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We arrived at Claudia's house after 15 minutes, we decided to have a movie night and make homemade pizza, so as soon as we got in the living we headed out to buy ingredients and the snacks we will need.

I love Claudia she's so sweet and Finneas too, they make me feel at home and safe. A feeling that i only get with a small amount of people.

We got in Claudia's Tesla, on the way back from the super market we stopped at seven eleven because Billie wanted slushees. We also bought the candies and chips there.

We messed around for a bit and the cashier really didn't give a shit. At some point we needed to pay for everything so the ice cream that we bought didn't melt.

We grabbed the bags and got in the car. Claudia was driving and Finneas was in the seat besides her, meanwhile Billie and i were way in the back so we could seat together. She had her hand on my thight and my head was on her should while she hummed to the song that was playing lowly throughout the car.

We arrived to the house and bolted to the kitchen letting Finneas carry all the bags that were in the car, Claudia pulled up her laptop to play something in the background while we were cooking, we settled on cooking two pizzas, i rolled out the dough and Claudia cut the vegetables. The siblings were somewhere in the house doing god knows what.

Claudia and i were making small conversations and we talked about fame and what she planned to do with her channel, how she would tell people that she had an editor. If she was going to post a story or just a segment in the video saying it.

We put the raw pizzas in the oven and went to the backyard to find Billie and Finneas playing with the sparkles firework on the stick thingy while Peaches went mental, she jumped around the sibling. Claudia and i settled on the lounge chairs watching them.

I was admiring the way you could see the reflection of the light in her Billie's eyes, when she smiled the corner of her eyes folded and the way she was jumping around, her calming laughs.

"You like her." Claudia stated out of nowhere.

"Me ? No, not even a little bit. Why would you think that ?"

"I think that because, i saw Ronald McDonald in my dream last night and he told me that you like her."

"Well Ronald McDonald should get back to his patties and make sure i don't get a piece of cardboard in my burger"

"Ronald told me it's the way you look at her."

"Jeez why does everyone say that ?" They're right i do like her. But there's no way she would like me back.

"Well. I'm going to leave it at that" she said her face looking like this emoji : 😌

I shook my head and diverted my attention back to Billie when she called me over. I got up and went towards her.

"Hey what's up ?"

"We are choosing the movies tonight, what do you want to watch ?" She said sitting down on the grass as she pulled me with her so i was in her lap while she sat criss crossed. Our faces were inches away so i couldn't focus on what she was saying. I was sinking in her eyes.

"Hayden ?" She broke me out of my head.

"Huh- what ?"

"I said i was thinking we could watch a Disney movie. Which one ?"

"Umm Aladdin or Tangled ?"

"Aladdin and Tangled it is"

"I don't think we'll have time, i gotta get back home Bil."

"You could stay over with Billie." Finneas intervened.

"Uh sure, imma let Kristal know i won't be home." I said taking my phone out and texting her.

Not long after, we went inside to go eat, Finneas turned on the TV as he went onto Disney+ to start Aladdin.

We brought the pizzas over to the couch, one plate shared between Fin and Claudia and the other amongst Billie and i. I wasn't planning on eating as i was not very hungry but Billie knew i hadn't eaten today. She took a slice and passed it to me saying that we'll eat together.

Her gesture brought me comfort, therefore i ate slowly and at least a bit, i managed to down two slices before i couldn't anymore. Billie said she was proud of me and kissed my head and that made me the happiest girl in the world.

I cuddled into Billie taking in her presence and looked over at Claudia seeing she also was cuddling Finneas and Peaches who jumped on the couch a little after we finished eating.

The last time i felt like this was when i was with Haylee and she's the most important person in my life. At some point someone got up and brought the snacks over, i decided not to eat them because of the guilt and instead opted for water. If i could live in one moment forever i think it would be this one, being so close to Billie while watching my favorite childhood comfort movie.

I let myself familiarize with Billie's sent and closed my eyes listening to her heartbeat while hearing the voices of the characters play in the background and i drifted away into a light sleep snuggling impossibly closer to her as i could. At this point my head was between her boobs, all i can say is that she's a comfortable pillow.

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