SHE'S THE MAN (Jinkook)

By Leahs_archive

184K 12.3K 2.7K

Jeon Hyewon, somehow manages to convince her look alike brother to marry her fiancΓ© in her place for just a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final Chapter

Chapter 12

3.9K 315 48
By Leahs_archive

Lisa was left jaw dropped as she walked in on the scene before her,the entire dorm room was turned upside down, the bed pushed far away from the wall and boxes of clothes littering the entire floor. She was mad furious, about to yell at the top of her lungs at whoever was responsible when a figure suddenly sprang out from underneath a heap of clothing on the floor.

"Jungkook?" It came out both as a question and an obvious realization as to who was responsible for the mess "what the hell is going on here?" She questioned staring at him with an unbelievable expression.

"Where is it? Have you seen it?" Jungkook asks abruptly walking up to her in panic and worry causing a crease to form on his forehead.

Lisa was taken aback by the sudden question "What? Seen what?"

"My ring. My wedding ring I think I lost it the last time I was here"

She almost burst into a fit of laughter, apparently there was something about the way Jungkook looked and spoke that was downright funny to her "Are you being serious right now?" She asks awaiting answers.

Jungkook only continued ransacking through the book shelf with his back turned to her "Serious about what? Loosing the ring?"

"Yes Jungkook, why do you look so worried over loosing a ring that isn't even rightfully yours"

The statement did cause him to eventually turn in her direction, dropping a book in his hand "you won't understand" he began "I can't even remember where I left it. The last time we had sex, you said something about being uncomfortable seeing me wearing it so I had to take it off, but now I really need to find it. Seokjin and I were having dinner and somehow he noticed, you needed to see the look on his face when he questioned me about it. I honestly have no reasonable explanation to give him for loosing something so dear Lisa, he's going to be so__"

"Ughh shut up!" She yelled now unable to keep her rage in check "are you even listening to yourself Jungkook? What has gotten into you?"

He only stood still watching her wide eyed as silence took over the room, the only noise that could be heard were the distant chatters of other students who resided in the building.

"You're a man for fucks sake Jeon Jungkook, a man whose suppose to be in a relationship with me for crying out loud. This whole charade was only meant to last a few weeks, I had no choice but to be considerate and understanding of the position you found yourself in. But now you're crossing the line Jungkook" she stopped, taking in much needed deep breaths to calm her pulsating nerves "first of all it's not 'your' wedding ring, the ring wasn't yours in the first place to begin with, you loosing it now also doesn't mean shit! This is what youve always wanted from the very beginning, to be free from this crazy nightmare you've been living. Now  you lossing the ring is a clear indication that it's about time you put a stop to all this nonsense.

Call Kim Seokjin or whatever his name is and tell him you can no longer cope with this, tell him your mother and sister put you up to this in the first place. For Pete's sake Kookie our relationship is suffering because of this can't you see it? are you going to continue allowing this lie of a marriage to pull us apart before you put a stop to it?"

The air was tense with neither of them saying another word after the obvious rant. Lisa kept an unphazing gaze on Jungkook whose face had contorted in displeasure, possibly weighing the impact of her words and contemplating on everything he'd just heard from her which were in his Favour.

Lisa somehow felt good about herself, she also expected her words to have woken up self realization for Jungkook, a moment where he did look back on his life and coming to terms with everything before him. For what's it's known his education was lacking, his social life was slowly dwindling and worst still the relationship he'd worked hard to builed was at the verge of crashing.


To her dismay he only smiled, a weak type taking slow strides towards her before pulling her into a tight hug. A hand wrapping around her waist while the other ghosted into her long brown hair "I can't thank you enough for everything you've been enduring thus far, I honestly never thought you would be able to stand by me through out this mess my life had become, but you did and I'm super grateful babe" he placed a chaste kiss on her temple, pulling her back by the shoulder and peering into her eyes

"But If you know where the ring is please tell me, I know I hate everything going on right now and would want nothing more than to put an end to it, but not this way, I don't want to do it this way" he added with a hint of worry lacing his voice.

Lisa was dumbfounded and stunned at the same time, couldn't help but zero her gaze solely on his face without breaking eye contact "ar-are you being serious right now?" She stuttered.

Jungkook nodded "Yes I am, please tell me"

Immediately Kim Seokjin pushed the door to his penthouse open, he's immediately greeted with the sweet aroma of cooked food coming from the kitchen.

This wasn't something he was used to, being alone most of the time, he'd gotten accustomed to coming home to an empty house all his life. His career too made it harder for him to keep friends around except Jimin of course, because he really couldn't tell the difference between people who truly had his interest at heart and those who just wanted to use him either for his money or his fame. Not that he cared though, he had a whole lot of it to go round, but honesty would greatly be appreciated sometimes.

Saesangs too were a big part of his life, some fans were downright crazy. It was always beyond him how some of them could easily go to any length to get their hands on any personal information concerning him but legally and dirty handed"

"You're home"

The soft voice came from the kitchen doorway drowning out his thoughts and gaining his attention. Turning in the direction, he caught sight of Jungkook in a long dress with his hair tied up into a bun and an apron hanging over his neck.

He smiled,

"Yes, I didn't do much today" he answers flatly.

Jungkook only hummed in response dropping his gaze to the man's hand and returning his eyes back to his face as quickly as he looked down "Flowers" he began eyeing him curiously "from a fan of yours?"

Seokjin shrugged, walking closer to him "Not really" he says extending his arms out to the boy "I happened to be driving by a flower shop and caught sight of these because they were really pretty,also you somehow popped into my mind in that very moment"

Jungkook's jaws dropped to the floor.

"I think I was rude in the way I asked you about your ring yesterday, I'm sure you had your reasons as to why you took it off and I shouldn't have butted in that way. I really want you to become more comfortable around me, my actions yesterday did prove otherwise and it has been prickling at my conscience all day long, this may be a flimsy way to say it, but I'm truly sorry. I got you flowers and I'm hopeful you'll forgive me soon?"

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