Stay With Me (Short One-Shots...

By LowBatteryPnda

67.1K 1.6K 216

~"Hug me Tight and Never Let me Go"~ "What if sometimes its harder to hang on then let go?" More

~Stay with me~ P.1 (Doil) πŸ’–
~ Stay with Me~ P.2 (Johnmark)πŸ’–
Stay with me p.3 (Jungmark) πŸ’–
Stay with me p.4 (Johnil)πŸ’–
Stay with me P.5 (Jaemark) πŸ’–
Stay with me p.6 (Domark)πŸ’–
EXTRA (JohnMark) (Short) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.7(YuMark)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.8 (Yuwin) πŸ’–
1k SpecialπŸ’–
Stay With Me P.9 (Markhyuck) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.10 (Taeten) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.11 (Johnten) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.12 (Winil) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 13 (Johnhyuck) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.14 (Dojae) πŸ’–
100 Vote (Rant)/(Special)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.15 (Hyuckmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.16 (Renle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.17 (Chensung) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.18 (Luwoo) πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.20 (KunJun) πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.23(Jaeyong) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.24 (Hyuckil) πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.72 (Tenil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.73 (Lueil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.74 (Winkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.75 (Wincas) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.76 (WinTen)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.77 (Kuncas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.78 (Tencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.79 (KunTen)πŸ’–
Extra (Yusol) πŸ’–
100 Comments! (Shohei x Eunseok x Seunghan)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.80 (Sungtaro) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 81 (Tenyang) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 82 (Xiaole)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.83 (Markno)πŸ’–
1K Votes! (YutaxWinwinxTaeil) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.84 (Tendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.85 (Tenjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 86 (Kundery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 87 (Kunyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.88 (Windery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.89 (Winyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.90 (Winjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.91 (Yangcas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.93 (Hencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.94 (Xiaodery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.95 (Xiaoyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 96 (Markmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 97 (Renmark)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 98 (Markle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.99 (Rensung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.100 (Nohyuck)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P. 103 (Hyuckle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.104 (Hyucksung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 105 (Chenmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.106 (Minsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.107 (Taechan)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.109 (Kunhyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.110 (Dohyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.111 (Tenhyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.112 (Jaehyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 113 (Winhyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.114 (Woohyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.115 (Hyuckcas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.116 (Hyuckdery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.117 (Xiaohyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.118 (Yanghyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.119 (Hyucktaro)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.120 (Sunghyuck)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.121 (Henil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.122 (Xiaoil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.123 (Yangil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.124 (Johndery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.125 (Johnjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.126 (Johnyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.127 (Taedery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.128 (Taejun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.129 (Taeyang)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.131 (Yuxiao)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.132 (Yuyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.133 (Dodery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.134 (Dojun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.135 (Doyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.136 (Jaedery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.137 (Jaejun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.138 (Jaeyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.139 (Woodery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.140 (Woojun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.141 (Wooyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.142 (Markdery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.143 (Markjun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.144 (Markyang)πŸ’–
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One Big Giant A/N You Don't Want To Miss

Stay With Me P.92 (Lujun)πŸ’–

25 0 0
By LowBatteryPnda

Lucas and Xiaojun were the kind of couple that made everyone around them believe in the power of love. They had that special kind of chemistry that seemed to transcend the ordinary, and their relationship was the envy of all their friends. But what most people didn't know was that their love story had a delightful twist.

Off-camera, Lucas and Xiaojun were like two peas in a pod. They were inseparable, always going on romantic dates, hanging out at their favorite spots, and cuddling up together to watch movies before bed. Their connection was electric, their laughter infectious, and their love genuine. They were the epitome of a perfect couple, and their friends often marveled at how lucky they were to have found each other.

One warm summer evening, Lucas and Xiaojun decided to take a stroll along the beach. They held hands, their fingers interlaced, and walked along the shoreline, their feet sinking into the soft, warm sand. The sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, and the waves whispered secrets to the shore.

Lucas turned to Xiaojun, his eyes filled with affection. "You know, I love moments like this," he said, his voice soft like the breeze. "Just you and me, the sound of the waves, and the feeling of your hand in mine."

Xiaojun smiled, his heart swelling with emotion. "I love it too, Lucas. It's moments like these that make me realize how lucky I am to have you in my life."

They stopped to watch the sun dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the water. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little paradise. As they continued their walk, they passed a group of friends who were out for a beach picnic. Lucas and Xiaojun were known for their playfulness and camaraderie, and their friends couldn't resist teasing them.

"Hey, lovebirds!" shouted Mark, one of their closest friends. "You two are so disgustingly sweet together. Do you ever fight?"

Lucas and Xiaojun exchanged a knowing glance before bursting into laughter. "Of course, we do!" Lucas replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "We fight over who gets the last slice of pizza."

Their friends laughed along with them, and the teasing continued as they all sat down for a beachside picnic. But Lucas and Xiaojun's secret remained hidden beneath the surface.

Back on camera, Lucas and Xiaojun were a different story. They had a carefully crafted dynamic that had everyone convinced they were just best friends. Lucas, in particular, loved to tease Xiaojun mercilessly, and Xiaojun played along, their banter a constant source of entertainment for their fans.


One evening, while shooting a video for their popular YouTube channel, Lucas couldn't resist poking fun at Xiaojun. They were in the middle of a cooking challenge, and Lucas had just accidentally spilled flour all over the kitchen counter.

"Oops!" Lucas exclaimed, a mischievous grin on his face. "Looks like I've made a mess. Xiaojun, you're going to have to clean this up!"

Xiaojun rolled his eyes, but there was a playful glint in them. "You're unbelievable, Lucas. Fine, I'll clean up your mess, but you owe me big time."

Their fans loved this dynamic. They left comments like, "Lucas and Xiaojun are the funniest best friends ever!" and "I wish I had a friendship like theirs." Little did they know that Lucas and Xiaojun's relationship was much more than a friendship.

After filming, Lucas and Xiaojun sat down in their cozy living room, sipping on cups of tea. They had the place to themselves, and the warm glow of the lights gave the room a cozy, intimate atmosphere.

Lucas turned to Xiaojun, his expression softening. "You know, sometimes I wish we could just be ourselves on camera," he admitted.

Xiaojun nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I know what you mean. But this is what works for us. It's our way of protecting what we have."

Lucas reached for Xiaojun's hand, his fingers tracing patterns on the back of it. "I wouldn't trade what we have for anything in the world," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Xiaojun smiled, his heart swelling with love. "Me neither, Lucas. Me neither."


As the months turned into years, Lucas and Xiaojun's love only grew stronger. They faced their fair share of challenges, both on and off camera, but they always emerged from them closer than ever.

One of the most significant challenges they faced was when Xiaojun's career took off in a big way. He had always been passionate about music, and his talent was finally getting the recognition it deserved. With fame came a hectic schedule, late-night studio sessions, and long periods of time apart.

Lucas, who had a more flexible job, found himself supporting Xiaojun in every way he could. He would often stay up late to greet Xiaojun when he returned from the studio, and he was the one who took care of the household chores and errands. He did it all with a smile, knowing that Xiaojun's dream was worth every sacrifice.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Lucas couldn't help but feel a growing sense of loneliness. He missed the late-night conversations, the cuddles before bed, and the simple moments of togetherness. He missed the off-camera Xiaojun, the one who was his partner in every sense of the word.

One night, as Lucas lay in bed, staring at the empty space beside him, he couldn't hold back his tears. He missed Xiaojun so much it hurt. He missed the warmth of his body, the sound of his laughter, and the way he would pull Lucas close and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

Lucas knew that Xiaojun was living his dream, and he would never dream of holding him back. But that didn't make the loneliness any less painful. Meanwhile, Xiaojun was in the studio, working tirelessly on his music. He loved what he did, and he was grateful for the opportunities that had come his way. But there was a part of him that ached, a part of him that longed for the comfort and familiarity of home.

He missed Lucas more than words could express. He missed their lazy Sunday mornings, their impromptu dance parties in the living room, and their quiet moments of intimacy. He missed the off-camera Lucas, the one who knew him better than anyone else.


One night, as Xiaojun sat alone in the studio, surrounded by instruments and lyrics, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of emptiness. He missed Lucas so much it was like a physical ache in his chest. He missed the way Lucas would surprise him with his favorite snacks, the way he would make him laugh when he was stressed, and the way he would hold him close at night.

Xiaojun knew that Lucas was the love of his life, and he would never take their relationship for granted. But that didn't make the loneliness any less agonizing.

One evening, as Xiaojun returned home after a particularly exhausting day in the studio, he found Lucas sitting on the couch, a thoughtful expression on his face. Lucas looked up when Xiaojun entered, and their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them.

Without a word, Lucas got up and walked over to Xiaojun, wrapping his arms around him in a tight embrace. Xiaojun buried his face in Lucas's shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent, and for a moment, the world melted away.

"I miss you," Xiaojun whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Lucas held him even tighter. "I miss you too, Xiaojun. More than you can imagine."

They stood there in each other's arms, finding solace in the simple act of being together. In that moment, they knew that no matter the challenges they faced, their love would always be their anchor.


Time passed, and Xiaojun's career continued to soar. He released hit after hit, and his fan base grew exponentially. He was living his dream, and he was grateful for every moment of it. But there was a nagging doubt that lingered in the back of his mind.

One day, as Xiaojun was preparing for a big concert, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had been on the road for weeks, and he missed Lucas more than ever. He missed the sound of his laughter, the feel of his touch, and the comfort of his presence.

As he stood backstage, waiting for his cue to go on stage, Xiaojun couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, but it was no use. He felt a profound emptiness in his heart.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a message from Lucas. It was a simple text, but it brought tears to Xiaojun's eyes.

"I'm so proud of you, Xiaojun. Knock 'em dead out there. I'll be cheering for you from home."

Xiaojun smiled through his tears, his heart swelling with love for the man who had always been his biggest supporter. He knew that no matter where life took him, Lucas would always be there, cheering him on from the sidelines.

The concert was a massive success, and Xiaojun received a standing ovation from the crowd. But as he took his final bow and walked off stage, the applause fading into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness.

He longed for the familiar embrace of Lucas, the one person who made him feel truly whole. He longed for the quiet moments of togetherness, the lazy Sunday mornings, and the late-night conversations. He longed for the off-camera Lucas, the one who knew him better than anyone else.

As Xiaojun returned to his dressing room, he couldn't stop the tears from falling. He missed Lucas so much it was like a physical ache in his chest. He knew that he was living his dream, and he was grateful for every moment of it. But there was a part of him that longed for the comfort and familiarity of home.

Back at their cozy apartment, Lucas was eagerly waiting for Xiaojun's return. He had watched the concert online, his heart swelling with pride as he saw Xiaojun command the stage with his incredible talent. But as the livestream ended and the applause faded, Lucas couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness.

He missed Xiaojun more than ever, and he wished he could be there to celebrate this milestone with him. He longed for the sound of Xiaojun's voice, the feel of his touch, and the warmth of his presence. He longed for the off-camera Xiaojun, the one who was his partner in every sense of the word.

As Lucas sat alone in their living room, he couldn't stop the tears from falling. He missed Xiaojun so much it was like a physical ache in his chest. He knew that Xiaojun's success was a cause for celebration, and he was genuinely happy for him. But there was a part of him that longed for the comfort and familiarity of home.

When Xiaojun finally returned home, exhausted but exhilarated from the concert, Lucas was waiting for him at the door. He pulled Xiaojun into a tight embrace, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

"I missed you," Xiaojun whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Lucas held him close, his heart overflowing with love. "I missed you too, Xiaojun. More than words can express."

They stood there in each other's arms, finding solace in the simple act of being together. In that moment, they knew that no matter where life took them, their love would always be their anchor.


As the years went by, Lucas and Xiaojun continued to navigate the ups and downs of their unique relationship. They faced challenges that tested the strength of their love, but they always emerged from them closer than ever.

One of the most significant challenges they faced was when they decided to move in together. It was a big step for their relationship, and they were both excited and nervous about it. They had always cherished their moments of togetherness, but they also valued their independence.

As they settled into their new apartment, they quickly realized that living together was a whole different ballgame. They had to learn to navigate each other's quirks and habits, from Lucas's tendency to leave dirty dishes in the sink to Xiaojun's habit of leaving clothes strewn about.

But they also discovered the joy of coming home to each other every day, of sharing the little moments that made up their lives. They would cook dinner together, curl up on the couch with a movie, and fall asleep in each other's arms every night.

One evening, as they were preparing dinner together, Lucas couldn't help but smile at the sight of Xiaojun wearing one of his aprons, a dusting of flour on his nose.

"You look adorable," Lucas teased, his eyes filled with affection.

Xiaojun laughed, his cheeks turning pink. "Well, I have a great teacher."

As they cooked together, their hands brushed against each other, their fingers interlocking in a silent promise of love and partnership. They knew that living together came with its challenges, but they were willing to face them together, hand in hand.


As time passed, their bond only grew stronger. They became each other's biggest supporters, cheering each other on in their respective careers. Lucas continued to create content for their YouTube channel, while Xiaojun's music career reached new heights.

One evening, as they sat together in their cozy living room, Lucas turned to Xiaojun with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Xiaojun, I'm so proud of everything you've achieved. Your music is touching the hearts of so many people, and I feel lucky to be by your side through it all."

Xiaojun smiled, his eyes shining with gratitude. "And I'm grateful for you, Lucas. You've been my rock, my anchor, and my biggest fan. I couldn't have done any of this without you."

Lucas reached for Xiaojun's hand, his fingers entwining with his. "We've faced so many challenges together, but we've always come out stronger. I wouldn't trade our love for anything in the world."

Xiaojun leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Lucas's lips. "Me neither, Lucas. Me neither."

Their love was a testament to the power of connection and understanding. They had faced their fair share of struggles, both as individuals and as a couple, but they had always come through them with their love intact.

One of the key lessons they had learned over the years was the importance of communication. They had learned to talk openly about their feelings, fears, and desires, and they had built a foundation of trust that allowed them to weather any storm.

One evening, as they lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, Lucas turned to Xiaojun with a serious expression. "You know, Xiaojun, I've been thinking about something."

Xiaojun raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What is it, Lucas?"

Lucas took a deep breath. "I think it's time for us to come out. To our friends, to our fans, to the world. I'm tired of hiding our love, of pretending to be just best friends on camera."

Xiaojun looked into Lucas's eyes, his heart filled with love and gratitude. "I've been thinking the same thing, Lucas. I want the world to know how much you mean to me, how much we mean to each other."

They made the decision to come out as a couple, and the response from their friends and fans was overwhelmingly positive. Their friends had suspected for a long time, and they were overjoyed to see Lucas and Xiaojun embrace their love openly. Their fans, too, showered them with messages of support and love, celebrating their authenticity and bravery.

Lucas and Xiaojun felt a sense of relief and freedom they had never known before. They no longer had to hide their love or pretend to be just best friends on camera. They could be their true selves, and their love only grew stronger as a result.


One evening, as they sat together in their living room, Lucas turned to Xiaojun with a smile. "I can't believe we waited so long to come out. This feels so right, so...authentic."

Xiaojun nodded, his eyes shining with happiness. "It does, Lucas. And I wouldn't change a thing. Our journey, the struggles we faced, they all led us to this moment."

Lucas reached for Xiaojun's hand, his fingers tracing patterns on the back of it. "I love you, Xiaojun. I love you more than words can express."

Xiaojun leaned in, pressing a loving kiss to Lucas's lips. "And I love you, Lucas. You're my everything."

Their love story was a testament to the power of authenticity, of being true to oneself and one's feelings. They had faced their fair share of struggles, both internal and external, but they had emerged from them stronger and more in love than ever.

As they continued their journey together, Lucas and Xiaojun knew that they were meant to be. They had found a love that was deep, genuine, and enduring, a love that transcended the boundaries of friendship and romance.

They were no longer the secret couple living two lives. They were Lucas and Xiaojun, a couple who had faced their struggles and emerged stronger, a couple whose love story had inspired countless others to embrace their own authenticity and love openly and unapologetically.

And as they cuddled up together on the couch, watching the sunset through the window, they knew that their love would always be their greatest adventure, their most cherished secret, and their most enduring truth.

In the end, Lucas and Xiaojun had found a love that was worth every struggle, every challenge, and every sacrifice. They had found a love that was real, authentic, and unbreakable, a love that would stand the test of time and shine as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who witnessed it.

And as they held each other close, their hearts entwined and their souls at peace, they knew that they were living a love story for the ages, a love story that would be remembered and celebrated for generations to come.






Word Count: 2,980 words. 

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