Her Mistake

By timidsavage

57.7K 10.7K 6.4K

Tobi is your regular teenager, bursting with curiosity to try new things. She wants to get the full teenage e... More

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345 90 45
By timidsavage

Dedicated to YOU for still holding unto this book.

The knock came again and I gave a frown. If it was Jazz behind that door then, he was definitely going to get a third degree. I pulled open the door in anger, ready to yell at an annoying Jazz but I was face to face with some else. Someone I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Your nose is so huge!"

I tried to get a look at my nose by straining my  eyes down but it was practically impossible. My eyes went back to the young lady before me. Imisi, my cousin had a huge pink suitcase behind her. I was able to finally swallow the ball that formed in my throat. "Imisioluwa, what are you doing here?"

She placed her perfectly manicured fingers on my shoulders. She should have used red nail polish. It suited light skinned ladies better, I didn't really like the sky blue one Sha had on.

"Well, hello to you too baby sis." She rolled her eyes. She moved closer as though she wanted to walk into the house but I didn't bulge so she took a step back.

I scoffed. All because she was older by two months she wouldn't stop calling me her baby sister.

"Also, I've told you to stop calling me Imisi." Her brows were furrowed. "Call me, Mimi." She gave a small, satisfied smile like someone whose lover had called her a special name. "Don't let my fans hear you call me that o. I don't want paparazzi wahala."

It was my turn to roll my eyes. So because of 50k followers on Instagram we won't hear word again? Maybe, she was talking about the ceiling fan sha. Both hands went to my back to support it. I could already feel pain crawling to my lower back from standing for too long.  I noticed Mimi's eyes flicker down and her mouth parted in shock.

She took her hands from my shoulder. "You're really pregnant?"

You're not blind. I wanted to say so bad but I just hissed under my breath. I regretted not wearing the flowery kaftan on my bed but inside I was wearing a black body con dress that fitted like a second skin. This was another point for Imisi. It wasn't just another point, it was a bonus point for her. The type that made you win your opponent.  It was no doubt she had already won the long standing war between the both of us.

Imisioluwa was that cousin you never really got along with. It wasn't her neither was it me but our long standing rivalry was due to uncontrollable forces. We were constantly being compared to since our birth. Who was going to walk first? Who was going to start school first? Our parents were constantly asking these questions and both parents were eager to have their kid be the first one to reach the milestones. The little age gap between us made things worse and even though our parents may or may not have made these milestones a competition, to us girls it was. Each girl wanted to win and get appraised by the entire family.

We were two different people. Imisi was a creative. I was doing better in school. While I was constantly getting straight As and winning quiz competitions, Imisi was always on blogs. She was the talk of the town. It was impossible for me to get on Instagram and not see my content creator and influencer cousin posted on blogs. We were both the talk of the town but in different spheres of life.

Nigerian parents weren't the type to applaud you for being a content creator. If Imisi was my parents child, I was sure they would have killed that content creator dream of hers. I chuckled internally as I imagined dad seizing all of her devices and forcing her to read. 

Aunty Kike and her husband were supportive. Aunty didn't think twice before resigning from her civil service job when  her daughter started to earn from her content creating and influencing. Imisi also started home school. Aunty Kike was living the life being a momager. And since Imisi was fast rising, she and her mum were always going for celebrity events. Her mum also had to be with her because she was a minor.

"What are you doing here?" I reiterated. I didn't exactly understand what she was doing here. It was hard to believe she would leave the comfort of her luxury home to come stay here. Well, except it was for content.

Imisi shook her head. "You think you're the only one that loves grandma abi?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You and your parents don't even let the old woman visit."  I got out plainly.

"And you're here because you love grandma so much?" Her eyes flickered to my bump for the second time since she got here then she gave me a look. "Besides, the old woman's wahala is too much. Always pressuring my mum to have more children as if I'm not enough." She hissed.

I returned to the sofa. I couldn't take the pain in my back any longer.  My legs were sprawled out on the three seater sofa.

 "So much for a welcome." I could tell she rolled her eyes. I simply just picked up my phone and started to play Candy Crush.

"You won't help with my luggage?" 

Ignoring her, I focused on my phone like I was trying to solve a quadratic equation.

Imisi struggled to get into the house, pushing her luggage whilst groaning and muttering at how I wasn't being a good host.   When she had finally gotten the luggage in she swallowed a deep breath then stretched her body. She placed her three camera iPhone on the coffee table. I really couldn't differentiate between the iphones but I could bet it had to be the latest one.

"Why did you bring so much when you're just staying for like two weeks max?" I couldn't deny I loved the shit jumpsuit she was in. It was silky and short. It was sleeveless too. It was something hrabdna would have definitely reprimanded her for wearing if she saw her in the dress.

She gave a frown. "Two weeks?" She shook her head. "No. I'll be here for like three months. Well, until grandma has fully recovered.

"Ehn?!" Shrieking, my mouth was wide open.

Imisi took a quick look at the house. She gave a wide grin.  "So many ideas of content I can make in this place." She intertwined her fingers with excitement but suddenly the grin disappeared. "First thing first, I have to find the perfect angle."

My stay in Modakeke was going to be much longer and eventful. I heaved a sigh.

*  *  *  *  *

My hands rolled into fists and I banged the door harder. I winced and struggled to massage each finger with the other for a few seconds before knocking again. I wasn't backing out this time neither was I going to rest till I had achieve why I was here.

"Jazz, open this door!"

I could hear him whispering before he returned louder than my voice, "I've told you he's not around."

I hissed. I could swear on anything in the world I saw him walk into the compound. And I was starting to think, he was in yesterday and Jazz lied about him not being around. I believed Jazz yesterday but this time I wasn't sure I could trust him.

"Quit lying! I saw him." I invested all my energy into hitting the door harder. There was no way I was leaving without see him. "Felix come out here!"

"This girl get problem o." I heard Jazz say from the other side of the door. "See, Tobi, come and be going. When Felix gets back I'll tell you myself. Trust me."

"Not to worry, I have all the time in the world in my hands so I'll wait for him here."
I didn't get why I felt I owed him an explanation. An explanation that came from me, directly from my mouth. I found myself sitting on the floor of his porch, my back again the door. My legs were parted open, the excess of flowery kaftan between my legs.

"Why are women so difficult?"

a hand went into the only pocket in my kaftan and I got out a sachet of chocolate. Imisi came with a lot of chocolates and it was one thing I was grateful for about her presence. "If you just did what we wanted, we wouldn't be so difficult. "

There was silence from his end so I opened  the sachet of chocolate and took a bite causing me to moan in delight. Chocolate was definitely going to end up being one of my cravings.  I dug my hand into my pocket again and brought out my phone to scroll through Facebook. At least to keep myself busy while I waited for the guys to yield to my biddings. 

I took another bite from my chocolate. "Jazz, tell your best friend to come out and see me. I'm serious about not leaving here till I nor just see him but have a discussion with him." I ended, taking a bit from the chocolate.

"Tell me what you want to tell him. I'll deliver the message don't worry." Jazz was finding every means for me to leave the front porch and I wasn't going to leave.

"If I wanted you to help deliver the message, I wouldn't be seated in a very uncomfortable surface. Call your guy out, make I follow am talk. 

"Tobi trust me, I'm speaking the truth. Felix isn't here at the moment and like I said, I promise to call you as soon as he gets here. He had an important assignment he had to submit. Believe me."

Jazz' words came out soft, calculated and a part of me was already buying into what he had said. I wanted to leave and wait till I got a call from Jazz when Felix got back but the other part of Mr didn't want to risk it. Knowing Jazz, he could forget to call me or he could be bought over my Felix not to call me. Another reason I couldn't leave was that I couldn't get up from the floor on my own. I needed some for of assistance.

When Imisi walked past looking around the compound like a lost soul, it was like she was an angel. "Imisi!" I called her right away.

She looked around frantically trying to place a face to the voice. She had a little frown on her features and she had changed into a purple tank top and bum shorts.

"Imisi!" I yelled again, louder and much clearer this time. It didn't take long for her to spot me and start walking towards me.

"I've told you to stop calling me Imisi. The name's MimiCoco."

"MimiCoco ko, Cocopops ni." I hissed.

She hissed back then asked, "what are you doing seated in someone else's front porch?"  Imisi asked as she walked into the porch.

"I came to see a friend."

"Food is ready."  She came direct.

"I'm not hungry." This was a lie. I was famished and the baby was excited at the sound of food because when Imisi made the announcement I felt the baby twirl inside of me. I was determined to focus on my assignment here before leaving. I had already had enough of Felix ignoring my texts and calls and even avoiding me even though we lived in the same compound.

"You mum said we're going to see grandma after lunch. Get whatever you doing here over with and join us upstairs for lunch."

I jolted up with the help of Imisi when I heard a jingle from door knob. Jazz came in view with his signature green beanie. The door was only opened a little, a little enough for us to only see half of his body.

"I know they voice from anywhere." He said looking down at me then his eyes moving up and shift its gaze on the lady next to me. "MimiCoco." He whispered.

Imisi rolled her eyes and muttered somethings under her breath. I guess she still wasn't used to meeting the fans she was constantly raving about.

"Wait, MimiCoco is here life and direct." His entire body got out of the house leaving the door ajar. He placed his hands on his head with his mouth hanging open whilst she just gave a small smile.

I tried to get a look at inside to see if there was any sign of Felix. I heaved a despondent sigh when I didn't get any. Maybe he wasn't here after all.

He jumped towards her and engulfed her into a bone crushing hug. "I'm your biggest fan. I follow you on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok even on LinkedIn." His finger were out counting as he mentioned the social media applications. "I love you so much!" He released her from the hug and she went behind me.

"I send you DMs every other day but you never respond." I could tell he was hurt but it didn't seem like something serious.

"I'm sorry about that, mate. My management handles my social media." Imisi finally said something to her fan.

"Tobi, MimiCoco is here in our house live and direct."  Jazz was till astonished. "Omo, it's over for y'all in this Modakeke!"

I wasn't used to people being excited to see Imisi. Yes, she was a public figure but it was impossible for me to see someone who I could see randomly see at anytime I want and choose and be excited. Basically, see finish killed the excitement. She was just an ordinary person to me but I still understood the fact that she was a public figure.

"Guy! That fine babe from Instagram is here!" Jazz announced with so much excitement. It was like one of those videos of fans meeting with their favorite celebrities of all time. It was somewhat cute to see. "Felix, come and see MimiCoco!"

I heard prominent footsteps which got louder at each step. Felix came before the door way, shirtless, revealing his body and a pair of shorts.

"MimiCoco!" He whispered in disbelief.

"I thought Felix wasn't home?" I asked with a stern voice and a frown. I noticed his Adam's apple bop up and down his neck.



Ehn - A form of exclamation.

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