Behind Eyes of Red

By Deags58

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This is our first fanfic so please keep that in mind, our story revolves around Katsuki Bakugo, we're going f... More

Chapter 1: New Quirk
Chapter 2: Aspirations
Chapter 3: Never meet your heros
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: Knotfest
CHAPTER 6: Sparks Fly
Chapter 6 Part 2: Ignition
Chapter 7: Godzilla
Chapter 8: Burnin Love
Chapter 9: Unconventional Recovery
Chapter 10: Heavy Burdens
Chapter 11: Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Breaking Point
Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge
Important Announcement
Chapter 14: A New Beginning???
Chapter 15: Old Wounds
Chapter 16: Blast from the past
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 19: Business gets Personal
Chapter 20: I'm No Hero
Chapter 21: Actions bare Consequences
Chapter 22: Seeing a ghost, in the flesh
Chapter 23: Track'em Find'em Kill'em
Chapter 24: The Phoenix
Chapter 25: The Unsung Hero

Chapter 18: (Unofficial) Business

88 7 7
By Deags58

(Unofficial) Business

At UA, Hound Dog is on his perimeter check when he picks up the scent of class 3A but he also detects the scent of two unknown beings. He contacts Aizawa to meet him at the front gate. As Class 3A arrived back at UA along with VulGar and Deags, Seeing their students with two unidentified strangers, Aizawa and Hound Dog readied themselves for battle. Hound Dog dropped on all fours and began snarling, while Aizawa's hair stood on end as his eyes turned red and his scarf began to unravel from around his neck. As the group got closer, VulGar spoke up because he sensed something was off.

VulGar: Deags, something is up, I don't think our quirks are working
Deags: I feel fine, what makes you say that?
VulGar: I can actually feel the weight of my sword
Deags: Oh shit, what do you think caused it?
VulGar: My guess, the guy with the glowing red eyes
Deags: I don't need my quirk to take him out, I'm still fully loaded
VulGar: I don't think that'll be necessary
Deags: Why not? I have a clear shot
VulGar: They're standing in front of the school, we might be the threat to them, stand down
Deags: You used to be more fun
VulGar: We're on a job man, and this ain't our turf, let's not be so quick to make enemies
Deags: Ugh Fiiiiiiine, buzzkill.

Still in a defensive stance Aizawa calls out to Izuku and instructs him to take the rest of class 3A to the dorms. He does so with a slightly worried look on his face as he notices his teacher was in a defensive combat stance and was hoping that they wouldn't engage the 2 people who saved the class. With 3A away from any potential danger Aizawa calls to the 2 men standing in front of the school.

Aizawa: You two, state your business for being here and with my students *eyes still glowing red*
VulGar: Woah let's all calm down now we don't want to make a mess of things.
Aizawa: Hard not to consider you a threat with a blade that massive
VulGar: Fair enough
Deags: Yo relax old man *hand still on his holstered weapon*
VulGar: D! Shut up, you trying to start shit?
Deags: Not intentionally
VulGar: Real smooth wise guy, you trying to recreate Budapest?
Aizawa: Enough! Now explain!
VulGar: Right, we are here to speak with whomever is in charge.
Aizawa: And what business do you have with them?
Deags: Bro did you not see the attack at that mall?!? You should be thanking us for stepping in when we did
Aizawa: You mean to tell me that all that destruction was caused by the two of you? And you want us to thank you for that?
Deags: Well when you say it like that...
VulGar: Deags, stop talking, you're just digging us deeper in this hole, *looks to Aizawa* we are responsible for some of that damage, but not the entirety if it, we saw your students being overwhelmed and wanted to assist, we have some information that may shed some light on this whole fiasco, and since your class was involved we thought it'd be best to come here and speak to someone who may be able to help us.
Aizawa: Why the school and not the hero association?
VulGar: I assure you that we have our reasons not to speak openly about that in public.
Aizawa: .......... *deactivates his quirk* very well then, I will take you to see The principal under one condition, you must check your weapons in with security, this is a school after all
Deags: Oh no way in hell am I handing over my babies to some rent a cop!
VulGar: Deags!! We can't afford to fuck this up and stir up a shit storm, just do it, you'll get them back *turns to Aizawa* Right?
Aizawa: *nods in agreement*
Deags: I swear if some jerk off decides to fuck around with these, I ain't responsible for what happens to them
Aizawa: ........ Follow me.....

VulGar and Deags follow Aizawa through security where they check their weapons in. There was some trouble for VulGars swords as no one was able to lift it while Deags couldn't let his "babies" go. After finally making it past security the 2 proceeded to follow the tired hero through the halls of the highschool. As they arrive at a strange door Aizawa turns around to instruct the two to remember to bow when meeting the principal as it is customary. Aizawa knocked 3 times and there was a brief moment before a tiny voice called out to "come in". Upon entering VulGar and Deags stand in shock as they see some weird bear mouse creature.

Aizawa: Sorry for the intrusion principal Nezu but these 2 claim to have important information on the recent villain attack.
VulGar: *confused* uhh?? Aizawa right? Yeah is this a joke?
Deags: *chuckling* Yeah because I mean there is no way Jerry mouse here is the principal.
VulGar: *chuckling* Come on bro
Deags: *laughing* Bro look at him... Lemme find out Tom cat is assistant principal!
Nezu: I assure you this is not a joke
VulGar: *shook*eh?
Deags: *confused* wait eh?
VulGar: *looking around* who the fuck said that???
Nezu: *standing on his desk* I did... I'm Nezu, principal of UA high school.
Aizawa: OI!!!!
VulGar: *stops*
Deags: *Stops while hiding behind VulGar*
Aizawa: Relax for fucks sake
Nezu: Shota, it's quite alright.... That's the reaction I was hoping for *chuckling*
Aizawa: *heavy sigh* Always fun and games huh?
Nezu: But of course, what's life without some fun? Now then, back to business please have a seat *gesturing to V&D*
VulGar: Right, my apologies, I suppose introductions are in order. I am VulGar and this is my buddy and my partner
Deags: Yo I'm Deags, best shot in the states hands down and like VulGar said we are buddies and partners
Aizawa: Partners? Care to explain?
Deags: We work together, have you ever heard of that American contractor company NWGD?
Aizawa: I can't say I have. Nezu?
Nezu: In fact I may have caught wind of it but never really took the time to see what it actually was.
VulGar: That is our company, we aren't pro heroes in the states, we're officially bounty hunters, we do the hero work without being heroes, we also make our living that way
Nezu: Interesting, things work very differently in the states
Deags: Don't get me wrong, y'all got a spiffy country, just lacks the chaos we thrive in.
Aizawa: How can you thrive with this "chaos"?
VulGar: Well you see, where we're from....
Nezu: And just where is that?
Deags: Long Beach California.
Nezu: Ah okay sorry for my interruption. Go on.
VulGar: In Long Beach and the surrounding cities, crime and villainous activities are so chaotic that the pro heroes in that area couldn't be bothered with it and decided to move on to protect the more rich and classy areas of California as well as the more prosperous areas of the rest of the states. So Deags and I decided it was time to take matters into our own hands and started using our Quirks to help the people of our city and keep the crime in check.
Deags: Now at first it was tough because while the public loved us, the authorities did not. It wasn't until after we happened to save the mayor and his family that he approved our company and we became official Bounty Hunters, for legal purposes, when in reality we are basically vigilantes that get paid.
Nezu: Very interesting.... May I ask what your quirks are?
VulGar: My quirk is very unusual, I call it "Half breed" as you can tell by my attire, it has to do with Dragons, I can utilize all abilities and attributes of a Dragon and at full capacity, it alters my appearance to the point where I essentially become a full sized Dragon. My inhuman strength is required to wield my blade, but I trained long and hard to be able to use it without my quirk.
Nezu: That is absolutely Fascinating, but why "half breed"?
VulGar: *opens his arms* I can maintain a human appearance with no trouble or effort
Aizawa: *looking at Deags* And what about your quirk?
Deags: *excited* I thought you'd never ask.
VulGar: *eye rolls* Oh boy here we go
Deags: My quirk is called "Munitions". What it does is it allows me to create any and all caliber rounds for any firearm, this also includes explosives as well. The drawback is it uses the protein from my body to make them so I am constantly eating protein rich foods.
VulGar: (under his breath) And junk food
Aizawa: So if you can make any round, why do you stick with those twin handguns? Why not something more powerful?
Deags: *raising voice* Mustang and Sally are not just handguns!
Nezu: Mustang and Sally?
VulGar: He named his guns. Deags relax, just continue.
Deags: Bet, Anyways yes Mustang and Sally were originally known as CAPs
Aizawa: CAPs?
Deags: Yup, which stands for Caliber Adaptive Pistols. Basically these two guns are specially made for my quirk as they have the ability to adapt to any caliber round I load into them and even change their rate of fire and or size of the guns itself.
Nezu: sounds pretty overpowered.
Deags: Thankfully I'm not a villain, am I right?
Nezu: Touché
Aizawa: Guess I'm up, my name is Shota Aizawa, hero name, Eraserhead, my quirk nullifies the quirk of anyone I see so long as I don't blink
VulGar: That explains why I suddenly felt my sword weighing me down
Aizawa: I assumed you were a threat
VulGar: I don't blame you
Deags: Well now that we got the formalities out of the way, I think we should explain our reason for coming here
Nezu: Actually before we get to that.... How can we trust what you say is true?
Deags: Oh we got that covered too *gives Nezu a card with the mayors number on it*
Nezu: *takes card* What's this?
VulGar: Our credibility. We anticipated you'd be hesitant to trust us so we took that into consideration. This is the personal number of our good friend, the Mayor of Long beach, Call and he'll tell you who we are and that we are on your side
Nezu: I admire your preparation, if you'll excuse me, I'll give him a call right now
VulGar: Of course
Deags: Knock yourself out dude, we can wait

Nezu steps away to call the mayor of Long Beach

Over the phone
Mayor: This is Mayor Diego Cortez
Nezu: Hello, My name is Nezu and I am the principal of UA high school in Japan
Mayor: How can I help you Principal Nezu?
Nezu: I received your card from two of your associates
Mayor: Was it VulGar and Deags?
Nezu: As a matter of fact it was, I was hesitant to believe they were sent here on official business, this is Essentially a courtesy call to confirm their association with you

Mayor: I understand, I did give them my card and ordered them to have someone with proper authority, call me to verify their claims
Nezu: Well I'm relieved that there is legitimacy to their word, they informed me that there has been an international incident, is that correct?
Mayor: There was an incident, officially it is not an international one, but I assume they gave you this number because they trust you can help them
Nezu: Is there anything you can tell me about their assignment here?
Mayor: I can... but as this is a covert operation, I am unable to disclose that information without a secure line, it would be best to hear it from them directly as they had first hand experience in the matter.
Nezu: I understand Mr. Mayor
Mayor: I appreciate your call Principal Nezu, I hope we can count on your assistance in this operation so that we can avoid a media frenzy and legal issues.
Nezu: I will agree to assist under a few conditions
Mayor: Any and all conditions will be accepted, they are under my orders to do so, from here, you are taking point Principal Nezu, your word is law to them
Nezu: Thank you Mr Mayor
Mayor: Thank you Principal Nezu
*both hang up*

Nezu comes back into his office after his call

Deags: *sitting arms crossed and smirking* You aren't throwing us out so I assume the call went well
Nezu: Yes of course, we'll need to learn the details of this incident
Deags: go on V
VulGar: I'm not sure if you have seen it already but last week there was an attack at the Port of Long Beach by an unknown attacker or at least it was unknown at that moment. My team and I had managed to take it down without causing any more unnecessary damage. During the fight we had learned about its abilities and its weakness which then led us to learn what it was and where it originated from.
Aizawa: Yeah, we saw the news footage from the attack.
Nezu: Just so we are all on the same page can you tell us what or who the attacker was?
Deags: okay but before that I need to clarify that this is completely confidential and stays between the 5 of us. And anyone else you want to bring in must be approved by VulGar or myself.
Nezu: Very well.
Aizawa: Wait, you said 5. There's only 4 of us here.
VulGar: the 5th person is Ground Zero, our 3rd member.
Nezu: Speaking of your third member, where is he?
Deags: He's back at a secure location laying low as he may or may not have been the cause for some of the damage earlier.
Aizawa: *rubbing his head*
Nezu: Is it possible for him to be present as well?
VulGar: We were hoping you'd allow us to call him here because he has more intel than we do
Nezu: That can be arranged, can you get him here as soon as possible? I'd feel more comfortable meeting this Ground Zero, I'd like to be better acquainted with him
Deags: *thinking* Oh you have no idea how acquainted you are with him
VulGar: Yes sir *turns to Deags* tell GZ to meet us here asap.
Deags: Copy

Deags stands up and walks into the hallway to get in touch with Katsuki

Over comms
Deags: GZ come in. You got your ears in?
Ground Zero: *hops up from his seated position * Deags? yeah I'm here what's the status?
Deags: So far things are good, we need you to meet us at the location I'm sending you right now and ASAP.
Ground Zero: On it *checks phone and thinks* FUUUUCK ME, Of all the places...

Deags re-enters the room to relay his message

Deags: Alright he's on his way, shouldn't be very long, he's quick
Nezu: Excellent would you gentlemen care for some tea while we wait for this Ground Zero to arrive?
VulGar: I could go for an ice cold Dew
Aizawa: We don't have alcohol here, this is a high school
Deags: Nah dude, not a Brew, a Dew You know Mountain Dew
Aizawa: That toxic green colored liquid substance loaded with caffeine and sugar?
VulGar: The very same, mans knows his shit
Aizawa: I'll check the cafeteria
Deags: Thanks bro....oh and some double stuffed Oreos if you got any
VulGar: *facepalm*
Nezu: And Shota, while you're at it, would you mind fetching the big three?
Aizawa: Yes sir *walks out*
Nezu: I'd love to know more about your other partner, Ground Zero
VulGar: With all do respect sir, you probably know more about him than we do
Nezu: Why do you say that?
Deags: *checks his phone and stands up* One moment, he's here

Deags opens the door and leads his teammate inside

Nezu: Excellent, please come in, Mr Ground Zero and have a seat.
Ground Zero: *walks in quietly and takes a seat*
Nezu: Welcome to UA high
Ground Zero: *looks to VulGar *
VulGar: *nods* Go ahead man, it'll make things a whole lot easier, Aizawa is busy but not for long so make it quick
Ground Zero: *nods and looks back to Nezu* It's good to see you sir
Nezu: Have we met?
Ground Zero: *takes off his mask* You can say that
Nezu: Young Bakugo.... How... How are you dear boy?
Katsuki: Never better, if you don't mind sir, I'd like to fill you in before Aizawa gets back
Nezu: U-Understood, please proceed

Katsuki proceeds to briefly recap the events at the Queen Mary to Nezu, after he finished they exchanged pleasantries before Katsuki put his mask back on and requested that Nezu keep his identity a secret until he's ready to reveal himself, Nezu granted his request and played along with their little facade. There was a knock on the door before it opened, revealing Aizawa with the requested refreshments

Aizawa: I'm back, here's your poison *tosses the guys their drinks*
Deags: Shweeeeeet *proceeds to frantically open and chug his soda*
VulGar: Thank you *opens it and takes a drink*
Deags: So uh did yo-
Aizawa: *tosses him the bag of cookies*
Deags: I love Japan! *tears open the bag and begins cramming cookies in his mouth*
Aizawa: *looks to the new person in the room* You must be the third musketeer, Ground Zero right?
Ground Zero: *Nods*
VulGar: GZ is a man of few words, don't take it personally
Deags: *with mouth full* He's a chill dude though
Aizawa: Then how does he fight alongside you chatterboxes?
VulGar: He usually grunts or uses body language
Aizawa: And his quirk?
VulGar: He is quirkless, instead he utilizes a special grenade launcher and his hand to hand combat skills to get the job done
Aizawa: That explains the name
Deags: Plus he has us. We all play a different role. GZ's role revolves around explosives as well as demolition
Nezu: Now that we are all here, we can discuss the matter at hand and countermeasures
Aizawa: Actually not all are- *knocking* that must be them

Aizawa opens the door and motions the guests to enter

Aizawa: Sir, the big three are here
Nezu: Splendid, allow me to make introductions, VulGar, Deags, these are our top three students here at UA, Our #3 student, Kyoka Jiro, The recon hero; Soundwave. Our #2 student, Momo Yaoyorozu, The Provisions hero; Alchemist. And finally our #1 student, Izuku Midoriya, The napalm hero; Emerald Inferno

Kyoka/Momo/Izuku: Nice to meet you
VulGar: That's quite the introduction, good to meet you all, I assume you've been informed that you three will be joining us in our joint operation
Izuku: Joint operation?
Nezu: That's why I summoned you all here, we were just about to go over the details of your assignment, please proceed
Deags: Right so where were we?
Aizawa: About to share your intel on the foreign attacker.
VulGar: *snaps his fingers * Right, Okay so during our fight we learned that this creature has a healing factor that allows it to regenerate, but during the fight we learned that extreme constant heat is it's weakness as it doesn't allow this creature to regenerate. Once we knew this information, taking it down was easy money.
Deags: Yet we still had the issue of not knowing what the fuck it was until Ground Zero mentioned that he knew what this creature was.
Nezu: And what was this creature?
VulGar: He called it a Nomu.
Aizawa: How do you know that name??
VulGar: Ground Zero.... He told us about it, how to kill it and where it came from.
Aizawa: How does he know this information?
Deags: *looks at GZ* Shall I go on?
Ground Zero: *nods*
Deags: He told us that he had faced it once before.
Nezu: Interesting *thinking* Young Bakugo was the one who ultimately destroyed the nomu during the USJ incident, it's no wonder he relayed the information to these two, he must really trust them.
Aizawa: So what is your business here?
VulGar: Well since this was technically a "terrorist attack" we are within our rights to retaliate BUT we decided on the subtle approach as to not cause panic or tip off our targets.
Nezu: And those targets would be?
Deags: We believe you know them as The League of Villains...
Nezu: I see.... Well since you shared with us we must do the same. The league of villains were all arrested 2 years ago and haven't been much of a threat until today. And since a few of our 3rd years were involved we can't help but intervene.
VulGar: Well now that we're on the same page, I believe you have something in mind?
Nezu: We will assemble a task force consisting of you six.
Izuku: Sir? Is this why you needed us here?
Nezu: Yes young Midoriya, the three of you will be part of the task force sent to destroy a common enemy between the United States and Japan
Momo: Sir, are you sure you want to send us? We're still students
Nezu: I'm very sure Ms Yaoyorozu, you three are the top students here at UA and since there are special reasons for not sending pro heroes, I am counting on you all
Jiro: If principal Nezu thinks we are fit for the task, who are we to doubt him?
Nezu: Thank you Ms Jiro, thankfully you have already been acquainted with these three here, it will make it easier for you all to work together.
Izuku: Yes sir, we won't let you down.
Nezu: I trust that you won't, here is what I need from you three, Ms Jiro and Ms Yaoyorozu will take point on reconnaissance, Midoriya, you will be combat training with VulGar, Deags, and Ground Zero starting immediately after this meeting, we need you all to be able to fight alongside each other as we are facing a dangerous enemy. Ladies, you may return to your dorms, I will send Mr Aizawa to fill you in on the details of your assignment.
Momo/Jiro: Yes sir *leave the room*
Nezu: I will leave young Midoriya in your hands gentlemen
VulGar: Understood, Thank you sir
Deags: Oh no worries, we got this
Izuku: I look forward to working with you all, you were incredible out there
VulGar: We're the best in the states kid, but since this whole operation is under wraps, you won't be given any credit for any heroic duties
Izuku: I don't care about credit, my best friend taught me that being a REAL hero is a thankless job
Deags: I like this kid.
VulGar: So what was your name again kid?
Izuku: Midoriya sir, Izuku Midoriya
VulGar: Sounds way too formal
Deags: Got something else we can call you?
Izuku: Well my Hero name is Emerald Inferno
Deags: That's badass, but kinda long
VulGar: If it makes it easier, you can Call us V, D, and GZ
Izuku: I appreciate that, you guys can call me Deku
Deags: Now that I can work with
VulGar: Deku huh? Alright
Izuku: What about your friend there?
VulGar: Oh don't worry, GZ doesn't talk much
Deags: He speaks with his actions.
Izuku: Well I hope we're able to coordinate our combat without having to speak
VulGar: Oh yeah GZ is really easy to fight alongside with
Deags: So Deku, what's your quirk?
Izuku: I call it napalm, it's basically thick fuel that burns hotter than normal accelerants, I ignite it using these *Raises his hands to show his fingernails *
Deags: You painted your nails to start fires?
Izuku: Maybe I should demonstrate

Izuku flicked his fingers and caused his nails to spark to demonstrate what they can do

VulGar: Nice, fuel and a source of ignition, but why do they call you EMERALD Inferno? Is it the green hair?
Izuku: Well there's that, and also because when my napalm burns, the flames are green
Deags: That's badass, wonder whose flames are hotter, yours or V's
VulGar: I think it's time we find out, Deku, where can we blow off steam around here?
Izuku: Let's go to Training ground Beta, we should be fine there
Deags: Lead the way kid
VulGar: GZ, let's get going
Ground Zero: *nods and follows them out*

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