikemen and Longbowmen, they shohld be able to pull this off without needing to call in the Vertibirds.

"That should be all, I will order my men to set up positions and set up the mines."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Private Nelson was helping with the digging of a trench. It is quite funny. When the nukes dropped, he thought that there will no longer be a war to fight. Even reclaiming the mainland will be a few decades away. Perhaps his son or grandson would be doing it. However, this was not the case. It has not even been a year since the bombs fell, and he's fighting a war, and he's not even on earth!

Unfortunately, they're running short on engineers, so the troops themselves have to dig it. According to whatever information they have, they have two days to dig the trenches. Likewise, communication with the Kestringtonite troops was not the best. Some soldiers understood the "common language". However, most don't, and as a result, they were essentially useless as allies.

Nelson would've liked having some tanks to support the troops. However, they got stuck in the mud getting here, and the higher ups decided to not send it anymore. Still, at least things like their APCs would help. At least they provide some extra protection and firepower via auto cannon.

The only thing that reassured him is the power armor troopers here. For now, they will use them as pseudo armored vehicles. With their heavy weapons and the other machineguns set up, their 50 men might stand a chance against larger numbers.

Nelson continued working on the trenches until it has been turned into a sort of stronghold. He hopes that the battle does not come to melee.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar June 17, 1639

0700 hours, near Kestrington Castle.

General Philandius's troops, numbering 3000 men marched forward. This route will take them to the Kestrington Castle in the shortest amount of time. While rumours of American troops already arriving un Kestrington is alarming. He reminded himself that they have never lost to American infantry. Perhaps they could overwhelm the Americans with sheer numbers, since they only have 200 of them in total.

The column continued marching down the road. Both sides of the roads are heavily forested, resulting in every man looking more at the sides, in case some skirmishers try to pick them off.

What the troops continued marching forward, eyes glued to the treeline, expecting skirmishers to pop up any second. They barely paid attention to to the road in front of them.


General Philandius looked ahead at the direction of the explosion. There was a strong smell of gunpowder. About 4 men had already died due to explosion and shrapnel. There was a bit of panic in the formost ranks of the column.

"Shit, they can already attack us from here?" General Philandius spouted out loud. He ordered the column to not move. But then...nothing happened.

"Is it a trap or an enemy attack?" General Philandius asked out loud. If it was an attack, they would be dead already. And yet, he must know if the road ahead will be safe.

"March forwards," he ordered. If only then the explosions occur, then it has to be a booby-trapped road.

Just as he said that, another explosion occured, killing 6 men this time.

"Shit, the road is booby-trapped. Start dispersing into the trees, they won't have enough skirmishers!" General Philandius ordered. But as soon as troops started moving into the trees, explosions occured, on both sides even.

"Shit, this area is booby-trapped! All men, retreat, we will take the other, slightly longer route!" General Philandius ordered. In his mind, if the enemy had turned this entire area into a deathtrap, they won't have enough of these traps to mess with the other road.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kestrington Castle

Duke Malbrough looks at the blue sky. He knew full well that the Americans are far more advanced than the Lourians, but he knew better than to trust the Americans too much. The Lourians enjoyed a severe manpower advantage. Even with his troops supporting the Americans, the Americans could lose if it comes to Melee. From what he could tell, the Americans relied heavily on firearms. If it came to melee, their lack of armor and potential lack of melee training would cause severe casualties for the Americans.

Of course, Duke Malbrough knew not how strong the heavy troopers are. However, there were so little of them, that the Lourians might just try to bog them down with sheer numbers and win.

Duke Malbrough had changed throughout the entire Rodenius War. Before this war, he thought the Lourians undefeatable on the Rodenius continent. However, that is no longer the case. He would do well to keep that in mind as the day goes on.

Duke Malbrough took a deep breath, looking at the blue sky. He knew this could be the last time he had a chance to do so, for if the Lourians managed to take the castle, he would be executed, along with his entire family.

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