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*Billie's POV*

Camera flashes were everywhere as soon as i stepped out of the car. I tried my best looking everywhere.

Finneas and I did a little bit of press and interviews and the carpet before heading inside where the actual ceremony was held.

"And the Hitmaker award of the year goes to... Billie Eilish" I went up on the stage and said my little speech calling out someone at the same time. They know who they are.

At some point Finneas came up on stage and and said words that brought me to tears. "And just being Billie Eilish's brother is all I ever wanna be. I love Billie more than anything else and I'm so grateful to you and I love you" he spoke into the microphone kissing my head as he took a step back.

I accepted my award and went back to the table with Finneas, Claudia, my mom and my dad. As the other artists received their awards during the rest of the night, I watched attentively.

It was time to go back home but i passed by Finneas' to bring Hayden back to her house. We were in the black limousine who was bringing us back.

"I love you so much Finneas" I spoke out of nowhere. "I love you too Billie. I meant every words i said in the speech" he smiled at me while his arm was around Claudia's shoulders.

We entered the house house and we were met with the scent of brownies baking.

"Hay!" I shouted just be shushed by herself.
"He's sleeping" she exclaimed just on cue, he started crying. Hayden went to the living room and picked him up and comforted and shushed him.

I should admit that she looked fucking sexy taking care of a child. Wifey material for real.
"Anyway sorry for that, BUT CONGRATS BILLIE YOU WON AN AWARD!!" She whisper shouted bringing me in a hug.

"Thank you love" I chuckled. She also brought Finneas and Claudia in a celebratory hug.


*Hayden's POV*

"Hi dad!"

"Hello pie, what's up ?"

"I was wondering if we could surprise Hailee!"

"What do you have in mind ?"

"Well i didn't forget her volleyball game, so i was wondering if i could come home the day before."

"That would be awesome! She was mopping around saying that you forgot her game. That's so nice of you !"

"I could never, and she knows that !"

"Anyways i will buy you tickets for in a couple of days."

"Thanks dad ! Tell Leroid i said hi! And Hailee too! Just don't tell her why i called."

I got off my phone and went on the couch where Connor was watching 'Ginny and Georgia' i fell on his lap and played with his face because i wanted to annoy him.

"Stooooppp" he whined. He brought his thighs up so my bust would go up too and started tickling me. I threw a fit of laughter as my tried to take a pillow to hit him in the face. I did it.

"You're a bitch" he muttered. I just stuck my finger in his cheek as a response.

"Anyway, imma get ready for my date with Carol." He got up. "Oooooooohhh" i cooed from the couch.


"I'm leaving for a week or two" i spoke as Billie was playing with my hair while we were cuddling.

"Yeah? What for ?"

"I wanna go see my sister's game."

"I'm coming with you "

"Bitch what ?" I laughed

"I have a few weeks off so I'm coming with you." She stated as a matter of factly.

"You could sleep with me at home. But what if you get recognize ?"

"We'll deal with it when it happens alright ?"


"I'm bored. Let's go to the beach" she added.

"Pick a swim suit for me then."

"Aah Hayden in a bikini" she whined or moaned.

"Shut up" i patted her shoulder.

I picked up the sunscreen and locked the door as no one was home and we went to the car.
During all the drive, we were blasting to music specifically Gorillaz and Twenty One Pilots. Billie parked the car rather close to the beach as we spotted a parking spot before the person in front of us.

We got out of the and placed our stuff on the sand, i opened up a towel and spread it out telling Billie to come over so i could lather her with sunscreen. She sat between my legs and we made small talks filled with nonsense. She took a strawberry out of the basket that we brought with is and fed me. There was also a slice if cake in the basket so the genius she is, she took the frosting and put a little bit on my nose and licked it away when i protested and told her to clean it up.

The beach was feel with our laughter and our screams when we started chasing each other. I had on baggy clothes so i swiftly took them off while run it as my bikini was under there and my clothes where our stuff was located, i made a run for it for the sea.

But that didn't stop Billie as she stopped at our spot took off her clothes and ran towards me. She tackled me on the shore and we wrestle softly while laughing hysterically. Talk about a feel good day.

At this point we were completely wet so we went for a swim. Every time she felt something near her foot she would jump in my saying that she's going to die. I laughed as her legs were tangled with mine. But it was soon my turn to start feeling things on my foot so i jumped on Billie. She, however didn't feel anything so she looked down to see a little fish.

"Love it's okay it's just a fish" she chuckled.

"I know but i'm comfy right now" i stated as my cheek pressed against her shoulder, my face it the crook of her neck. I felt her fingers go under my chin and directed my face in front of hers. Her holding me with one hand was very hot. But anyway...

The sun was starting to set and the sky was a pretty orange color. We were facing each other, both of us examining the other's face. We both started leaning in and as our lips met it felt like all the weight was lifted off my shoulders. It felt familiar yet so strange. Like, hold up imma be corny, it was meant to be. Like our lips were made for each other. We went rhythmically as she swiped my bottom lips with her tongue. I granted her access and we made out before we had to break apart to take some air.

"Hayden," she started breathlessly, "I don't know if you know this but a like you a lot. Like a lot. And i really hope you feel the same, the day I met you, I found so charming and everything. But when we really met at Claudia's, I realized you were perfect, more perfect than any Disney princess. I could never get tired of your company, I actually crave it when we're apart." She rambled.

"So what i'm saying is maybe not a big deal and I'm maybe exaggerating it but I'll be delighted if you agreed... Hayden, will you be my girlfriend?"

A/n eventful chapter so i'm doing you justice by leaving you on a cliff hanger. You're welcome 😘

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