Troublemakers (Emison)

By nowblackarc

93.1K 2.6K 285

Emily Fields and Hanna Marin are the troublemakers of Rosewood High. Then perfect Alison DiLaurentis comes al... More

Chapter 1- Meeting
Chapter 2-Partners
Chapter 3- Smoking Hot
Chapter 4- Out
Chapter 5- Slamming door and Flirty Texts
Chapter 6- I don't date virgins
Chapter 7- The place to go for sex
Chapter 8- Assignments at Sex Heaven
Chapter 9- Saturday Slut
Chapter 10- Drunken Kahn Confessions
Chapter 11- Lesbian Bashing
Chapter 12- Les-bi-friends
Chapter 13- Protective Emily
Chapter 14- Bad sex jokes
Chapter 16- Teases and Sluts
Chapter 17- Fragile Badass
Chapter 18-Pool Sex
Chapter 19- Shower Sex and the Past
Chapter 20- Coming Out
Chapter 21- Family Reactions
Chapter 22- Past Affairs
Chapter 23- Prom
Chapter 24- Queens and Presents
Chapter 25- Birthday Strap-On Sex
Chapter 26- Clubbing
Chapter 27- Marry me? -A
Chapter 28- How about Forever?
Chapter 29- Mile High Club
Chapter 30- Not-so Sweet Paris
Chapter 31- Troublemaker 2.0

Chapter 15- Queen Bees of Rosewood High

3.2K 97 21
By nowblackarc

Alison's POV

As I go back to the school the next day, I get a lift from Emily and Hanna. Hanna's driving and Emily's riding shotgun with a cigarette in her hand. I don't even try to hide my disgust. I would think Emily looks ashamed if I didn't know better.

When I enter the school hallway with Emily's arms linked with mine and Hanna following nearby I only get a few curious glances. A lot more than a few actually, but none of the hate and insults I got a few days ago. I guess this is what Emily feels like every day. People respect you too much to say anything bad.

"Ladies," Noel's voice catches my attention. He's the first person that has said a word since we came in. "I assume you two are a couple?" he asks gesturing to me and Emily. She looks at me and I look at her.

"No, not yet no," I tell him. As much as I want to be Emily's girlfriend, we are technically just friends. Yes, we've had sex and made out but still we weren't official.

Hanna whispers something into Emily's ear and she looks at Hanna with annoyance. "Um... Ali?" Emily asks as we walk away from Noel.

I look at her, tellling her I'm listening.

"I was wondering... if you would... uh... like to be my girlfriend?" Emily asks me. The egotistical, confident Emily Fields that everyone knows is gone, and there in her place is the shy, embarrassed yet hopeful Emily. I love her.

"I'd love to Emily," I say as I kiss her. She kisses me back and laughs.

"As much as I love lesbian sex and porn, please keep this PG rated for the benefit of everyone else in the hallway," Hanna says. God, Hanna is so hilarious and I know why Emily's friends with her.

As we walk to English together Hanna says, "Good choice for saying yes to Em by the way. She's a damn good fuck." She's teasing again. She knows my relationship with Emily is so, so much more than just the sex.

"How would you know?" I tease back.

"Sweetie, I've had more threesomes with her than you've had sex," Hanna says, trying to keep a serious face.

Emily blushes red and I know Hanna's probably telling the truth. "What the fuck Hanna! And don't fucking call her sweetie. She's my sweetie get your fucking own," Emily says.

I feel myself blush when Emily stands up for me like that. I know it's all a joke for Hanna but it means so much to me. For someone to be on my side. I stick my tongue out at Hanna, grinning.

"Is that the tongue you used to eat Emily out last night?" Hanna asks, pretending to be innocent. She's the one who bloody walked in on us.

Emily starts complaining that she doesn't want to go to English. She's such a baby. I drag her along but she's so much stronger. "Fine," I try to negotiate, "Come to English and I'll sit next to you."

"I won't be able to concentrate then babe," Emily drawls. Damn. It's so sexy when she says babe.

We get to English and Emily and I sit at the back of the classroom and Hanna finds her own seat by the window. The desks are really close together so I sit cuddled up next to Emily. The teacher, Mr Fitz, is rambling on about the test next week about Romeo and Juliet and that's when I feel Emily's hand on my thigh. It reaches my inner thigh and I whisper, "We're in class Emily."

Not that she cares. Her hand navigates itself to the edge of my pants and then she shoves her hand into my pants. I gasp in shock and the whole class turns to look at me. Emily quickly pulls her hand out before anyone can see. Hanna knows what's happening and with a smile on her face makes disgusting fingering and licking motions.

"Is there a problem Miss DiLaurentis?" the teacher asks.

"Um no Mr Fitz. I was just uh- shocked that the test was so soon. I should uh- probably be uh- studying more."

With a confused expression on his face he turns back to write about the love of Romeo and Juliet on the board. Emily shoves her hand back into my pants again and starts to rub me slowly. I feel myself getting wet and I struggle to keep back a moan. Fuck. She inserts a finger and thrusts slowly, careful not to make a sound. Emily's enjoying this. Inserting another finger Emily thrusts harder. I look down and see she's already unbuttoned my shorts. I'm so soaking wet and Emily knows how much I want her.

It's then that Hanna clears her throat. Mr Fitz looks at her. Emily pulls out and I button up my pants again.

"Mr Fitz, I was just going to say how intimate Romeo and Juliet were with each other. They'd only known each other for a very short while and yet they were so obsessed. Like, they were fully making out by the end of the week and even having sex. I wouldn't know anyone that would have sex at that young age, much less only a few days after they met," Hanna comments. Her voice is so innocent and if I didn't know her, I would believe her. But I know that Hanna has a one-night stand every Saturday, same as Emily. I also know she doesn't give a damn about Romeo and Juliet the same way I know that she isn't talking about their love story. She's talking about the love story between me and Emily and I can only hope it doesn't end the same way Romeo and Juliet's did.

"Well Hanna that's certainly true. But I guess that was just the Shakespearan way of life."

"Yes, but really sex at that young age?" Hanna says making her voice innocent. That gets her a few barks of laughter from the guys. She's probably fucked most of them.

"I guess so Hanna," Mr Fitz answers. He turns back around and continues writing on the board. Hanna turns around at me and Emily and gives us a look. One that says: I know that Emily's fingering the shit out of you back there. "Try not to cum," she mouths to us with the trademark Hanna grin. She starts making orgasming noises and the boys are cracking up laughing. "Ooh please no. Fuck," Hanna says. I know she's trying to make sex noises and I'm fairly certain Mr Fitz knows too.

"Hanna would you like to go to the nurse?" he asks.

"Yes please. I just feel like something is coming," Hanna says grimacing. She accents the word coming as she glances at me. Hanna leaves the classroom and turns left. The nurse's office is to the right. She's such a bloody troublemaker. But sometimes, that's what makes life fun.

A/N: I'm sorry for writing too much of Hanna when this is an Emison story, I am just too in love with her personality.

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