See You Later ~ Elizabeth Ols...

By grw255nyc

447K 21.6K 18.1K

Y/N meets Elizabeth Olsen in her first week at NYU and instantly becomes enamored by the girl. While Lizzie s... More

1 ~ Orientation
2 ~ Friendship
3 ~ Brunch
4 ~ Music
5 ~ Self Doubt
6 ~ Twins
7 ~ Lyrics
8 ~ Bagels
9 ~ Hannah
11 ~ Sunflowers
12 ~ Rules
13 ~ Musicals
14 ~ Apologies
15 ~ Therapy
16 ~ Family
17 ~ Monologue
18 ~ Fall
19 ~ Changes
20 ~ Green Eyes
21 ~ Tribeca
22 ~ Thanksgiving
23 ~ Christmas
24 ~ New Years
25 ~ Birthday Dinner
26 ~ Alone
27 ~ Letters
28 ~ Nikolay
29 ~ Summer
30 ~ Patience
31 ~ Explanations
32 ~ Answers
33 ~ Conflicted
34 ~ Running
35 ~ Breakup
36 ~ Cigarettes
37 ~ Love
38 ~ Best Friend
39 ~ Jazz
40 ~ Time Capsule
41 ~ Official
42 ~ Possessive
43 ~ High
44 ~ Honey
45 ~ Study Break
46 ~ The Hamptons
47 ~ Growth
48 ~ Realize
49 ~ Sundance
50 ~ NDA
51 ~ Powerless
52 ~ Go Ahead
53 ~ Tenerife Sea
54 ~ Miscommunication
55 ~ Truth
56 ~ Charity Case
57 ~ Either Way
58 ~ Avengers
59 ~ Photograph
60 ~ See You Later

10 ~ Sleepover

8.9K 466 813
By grw255nyc


I smile when her door swings open and I see her bright eyes. "Hi, Sunshine." I greet and step forward into a hug before I can second guess it.

"Hi, bug. You seem chipper." She comments and squeezes before stepping back to let me inside. She shuts the door as I set my bag down on the table near the door.

"I'm happy to be here." I shrug and walk into the living room, sitting down on the couch and looking around the space.

"I guess so, someone is comfy." She teases.

"I like it here. I feel welcome and warm." I describe and smile when I see the happiness in her eyes. She sits next to me, her thigh lightly brushing against mine at how close she sits.

"I'm glad. Want to watch a movie?" She suggests and I nod. She grins and turns her attention to her TV. She realizes A New Hope is still in the player so she gets up to pick a different one. My eyes may have dropped to her cute butt but that's not important.

"How was class?" I ask as she finds another disk.

"It was good, very tiring though. I just wanna snuggle in bed." She shares and I frown.

"Oh, do you want me to go then? It's okay if you want to go to bed and have some time to yourself." I assure her, not wanting to intrude.

"No! No. I want you here." She assures me and I nod lightly. She looks tired. I watch as she walks back over to the couch and sits.

"Here, lay down." I prompt, and wrap my arm around her shoulders to guide her to lay down in my lap, grabbing a pillow she can rest her head on. I smile softly at the little grin that is planted on her lips as she lays down, shifting around until she's comfy. My hand ends up on her waist and I leave it there, feeling weird about putting it anywhere else.

I try not to think about it because I know if I overthink it I will just get awkward. I smile at the next Star Wars film that starts playing on the screen. What a nerd. My focus is drawn into the film, my eyes not leaving the screen as we watch in mostly silence. She must be tired if she isn't explaining all her nerdy things about Star Wars.

Somewhere in our watch, I shift my hand to play with a few strands of her hair. She hums in response but doesn't express any discomfort so I continue to do it, combing my fingers through her hair. I peek down to her and notice her eyes are closed so I watch her intently. She's so tired.

"Lizzie bear." I call to her quietly and she hums in reply. "I think it's time for bed." I point out.

"Maybe." She decides and I smile softly. "Bed time for you too?" She asks and takes a deep breath before shifting to lay on her back, her eyes fluttering open. I lose my breath at the way she looks at me, her sleepy eyes are adorable and still sparkle even half closed.

"Maybe." I mirror her response.

"You can stay here?" She asks and the way she's speaking makes my heart so warm. She's being fucking adorable. I love sleepy Lizzie.

"If you'd like me too." I decide and she grins, her eyes closing.

"Yay, let's go." She prompts and gets up slowly, grabbing my hand and pulling me to her bedroom. I look around the room as she looks for something in her drawers and smile at the little plants and books placed around. It's simply decorated but still so pretty and so Lizzie. "Here." She whispers and holds out some clothes.

I take the comfy clothes and change in the bathroom she shows me. I brush my teeth with a new brush she found under her sink then walk back into her room. She's already snuggled in bed, but gets up to also brush her teeth. I sit on the edge of the bed and continue to take in her decorations.

There are a few movie posters of old movies I know nothing about on her walls. Her bookcase is messy but still somehow organized. She has plants on her bed side tables with simple lamps and even more plants on her window sills. There are candles on her dresser with her jewelry.

She comes back out and sits next to me, her shoulders slumped. "You're a tired bear." I comment and she giggles lightly.

"Come cuddle." She rasps cutely and shifts to get back under the covers. I follow suit and slide into the free side of the bed, trying my best to not overthink this. Friends have sleepovers in each other's beds all the time. I smile as she shifts, nuzzling her face into my chest and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Comfy?" I ask softly and she hums in reply.

"Mhm, night night bug." She whispers, leaning back to look at me.

"Night night, bear." I reply. She leans forward and pecks my lips simply before snuggling back into my chest.

Wait what the fuck? Did she just? She...did I? Did I imagine that? My thoughts run wild and spill out of my mouth, unable to keep them inside. "You kissed me." I state simply.

"Mhm." She hums, half asleep. I continue to think about the simple action. She did it so naturally, without thought or theatrics. She just...kissed me. And it was nice. But now it's all I can think about and while she falls asleep, her breaths getting deeper, I'm wide awake thinking about if she will ever do it again.

Did she like...mean to kiss me? Or was it like a friendly kiss? She's pretty tired and drowsy. Maybe it was an accident. Or maybe she wanted to kiss me? I mean...she must have, right?

Fuck I'm overthinking. I sigh and tilt my head to kiss the top of her head, her face still snuggled deep into my chest, her arms around my stomach. Our legs are tangled and my arms rest around her shoulders to keep her safe and warm. I leave my lips on her head and close my eyes, shifting to get comfier and willing my body to calm down.

I start to match her breathing and fall asleep pretty soon after, warm and safe in her arms. When I wake up in the morning to her alarm, we are in the same position. She grumbles and rolls away to turn off her clock and shifts to lay on her back. I watch as she pushes her hair out of her face, my eyes landing on her lips.

"Good morning sleepy head." I greet and watch her lips quirk into a smile.

"I'm the one usually calling you that." She replies, her voice still raspy from sleep.

"Did you have a good sleep? I ask. Did you mean to kiss me?

"I did, a really good sleep. You?" She confirms.

"Good." You kissed me.

"I guess we should get up and go to our Journalism class." She decides and I nod, still snuggled in her sheets. She looks over to me finally, her cheek resting on her pillow as she gazes at me.

"Your bed is comfy." I comment. Are you going to kiss me again?

"Thank you. You can stay whenever you want." She offers and it makes me grin. I watch as her eyes flick to my lips and back to my eyes.

"Cool." Are you thinking about kissing me again?

"Come on, lazy butt." She prompts and rolls out of bed. I follow suit and brush my teeth as she picks out clothing for me. She rests some jeans and a white v-neck shirt on the sink for me and squeezes my forearm before leaving the room again.

A hint of lavender fills my nostrils as I slip on her shirt and I smile at the comforting smell. I slip on the jeans then join her in the kitchen where she is making coffee. I watch as she moves around the kitchen and we share a smile as she sets a mug down in front of me. I take it in my hands and lean up against the counter and continue to watch her.

"You kissed me." I speak out of nowhere, my mouth opening before I can think about it. She stops moving for a second before turning with her mug in her hand.

"I did." She confirms, locking me into her gaze. I can't figure out what she's thinking or feeling and it's making me crazy.

"I uh...are you going to do it again?" I ask and watch her lips curl into a tiny grin.

"Would you like me to?" She counters and I purse my lips.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. I've never had someone randomly kiss me without explanation before. She continues to watch me think about it with a curious gaze and tilts her head, her bottom lip slightly between her teeth.

"I'd like to kiss you again." She speaks into my silence. My stomach flips at the admission and any words that were going to come out are swallowed back. "If that's okay with you." She adds on.

"Uh...I mean. If...sure." I stumble and blush when she smiles softly.

"To be honest Y/N, I didn't entirely mean to kiss you last night. I just did. That's not a great explanation just happened. It was short and out of nowhere was nice." She explains slowly, her eyes deep in thought as she stares at her coffee mug.

I don't know how to respond. She seems to be thinking about the implications of her actions and I let her, not wanting to say or do anything that could make this situation weird. Because even though it should be weird, it isn't. It feels completely normal to be talking about a simple kiss like this.

"I'm not sure why you kissed me either...but if it were to happen again. I think I'd like to know if it was happening." I explain and she smiles, her lips relaxing from being pursed in thought.

"I think that's a perfectly fair request." She agrees.

"And I think I'd like to know if it means anything." I add on. Her gaze flickers back up to mine and she nods softly.

"That is also fair. I'm sorry...if this is confusing I just. I'm a little confused by it too." She shares and I nod.

"So...are you going to kiss me again?" I ask, shifting on my feet. She laughs lightly and I smile in response.

"Do I have your permission?" She asks and stands straighter, slowly making her way closer to me.

"Yes?" I whisper as she stands inches in front of me, face to face.

"Is that a question?" She asks, a little smirk on her lips.

"No. Yes. Uh. Yes. You can kiss me." I finally land on, my mug slightly shaking in my hands. She blindly sets her mug onto the counter and gently takes mine from my hands before stepping even closer to me, our eyes locked as my heart pounds in my chest.

I gasp lightly when her hands slide onto my waist, lightly tugging my closer, her gaze shifting to my lips that must be trembling. I take a quick breath in when I feel her lips brush lightly against mine and close my eyes to melt into her.

Her lips are sweet despite the mint and coffee flavors I also taste. She kisses me tenderly, as if she's afraid to break me, her hands sliding to my back to keep me close. I slide my hands onto her shoulders and kiss her back with the same pressure, our lips moving in sync as if we've done this before.

I feel breathless yet full of air and warm even with the goosebumps that rise on my skin. It doesn't last long but it doesn't matter. She made me feel so much with just one simple kiss. When she pulls away slowly, she rests her forehead against mine, our staggered breathing mingling together and eyes still closed.

"Wow." She whispers, my eyes open lazily as I observe her eyelashes resting against her cheeks. She's even more beautiful up close and I smile when I notice light freckles on her nose.

I gasp quietly when her eyes flutter open, her green irises making me see stars. "There are stars in your eyes." I whisper and smile when they crinkle in response to her wide smile.

"A song lyric?" She asks and I hum in thought.

"Maybe." I respond and she giggles, leaning back a little, her hands still keeping me in a loose hug.

"You always say that." She teases and I shrug.

"Because sometimes they end up being song lyrics and sometimes they don't." I explain. "You always say see you later." I point out.

"I do." She confirms, her eyes bright as we talk like we didn't just share the most beautiful kiss I've ever experienced.

"Why?" I ask and shift my hands, sliding them to the back of her neck.

"I don't like goodbyes...they are so final. I'd rather say see you later, so I know that I will see you again." She explains.

"I like that." I decide.

"I like you." She responds effortlessly and it makes my heart flip. Holy shit, she fucking likes me!

A/N Hehhehehhehehhe they kissedddddddd. Let me know what you think!

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