Behind Eyes of Red

By Deags58

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This is our first fanfic so please keep that in mind, our story revolves around Katsuki Bakugo, we're going f... More

Chapter 1: New Quirk
Chapter 2: Aspirations
Chapter 3: Never meet your heros
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: Knotfest
CHAPTER 6: Sparks Fly
Chapter 6 Part 2: Ignition
Chapter 7: Godzilla
Chapter 8: Burnin Love
Chapter 9: Unconventional Recovery
Chapter 10: Heavy Burdens
Chapter 11: Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Breaking Point
Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge
Important Announcement
Chapter 14: A New Beginning???
Chapter 15: Old Wounds
Chapter 16: Blast from the past
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 18: (Unofficial) Business
Chapter 19: Business gets Personal
Chapter 21: Actions bare Consequences
Chapter 22: Seeing a ghost, in the flesh
Chapter 23: Track'em Find'em Kill'em
Chapter 24: The Phoenix
Chapter 25: The Unsung Hero

Chapter 20: I'm No Hero

82 7 11
By Deags58

I'm No Hero

*over comms*
Jiro: Hey Yaomomo,  I know that guy, he's a known associate of the league... Yaomomo? Hey Yao- *cuts off*
VulGar: The fuck was that?
Izuku: That can't be good
VulGar: Deku, Deags, get back to UA it sounds like we might need a medic, GZ, to me, let's check on Team 1
Izuku: Yes sir, Emerald Inferno out
Deags: Hurry back man, heading back to UA, Deags out
Ground Zero: ....copy....

VulGar and Ground Zero rush their way to Team 1's last known location while Izuku and Deags hurry back to UA to inform Nezu of someone possibly needing medical attention. Ground Zero and VulGar are now running side by side getting closer to their destination, they both spot something in the distance, upon realizing what they were seeing, they pick up their pace. After a few moments they reached the location and there they found the motionless body of Alchemist, VulGar knelt down and placed two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, she was still alive, just unconscious. As VulGar looked up from where he was, he noticed Ground Zero was following a trail of what appeared to be dragging marks and drops of blood.

VulGar: GZ, got something?
Ground Zero: Drag marks and blood droplets, Soundwave was taken
VulGar: Fuck, just what we need, a missing student...
Ground Zero: They took her.....
VulGar: GZ, you good?
Ground Zero: THEY... TOOK... JIRO... *clenches his fists*
VulGar: *Now piecing together everything he knew about Katsuki* GZ...
Ground Zero: I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!
Ground Zero: *looks back at VulGar *
VulGar: Alchemist is hurt, we gotta get her back to UA
Ground Zero: *visibly shaking in anger*
VulGar: *carrying Alchemist in his arms* .......... Go get her back......

With those words, Ground Zero cracked a malicious smile before throwing his hands behind him and using his quirk to blast himself towards the warehouse.

VulGar: *thinking out loud* ..... Good luck buddy.... Get your girl back... *takes off full speed towards UA*

As VulGar is running at inhuman speed, he realizes that on foot would take too much time, Momo needs medical attention and Katsuki needs back up, so he decides it's time to utilize his quirk. VulGar's eyes once again changed to that glowing gold color and huge scaled wings sprouted from his back instantly, he tightened his grip on Momo then leaped into the air and with a thunderous boom, he beat his wings sending him skyward at breakneck speeds. With every beat of his wings it propelled him faster and faster, he reached UA in under a minute thanks to his ability. Using his wings to soften the landing, he made it outside the UA main entrance and bolted inside sprinting towards Recovery Girl's office.

VulGar: *bursting through the door* Yo someone get off their ass and come help me!!
Recovery Girl: *shocked* Oh good heavens what happened?
VulGar: I found her unconscious, I assume she was on a mission, I'm afraid I can't explain the details. I need to get to Deags and Emerald Inferno NOW!
Recovery Girl: Ok Sonny I believe they are with Nezu and Aizawa.
VulGar: Thanks again, bye *zooms down the hall*

VulGar skids to a halt outside Nezu's office, doesn't bother knocking and like the FBI burst in the room causing the four already in the room to rubber neck and one particular Gunslinger to whip out his twin hand cannons and aim them towards His friendly neighborhood Dragon.

VulGar: Guys we have a situ- Deags I swear to god if you don't stop pointing those at me, they're going up your ass.
Deags: My bad bro, reflexes
Aizawa: Jeez kid, what's got you all on edge?
Nezu: Indeed is everything alright?
VulGar: Far from it *audible panic*
Deags: V? What's the update with Team 1? And where's GZ?
VulGar: No time to explain, we need to go, Ground Zero might need back up.
Aizawa: What's going on? Where are my students?!
Deags: You heard the Dragon, no time to explain. Now get off your sleepy ass let's move!!
VulGar: Deku, you too
Izuku: O-Okay sir.

As VulGar, Deags, Emerald Inferno, Aizawa and Nezu make their way to Team 1s last known location, VulGar fills them in on all the details and they pick up their pace.

We now see Jiro starting to wake up and realize that she is chained to a chair. Feeling like she got hit by a bus she tries to look around but immediately realizes that her eyes are also covered with a cloth. Starting to panic she begins to struggle but stops when she hears a familiar giggle.

???: hehehehe oh goodie you're awake!!!
Jiro: What do you want Toga?
Toga: What I've always wanted.... *removes the blindfold*
Jiro: Remind me again?
Toga: Revenge. And now I'm finally gonna get it.
Jiro: For what? Last I checked I haven't done shit to you, you vampiric bitch
Toga: Don't try to sweet talk me, you're not getting out of this.
Jiro: You want vengeance for me putting you in the slammer rather than the nut hut?
Toga: NO!!! I lost the only thing I held dear to me!! And it's all your temperamental boyfriend's fault!!!
Jiro: What does Katsuki have to do with this? He's been gone for two years ever since he......*eyes widen*
Toga: Oooooo Sounds like you finally realize the situation you're in and why you're in it hehehe
Jiro: Not really... not like you and Dabi were a thing... right? *smack*
Toga: *slaps Jiro* How dare you speak his name!
Jiro: *spits blood* Awww did I touch a nerve?
Toga: *stabs Jiro in the thigh*
Jiro: AHHH YOU BITCH!! *grits teeth in pain*
Toga: Awww did I hit a nerve?
Jiro: So what's this all about? You want vengeance on Katsuki? For what? Because he killed Dabi? You want me to feel sympathy towards a couple of villains? Don't make me laugh
Toga: *stabs her other thigh* hehehehe now you're getting it.
Jiro: *wincing in pain* hahaha you psychotic bitch!!!

As the torture continues Jiro manages to free one of her jacks and puts it in the floor hoping to hear for her rescuers. One thing she heard was the faint sound of explosions in the far distance, that sound alone gave her the willpower she needed to endure the torture.

Toga: Oh poor little Jiro tapping out already? That's no fun I have so many things planned for you *motioning to 3 low level villains*
Jiro: *confused* Wait, what are they here for??
Toga: Oh they are just here to break you, break you in mind, body, and soul.
Jiro: *eyes widen* wait you don't mean....
Toga: Ohhhh but I do mean. Hehehehe *to the 3 villains* have some fun boys but make sure you keep her alive, I'm the one that gets to finish her off. I'll be right back, I have to hit the ladies room.

Toga walks off, and the 3 villains place quirk canceling cuffs on Jiro before moving her chains from the chair to another chain dangling from the ceiling. Now chained from the ceiling in a standing position with her hands above her head. Jiro tries to struggle against the advances of the 3 low level villains but each struggle comes with a price.  One villain starts to take off her top to which Jiro sends a kick to his Testicles, and that earns her a sucker punch to the stomach by the second villain,  he then rips the sleeve to her top, revealing her scars of the past. As she is now hunched over in pain the second villain then got on one knee in front of her and proceeded to try to unbutton and take off her pants. Jiro responded with a knee to the villain's nose thus breaking it as she then spat blood on his face. As the three villains collect themselves, they decide to weaken the hero in training by beating her mercilessly as she has no other way to defend herself. Jiro, now beaten, bloodied and bruised hangs her head in hopeless defeat and the villains see this as the green light to move in for their "fun time". Fortunately for Jiro, before they could get any closer the ceiling above them caved in and the sound of boots hitting the ground could be heard, a smile grew on Jiro's face, there was hope for the hero because now standing between her and the 3 villains was her salvation in the form of none other than Ground Zero.

Villain 1: Hey who the hell are yo-.....*BANG BANG BANG*
Ground Zero: *holding his trusty Ruger 57* *headshots all three villains with 3 shots* your worst fucking nightmare assholes....
Jiro: *in shock* Oh my god GZ... you killed them.
Ground Zero: *turning around to face Jiro with fire in his eyes* I did what needed to be done.... I'm Sorry you had to see that, let's get you outta here. Can you walk?
Jiro: Y-yeah I think so
Ground Zero: Good, now brace yourself
Jiro: *closes eyes* *BANG* * falls to her knees holding her ears*
Ground Zero: *shoots the chain* Sorry for the noise, we gotta go NOW! *going to help Jiro up*
Toga: *coming out of the bathroom* Jesus what's with all the fucking noise..... Huh!?!? It's you!!!! The Vigilante!!!
Jiro: *thinking* He spoke to me.... His voice....
Ground Zero: Ear- Soundwave, get to safety, I'll handle her
Jiro: R-right
Toga: *thinking* oh shit I need back up *out loud* Fuck *runs to the other room*

As Toga runs to the back room to call for backup, Ground Zero quickly helps Jiro/Soundwave to her feet and leads her to the door before turning his attention in the direction Toga ran off to. Ground Zero Smashes through the door to find Toga hanging up the phone with an evil grin.

Toga: You're too late Vigilante more of us are already on the way
Ground Zero: Fine by me, my main objective was to secure the girl and now that she's escaped, you're history!!
Toga: *scared* What is your business with her anyway? She's just a brat!!
Ground Zero: You're targeting her for some petty vendetta!!! All because you were too weak to save Dabi. But don't worry about avenging him, you'll be seeing him real soon.
Toga: W-what? How do you know about that?
Ground Zero: *slides mask down* Because I was there
Toga: *shock and anger* YOU!!
Ground Zero: Yes, me. I was there to feel his neck snap, to feel the life leave his pathetic body, you always remember your first kill.
Ground Zero: She was a bitch.... Was
Toga: *takes out a blood vile, pops the cap off and downs it* TIME TO PAY!!!
Ground Zero: *slides mask back up* TIME TO DIE!!!

As the two charged towards each other,  Ground Zero noticed that Toga's body began to bulge and morph as she grew closer. Ground Zero noticed that Toga started to significantly increase in size, her muscles grew bigger and bigger, until they started to rip through her skin. Ground Zero can now see her muscle fibers, just then he realized what she had done to herself, she had used Muscular's blood to transform herself into him. Mid charge, Ground Zero draws his war machine but before he could take aim, he's met with a very large fist and takes the brunt of the impact directly to his primary weapon. Ground Zero is sent soaring backwards and landing with his back dragging on the floor before coming to a stop, he stood up and took aim, but as he pulled the trigger, nothing happened, the blow from Toga had jammed it. He thought quickly and popped open the cylinder,  he extracted the grenade rounds and decided to use them for close combat. As he jumped towards Toga for a Superman Punch he used a small output of his quirk to ignite the round in his right hand inches before it made contact with the center of Toga's face sending her sliding back a good 15 feet before more muscle fiber grew around the damaged area. Not giving her any time to fully recover, Ground Zero grabs the grenades strapped to his vest and starts throwing them at her using his quirk.

During this time Jiro has successfully limped her way outside where she sees Izuku, VulGar, Deags, Aizawa, and Nezu sprinting towards her. They reach Jiro and are in shock at her current state as they ask her if she is okay and what happened.

Aizawa: Jiro is everything alright? Are YOU Alright?
Deags: Yeah kid you look like you got hit by a bus
VulGar: *smacks Deags in the head* DUDE!! Not the time nor place.
Jiro: GUYS!!! Don't worry about me right now! Ground Zero is fighting Toga inside. She did something using her quirk and he may really need help.
VulGar: Calm down kid, seeing how you look right now, I'd say that it's Toga that's gonna need help *smirking*
Deags: Oh come on dude
VulGar: What? it's true
Aizawa: Save it, the both of you. Looks like we got company. *looks at the group of low level villains that showed up*
VulGar: Aw hell yeah, time for some action *cracks his knuckles*
Deags: About fucking time, I've been itching to scrap *twirls his guns*

Just then a loud Boom is heard and before they know it Toga is sent flying through the warehouse wall and outside near the others. Just as Toga manages to get to her feet Ground Zero comes flying through the hole in the wall and full force with an incendiary grenade primed and ready to blow. Ground Zero tosses the grenade up and proceeds to kick it right into Toga's face before using his quirk to detonate it. As the muscle fibers around her face sizzle, Katsuki proceeds to mercilessly lay into her, punch after punch, he is just brutally pummeling her, barely giving her a chance to breathe. In a moment of frustration she reaches up and grabs him before forcefully throwing him back inside, what she didn't realize was that in that moment of frustration,  she had grabbed him by his face, which would explain the tactical mask in her hand. She peered through the hole in the wall before locking eyes with Ground Zero, she then crushed the mask in her massive palm. The impact from Ground Zero's body hitting the wall caused it to crumble and fall on him, Jiro was worried and tried her best to help him, as she limped her way to him, she was halfway to him when she saw something that made her stop dead in her tracks. The pile of rubble was moving before being thrown off, Ground Zero stood up, battered and slightly bloody, but still strong. He turned his attention to the person limping towards him and realized she had stopped, it was then that he realized they were locking eyes once again, only this time, he didn't have his mask.

Ground Zero: I'm gonna feel that in the morning.. *looks up* Huh?
Jiro: *Frozen in place* K...Kat- Gah!!

In that moment Toga had crept up behind her and grabbed her by the throat, holding her in the air while her legs dangled and the life within her was slowly being choked away. Ground Zero or now Katsuki watches in horror as Toga holds Jiro up for him to see.

Toga: Hehehehe Oh would you look at that...
Jiro: *struggling to breathe* ka-katsuki h-hel-help me
Katsuki: *getting angry* Let...Her...Go
Toga: awww is someone getting mad? GOOD! I'm gonna show you how it feels to lose the one you love most...
Jiro: *tear falls down her cheek*
Katsuki: *pissed* Rahhhhhh *lunges towards toga*
Toga: *dodges and throws Jiro to the side hitting a wall* have it your way.
Jiro: *on the ground barely awake*
Katsuki: Big Mistake Bitch!

Katsuki's rage had peaked the moment he watched Jiro slide down the wall and slip in and out of consciousness. He grabbed the last grenade off his vest and took off at inhuman speed using his quirk to soar through the air. Moving faster than the naked eye can see, he peppers Toga with explosion after explosion weakening Toga. Katsuki sees this and decides it time for the finishing blow, still holding onto the last grenade, he lands right in front of a dazed toga and using his left arm he fired his quirk downward thrusting him upward and using his right arm he sent a grenade reinforced uppercut to the jaw of the villain. Katsuki, now hunched over and breathing heavily, starts to walk towards Jiro who is still on the ground hardly moving. As he gets to her, Katsuki hears groans coming from behind him to see Toga barely alive. Katsuki kneels next to Jiro to check her pulse before walking back to Toga.

Toga: Th-This isn't fair! I was supposed to get my revenge for what you did
Katsuki: *draws his Ruger 57 from its holster as he advances towards her* Well life's a bitch ain't it? *standing over her aiming the gun at her temple* Say hi to Dabi for me. *Bang*

Katsuki walked back over to Jiro who's slowly fading out of consciousness

Katsuki: *Holding jiro* Hey Ears, you're gonna be alright.
Jiro: *weak smile* it is you
Katsuki: *smile* Yeah... it's me. Come on, we gotta get you some medical attention.
Jiro: *puts hand on his cheek* yo-you kept your p-promise *passes out*
Katsuki: *carrying her bridal style* *smile fades quickly* Shit, I gotta hurry.

About 10 minutes earlier outside the warehouse. VulGar, Deags, Izuku, Aizawa and Nezu fight the large group of low level villains and one by one capture each one with quirk canceling cuffs. As they rounded up the last of the villains and waited for the authorities to arrive they heard a loud bang ringing out from the inside of the warehouse.

Izuku: *jumps* What the hell was that?
VulGar: Sounded like a gunshot, Deags?
Deags: *comically puts on glasses then adjusts them* Hmmm that sounded like a 5.7mm round and judging by the single shot I'd say it was a kill shot, fired from a semiautomatic.... *eyes widen* oh fuck
Izuku: What?
VulGar: Ground Zero... his sidearm...
Deags: Is a Ruger 57 chambered in 5.7mm
Aizawa: After this is over I need to know how you know that just by the sound.
Nezu: If I may interrupt.... It appears someone is emerging from the warehouse

VulGar, Deags, Izuku, Aizawa and Nezu all look towards the hole in the side of the warehouse to see a silhouette carrying another silhouette coming through the hole. As the two figures finally are in clear view of the ones outside, Izuku and Aizawa are in complete shock at the sight in front of them. The sight of an unconscious Jiro being held bridal style by the vigilante Ground Zero, or as they formerly knew him, Katsuki Bakugo

Izuku: *Shocked* Ka-Kachaan?
Katsuki: *Smirk* Hey Deku...

FOCUSRS58 : Sup Y'all, so due to life... we will be postponing the next chapter release for an additional week.
FDKMOGAR: We apologize for leaving it at a cliffhanger again

Deags: Great way to end the chapter, especially since the next one won't be out for 2 weeks
FDKMOGAR: Deags, ya gotta stop fucking with the 4th wall man
VulGar: I told him to knock it off
FDKMOGAR: You too VulGar!
FOCUSRS58: No no he's got a point
VulGar: You guys are such cock teasers
MOGAR/RS58: We know *smirking*

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