Stay With Me (Short One-Shots...

By LowBatteryPnda

67.1K 1.6K 216

~"Hug me Tight and Never Let me Go"~ "What if sometimes its harder to hang on then let go?" More

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Stay With Me P. 44 (Markil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.45 (Markkun)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 46 (Tenmark)πŸ’–
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1K Votes! (YutaxWinwinxTaeil) πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.145 (Renxiao) πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.146 (Xiaono)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.147 (Renkun)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.150 (Kunle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.151 (Kunsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.152 (Renten)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.153 (Teno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.154 (Tenmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.155 (Tenle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.156 (Tensung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.157 (Winjun)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.159 (Winmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.160 (Winle)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.163 (Jecas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.164 (Lumin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.165 (Chencas)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.166 (Lusung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.167 (Rendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.168 (Heno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.169 (Henmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.170 (Chendery)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.171 (Hensung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.172 (Xiaomin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.173 (Taemin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.174 (Xiaosung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.175 (Renyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.176 (Noyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.176 (Yangmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P. 177 (Chenyang)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.178 (Yangsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.179 (Renil)πŸ’–
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Stay With Me P.182 (Chenil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.183 (Sungil)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.184 (Renjohn)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.185 (Johnno)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.186 (Johnmin)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.187 (Johnle)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.188 (Johnsung)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.189 (Renyong)πŸ’–
Stay With Me P.190 (Noyong)πŸ’–
One Big Giant A/N You Don't Want To Miss

Stay With Me P.90 (Winjun)πŸ’–

26 1 0
By LowBatteryPnda

The stage was set, and the excitement backstage was palpable. It was the day of WayV's debut showcase, a momentous occasion for the group and their fans. For Xiaojun, however, it was more than just a debut; it was the culmination of a lifelong dream, a dream that had taken him from his hometown in China to the bustling streets of Seoul. He had always been passionate about music, and he had worked tirelessly to make it to this point. But as the butterflies in his stomach multiplied, he couldn't help but feel like a small fish in a big pond.

Xiaojun was the newest member of WayV, and though he had already spent months training with the group, the pressure of their debut was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He nervously adjusted his outfit, a stylish ensemble that had been meticulously chosen for the showcase. His heart raced as he thought about the thousands of fans who would soon be cheering for them.

As Xiaojun scanned the room, he caught sight of Sicheng, one of his fellow group members. Sicheng, with his striking features and enigmatic aura, was like a beacon of calm amidst the chaos of the backstage area. He had been with WayV for a bit longer than Xiaojun, and his experience and confidence had earned him the respect of the other members.

Sicheng noticed Xiaojun's anxious expression and approached him with a warm smile. "Hey, Xiaojun," he said in a soothing tone, "Feeling nervous?"

Xiaojun's cheeks flushed at the attention, and he nodded. "Yeah, a bit. This is such a big moment for us."

Sicheng nodded in understanding. "I remember my debut too. It's perfectly normal to feel this way. Just remember, we're all in this together. We've got your back."

Xiaojun couldn't help but be grateful for Sicheng's reassuring words. There was something about the older member's presence that made him feel more at ease. "Thanks, Sicheng. I appreciate it."

Sicheng's smile widened, and he patted Xiaojun's shoulder. "Anytime. We're like a family here, and I'm here to help you out whenever you need it."

Over the next few weeks, Sicheng proved true to his word. He went out of his way to make Xiaojun feel welcome and part of the group. He offered guidance on everything from dance routines to stage presence, and he patiently answered Xiaojun's endless questions about the intricacies of the K-pop industry.

Their interactions weren't limited to just work-related matters, though. Sicheng made an effort to get to know Xiaojun on a personal level. They spent late nights in the practice room, sharing stories about their hometowns and families. Sicheng's thoughtful gestures, like bringing Xiaojun his favorite snack or offering a comforting word during moments of doubt, made Xiaojun's heart race.


As the days turned into weeks, Xiaojun found himself increasingly drawn to Sicheng. He couldn't deny the fluttering sensation in his chest whenever Sicheng smiled at him or touched his arm gently during practice. And every time Sicheng praised him for his hard work, Xiaojun's cheeks turned a shade of pink that was impossible to hide.

One evening, after an intense practice session, Xiaojun couldn't contain his feelings any longer. The others had left the practice room, leaving him and Sicheng alone. As they caught their breath, Xiaojun turned to Sicheng, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Sicheng," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I...I just wanted to say thank you. You've been so patient with me, and I really appreciate it."

Sicheng's gaze softened as he looked at Xiaojun. "You don't have to thank me, Xiaojun. We're a team, and we help each other out. Plus, I see so much potential in you. You're going to shine on that stage."

Xiaojun's cheeks flushed, and he looked down, unable to meet Sicheng's eyes. "It's've been so kind to me, and I can't help but feel like there's something more."

Sicheng's expression grew thoughtful, and he took a step closer to Xiaojun. "What do you mean, Xiaojun?"

Xiaojun took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I mean...I think I might be developing feelings for you, Sicheng."

There was a moment of silence that hung heavily in the air. Xiaojun's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for Sicheng's response.

Sicheng's lips curled into a soft smile, and he reached out to tilt Xiaojun's chin up, making their eyes meet. "Xiaojun," he said in a gentle tone, "I've known for a while now."

Xiaojun's eyes widened in surprise. "You have?"

Sicheng nodded. "I could see it in the way you look at me, the way your cheeks turn pink when I'm near. And I have to admit, I've been feeling the same way."

Xiaojun's heart soared, and a smile spread across his face. "Really?"

Sicheng leaned in closer, their faces just inches apart. "Really," he whispered before closing the gap between them and pressing his lips against Xiaojun's.

It was a soft, sweet kiss, a promise of something more to come. Xiaojun's heart raced as he melted into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Sicheng's waist. It felt like a dream come true, a moment of pure magic.

When they finally pulled away, Sicheng rested his forehead against Xiaojun's, their breaths mingling. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he admitted.

Xiaojun couldn't help but giggle, the nervous tension of the past few weeks dissipating. "I'm glad you finally did."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they both knew that their journey was just beginning. Their debut showcase was only hours away, but in that moment, all that mattered was the connection they had forged, the love that had blossomed between them.


The debut showcase was a roaring success. WayV's performance was flawless, and the audience's cheers were deafening. Backstage, the members celebrated their achievement, hugs and high-fives exchanged all around. But for Xiaojun and Sicheng, there was an extra layer of happiness that made the night even more special.

As the excitement died down and the members retreated to their dressing room, Xiaojun couldn't help but steal glances at Sicheng. They had shared that intimate moment before the showcase, and it had left an indelible mark on Xiaojun's heart. He longed to be close to Sicheng again, to feel his warmth and affection.

Sicheng, ever perceptive, noticed Xiaojun's lingering gazes. He flashed a mischievous smile and approached Xiaojun. "What's on your mind, Xiaojun?"

Xiaojun's cheeks flushed, and he looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling bashful. "I...I can't stop thinking about earlier," he admitted in a soft voice.

Sicheng stepped even closer, his eyes never leaving Xiaojun's face. "Me neither," he replied, his voice low and husky.

Before Xiaojun could react, Sicheng leaned in and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. It was deeper and more fervent than their earlier one, a declaration of their newfound love and desire. Xiaojun melted into the kiss, his hands finding their way to Sicheng's waist as they embraced. The dressing room door suddenly burst open, and a chorus of cheers and catcalls erupted from the other members. Xiaojun and Sicheng pulled away, their faces flushed with embarrassment. But there was no hiding the smiles that graced their lips.

"Looks like we have an audience," Ten, one of their group members, teased with a wink.

Xiaojun felt a surge of affection for his fellow WayV members. Despite the playful teasing, he knew they were all genuinely happy for him and Sicheng. He looked at Sicheng, and they shared a knowing glance. They were in this together, not just as members of WayV but as a couple in love.

After the showcase, Xiaojun and Sicheng found a quiet corner backstage where they could be alone. They held hands and talked about their hopes and dreams, sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings. It was a moment of introspection and vulnerability, a chance to lay bare their souls to each other.

Xiaojun traced his fingers along Sicheng's hand, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "I never imagined that joining WayV would lead me to you. But I'm so grateful that it did."

Sicheng smiled warmly at Xiaojun, his thumb gently caressing Xiaojun's hand. "I feel the same way, Xiaojun. You've brought so much happiness into my life."

They leaned in and shared a sweet, tender kiss, sealing their love and commitment to each other. The world may have been watching, but in that moment, it felt like they were the only two people in existence.


In the days and weeks that followed, Xiaojun and Sicheng's relationship deepened. They went on secret dates, stealing moments of intimacy whenever they could. They found solace in each other's arms, a refuge from the demands of the K-pop industry.

Their fellow WayV members were supportive and understanding, giving them the space they needed to nurture their love. Ten, in particular, had become a confidant for Xiaojun, offering advice and encouragement.

One evening, as Xiaojun and Sicheng cuddled on the couch in their shared apartment, Xiaojun couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought them together. He traced circles on Sicheng's chest, lost in thought.

"Sicheng," he began, "do you ever think about how different our lives would be if we hadn't met?"

Sicheng turned to look at Xiaojun, his expression soft and contemplative. "All the time," he admitted. "But I believe that fate brought us together for a reason. We're meant to be in each other's lives."

Xiaojun nestled closer to Sicheng, finding comfort in his words. "I can't imagine my life without you now."

Sicheng leaned down and kissed Xiaojun's forehead. "Me neither, Xiaojun. You're my everything."

Their love was a source of strength, a beacon of light in the often challenging world of K-pop. The industry demanded so much from them, but as long as they had each other, they knew they could weather any storm.


As the months passed, WayV's popularity continued to soar. They released hit after hit, captivating fans not only in Asia but around the world. Xiaojun and Sicheng's relationship remained a secret to the public, but their bond grew stronger with each passing day.

One evening, as they prepared for a fan meeting event, Xiaojun couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. The demands of their busy schedule had kept them apart for longer stretches of time, and he missed Sicheng terribly.

Sicheng, sensing Xiaojun's melancholy, approached him with a concerned expression. "Is something bothering you, Xiaojun?"

Xiaojun sighed and looked into Sicheng's eyes. "I just miss you, Sicheng. It's been so hectic lately, and I feel like we hardly get to spend time together."

Sicheng nodded in understanding. "I know what you mean. I miss you too."

Their hands found each other's, fingers interlocking in a silent display of their connection. "I just wish we could be more open about our relationship," Xiaojun confessed.

Sicheng's gaze grew tender, and he brushed a strand of hair away from Xiaojun's face. "I wish that too, Xiaojun. But we have to be patient. Our time will come."

Xiaojun nodded, his heart aching with the weight of their secret. He knew Sicheng was right, that they had to be cautious in the public eye. But the longing in his heart was undeniable. As they prepared to meet their fans, Xiaojun and Sicheng held onto each other, finding solace in the knowledge that no matter the distance or the challenges they faced, their love remained unwavering.


The years rolled on, and WayV continued to achieve greater heights of success. Their bond as a group grew stronger with each new accomplishment, and their fans remained loyal and devoted. Behind the scenes, Xiaojun and Sicheng's love for each other deepened, a constant source of strength and inspiration.

One evening, as they sat together on a rooftop overlooking the glittering city of Seoul, Xiaojun couldn't help but reflect on their journey. The night breeze ruffled their hair, and the city lights twinkled below.

"Sicheng," Xiaojun began, "do you ever wonder what the future holds for us?"

Sicheng turned to look at Xiaojun, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "I try not to think too far ahead," he replied. "I just want to cherish every moment we have together."

Xiaojun smiled, his heart swelling with love for the man beside him. "I feel the same way. But sometimes, I can't help but imagine a future where we don't have to hide our love."

Sicheng reached for Xiaojun's hand, his touch reassuring. "That future will come, Xiaojun. I believe in us."

They leaned in and shared a gentle, lingering kiss, a promise of a future where their love could be celebrated openly. It was a moment of hope and determination, a pledge to keep fighting for their love no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

Time continued to pass, and as WayV's fame grew, so did the pressure and scrutiny from the public. The demands of their career seemed never-ending, and Xiaojun and Sicheng often found themselves pulled in different directions. It was a constant struggle to balance their personal happiness with their professional obligations.

One particularly challenging day, after a grueling rehearsal, Xiaojun felt emotionally drained. He longed for the comfort of Sicheng's arms, for the reassurance of their love. But their schedules had






Word Count: 2,155 words. 

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