Finding ourJoy

By MicheleArumugam

807 92 1

A story of love and loss, Joy a young lady, recently divorced, sets out to find her piece of happiness whic... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 25

19 3 0
By MicheleArumugam

I sit silently watching Colton,  Cade,  Axel and Alex,  they look on edge. Their eyes are red and puffy, they stand at the windows looking out discreetly but very attentive.  Something feels off...

I notice that Micah seems on edge as well,  I  stand up slowly but no one notices, their attention is grabbed by something or someone outside. Curiosity gets the better of me,  and I walk up to the window where Cade is standing,  and I can't believe my eyes.  The scene before me is the last thing I ever expected to see.
I gasp, and Cade grabs a hold of me , he wraps in his strong arms around me and whispers,  " calm down,  Love,  we are here. No one can hurt you, ever."

Outside the window is a sight  right out of the movies, everywhere surrounding Micah's office are law enforcement officials and vehicles with flashing lights,  you would think that there's a terrorist attack or something like that happening.  I look a little closer at the people and my eyes catch a glimpse of them, I guess they will stop at nothing to get whattheywant.

There in the midst of all this drama, is the ultimate drama queen,  my mother, crying her most pitiful cry, my father and brother supporting her. There are other people around them, I really don't know who they are.

I ask Micah, " Micah, what is happening out there ? Why are they here?"

He walks up to me, Cade still has me wrapped up in his embrace,  I turn, my back leaning on his front side,as he refuses to let go of me. "

Joy, I  want you to listen to me and do as I say, okay?" I nod my head and he continues.

" Your husbands have kept away from you because I instructed them to.  We will explain everything to you after we deal with this situation. I want you five to put up a united front,today we are going to war, do you understand me Joy?"

He looks so serious and everyone is tense. There is no time for a discussion or for questions, I know that I can trust Micah.

" Yes, Micah, what is going on though, I need something to understand the situation we are facing,  at least." I say.

" Long story, short, your family have been trying to get your husbands arrested for kidnapping and imprisoning you. Now that you are pregnant , you are a threat to them, especially if you have a male heir. We are prepared for this. The five of us have been investigating and gathering evidence,  just stay calm and follow our lead." He says.

Cade leads me to a three seater couch, Alex pulls me on to his lap and Axel pulls my feet up on to his lap. Cade brings his medical bag and a blanket over, he places the bag on the table next to the couch and covers me with the blanket.
" Cade, I am fine , I don't need a blanket, " I say.

" You need it trust me," he says.  Just then there is a heavy knock at the door, there seems to be a commotion going on outside the office.

Micah opens the door,  and several people enter, there is the Chief of police and three other law enforcement officers,  my parents,  my brother and their lawyers,  all in all ten people.  Micah and Colton sit at the head of the table, the other end of the table has no chair as we are on that end. The others sit on either side of the table.
Micah introduced himself as my attorney and also our family spokesperson.  He introduced Colton as our family head and my husband.
Immediately my father says, " that is not possible,  I have  proof , that she is married to Mr. Barrington, I was witness to their marriage. "
He hands over a marriage certificate and wedding photos of me and Barrington.

The state attorney turned to me and asked, " Is this true, you are Mrs Barrington?"

Alex and Axel held me tighter, Cades knuckles were white, from holding his fist so tight and Colton looked down right pissed.

" Actually it is not true, I am Mrs Hunter times four." I say.

" What does that mean?" Asked the Chief of police.

" I am married to four Mr Hunters, all of them are here. Colton whom you have met, Dr Cade Hunter, Alex Hunter and the youngest of the brothers Axel Hunter. 

We are legally married by special permit.  My attorney can produce all the proof you need." I say.

"That is a load of nonsense",  screams my mother, " how can you marry four men. It cannot be legal. We know they are holding you against your will.  Chief can we take our daughter and go? You have proof of her marriage with Barrington, I think it is best that we leave now."

" Joy is going nowhere with you,  she stays with us," growls Colton.

I look at him he looks feral, he is about to lose it, I  ask Alex to let me go to him but he whispers in my ear,  " Stay right here, we don't want them to see that you are pregnant, yet. Don't worry he is ready for this fight."

Colton speaks in a calm and professional manner and asks, " Where is Mr Barrington,  why is he not here if she is his wife? "
" Also before you is all the evidence of our marriage by special permit, you can see that we became a legal couple several months before these faked marriage documents were made. I am formally suing Mr Barrington and the Mercers for fraud,  I will not settle. 

Now can we get on with this meeting. It is clear who everyone is,  so let's settle this matter now.

The tension in this room is steadily rising,  and anger is the dominant emotion.

" Now that we have cleared up the case of kidnapping and imprisonment,  we have a few complaints to file.

Firstly,  entrapment,  we allege that Calvin Mercer used Alecia to plant drugs in our home with the intent of having us arrested.  This file has all the proof, written and video, of their involvement.  You will also find the contact information of the FBI agent who is working on this case, all evidence is with him." Said Colton.

Micah hands over a stack of files to the state attorney, " further more, there is a case of fraud against the Mercers for fraud and criminal conduct against Mrs Joy Hunter, this is being handled by the FBI as the fraud spans across several countries. 
So I doubt that you will be free much longer," he says looking at them straight in the eye.

Axel stands up and offers me his hand, motioning for me to stand up. I take his hand and stand up with help from Alex. When the blanket falls off me, and my parents see that I am pregnant they look genuinely scared for the first time today. 

I am really surprised at their reactions,  I mean me being pregnant cannot really be so shocking?

Alex walks and stands next to Colton,  Cade takes his place next to me,
Alex is glaring at my mother and says, " the next charge against them is attempted murder and soliciting murder, against Joy and our unborn children.

All of this , if you are wondering,  is happening because they want what belongs to Joy. They lose everything when Joy produces an heir. The reason that they look so shocked upon seeing Joy pregnant,  is because they were under the impression that she was baren."

I feel like all the air was just sucked out of me, I feel everything go dark...

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