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I'm now on my way back to the apartment, it's around 6:30 so it was a reasonable time to be back.

As i pass through the door, Billie's head snapped up to look towards me and she is sat there looking as stressed as ever. She quickly got up running towards me and hugged me.

"Bro i was so scared something happened to you" she muffled in my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her staring at Kristal who had an empathetic smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry. I should've taken my phone." I apologized feeling bad for causing Kristal and her worry.

"It's okay, I'm just happy nothing happened to you" Billie sighed in my shoulder.


"Hayden let's go get ice cream" Billie said entering my room.

"Uh, sure i just have to finish editing the vlog for Claudia first." i replied looking up at her.

"Take your laptop do it in the car or at Finneas' we're going there anyway."

"Alright" i said closing my laptop. I got up and dressed more appropriately and told Kristal i was headed to Claudia and probably stay there for dinner.

Billie and i got in the car and drove to the ice cream parlor. We picked up some ice cream for Finneas and Claudia too. I, however didn't feel like having ice cream, Billie shot me a skeptical look, she asked me again for confirmation and i stuck with my answer.


"Hi Hayden, how are you ?" Claudia asked bringing me i to a hug, so did Finneas.

"I'm good how 'bout you ?" i questioned back.

"I'm great, i need to talk to you in a little bit" she looked at me in my eyes.

"Uh okay ?" I stared at her scared.

"Oh don't worry you're not in trouble or anything" she reassured. I nodded in response.

Billie and Finneas went downstairs to record for a little bit while i was sat on the couch crisscrossed with Peaches by my side and editing the vlog.

My focus was broken by a hand on my shoulder, i look up seeing Claudia taking a seat next to me. I removed my headphones to give her my full attention.

"So, I think Billie told you that Finneas her and I have a red carpet, right ?" I hum in response.

"My sister-in-law asked me to babysit her son and i had completely forgotten that the days were the same so right if you haven't figured it out yet i'm asking you to babysit him for me please" she begged. I was pretty good with kids and Kristal was going out with everyone that day and i didn't want to go anyway so i guess i could do it.

"Sure how old is he ?" I asked "three" she smiled. Could be easy enough.

"Thank you so much you're saving my life!" Claudia exclaimed happily and relieved.


So it's been a couple days since i agreed to babysit Claudia's nephew and i'm headed to her house right now with Billie since she's getting ready for her red carpet there, she picked me up on the way.

We pull up in the front yard and there was already a car there so i'm guessing it's her sister-in-law and her nephew. We entered the house and saw a beautiful baby sitting on the kitchen counter between Finneas' arms. I approached the couple and the mom and greeted them.

"Hi, i'm Hayden" i stuck my hand out to the brunette woman.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm Kathleen. And this is Lucas." She presented her child.

While she explained to me everything i need to know about Lucas, Claudia, Finneas and Billie went to get ready. After 15 minutes of me trying my best to take in every information thrown at me, Kathleen was done explaining everything and handed me a piece of paper with everything noted down. Thank fuck.

She greeted me and Claudia before heading out of the house to go to a night out with her friends.
I looked at Lucas who was already looking at me.

"Hey man, i'm Hayden"

"Hay-yen" he repeated.

"Alright, only for you" i said bopping his nose. I picked him up and went to the living where Peaches was hanging out since i will dog-sit her too.

I placed Lucas on the couch and started playing with him. He was still sat on the couch while i was crouched on the floor just in front of him, he extended his arms and grabbed my face pulling me towards him.

He guided my head towards his belly and started playing with my short brown hair. He patted it over and over again as i laughed hysterically. My arms were still placed around his lower body but rested on the couch.

I turned my head to try to get out of his grasped and in the doorway stood Finneas and Billie with a phone pointed at me. I blushed and protested while looking away.

She came over to me and pecked me on the cheek. "I'm gonna go now. Have fun." She kissed my forehead again. I blushed and looked down.

"Good luck with the red carpet thing." I wished her good luck. And with that she, Finneas and Claudia were gone in a black limousine.

"What do you wanna do ?" Asked Lucas

"Hungwy" he said happily lifting his arms up showing his adorable baby teeth.

"Alright" i chuckled pecking him on the cheek while picking him up, and brought him to the kitchen.

I started feeding him the nuggets and fries that i previously put the oven. Thank god he didn't make a mess with the ketchup so i only had his plate, his glass and the oven tray to clean.

"Ok now that we ate what do you wanna do ?" I questioned him.

"I wanna watch a mofie wif you" he said making grabby hands for me to pick him up from his high chair.

"Alright, which one do you want" i asked while scrolling through Disney+

"Tangled" he requested.

"Good choice buddy" i stated clicking in the movie.

About halfway through the movie, he fell asleep in my arms so i decided to make a little barrier with the couch cushions while i baked brownies because i was bored and waiting for his mom to pick him up.


An: this chapter's a mess i'm sorry. I had mad writers block so it's very choppy.
i also just wanted to make an opening for future opportunities ;)

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