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"do you want to talk about what happened now ?" billie asked me

when i woke up from sleeping on her she brought me something to drink and cuddled with me a little more. i sighed knowing that this talk was bound to happen.

"umm, basically, i called my mom to tell her that i stopped college, since you know, she's my mom. when i told, she admitted that she doesn't support my dad's sexuality nor mine, the she proceed to call me a slur and told me i was a disappointment"

"aw hayden, you're nothing near a disappointment, in fact, i forgot to tell you but when sent back the edited video to claudia, she said to tell you that it was perfect."

"i wanna go back home billie, just for a while." i teared up and hid my face in her chest.

"i know hayden, why don't you ask your dad if you could come back in a week. as long as you don't leave me forever, i fully support you." billie sarcastically chuckled.

"thank you, billie. i love you" i said.

*billie's pov*

"ok so when do we shoot for lost cause ?"

"we were thinking in three days or so, it all depends on the girls, if they're free."

"alright thanks danny"

"also don't forget to tease about the album. we have to keep the fans on the edge of their seats."

"got it thanks danny."

finneas and i got out of the meeting room and entered the lifeless hallways filled with monotone colors, not gonna lie, if i worked here i would be depressed.

"do you want to grab lunch with me ?" i asked finneas

"yeah sure, of course."

"great, taco bell it is" i exclaimed, he only groaned and tried to convince me otherwise while we got to the underground parking to get in the car.

in the end, i agreed to go to restaurant instead as it's been a while since i've had a proper lunch with my brother. we arrived to the restaurant and got in, i waitress came over and asigned us a table.

"how did you deal with me when i was not in the best place, like mentally" i asked finneas when the waitress was done taking our orders and going back to the kitchen

"why? what's happening?"

"hayden hasn't been feeling the best lately, family issues and stuff."

"oh, well i remember you used to shut all of us out but we knew you couldn't deal with it on your own, not because you were weak, but because no one can deal with this alone."

"but how can i be there for her ?"

"if she doesn't want to, give her space, she'll come around eventually, and whatever you do, don't make her feel bad that she needs help."

"thanks, fin. how's it been going with claudia ?" i asked as our meals came.

"it's been good, she wants a baby." we giggled and went straight to eating.

when we finished eating, i dropped finneas at his house and went to check on hayden.

"hey, pretty" i said as i kissed her lips. she was still on her bed, it was nearly 3pm.

"hi, billie" she rasped.

i dropped my things and kissed her forehead.
"i was thinking, do you want to come to the shooting of a music video with me?" i asked her sitting on the edge of her bed

she thought for a little then spoke up "i would love to" she smiled. i kissed her nose and thanked her.

"i'll be right back" i said as i left her room to go find kristal. she was in the kitchen doing the dishes, i sat down at the little bar and told her to come once she was done. she put down the glass that she just washed and came sitting down next to me.

"what's up ?" she asked me.

"not much." i said and she nodded, "has hayden gotten out of her room ?" i questioned her.

she shook her head then spoke "she sleeps during the day because nightmares keep her up at night. i get her billie, i really do. since we were young, she hated disappointing people" she said as i listened intently.

"her mother and her didn't have the best relationship, but she's still her mother. i remember one time, she accidently dropped a glass and spilled her orange juice when we were little, at that time her parents were still together, her mom wasn't mad or anything but hayden knew that her mother wasn't happy and she started apologizing and crying because 'mama was sad'" she put air quotes at the end of her sentence.

"oh, that must be hard for her" i said. "yeah it really is"

"alright, i'm gonna go back in the room" i said getting up and going towards hayden's room.

once i got in, i saw that she was sat criss cross on her bed. i sat near her as she let her head fall on my chest.

*hayden's pov*

"alright i'm ready" i said as i entered the living room.

today i'm going to a shooting of a music video with billie, i'm going back home tomorrow.

billie took my hand and we walked hand in hand is we got to the dragon. i'm so excited to see her film i really don't know why.

"where are we going ?" i asked her. she was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh.

"we rented a house on the hills, the theme of the video is a big sleepover kinda vibe, so there'll be other girls there."

"oh, that sounds fun" i said not knowing what to say we drove for another 30 minutes to get to the house, she said that they'll shoot outside when the sun is going to set and a little bit when during the day but the main thing is going to be during the night when it's dark outside.

when we arrived at the house, there was multiple cars parked outside and a lot of people for the filming crew.

i toured the house as we waited for all of the girls to arrive. it was a really nice house, probably very expensive too.

"why didn't we just film at your house?" i asked

"it doesn't match the vibe, i see the song in my head as a cream or beige whereas my house is really dark, grey and shit" she said as we arrived where all the girls were waiting. they were all really pretty, prettier than me to say the least.

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