
622 14 10

We get back home after an hour long drive and the house was quiet, everyone were on their room so i took the opportunity to annoy them.

"GUYS I'M HOME" i yelled hearing Gaël smack her teeth from her room, nonetheless she came out and smiled at Billie when she saw her.

"Danny and Carol are coming over if it's fine with Billie... since you know..." Connor said coming out of his room too.

"Yeah it's chill with me" she replied.

"Well Hayden, today's your day to cook, but i could do it if you want." Kristal said her turn coming out of her room.

"No i got it." I exclaimed. I looked back at Billie who nodded telling me that she was going to help me.

Everyone went back to their room while i went to fetch my laptop to listen to music.

I started getting all the ingredients out to make some spicy vodka pasta but without the vodka since we didn't have any alcohol on hand and Billie and i don't drink for fun.

Billie offered to help which i denied at first but she insisted on helping so now she's boiling the pasta, while i'm working on the sauce. I asked her to check if the sauce was spicy enough and something unexpected happened.

She took some sauce off of the spatula with her finger and dotted it onto my cheek, she then grabbed my face by my chin so my cheek was facing her and licked it off of me.

"Some more spice wouldn't hurt anyone, would it love ?" She rasped into my ear, at this point, my heart was racing in my chest. I suddenly heard knocks on the door and bolted for it to get out of this situation.
I opened the door and there stood Danny and Carol.

"Damn why are you so red ?" Danny asked.

"I- she's h- it was hot in the kitchen." I stopped my sentence as soon as i realized what i was about to say.

"Yeah, sure" Danny pushed past me and Carol gripped his arm when they looked towards the kitchen, Danny's face fell as soon as his eyes landed on her.

At the same time Kristal, Connor and Gaël came out of their rooms to greet them. I watched Billie's subtly smirk at the effect she had on me as she turned off the stove to prevent the sauce from burning.

I grabbed plates and cutlery and placed on the table. Billie is a pretty flirty person but i don't it's something you do to your friends, or something to someone you just met two days ago.

"Hey are you okay ?" Kristal's voice startled me.

"Huh? Yeah yeah i'm fine why ?" I swallowed hard.

"I don't know i just wanted to know if you needed help to set the table" she trailed off. I heard Billie giggling in the kitchen and i could see her looking at me from my peripheral vision. She was making conversation with Carol while Danny was fangirling over her and Gaël was trying to calm him down.

Billie sent a text to her mother to tell her that she was staying over for dinner as per Danny's request, he didn't know she was staying anyway. She agreed wholeheartedly, that's what i like about her, she is always nice to her fans and people who admire her.

We all sat at the table while i served the food and the only place left was the farthest from her. I couldn't hide my annoyance but it's not as if they were paying attention to me. Don't get me wrong i wasn't jealous but i just found it annoying that as soon that someone whose pretty well-known shows up, they're the center of attention.

I sat down once everyone was served and started eating, eating meaning playing with my food and taking occasional bites. I saw Kristal often sending looks my way same as Billie but no one said anything.

By now everyone was done eating but they kept talking to each other. I didn't feel like interacting tonight so excused myself and went to my room. I closed my door and went on my bed and picked up a random book to do as if i was reading if someone wants to come in. I rested my chin on my knees and started thinking of anything but that was cut short by knocking on my door.

"May i come in ?" Billie's voice sounded through my door. I hummed indicating my answer. The door softly opened.

"Hey what's wrong ?" She asked.

"Nothing, i don't feel very well" i whispered.

"Do you need something ?" She asked again getting closer to my bed.

"Cuddles ?" I shyly asked

"Sure love" she chuckled.

She got on the bed and came close to me, i got on top of her and buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"Is it okay ?" I question, she nodded.

I closed my eyes while she drew small circles and patterns on my back with the tip of her fingers. I slowly drifted off and everything turned into the unfamiliar darkness that i rarely catch.

I don't know how much time it has been but i felt Billie tuck me to bed and kiss my forehead as she got up to leave.

"Stay ? Please" i pleaded. She smiled and came back to bed, her being the big spoon while we cuddled to sleep. I wonder of life could be better ?

A/n  i'm really sorry i havent been posting consistently. Bitch was sick and depressed and school started sooooo yeah.

I really dont know how often i will update. Thank you for sticking around <3

all the things i love about you| B.E.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora