Love you, Hate you

Por 557damon

18.5K 1.4K 770

Once he was in love... His love was selfless, endless, extreme and had no boundaries and so is his hate.... e... Más

Spilled Coffee
Locked inside
Stolen moment
Drunk boss
Evil witch
Stubborn assistant
Doom or blessing?
Rocky start
Bickering duo
Strangers from past -1
Strangers from past-2
Hooked up?
Extra: Memory or illusion
Damsel in Distress?
Sweet Torture
Bewitched by desire
Do you love me?
One step forward two steps back
Distance makes heart grow fonder
Worry and Agony
Like a Moth to a Flame
Author's Note
Chains of heart
Its all you!

Black Dahlia

471 41 15
Por 557damon

Milky white hands, rounding the small waist clenched in a fist, as Arthit stares ahead, uplifting corner of his lips in a smile, doing his best to not jerk away the perfectly manicured fingers, draped over his forearms possessively or hurl his contents directly on the cameras shoved in his face.

"Sir, a bit closer",the man peeks from behind the lenses and gestures with his hands, much to the actor's chagrin, but the actor controlled his urge to lash out at the poor man..chill Arthit!! He is just doing his job...

Arthit barely hides his grimace when Nam grabs his hand, unclenches his fingers and rests it over the waistline, simultaneously pressing her lithe body firmly to the actor, sticking her curves to his torso. The actor felt like hundreds of ugly four legged creatures are walking all over him. His insides throws up in disgust as he recalls the time he spent at the police station. He is at the film location, doing photoshoot for his upcoming movie, where much to his bad luck, Nam is the lead actress opposite him. He pleaded and begged his manager to get him out of it but much to his dismay, Prae mocked him for not following his advice of not mixing business with pleasure, and ordered him to suffer for his careless behaviour in the past...fuck the contract! I can't be in the same place as this bitch... He has just made up his mind when a familar divine scent crowds his sense. Without moving his head, he glances to his right from the corner of his eyes. Click! Click!! A calm washed over him finding his assistant, wearing his black shirt, dress pants, and oxford shoes, paired with dark maroon business suit, standing not too far, glancing back at him with concern. They have yet to get some clothes for his assistant as Arthit's clothes are either too big or too tight over the lean frame.



Arthit's eyes remains glued to his PA who is turning red with each blinding white flash. Dressed like this, Kongpob is reminding of his old days when they were just phi and nong, worker and young master. The actor flinches, when pinched in the side, waking out of his stupor. Mustering all his acting skill, he grins towards the man behind lens, still busy snapping their pics, before twisting his head to the actress who herself is fuming red in jealousy. The look of want and longing thrown by her co actor towards his good for nothing assistant doesn't went unnoticed by her sharp eyes.

"What the fuck!! Are you crazy??", Arthit grits through clenched teeth, morphing his anger in blank, as he goes back to stare in the camera.



"Yeah! I am. What would you do?",Nam purrs in his ear, thrusting her cleavage more into the actor.



"YES!! That's it. You both are doing great!!",the photographer shouts, as he keeps on capturing the couple and their expressions from all angels.

Not one to back away from challenges, the actor lifts right corner of his lip in a smirk, leaning into the female, controlling himself to not scrunch his nose in distaste as the strong smell of actress's signature perfume permeates his sense.



There was once a time when he liked the expensive notes of mandarin, pink pepper, intensive core of rose and iris all wrapped in the enrich fragrance of black dahlia.

Click! Click!

It was intoxicating and addictive. But now it only reminds him of how evil the possessor of the scent is. "You have no idea what I am capable of. So,  you better stay the fuck away from me"

Click!! Click click!!

Arthit starts to pull away but stills when a long finger trails along right side of his face, seductively, mapping the prominent bones, blade sharp jawline, dipping inside the opening of the black shirt. Before the finger could dig any further, Arthit grabbed the pale wrist, ceasing the exploration of the actress, who arched her pefectly shaped eyebrow, before nudging her pointy chin towards the photographer, silently taunting...what would you do??..

The actor knows the female really well. It doesn't take much to know what Nam wants by provoking Arthit... I am not going to give you what you wishes for. I won't give you the satisfaction of creating any kind of drama....

Giving a deride stretch of his own lips, he bends, dropping a kiss on the underside of the wrist, masking his repulse by fixing a smug smile on his face, "after the stunt you pulled...", he lifts his head, enjoying how the female has turned ash white at the mention..yes Nam!! I will hit you where it hurt the most...Arthit firms his hold when Nam started to pull away, grazing she'll of her ears in the process," could get me only in your dreams. So just live in your stupid fantasy world and you...we are over in this, darling"

The sarcasm in the endearment doesn't went unnoticed by the actress. Nam's eyes narrows to slits, her expression screaming mad, no longer able to cloak her anger behind the fake smile. Boiling in rage, she presses on the neckpiece adorning the pale neck. The sharp edge breaks off the skin, slicing the flesh and drawing blood. Arthit remains immobile, his face deadpan as he shoot daggers at the woman awarded as the most beautiful actress, finding nothing remotely close to it...she is a true black dahlia- a symbol of doom, evil, betrayal and dishonesty.. why couldn't I see her real self before???...because you were thinking from your head and not the one resting on your shoulders..The actor flinches from the jab of his inner self.

Click!! Click!!

The actress lips pulled in a cynical smile, noticing the barest tensing of facial muscles on her partner's face. Sighing, she tsks, pressing her thumb on the edge of the golden chain,"uff Art! That's the reason I couldn't stay away. This temperament of yours...', fixing the other with a hither look, Nam leans into the actor who stops breathing when the peach stained lips comes dangerously close to his. A pretentious chuckle rings in his ear before warm breath hits him "...I will get you Art hook or by crook. YOU. ARE. MINE"



It was Nam's turn to freeze when Arthit laughed. A full blown laugh. His beautiful dimples making an appearance and the actress could not help but be mesmerized by the sight.



Like someone has casted spell on her, Nam reaches forward when the other beckoned her with the tip of his index.

Click!! Click!! Click!!

Blinding white flashes do not deterred the woman from leaning into the actor.
Her whole frame tingles at the proximity.

Click!! Click!!

A shiver run through her when said person breaths into her ear, whispering like sharing a secret meant only for her to hear. But her delight was short lived when the word uttered by her object of obsession.

Her hands bunched into a fist as she glances at the actor who already is looking ahead. Following his line of sight, Nam finds the same honey skin boy, dappered in suit, talking to the director. The words spoken by the actor ringing inside her head.....I won't let it happen Art. You are mine and I will ruin whoever tries to take you away from me....

"Dream on. I am already someone else's"


"What the fuck she think of herself?? Evil bitch !!!", Arthit curses, throwing away his jacket,not caring where it falls, and unfastens the neckpiece around his neck, giving it the same fortune as the last piece of fabric. His fingers deftly unbuttons his shirt as he goes straight for the dressing table to inspect the damage done by Nam.

Arthit gets closer to the mirror, eyeing the sliced flesh, the skin torn off, blood sipping out....she surely has claws instead of na-

The actor's bad mouthing halted seeing the man staring back from the mirror. The image is gaping at him, holding a creamic plate full of rice in one hand, a spoonful of white grains inches away from the opened mouth, looking all kinds of stunned. Gathering his wits back, the actor quickly whirls back, and striding towards his PA who still seemed astounded and shell shocked.

"What the heck are you doing here???", Arthit yells, finally breaking Kongpob out of his stupor. The honey skin boy stands up abruptly, giving his back to the actor, who can only watch the other incredulously.

" why are you parading half naked at your work place??", Kongpob whisper shouted, not intending to let the others hear them. His cheeks hot and red from second hand embarrassment.

"What? Naaked??",the assistant made a face at the overly dramatic screeching, but kept his back to the other, not eager to get another show of bare skin.

"I am wearing clothes if your eyes have stopped working", Arthit scoffed, wrapping the parted shirt, donning last two buttons, leaving the rest as they were. Rounding the younger one, he comes before his assistant, crossing his arms," what are you doing in my room.? Assistants are alloted different place to stay"

"Eating my meal", Kongpob replied with a can't you see look, pointing towards the food with his eyes before shoving the spoon inside his mouth, completly turning deaf ears to the last comment.

"Come and eat. You too have not had your breakfast. Prae has made a delicious tofu green curry", the employee informed. Plopping back on the sofa, he puts the plate of  half eaten rice on the glass table, reaching for some extra serving.

"Prae has come?", Arthit asked, hopefully, taking his seat on the furthest opposite corner, which is nothing but barely an arm distance. Grabbing the spare spoon and plate of half eaten rice, he digs in. His questions can wait for another 10 minutes or so.

"Hey!! That's mine",Kongpob complains, reaching for his rice but the actor embraces the utensil, hiding from his employee's sight. Mustering an unbothered face,  he ordered the other, gesturing towards the meal,"make a plate for me"

"Why would I do that??",the assistant questions, folding his arms in annoyance, taking in the elder munching on his food, fondly. The sight reminding Kongpob of past, when they shared their meals like that. He always had been a picky eater unlike the actor who could eat anything and everything as long as it's super spicy. They mostly have meals together whenever a teenager Kongpob would run straight to his P'Arthit's house and demand him or his mother to cook for him. It's one of his lovable memory...why things have to turn out like this ??...

"Because I am your boss who pay for your bills",the young man snaps out, when noise of twisting fingers resonates in air. He finds his boss staring back at him with what are you waiting for look.

"Make my plate, hurryyy!!!",Arthit waves the spoon in air. He has not eaten anything since morning. And after the frustrating encounter with Nam, his head was verge of explosion..thankfully, Kong got me food...The actor eyes the other make from under his lashes, who is scooping out rice in the plate....he is looking so soft with his bangs freely falling...reminding of old times when he used to come home...


Kongpob extends the plate to the elder who readily accepts it. Placing the empty plate received from Arthit, back on the square glass table, the assistant starts eating the remaining food. None of them said anything the whole  time they were having lunch. Sitting on both corners of the sofa, staring ahead, mind full of questions and unresolved issues.

"Where is Prae? I didn't saw her",Arthit asked, wiping his lips with the tissue paper.

"Oh Prae has not come. She has it delivered to us",Kongpob presses the mouth of bottle against his lips, gulping down water, completly forgetting that his boss has yet to drink.

Hazel orbs are fixed on the luscious mouth embracing the bottle, takes in the movement of adam's apple and something coils inside his lower belly, making him look away from the innocent yet tempting sight.

Oblivious of the elder's condition, the assistant offers the water bottle towards his boss who blinks, his gaze flitting from the choco brown orbs to the shiny cherry red lips and then back to the plastic bottle. Puzzled of the actor's immobility, Kongpob thrusts the bottle once again in his boss's way but when the later still not made any attempt to take it any sooner, he rests the bottle on the table, shrugging his shoulder,"whatever".

Pulling out the tablet, provided by the company, Kongpob taps on it few times, checking the remaining schedule of the actor for the day. In absence of Arthit's manager, he has to  not only remember his schedule but also need to send a daily report to Prae, who for whatever reason has not been able to return to work despite being the same city.

"You are done for today, but Prae has booked an appointment with Fernando Classics. She has given your measurements to them already but you have to go for a final fitting....",Kongpob turned to the actor and trails off, watching the other staring back right into his eyes, drinking from the same bottle wrapping his lips
around....identical to the way...Oh!! That's why??....

Realisation dawned on the junior about why the other was hesitating to drink earlier. He can feel his cheeks heating up at his careless and forgetful behaviour.

It has been a week since they are living together..without any fight and arguments. Unfortunately, this peaceful environment between them is not because of them being good and polite but because of lack or completly absent encounters. Arthit has gone out of the city with his friends the very next morning of Migraine incident. The duo couldn't make it outside that night after the heavy rainfall which came out of nowhere. Having no choice, Arthit has to take care of the younger one who was in so pain and drained to put any fight. When Kongpob woke up the next day, he was all alone in the whole house. A packed congee and a vanilla milk shake waiting for him alongside some medicines. He tried to reach the other on phone but couldn't. Only after calling Prae, did he came to know about his boss's plan. Having nothing to do, Kongpob freshened up and dressed in his senior's clothes again. After taking his medicine, he littered around the empty condo, getting himself familar with its corners. But got bored really soon and decided to visit his mother in the meantime. Thus, he spent the entire week slouching in his mother's couch.

"You were saying?"

The assistant blinks, getting out of his thoughts. He looks back at his boss who has his eyes pinned to his cellphone, appearing not a bit bothered that he and Kongpob shared the same bottle.

"Stop ogling. My precious face will wither", Arthit uttered, without looking away from his phone, enjoying the vision of his assistant who seems to combust in flames if teased some more.

"I..I was not. Stop being so full of yourself",Kongpob replied back, mentally kicking himself for stuttering in the start, completly overlooking the tug of pink lips in humour.

"I was going through the mails..",To appear unaffected, the assistant fixed his eyes on the tablet screen and starts to tap without paying any heed to what he is doing actually, leading to offing of the electronic about timings...

Hearing the deep rumble from the male beside him, Kongpob knew that his idiotic act doesn't passed away secretly and his boss has had a front seat show of him.

"It's okay, Mr. assistant. Happens all time. No one can't help but admire this handsome face", Arthit jokes, side glancing at the other person and bites his cheeks to keep from chuckling, witnessing the red hue colouring brown cheeks, ears tinting pink from root to toe.

Kongpob takes deep breaths to calm down his senses. He so wanted to answer back his boss but is not confident of what would spill out his mouths. Thus, keeping his mouth strictly tapped, he powers on the tab, and quickly went to the emails, conveying the rest of information.

"You have to attend birthday ceremony of Mr. Tay Suppasit and-

Kongpob cuts off the mid sentence hearing the wincing of later. Raising head, he eyes the actor who has lifted up the collar of his black shirt, peeking inside.

"Fuck", the actor cursed, and made his way back to the mirror. Seeing the food, he has completly forgotten about his sliced neck.

Taking off the first few buttons, he slips the shirt off his shoulder, examining the wound...thank God it's not that deep.....the actor gets startle when a long and lean finger brushes against the cut. "What happened? Let me see?", Kongpob asked, eyeing the dried blood on the wound.

"Evil witch did this?",Kongpob bristled, starting to feel the cut right away, even though the actor has not replied. He kinda noticed the hostility between the actors right away which is cent percent and not some fake acting for sake of the photoshoot.

Arthit dugs his teeth in lower lip, to keep himself from laughing out loud, hearing his assistant calling Nam the same name he did...same mind thinks alike..  settling for a nod in reply to kongpob

"let me clean it up or it will leave a scar", Kongpob takes out the small medical box from the upper cabinet. Placing the box beside the elder, he cleans up the area with antiseptic liquid. Even though the cut is not deep but you never know with metals. Arthit hisses at the sting, turning his face sideways, pinching his lips in a line at the burn, dark elongated eyebrows crumpling like a paper.

"Sorry, it will burn a little", Kongpob apologises before wiping the marred area, wincing internally hearing the fizzled noise from his boss and inclines his head getting more closer to the actor. Rounding his lips in a pout, he softly blows on the wound for few seconds.

The actor goes stock still at their close proximity, his brain short circuited. Disbelief is apparent on his face. He can't believe that his assistant who hates him to the core, is not only treating his wound but is impossibly closer to him without grimacing...just what happened in a week for your behaviour to change this much??...

Kongpob squeezed out a bit of the ointment and gently applied over the cut, fanning it at the same time. "There you go. Change into something soft. This shirt would only irritate the skin whenever gets in touch with the cut. So", the younger one raises his head, trailing off, realizing just how impossibly close they are which is not a cent professional. He can feel the warm breath of the elder tickling him, those hazel pair fixed at him, attempting to discern something. Enchanted with the diminishing amber hue, golden flecks making a ring around the iris, casting some kind of spell on the assistant. He has always loved his phi's eyes as they were like window to elder's soul. No matter how smooth the elder was at lying, he always got caught because of emotions swirling in the hazel orbs, silently conveying the truth. But after the incidents taken place between them two years back, the junior is no longer sure...were you always a liar???...

Arthit eyes the owner of chocolate orbs, staring back at him with resentment and yearning all wrapped in cloak of sorrow and pain. He wanted to read those attractive orbs and know what the other is thinking about...but can I trust him??...he is not that innocent and naive young master. He has learnt the art of manipulation...To clear off his thoughts which are aiming down that hellhole of past, the actor lowers his gaze, only to get stuck at the bowlike plump shaped lips. Full sultry ones, resembling rose petals blown apart. Unintentionally, he inches closer and closer to the alluring flesh currently being chewed upon by the owner. The actor can feel the change in his husband's breathing, who finally must have grasped on Arthit's motive. He waited for the other to move away or most like shove him back but neither happened..why is he not stopping me??..Is he taking it as some sort of challenge??...

Kongpob is still biting on his lips, his hands clasped in fist, laying sideways, as he remains cemented to his place, eyeing his...husband who is exceptionally closer to him, a breath and they would kiss. Shutting his eyes, he waits....for what? No clue. He don't want the elder to kiss him but his brain is bombarded with the last week conversation with his mother and is having a debate inside, struggling to choose between what his mother told him to or what he thinks is right for him.

"Arthit is not to be blamed for whatever happened to your father, Kongpob", Shonya sighed. She has had this conversation with her son so many times already. Her patience is bearing thin now with the stubbornness of Kongpob.

"Mom!!! He broke our trust. He is the reason dad is not with us. He stole our secret details and-


Kongpob is thunderstruck, like his mother has slapped him on face. Even that had not hurted kongpob this much. It's true that his ex fiance played a major role in breaking whatever strength his father had left after Arthit abandoned them. His mom has never talked to him in loud voice and today she is yelling at him to defend the person who destroyed their whole family??? His eyes gets moist. Even in thoughts, the ivory skin male can't come clean, afraid someone would hear his thought..I believed his each and every word mom but he betrayed me....

The old woman closes her eyes, calming down herself after watching the coffee brown eyes turning glassy by tickles of clock. Standing up from her chair, she rounds the small dining table, embracing her son, who immediately wraps his arms around her, hiding his face in her apron and sobs.

Mrs. Suthilak tenderly caresses the slight brownish part golden silky strands, and coos, like comforting a small baby. "Son, I know that you are angry at your father. But it is nowhere Arthit's fault. That poor child always wished for your well being even if it comes at the cost of sacrificing his own happiness. I am not aware of what actually went down between you two and why you guys can't seem to look in eyes, but now he is your husband Kong. Your life partner. Other half. And you do know how sacred a marriage is considered in our society. You need to resolve, talk out whatever issues you have and start living a happy married life full of love, care, affection and respect. And more than anyone, Arthit deserves it. So, be good to him, okay? Thats your duty as his partner"

"Mom!!",  the young man exclaimed, taken aback at what his mother's words suggested.

Pulling away, she cups the tear stricken face of her son. Her heart constricting witnessing the helpless expression. She is guilty for not taking care of her little prince after tragedy struck their lives. She was so lost in the sea of grief that she forgot the whole world, including her kids, after her husband's death. Burdening her son to deal with the evil world on his own. But she is glad that her little and innocent prince faced each and everything head on. Not only that but also took good care of his sibling.

Wiping the tears, she shakes her head," Don't cry baby. Not exactly but am sure that the circumstances in which you both married are not normal yet am happy that it's your phi and not someone like that money shark". Kongpob shivers, instantly realizing to whom his mother is referring to. His mother is not aware of what went down between him and Earth, but she knew that they were indebted to the shady man.

"Arthit is a kind and warm hearted kid. It took me so much time to understand him fully but now I know exactly why your father always loved the kid as his own. Be a good husband to him. Give him love and respect, he right fully deserves it along with many other things from you. So, be respectful to him and adhere to his wishes and wants".

Brown pupils enlarges at the hidden meaning behind the word and it took his all to not wrinkle his nose at the sickening thought. This is what he dislikes the most about his mother. She always has been a religious lady, following each and every practice and social custom with her all. But after joining the Catholic church, her beliefs has turned all the more orthodox and revolting backward.

"Promise me, that you do your best for this relationship, promise me"


Hot gust of breath hits the younger one, breaking him out of the thoughts. Thick eyelashes lifts up meeting the waiting onyx, silently seeking permission. And that single considerate act of the elder brought a full stop to his inner struggle.
He steps back immediately, placing the distance between him and his boss, who just straightens to full height, not a bit perplexed or disappointed... like he knew of the other's response beforehand.

Avoiding the pensive gaze of his boss, Kongpob looks here and there, wheels of his brain churning to come up with something, anything to wad off this awkward moment. The assistant doesn't know about his boss but he is more than embarrassed as well as humiliated to even considering his mother's words.

" I'll go and check with the director if there's anything left"

Before Arthit could say anything , his assistant has already fleet from the scene, leaving him puzzled...what just happened??? Was Kongpob going to let me kiss him?? Just like that?? What's going on inside your head, Mr. Assistant??? What new game are you playing ??...


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