Nighttra's Book of Monster Gi...

By Nighttra

769K 11.3K 3.7K

None of the girls in this book are mine! They belong to their creators! More

Before we Begin
Queen Bee x Fem!Knight!Reader
Bogey x Fem!Reader
Futa!High Orc x Fem!Reader
Futa!Mershark x Fem!Reader
Slightly Yandere! Verosika Mayday x Shy!Fem!Demon
Versoika Mayday Part 2
Verosika Mayday Part 3
Sandworm x Fem!Reader
Druella x Fem!Reader
Slightly Yandere!Salem x Fem!Reader
Yandere!Salem Part 2
Cassiopeia x Fem!Reader
Elise x Fem!Adventurer!Reader
Kiki x Fem!Demon!Reader
Siren x Female!Reader
Siren x Fem!Reader 2
Harpy x Female!Reader
Alpha!Sejuani x Omega!Fem!Reader
Yandere!Futa!Medusa x Fem!Reader
Alpha!Female Dragon x Fem!Omega!Dragon!Reader
Fem!Siren x Fem!Mermaid!Reader
Siren!Mera x Fem!Siren!Reader
Alpha!Dragon Sisters x Omega!Fem!Dragon!Reader
Female Orc x Female!Reader
Yandere!Female Succubus x Fem!Reader
Alpha!Magik x Omega!Fem!Reader
Slan x Fem!Demon!Reader
Slan x Fem!Demon!Reader (2?)
Velvette x Fem!Demon!Reader
Lute x Fem!Reader
Sera (Hazbin Hotel) x Fem!Angel!Reader
Echidna x Fem!Reader

Morana and Striga x Fem!Vampire!Reader

20.4K 288 19
By Nighttra

Your POV

"Aren't you suppose to be with your mother?" Daegon asks while I sit down

"Maybe." I shrug watching the small group of vampires play cards

"Yeah you two have that meeting with those Styria sisters-"

"My mother has a meeting with those four 'sisters'." I huff crossing my arms, "Besides I don't like politics. I rather be out here with you all patrolling the border."

"Patrolling the border hm?~" Taya smirks placing down a card, "You sure you're not out here to check over all the humans for your soulmate mark?"

"No I'm not here for that." I groan sitting back in my chair, "I also have to make sure the humans are happy. We don't want another rebellion on our hands."

"They'll never be happy with us sinking our fangs into their skin." Ash huffs

"Well they have it better here than anywhere else. At least we give them a choice, breaks, and a little power. Although if my mother sides with these Styria women that may no longer be the case."

"Why do you hate those four anyway?"

I open my mouth to answer when a scout enters the tent.

"Lady Y/N your mother has requested your return to the castle immediately."

"Of course." I sigh nodding

I bid the four vampires goodbye before leaving, using my super speed to travel back to my home. After a few minutes our castle was in sight and I stopped myself at the door. I shook off the snow on my shoulders and walk in. The guards greet me and I take off my helmet, making my way towards the meeting room. Half way there however I run into the person looking for me.

"Where have you been?!" My mother glares at me pressing her finger against my chestplate

"I was at the border. I wanted to make sure the humans or anything else would try to attack while the Styria royals were here." I huff

"You were suppose to be at the meeting to introduce yourself."

I roll my eyes, "I'm sure you would've done that for me either way."

"Why are you so stand offish about them?"

"Not for three of them." I state my gaze turning into a glare, "I don't trust their leader Carmilla. She was there when Dracula fell-"

"That doesn't mean anything-"

"And some very solid rumors started going around where she used an udead priest to bless the river below his troops while they crossed the bridge."

"But they're rumors."

"The people who told me this don't make this kind of shit up." I sneer

"Watch your language!"

"I don't care. I refuse to respect them."

"Well you're going to have to start. We're allies now."

"Of course you agreed." I scoff walking around her

"Don't you walk away from me-"

"What is going on here?" A new voice speaks up

I look a few feet ahead of me to see the infamous Striga with her lover Morana standing next to her. I glared at them and they glared back.

"Ah Striga and Morana." My mother smiles, "This is my daughter Y/N."

"The one that didn't care to show up for our meeting?" Morana huffs

"The security of not only your safety, but also our border was more of a concern to me."

Striga raises an eyebrow, her green eyes scanning over my features, "For a leader of an army you have little respect."

I narrow my eyes as she steps towards me, "Perhaps I should beat some into you."

I chuckle a smirk making it's way on my face, "If you beat me in a fight then I shall respect you."

My mother looks at me with worry knowing that because of my condition I could easily die, "There's no need-"

"Then it's settled." Striga huffs

"Meet me in the training room in 15 minutes. If you need help finding it one of my soldiers will guide you there."

Not waiting for a response I turn around, heading towards our battle site. It only took me a few minutes and I received some curious looks from my fellow guards when I entered the large room.

"Commander Y/N. What are you doing here?" One of them asks

"I have a fight with Striga of Styria." I state grabbing my double edged sword

(Your sword^)

"With Striga?" Another guard walks over a look of shock on his face

"Yes. She said I was being disrespectful and offered to beat some respect into me." I huff, "So I told her that if she beat me then I would respect her and her sisters. Although I won't ever fully trust Carmilla."

I walk away from the small crowd beginning to get in some warm ups when one of my captains come up to me.

"I know you're going into this fight confident but I worry." Maya whispers, "You know that-"

"I know." I huff my anger flaring up

"Well we'll be on the sidelines ready. Please just make sure you don't get hurt too much."

"I'll try."

She walks away, leaving me to practice. A few minutes later I hear Striga's heavy boots coming down the stairs causing me to stop. I turn to the stairs with a smirk, seeing the vampire's large frame at the bottom. My soldiers stop and stare at her as she walks by, her green eyes trained on me.

"You have to forgive them for staring." I state while she stops a few feet away, "It is not everyday somebody of your caliber is here."

She looks around at them, raising an eyebrow at the crowd. Eventually her attention is back on me. I sigh getting into my battle stance.

"I'll try to send you back to your lover with as little cuts and bruises possible." I smirk

My fellow guards look at me wearily, not sure if I would survive a hit from Striga. You see when I was a younger vampire my mother's favorite method of punishing me was denying me blood. This caused me to become weaker than the normal vampires, so a normal hit from a vampire would be enough to kill me. Despite this I still chose the path of a soldier. All I would need to do is to wear her down before going in for the final hit.

Striga chuckles getting into a stance of her own, "You won't be winning this fight."

We stare at each other for a few seconds before I dash forward, aiming for her chest. Striga swiftly blocks it, pushing me back. My feet drag against the floor while I balance myself, the taller female swinging her sword at me. I dodge it, jumping onto it. I look at her with a smirk.

"Well this is a nice little perch."

She scoffs raising her sword, forcing me to jump off. I dash at her again, landing a cut across her armor. The green eyes vampire stumbles back but I follow my attack with another, dashing around her before going back in. I see her grit her teeth in frustration while she tries to grab and hit me, but fails miserably. Just as I go in for my 12th hit her sword suddenly swings in my direction. My eyes widen when I realize I can't dodge it and the large blade hit my chestplate at full force. I wince in pain as the sword smashes through my chestplate, cutting through my undershirt and leaving a shallow cut.

My body rolls as I'm unable to maintain my balance, my weapon falling from my hand. I finally come to a stop, my chest screaming at me in pain despite only having a small cut. I clutch at my chest while blood bubbles past my lips. Striga stares at me in shock, my soldiers swiftly moving in front of me with weapons drawn. A couple others gently lift me up before ushering me out of the room.

10 minutes later.....

Striga POV

"You look troubled." My love states as I enter our room

"That little brat Y/N.."

"Yes what about her?"

"She's our soulmate. After the fight her chestplate armor was cracked and I had cut through her undershirt. I saw our mark on her hip bone."

Morana's eyes widen in surprise, "Where is she?"

"I don't know. I assume their infirmary."

"What do you mean you don't know? And infirmary? How badly did you hurt her?"

"Some of her fellow guards interfered in our fight after I landed a hit on her. They quickly took her away before I could do anything. The one hit that I landed on her wasn't too powerful either. A normal vampire would've been able to withstand it, but for her it was almost like a fatal hit."

Morana's breath hitches, "Then what are we doing standing here? She's our soulmate is she not? We'll go see her."

"I don't want to-"

"You don't want to?" Morana hisses her blue eyes narrowing at me, "She is our soulmate. I don't care if we got off to a rocky start. She is our soulmate. Our third piece. Now you ARE coming with me to the infirmary do you understand."

"Yes." I huff not looking at her

She slips her small hand into mine before dragging me out of our room.

Your POV

"So much for being careful hm?" Alastor hums handing me a glass of blood

"Well I tried until her sword suddenly changed direction." I huff taking a sip

I hiss when he dabs the alcohol onto my chest. I lean back in my chair trying to relax.

"Your mother won't be happy."

"Oh yes I know. She'll probably deny me blood again for another month." I sigh beginning to gulp down the blood

"She shouldn't treat you like that."

I almost spit out my blood when I see Morana and Striga enter the room. My three guards that brought me draw their swords but I motion for them to stand down.

"What are you two doing here."

"I saw our soulmate mark on your hip you little brat." Striga huffs crossing her arms

I look down and sure enough the black mark was on full display. I groan resting my head on the back of the chair as the two walk over.

"I don't know why you aren't fond of us." Morana states, "We're your soulmates so you should be happy."

"I'm not fond of Carmilla." I respond finishing the blood, "I know she was there when Dracula fell, and I've heard some pretty solid rumors that she played a key role in his downfall."

Striga's eyes narrow at me, "All we know is that she went to him as an advisor. Morana and I don't know if she participated in his downfall or not."

I search her eyes for any signs of a lie, but it was hard and intimidating to keep staring up at her.

"Moving on from that...why are you so weak?"

"Well that's fairly blunt." I pout glaring at the green eyed general

"Answer my question."


"Her mother is the reason." Alastor speaks up

He looks at me and I nod at him to keep going.

"When Y/N was younger her mother would deny her blood as punishment, because of this her body did not fully evolve as normal vampires would. She is far weaker."

"Then you're coming with us." Morana commands, "Striga and I-"

"I am not a baby." I snarl, "Besides I command these armies. I will not simply abandon them to go to Styria."

"We won't be upset Commander."

I look over at the door to see Captains Maya and Daegon.

"The soldiers will understand that their your soulmates. We won't simply become disloyal from that. If you need us we will be there."

Striga gives them a proud nod, her green eyes coming back to me, "We are allies now. Besides your mother's kingdom isn't too far. If you wish to come back you can. Even though you are a brat, we would like to spend time with you. The three of us are meant for each other anyway."

"Well if all my men and gals are fine with it-" I shrug as Morana gives me another glass of blood, "Why not?"

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