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The flight was only an hour long so we didn't catch any sleep and when we got out of the plane we had to wait 30 minutes for baggage claim. Connor was the only one pumped. We were all excited but exhausted. We called two Ubers to our already paid appartement in highland park.

In one Uber was Gaël an Kristal with their luggage and in the other was Connor and i. After what felt like a long drive we arrived to the neighborhood. I saw a matte black Dodge Challenger pass by , my eyes widened but nothing more as i'm exhausted and it's just a car. We were actually doing this, we're here in LA going to learn something that we are all passionate about.

We got to the appartement and Kristal opened the door leaving the other three of us mouth hung open. It was pretty big and there was even a living room. If i had to choose between that and a dorm. I'll take that for sure but that had to cost a lot if money. We quickly chose our room Gaël taking the one closer to the kitchen, Kristal the one next to the living room and mine is besides hers and Connor the one closer to the bathroom. We didn't unpack anything instead getting ready for bed and we all instantly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we woke up around the same time at 8 and Kristal made breakfast for us with the things she had packed. If you couldn't tell Kristal is the responsible and mature one while Connor was the big brother and Gaël the youngest. College starts in three days for everyone and we were planning on going shopping today. When i finished breakfast i washed my plate and glass and went back to my room. I got a FaceTime call from Hailee.

"Hey Lilee, what are you doing up this early ?"

"I miss you" she pouted.

"Awww. Well i'm glad i left your ass at home. You're so annoying."

"You're the funniest person ever." She said sarcastically.

"I know."

"Did your flight go well ?" She asked.

"Yeah it went pretty good, stupid baggage claim took forever."

"Alright. Say hi to everyone for me. I'll leave you alone now."

"Alright bye. Love yoouuuu"

"Love you too" and she hung up.

I quickly took a shower and got ready to go, we ordered two Ubers as one of our cars were being shipped here, so when i tell you we were rich, that's what i meant. We went to a target to get some essentials for the apartment, Connor will be in charge of entertainment, Kristal will look for home decor and Gaël and i for the food.

After about twenty minutes of snacks and baking and cooking stuff we were finally ready to meet back up with Kristal and Connor, when we joined them, Connor had a Monopoly and Uno deck in his cart and Kristal had a lot of cute stuff, but also knives. A lot of them.

"Do we need all these knives ?" I asked looking back at her eyes.

"Well, you don't wanna mess up your knife for the bread because of cheese" she shrugged.

"Alright" i said in a sing song way.

We went to the self checkout and paid for everything.

"400 dollars." Connor whistled.

"Oh come on, the house needs to be pretty" Kristal said.

"Alright, alright just hurry up i'm hungry."

"You're always hungry" i said looking up from my phone.

"You guys are annoying. Except for you Gaël you're my sister from another mother" he said and they did a little check.

We quickly paid and went to buy something to eat before going to Ikea.

"Alright, we need two more beds, a table and a shelf."

"And how is all of this supposed to fit in the Ubers ?" I asked.

"Hmm, you take the groceries and the shelf and table and our Uber takes the two beds." Gaël said.

"Alright, well let's go find shelves i guess"

After about an hour we were loading the cars and we were going back to the apartment when i heard people screaming on the other side of the road, it wasn't a 'omg i'm being murdered' type of scream more like a 'the shoes i wanted for a long time came back in stock'. I closed the trunk and approached the side walk.

On the other side there was this girl with at least 4 body guards and a ginger guy. The girl had blue hair and her style was...unique. 'Pretty' i whispered and the got back to the Uber.

I wanted to ask the driver who she was because she seemed to be a local star but i retained myself. We got back to the apartment after about 30 minute drive, because of LA traffic, and we got to building and immediately started assembling the beds as we were sharing them last night and let's just Gaël isn't the prettiest sleeper.

While we were doing that, Connor was building the shelf and Kristal started putting away the groceries.

When we were done, it was already 6pm and it was time to start preparing dinner. Kristal turned on the music and we were all cooking and singing. A song that we didn't know started playing, the Spotify banner read 'Bad Guy' and it was a good song but not my style, i prefer calmer or darker ones. We all ate, did the dishes and went to bed.

The next morning was calm, we were getting ready to go to the classes. We went out again to buy school supplies and Gaël was losing her mind since she is obsessed with stationary. And that's what all we did. We watched Netflix the rest of the day and we chilled. I called Hailee and we talked for awhile. She just started school and she was telling me all about her first day.

"Anyway... what's up about you ?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy i can go to an art school."

"Yeah, dad is the best. Mom came by this morning by the way, she dropped me off at school."

"Cool. Now go do your homework, tomorrow we're going shopping for clothes and i'm for sure going to brag about it to you." I said.

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