MHA/ BNHA Preferences and One...

By fandomjoiner

156K 1.9K 547

Characters for preferences: Mina Ashido Tsuyu Asui Denki Kaminari Eijiro Kirishima Kyoka Jiro Hanta Sero Shot... More

Requests (Open)
How You First Met
Who You're Related To, Looks, and Personality
Quirks, Hero Costume, and Name
First Date
Favorite Movie Genre
Secrets Part One
Secrets Part Two
Favorite Thing About You
Favorite Thing About Them
First I Love You
First Kiss
When They're Jealous
When You're Jealous
What They Steal From You
What You Steal From Them
How They Are
How You Are
Making Up
Sports Festival
Marriage Part One
Marriage Part Two
Your Nightmares
Their Nightmares
Birthdays Part One
Birthdays Part Two
Their Injuries
Your Injuries
Their Embarrasing Moment
💉Himiko Toga💉 Catch Up Part 1/3
💉Himiko Toga💉 Catch Up Part 2/3
💉Himiko Toga💉 Catch Up Part 3/3
Best Friend
🐙Mezo Shoji🐙 Catch Up Part 2/3
🐙Mezo Shoji🐙 Catch Up Part 3/3
Promise Ring
They Hurt You
🏁Tenya Iida🏁 Catch Up Part 1/4
🏁Tenya Iida🏁 Catch Up Part 2/4
My Princess
Spoopy Day
Someone There
Baby With a Gun
Favorite Boys
Christmas Madness
Uncle Shota
Awkward Comfort
Author Notes
Happy Squeals
Thank You

🐙Mezo Shoji🐙 Catch Up Part 1/3

549 8 1
By fandomjoiner

Confessions (Your POV)

You did. "You're going out with," I told Mezo as I grabbed the cherry from his sundae. "Excuse me?" "You're going out with me," I repeated. "O-Oh." "That's it?" I raised an eyebrow and his eyes widened as a blush began to rise from under his mask. "I just- When you said you wanted to hang out I didn't know it was so you could ask me out." "Aw! That makes it seem like no was an option." I laughed at the way Mezo's eyes widened. "I'm joking. You obviously could've said no. I just knew you wouldn't." Mezo looked down with a small chuckle. "You knew I liked you?" I nodded. "Everyone in Japan knew, pretty boy."

Who You're Related To, Looks, and Personality

Related To: Hawks. He's your older brother.
Looks: Blonde (H/L) hair, golden eagle-like eyes, long curved nails like talons, and gold wings with black on the tips of each feather. You're shorter than Shoji, head barely coming up to his shoulder.
Personality: You're pretty laid back, flirty, protective, and very confident in yourself, confident to the point of coming off as cocky. Seeing as he's the one who put the most effort into raising you, you're very close to your brother. After everything Keigo's been through, he's worked on keeping you sheltered which has led to it being hard for you to trust but after meeting Shoji and actually making friends in UA, it became a bit easier. It's hard for you to see that the world maybe isn't as dark as it seems on the surface because of what you were accidentally taught.

How You First Met (His POV)

I watched a girl fly over my head and towards the giant zero point robot. I watched the feathers of her wings stab into the robot's head and a large shock went through it's body as she fell from the sky. "Fuck!" she shouted. I got under her body that was getting closer and closer to the ground and stretched my limbs to reach up and catch her. I winced at the force of her body landing in my arms and she coughed. Her feathers flew back to her and she looked behind her to see who caught her. Her eyes widened and I looked away from her piercing golden gaze as I lowered her to the ground. A feather floated under my chin as Present Mic announced the end of the practical exam and I turned my head back to look at her. "Looks like I'm falling for you already, big guy." I gulped as I looked down at her small smile and it suddenly felt hard to breath. "Got me breathless too. Knocked the wind right out of me." "Oh, um, sorry. I just-" "No worries, I needed the help." She walked past me and the feather stayed under my chin, pulling me after her. "Didn't expect my feathers to freeze like that so thanks for the save." "Mhm." Her feather left from its place under my chin but I still followed her. "I'm Takami." "Shoji." I stepped onto the shuttle that would take us back to the school building after her and took the seat beside her without thinking. "Well, it's great meeting you, Shoji." I just nodded, not knowing what to say. "You've talked to a girl before, right?" I looked down, feeling my face heat behind my mask. "Not many people want to talk to me." "I find that hard to believe." I looked at her and smiled at her small laugh. "Your eyes have so much expression. It's kinda cute." She kept quiet until the shuttle came to a stop, completely oblivious to flustered state she put me in. "Looks like our stop." I slid out of the seat so she could walk out before me. She stepped off and we went into the school to get anything we had left. When we walked out, Takami waved to someone in the distance. "That's me. I'll see you at UA." My eyes widened when I saw the number three hero smiling at the girl in front of me. "I hope I make it there with you." Takami smiled at. "I know you will." She walked over to Hawks and he put an arm around her shoulders. I turned to walk away but stopped when feathers appeared in front of me and organized themselves into numbers. "In case you don't want to wait to see me until UA!" My head swerved from Takami to the phone number in front of me and I fumbled for the phone in my bag. I heard her laugh at my actions and I finally got my phone out. I quickly typed the number in and her feathers went back to her, one brushing just over my mask before it left. I sighed at the soft feeling and watched her and Hawks fly off. I put a hand to my face and then let it fall to my chest as I blinked away whatever dazed feeling I only just realized. "What just happened?"

Quirk, Hero Costume, and Name

Quirk: Thunderbird- It's like a mix of Electrification and Fierce Wings. You can control your feathers and you gather more electricity by moving your feathers or flying.

Drawbacks: The feathers can be injured and you can feel it but they eventually grow back if the wing itself is unharmed. If you use too much electricity, your feathers could stop responding to what you tell them to do and it has the same feeling as your arm or leg falling asleep. You can leave the feathers off you wings for a while but they're harder to control the longer they're away.


The jacket is a part of the winter version of your costume. You also have special headphones to keep your ears from popping while your in the air and the same glasses that Hawks wears.

Hero Name: Feathered Hero: Falcon

First Date (Your POV)

"This is gonna be a disaster," I whined as Keigo straightened the collar of my shirt.

"No, it isn't," he argued as he stepped back to look me over. "But the original plan already exploded and now we're just going to wander. Maybe the messed up reservation was a sign!" "Okay, I'm gonna need you to chill out." "Chill out?" There was a knock on the door and I heard things up in my room fall over as my feathers went crazy with my anxiety. "Calm down before you break something." Keigo smoothed down the front of my shirt, fixed my collar again, and adjusted my sleeves before stepping back. "Alright, get out of here, nerd." Keigo pushed me towards the door and I slowly opened it. "Hey, Mezo." I watched the end of one of his arms turn into a mouth to show the smile hidden under his mask. "Ready to go?" I nodded and he held his hand out to me. I took it and let him lead me down the street. "Where are your wings?" "Oh, I just left the feathers at home so I could hide them under my shirt." Mezo nodded. We didn't do anything too special. We walked around the city and spent most of the time window shopping. We went to a small restaurant for dinner, much different from the one I had originally planned to take him to. The whole night there were butterflies in my stomach. The only bad part was me having to turn off my phone since it kept buzzing in my pocket. Mezo brought me back home a few hours later and gave the door a confused look. "Do you think he's okay in there?" Mezo asked. "Ye-" I was interrupted by crashing and I sighed. "He's an idiot so I try not to ask questions." Mezo's arm came up to my head and turned into a mouth to kiss my forehead. A small chirp left my lips and the crashing behind me got worse. "(Y/N)!" Keigo screeched. My eyes widened and I started pushing Mezo back. "I had a great time, let's do it again. See you later." I kissed his cheek. "Um... bye!" I ran into the house and Keigo glared at me as I looked around. "You know, I was wondering why it felt like someone was aggressively patting my back all night." "I've been blowing up your phone for two and a half hours!" Keigo shouted. "I turned off my phone becuase you've been blowing up my phone for two and a half hours!" I yelled back. "FIX THIS!" he screamed. He threw his arms around the room to show he wanted the feathers to stop rushing around and I decided to make fun of his high pitched voice later. "Why didn't you catch them?" Keigo scoffed. "Gee! You know, I hadn't thought of that." I quickly took off my shirts and the feathers went back to my wings as if they were magnets. "Little chickadee, light of my life, my precious baby sister," Keigo grabbed both my shoulders, "how was your date?" he asked through gritted teeth. "It's was really fun, actually ." "Oh, good," Keigo replied sarcastically.

Favorite Movie Genre

Shoji doesn't care what you watch together but he does enjoy watching you make fun of the hero version of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other shows like it. (You can't convince me that doesn't exist.)

Secrets Part One

It's not really a secret since he doesn't make any attempt to hide the research he did, but when he first started realizing you did some things he noticed birds do, he spent hours every day looking up bird behaviors and what they meant.

Secrets Part Two

You feel bad that you can't really compliment him. You could, but you feel like when you try to make it sound sincere it ends up being sarcastic. You'd rather flirt with him and sound playful than accidentally make him feel bad.

Favorite Thing About You

Physically: Is in love, and I mean IN LOVE, with your wings. They're both bigger than him and the feathers are super soft. He loves when you wrap your wings around him like a hug since nothing else is large enough to do that and he gets the chance to feel protected and small.

Personality: Your confidence. He thinks it's great that you got the chance to grow up with someone who made you feel so secure in yourself. He also likes the the bird things you do because of your Quirk.

Favorite Thing About Them

Physically: Everything. You love the smile he hides under his mask that others find scary but you find oddly cute, his hair that's always super soft, and his arms that always give the best hugs and we all know he does.

Personality: His patience. He's always patient with you and everyone else. His patience helps him look at things with a calm and logical approach that you admire.



Pretty boy/baby, octo-dude, big guy, babe, little shit


Sweetheart, pretty bird, sparrow (they represent productivity, diligence, and creativity and he thinks that fits you), Falcon (longevity, victory, and nobility, more things he associate with you)

First I Love You

"Tokoyami, need a lift?" you asked, flapping your wings slightly. "I'll just take the train," he replied. "You sure? You're gonna get there late." Tokoyami tilted his head. "I should be right on time." You shook your head. "Yeah, no. Early is on time, on time is late, and if you somehow manage to show up late, don't show up at all. Hawks is a hero of speed so even though he's laid back, he doesn't appreciate tardiness." Tokoyami nodded. "I'll take the lift then." You gave him a thumbs up and beckoned him after you. "Come hither, feather head." Mezo chuckled as you walked past him and you flew up to kiss his cheek. "See you in a week. Good luck. Love you." You landed and continued your way out of the train station with Tokoyami in front of you. There was suddenly a pair of lips between your wings and you shivered at the contact. You turned around and saw the mouth Mezo created retreating with a small smirk. "I love you too." Your eyes widened a bit once you realized what you said and Tokoyami nodded his head towards the entrance. "On time is late, remember?" You sent one last smile to Mezo and he chuckled at your small coo. "Oh, right!" You easily picked Tokoyami up and left the train station, leaping into the air to fly off. "A warning next time!" Tokoyami cried as he clung onto you for dear life.

First Kiss

"Can I kiss you?" you asked Mezo as he stopped at your door. This time your wings were on full display, learning the hard way on your first date that you couldn't leave them home. A mouth appeared on one of his arms and stretched towards you. "You don't have to keep asking." You lightly pushed it away. "No, I mean I want to kiss you, not your Quirk or over your mask." Mezo hesitated. "I-I don't think you'll like what's under here," he said while pointing at his mask. "Try me." You heard him gulp. "Mezo, there is nothing about you I could be scared or disgusted of." He sighed and reached up towards his mask. "I could never say no to you." He pulled the mask down slowly, avoided your intense stare. "Wow." You ran your thumb over his bottom lip that stretched from one cheek to the other. "You really are my pretty boy." He looked back to you with a shocked look and became even more surprised when you didn't hesitate to fly up to his height to reach his lips. He put a hand to the back of your head and kissed back, wrapping all his arms around you to keep you close. It was a little awkward, especially for Mezo since it was his first kiss, but it didn't stop him from staring at you with the eyes of a lovesick fool once you pulled away.


His favorite place:

Your wings and in between them. He knows they're sensitive so he kisses there to fluster you. It has earned him the name little shit.

Your favorite place:

Anywhere, especially anywhere on his face. It's your way of assuring you don't think he's frightening like he's sometimes afraid you do.

When They're Jealous

🐙 He doesn't get jealous
🐙 There may be times when he feels insecure but he trusts you

When You're Jealous

🐙 You don't get jealous but you do worry about him and are very protective
🐙 You watch the people around him carefully when you're together and it makes it seem like you're jealous

What They Steal From You

He doesn't steal anything. He's always by your side and there's always some kind of contact so I guess he steals your personal space but that's it.

What You Steal From Him

His mask. You only started doing it when he started taking it off around you without you having to ask him. He takes it off and you take it away from him, making him give you an extra kiss before eventually returning it so he can leave.

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