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We went to sleep around 2 am, we were watching movies and scaring my little sister. Spoiler, that didn't went well as she ran to my dad's bedroom where both of my dad's were kinda getting in the mood.

We made late night snacks and laughed on the counter top of the kitchen. At some point we had a little food fight and Kristal being the scaredy cat she is she stood in the corner taking Polaroid pictures. She did help to clean though. We also went through 2 cans of whipped cream and a whole box of cherries.

It's now  10 am and we were woken up by my dad's husband, Leroid, with pancakes. Connor and Gaël immediately went to the bathroom to brush their teeth leaving Kristal and i going to the guest bathroom because if you don't brush your teeth before eating breakfast. You. Are. Gross.

We then joined then and ate. Until my phone buzzed. It was my mom asking if we were ok with a private bus dropping off everyone at the airport. We were going to take the plane for a 1 hour flight instead of a 7 hour drive. We were going to take a small suitcase with our essentials in it. And then buy our home decor there for our apartment. I'm glad i don't have to stay in a campus. Though, i do plan on searching for a part time job to get a little money.

Once we were done with our food Connor and Gaël headed out with his car and Kristal went back home with her car so they had the whole day to pack. Gaël has big attachement issues with her cat, Connor will miss her mom's cooking and Kristal wants out of this hell whole anyway. While my weakness is my sister, we spend a lot of time together, we're very close and i know it's going to be as hard for her as it is for me.

I quickly packed up and made sure i had everything i needed. I had 3 hours to spare so i knocked to my sisters door. She opened and saw her her reddened eyes from crying.

"Aww come here Lili" i said opening my arms.

She crashed into then and her hands gripped my hoodie.

"I was thinking we could go out. You know, before i leave." She nodded her head still buried in my arms.

"Let's go shopping yeah ? Dad gave me money earlier." She got back to her room changed and freshened up before we left. My car is a Ford Mustang Shelby in matte black, if you care. She's my baby, i named her flames, i for sure will miss her.

We pulled up to the mall and i parked as close i possible because that's how we do. I got out of the car and went to grab a Target cart and i got back to my car where and my sister got in. I ran as fast as i could through the parking and i jumped on the back of the cart stirring it by pulling and pushing the side.

"AAAHHHH, Hayden slow the fuck down." She screamed but i kept going for another 5 minutes we finally eventually slowed down.

"Let's go grab slusheis." I said as i ran away from the cart leaving her in so i got a head start from her beating me up because we almost crashed a car.

She got out and ran after me. She eventually caught because she plays sports and i don't. We fell and we laughed uncontrollably gaining weird stares from strangers.

We got in the mall and got to the food court where they sold slusheis in a small corner. I got a cola one and Hailee got strawberry. We went to take seat at a table and she randomly spoke.

"Does you brain really freeze if you have a brain freeze ?"

"I don't know ask Google, that's what it's for."

"You dumb ass."

"Well you don't know either so i think you are referring you too as that" i said. We finished and we bought cookies. We ate them and then went shopping.

I got a new belt and a new wallet, and Hailee got a crop top and a pair of mom jeans. We got back to the car with 30 minutes spare. So i decide to drive to the beach just to stop for a bit. We got out and went ankle deep in the water. She kicked the water and she splashed me before i did the same. I heard my phone ring and my dad was calling.

"Hey. Yeah, alright, we'll be here in 10 minutes." I said in the phone to my dad telling me to be home soon.

We got back in my car and we drove back home singing to Harry Styles as per her request. We got back and there was a black bus parked in front of our house. Everyone's parent were here and so were the luggage, i ran up to my room to check if they hadn't forgot anything. I ran back down. I stepped out of the house and looked at it one last time. My mom came from behind and kissed my head.

"You'll be back for vacation before you know" she said.

"Yeah" i sighed. I turned around and got in the bus. Everyone was seated with their family spending their last moments together for a year.

I sat next to Hailee my mom, Erika with her husband Chris and in front my dad, Breid and his husband Leroid. Hailee laid her head on my shoulder as i laid my head on hers. The drive to the airport was silent. When we got there we all got our bags back and hugged one final time.

"So, i guess it's our last hug." Hailee said.

"Shut up dummy, i'm not dying. Not yet."

She scoffed and i brought she into a hug. She started trembling.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry alright? We are going to call everyday alright ?"

She nodded and hug me one last time and the four of us entered the airport. We all checked in and waited for the gate to be called. We were exhausted from the day so we all didn't talk for a bit.

"I can't believe this is all happening" Kristal spoke.

"I can't believe it either" the rest of us said in unison.

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