Your Heart is my Heart. (Stef...

By marina_ship69

310K 8.9K 1.7K

Danielle is the CEO of a record label, along with her best friend. She has girl drama daily with her toxic gi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Three

Chapter Sixty-Two

3.4K 131 38
By marina_ship69

"Mmmm... Buongiorno bambina"

Danielle woke up to the feeling on lips on hers, lips that she would never get tired off. "Mmmm" she hummed, Danielle opened her sleepy eyes to her fiancée straddling her waist. "Oh it is a good morning" she smiled widely at the brunettes naked chest. "You shouldn't be in here though baby, it's our wedding day"

Stefania moved her lips down to her fiancées neck, leaving slow sloppy kisses all over her soft skin.

The little blonde let out quiet moans on every kiss, "Stef"

Stefania pulled her lips away and hovered over her fiancées face, "Sí bella?"

Danielle bit her bottom lip and held onto the Italian's waist, "You really wasn't lying when you said I get to wake up to this every day.... but baby, I'm serious you should not be in here" the little blonde chuckled.

Stefania let out a little giggle, "Who says we can't be together on our wedding day?"

"It's tradition bambi... plus the girls would kill us for being together right now"

The Italian ran her hands up underneath the blondes loose T-shirt to her boobs and slowly started squeezing her nipples.

Danielle shook her head and eyed up her fiancées very naked body, "You are so beautiful" she whispered, "But you need to leave before they catch us". She tried to sit up but Stefania pushed her back down.

"How about we make our own traditions?" Stefania whispered seductively. She leaned down and started to kiss the blondes lips again.

"Mmm baby" Danielle moaned quietly,

"It's our wedding day" Stefania whispered seductively, "Our son is being looked after by his aunties and we're alone...."

"So what are you suggesting we do?" Danielle smirked.

The Italian squeezed her future wife's nipples tugging on them slightly. "I have an idea of who I want to do..."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Danielle teased.

"Well.." Stefania breathed. She shuffled her body down and leaned down to place a wet kiss to her fiancées stomach. Slowly and surely she moved up over her abs, lifting up her shirt exposing her amazing boobs. Her lips attached themselves to one of her nipples, her other hand taking care of the other.

Danielle let out breathy moans and ran her fingers through the brunettes long curly hair. "Fuck... Stef..."

The Italian pulled her lips away from her nipples and hovered over her face again, she let out a little breath, "I'm sorry"

"Huh?" Danielle breathed heavily.

"About the other night... about the argument... about Isabella" Stefania whispered

Danielle let out a little groan, "Did you really have to bring her up in the middle of sex?"

Stefania let out a little laugh and shook her head. "I just wanted to apologise again... I love you and I shouldn't have sta-"

Danielle interrupted her mid sentence by pulling their lips back together, Stefania moaned into her lovers mouth. Her hips started to grind between the blonde legs causing their naked bodies to rub against each other.

"Hmmm Stef baby", she held onto the Italian wrist and pushed her hand lower.

"So you interrupt me and them put my hand between your legs?" Stefania asked with raised eyebrows.

"Mhm, fuck me"

Stefania licked her lips then bit the bottom one, "How about you sit on my face instead?"

Danielle's eyes widened as she thought about it for a second, "Okay" she whispered.

Stefania laid down next to her and tapped her shoulders, "Come"

The little blonde shuffled her body over her fiancées and positioned herself over her face.

"I can't believe we've never done this before" Danielle laughed.

"We haven't?" Stefania raised an eyebrow.

"Not that I can remember"

Stefania lightly blew on her fiancées Center, her hands holding onto her butt firmly. She slowly pulled her down onto her face, her tongue exploring her lovers folds.

Danielle let out a loud moan and gripped onto the headboard, "Fuck Stef"

Stefania's tongue entered her fiancée, the blondes hips moved further down onto her tongue as she rode her face.

The blonde could feel herself starting to tighten up already, she looked down and made direct eye contact with the hot Italian.
Danielle rocked her hips back and forth Stefania's face, the Italians tongue getting deeper into her, the sound itself was enough to make them both come.

Her mouth slightly open as she let out breathy moans. "Stef baby, I'm so close"

Stefania smirked into the blondes soaking center, she pushed her tongue in deeper as she pulled her butt down fully landing over her face, her finger nails digging into her butt cheeks.

The pressure tipped the blonde over the edge making her moan loudly. She squeezed her thighs together as her insides exploded. Her head slung back as she released herself all over her fiancée.

Danielle's chest rose and fell rapidly whilst Stefania continued her tongue. After a few seconds she collapsed on the bed next to her. Still out of breath she turned over and looked at the Italian, her face instantly turned red when she noticed how wet Stefania's face was.

In embarrassment she covered her face with her hands, "Baby I'm sorry" she groaned.

Stefania let out a loud laugh and pulled Danielle's hands away, "Stop it bella"

Danielle quickly put her hand on Stefania's face and wiped it away, "I'm sorry, I missed your tongue when you were pregnant and now whenever you use it-it makes me..." her cheeks blushed again, "It makes me... you know" she said shyly.

"Bambina, stop apologising" Stefania laughed, "That's a sign I'm doing it right"

Danielle let out a little groan, "You always do it right"

Stefania smirked at her almost wife, "Kiss me some more before our friends find out I'm in here"

Danielle rolled over so she was now on top of Stefania and kissed her passionately, she slipped her tongue into the Italians mouth. They both let out muffled moans. Danielle pulled away and held onto her cheek, "I can't wait to call you my wife" she whispered, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life... you have completely turned me around, I don't know what I would do without you"

"Well, let's hope we never have to find out" Stefania whispered back, "You'll be my wife in a few hours... bambina, I'm the lucky one"

Danielle leaned down to kiss her again, their fingers tangled together and their tongues danced.

They pulled away when loud banging on the door echoed through the room.

"Stefania I swear to god, you'd better not be in there!" Jaina shouted.

"Shit" the Italian mumbled, "What do I do?"

"You have five seconds to cover yourself over!" Jaina shouted again.

"Hide" Danielle laughed.

"Hide where? This isn't the master bedroom, there's no en-suite to hide in"

They door handle started to move, Stefania decided to try and hid under the covers with Danielle laid next to her hiding her naked body.

"Wow... I wonder who could be hiding under the covers" Jaina said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

Danielle peeped her head up and smiled awkwardly.

Jaina, Barrett and Casey walked into the room and stood in a line next to the bed. Colby hid himself outside the room in case they were naked.

Barrett stomped her feet and cleared her throat, "Stef"

Stefania didn't answer.

"Stef, you're not Luca, we're not playing peekaboo with you" Barrett deadpanned.

Jaina reached down to grab the blanket but Danielle quickly stopped her. "I uh... I wouldn't do that... she's kinda... uh naked"

Jaina let out a groan and slapped Stefania over the covers. The Italian let out a little whimper, "Ouch... that was my nipple"

"Get up woman!" Barrett shouted, "We need to get you ready! You shouldn't be in here in the first place"

Stefania slowly appeared from under the covers with a little nervous smile on her face, "Hi"

"Where's your clothes?" Jaina asked.

Stefania looked at Danielle then back at her best friends, "I uh... don't have any"

Casey walked around to Danielle and glared at her, she reached down and picked a T-shirt up, "I'm assuming this is yours blondie, Stef put it on" she threw it at Stefania's head and turned her back.

Once Stefania covered herself up and sat up in the bed. She turned to face Danielle and reached over for a kiss but was quickly pulled back by Jaina and Barrett.

"Let me at least kiss her" Stefania groaned.

"No. Come on, move woman" Jaina yanked on her arm and pulled her up out of the bed, pushing her out through the door.

Colby peeped his head around the doorframe, "Casey? D? Can I come in?"

"Uh sure" Danielle laughed, "I am naked though"

Casey found some clothes for Danielle and threw them at her, "Put these on then go shower. You look like sex. It's already nine, we have four hours to get you ready"

An hour had gone by and the two brides to be were finally getting their hair and make up done by the professionals they had hired.

Danielle sat in the chair with her knee bouncing rapidly. She couldn't sit still for the make up artists to do their job.

"Hey Danielle" The woman smiled, "How about we take five, get some fresh air"

Danielle bit her nails and nodded, "Uh sure"

Casey and Colby walked over and sat themselves down on front of her, "What's going on D?" Colby asked.

"Nothing nothing" she shook her head.

"D..." Casey warned, "What's going on?"

"I need to see Stef"

Casey and Colby looked at each other with worried faces, "You- you still want to marry her right?"

"Yes I do" Danielle shouted slightly, "I just need to see her"

Colby nudged Casey to leave the room for a moment. Colby knelt in front of Danielle and held onto her hands.

"Dani" he sighed, "What's going on? Talk to me"

"I uh- I" she choked.

"Come outside, let's get some fresh air" he stood up and held her hand and lead her out onto the beach.

They walked down the beach past all of the wedding set up and sat on a pile of rocks.

"What's going on?" He asked softly.

Danielle let out a shaky breath, "I- I- my parents" she sighed.

Colby knew everything that had happened between the little blonde and her family, he was there through it all. His parents took her in and she basically ended up living with them.

"What about them D?"

She looked up at him with teary eyes, luckily she hadn't had her make up done yet. "I sometimes wonder if they ever think about me... if they even care about me... well" Danielle sighed, "I know they don't care because they kicked me out but... it's my wedding day, I don't even think they know that I'm getting married today"

Colby reached into his pocket and let out a little laugh, "I have something for you, I was waiting for the right time to give it to you". He pulled a little black box out and gave it to her, "Now before you open it... it's a gift... off my parents" he smiled, "They wanted to be here but with their jobs they couldn't make it.... Now here I have a note that goes along side of it, they said to give you the note first and then the gift"

He handed the blonde a sealed envelope, she took it from him with a confused look.

"Read it" he smiled.

She slowly opened the envelope and pulled the letter out.


We are terribly sorry we couldn't be here today, we would have loved to see you get married.

We figured you would be thinking about your own parents today... Just remember it's their loss not yours. We are so proud of you, the woman you have become, the mother and the wife that you are. We are honoured to call you our adopted daughter, you are our family and we will always be the parents that you never had. We always wanted a daughter and you were the gift we asked for.

The present that pairs along side of this letter is a very special thing for us. It's the ring Colby's dad gave me when he first proposed ...we all know how that turned out, thank god he tried again. It's something old, it's something blue... it's not new but it's new to you.

We are so proud of you!

Have the most amazing day, we love you!"

Danielle read the letter out loud as a few tears slipped down her cheek. Colby wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the head, "They love you like their own D... sometimes I think more than me" he laughed.

"H-how did they know? How did they know that I would be thinking about my parents?" Danielle whispered as she wiped a tear away.

Colby let out a little sigh, "Because they are parents... and so are we"

Danielle held the box in her hand, she slowly flipped it open to reveal a beautiful blue diamond with a white gold band.

"Holy shit" she gasped, "Colby this is insane, I can't accept this"

Colby gently took the box off her and pulled the ring out, he held onto her hand and slipped it onto her finger. "Of course you can, they love you like a daughter"

"Colby seriously, this should be yours for when you propose or something"

He held onto her hand and admired how good it looked, "Jaina and I have already discussed this, along with my parents... we don't want to get married, we're so incredibly happy as we are. I love Jaina with all my heart and I am never going to lose her. She loves me and I love her, that's perfect for the both of us"

Danielle looked up at Colby with tears in her eyes, "Thank you" she whispered.

He pulled her in for tight hug, "You deserve it D". He let her go and held onto her chin, "Come on, let's get you married"

They walked back to the house, his arm wrapped around hers. They walked through the door to find a very stressed Stefania with her hair up in curlers.

She ran towards Danielle and wrapped her arms around her, "Bambina, what's going on?"

Danielle kissed her neck softy and smiled, "I'm okay my love, I just got a little... a little overwhelmed maybe"

Stefania pulled away and held onto her cheeks, "Are you sure? You're not backing out are you?"

Danielle smiled up at her, "No, not in a million years"

The Italian let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god"

"I love you, I will see you very soon" Danielle smiled widely.

"I love you too bambina"

The little blonde held onto her cheeks and pulled her in for a deep kiss, they were about to get carried away when all of their friends coughed to break them up.

Casey held onto Danielle's arm, "Right come on D, we need to finish your face"

Stefania made her way back into the master bedroom followed by Jaina and Barrett. She sat back in the chair and let out a deep sigh.

"Are you okay Stef?" Jaina asked.

Stefania nodded her head, "Sí I'm okay. She worried me for a moment then"

Jaina offered a soft smile, "It's all okay, she just got overwhelmed... you know how much she tends to overthink... especially when her emotions are heightened"

"Yeah" Stefania sighed, "You're right"

Barrett walked over with a big smile on her face, "How about we have some liquid courage? This is a gift from your parents". She held up a rather fancy looking bottle of champagne and a few glasses.

"Now that" Stefania laughed, "That is what I need right now"


So this was going to be the final chapter.... It's not. There will be one more after and that will be the final. The sequel will be uploaded after I publish the last chapter so don't worry 😂

Anyways, if you have any ideas for the last chapter... hit a girl up!

Have a good day!

Follow me on Twitter for updates! Marina_ships69

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