all the things i love about y...

By billiesbellypiercing

20.1K 435 209

i dont have a description so read it if you want, it does get progressively better i promise. GxG switch Bil... More

thank you


773 19 1
By billiesbellypiercing

I got back home after a long ass day, Gaël walked with me today, Kristal is supposed to have her car tomorrow and she will pick up Connor when she comes back. Connor takes an Uber everyday same as Gaël and Kristal gets a ride home with her friends.

When i got back, i poured myself a glass of apple juice, because it's better than orange. I sat down to the kitchen counter and opened my laptop, i checked my mail, seeing that i got a response from Claudia.

Hi Hayden,
I got your application, could we have a meeting on Saturday at my house to go over everything. I will make it quick and it will be at 11 since you have school and work, so we will also work around that.

I quickly replied, i don't know if i'm supposed to write it formally or casual so i went with casual.

Hi Claudia,
Saturday at 11 works for me.

I quickly chugged my juice and went back to my room. I cleaned a little because that's what i do when i'm bored. Tomorrow is Friday FINALLY. We're going to dinner tomorrow night, Kristal said it's to celebrate us getting in our schools and surviving the first two weeks.

I did what i do every night which is get my bag and outfit ready for tomorrow, help to cook, eat, clean up, shower and skin care routine, then to bed.

I wake up the next morning and do the same shit over and the over again. Today Kristal's and Gaël's car are coming, they both had issues at the shipment company or something but everything got fixed.

We are all supposed to go to Ethel's party tonight as it got moved, so we canceled tonight's dinner and went to the party to replace it, but i'm not really looking forward to it. I'm only going because i'm pretty sure i'll have to drive everyone back.

I got ready and headed out and plugged in my earphones and started walking, it pretty soon started drizzling but i didn't mind because i love walking in rain. It's my favorite kind of weather. Fortunately i got in the school before it started pouring but not for long.

First class today is sculpture, i headed there and Danny was already waiting for me, he saved a spot for me and patted the stool besides him as soon as i enter the class.

"Hi Daniel."

"Hi Hayden. Stop using my name like that Hayden"

"Ewww why'd you have to say it like that" i said making a face.

"So i can scare you off using my real name." He chuckled.

"Welp that worked. Bro you sounded like an old creepy man." I laughed.

He punched me playfully but before i could fight back my professor came in the class making everyone go silent. The class went silent because her ways of teaching are actually interesting and entertaining.

We made a small bust for today's project and she explained how to get all the details right and all, next class is filmmaking which is one of my absolute favorite subjects here. I got separated from Danny and we both went our ways.

I joined with Carol and we started chatting as we waited for our professor. Once she gets in, i turn to my laptop and start paying attention. The class went faster than anticipated and this will add to my knowledge if i get hired by Claudia tomorrow.

I go through the rest of my day with the sky staying a little bloomy. Danny is supposed to pick us up to go to the party and we will also be using Kristal's car. The final bell rings and i rush down the hallways to the gates. I start walking fast as i see that it'll start pouring soon. Normally I wouldn't mind but i have my laptop with my and that the only thing valuable in this situation.

I'm halfway to get to the apartment and it starts raining pretty heavily. I take my laptop out of my bag and put it under my shirt and i put my bag over my head for a little more coverage. I start walking faster until i hear a honk, i turn around and i see a familiar car, the Dodge Challenger. It stops and i start to get anxious so i walk faster.

What if they kidnap me and sell my organs, but then they won't kill me and i'll live in pain my whole life.

A feminine voice shouts.


I turn around and see a gorgeous girl holding a black umbrella.

"Here" she says handing over the umbrella.

I go towards her still a little bit hesitant.

"C'mon i'm not gonna kidnap you. Don't worry." She reassures me.

She hands over the umbrella and i take it hesitantly.

"Uh thanks" i shivered.

"Yeah your welcome. I've seen you walking a couple times so i guess... i don't know. Anyway i'm gonna go now." She says and with that she gets back in her car and drives off.

I'm still standing here with her umbrella in my hands. I get my laptop out of my shirt that fortunately isn't damaged and i put it back in my bag before continuing walking to the apartment.

Damn she was really beautiful. Those lips too, they looked so kissable. I just met why am i thinking of kissing her ?

I got back to the building and my shoes were soaking wet, i got in the elevator i pressed the button for the third floor and waited until the doors opened. I got my keys out and opened the door. At this point i was shivering because of the AC in the living room. Kristal was sitting at the dining table and when she saw me, she got up and ran to the bathroom to grab me a towel and wrapped it around my body.

"Aww you're shivering. Why didn't you take an Uber ?"

"I thought i was gonna make it in time." I replied and gave her a light hearted smile so she doesn't worry too much.

God she's such a mother.

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