Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9.7K 247 802

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
Th𝙴 𝚏𝑢𝑡ᴜᖇ𝙚 Ⓓo͜͡e͜͡s̆̈n̆̈'̆̈t̑̈ 🄴🆇🅸🇸 𝓽
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!

You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

213 3 85
By mrtobiaz_


Tord sprinted at the sound of Tom's voice. He ran into their room while panting.

"What's wrong?!"

Tom sighed. "I-I...I need help."

"Okay...with what?" Tord asked curiously.

Tom gestured to his outfit. His wedding outfit. Tom and Tord's wedding is today, whereas Edd and Matt's was the day before. Tord shook his head. "I am not supposed to see you in your outfit. I am not even in mine yet!" Tord cried.

Tom sighed. "I know! But I can't get the zipper! That's it!"

Tord shook his head. "Nope, sorry Love, but I cannot."

Paul poked his head in through the door and frowned. "You okay?"

Tord sighed. "I'm not supposed to see Tom right now, but he needs some help, can you do it?"

Paul shook his head. "I can get Kathy!"

Paul left for a few minutes, and came back with Kathy, Helen and Eliza. Tord smiled. "Okay! Thomas, you have help, so I am going to go." He gave Tom a peck on the cheek and left. Tom smiled. "Alright, so can you guys, help me?"

Helen smiled. "Obviously. have your dress pants on, and what's that?"

"It's a cape of sorts! It's open in the front, but still. I like it. So the top is kind of a corset..."

Kathy beamed. "Hell yeah! We're going to make Tord wish he never cheated on you! He'll be a sobbing mess at the alter! He'll-!"

"Kathy, honey calm down. You're scaring Tom." Eliza said softly.

"She is not!" Tom exclaimed.

Helen snickered. "Okay okay! Calm down, so let's get to work!"


Tord walked around anxiously. "What do I say again?!"

Pat sighed. "You memorized your vows, Tord."

"But what if I screw up?!" Tord exclaimed.

"You can't screw up more then you did by screwing that chick." Edd snickered.

Tord sighed. "I know. I want Tom to feel special! And loved!"

Edd rolled his eyes. "So loved you decided to get married at The White House?"

Tord smiled. "Yes! It's a very popular landmark, and considering they crowned me their king-...King Tord...It suits my outfit, don't you think?"

Matt walked in and sighed. "King Matt sounds better..." he huffed.

Edd smiled. "It totally does babe. And Millie-!" Matt handed Millie to Edd. "She looks adorable!"

Tord smiled. "Where's Marie and Tomi? Are they ready?"

Paul walked in and smiled. Marie was hiding behind his legs, and he had Tomi in his arms. Tord smiled. "My little boy!" He gave Tomi a kiss on the forehead. Tomi was wearing an outfit similar to Tom's. Though, Tord didn't know that yet.

Tord knelt down and sighed. "Darling? Why don't you show up your pretty outfit?"

Marie shook her head and hid. Paul smirked and moved his leg. Marie froze and stared at her father. Tord beamed. Marie wore a small tuxedo, with a small skirt. "Darling! You look wonderful! I love your jacket!" Marie wore a jacket similar to Tord's.

She frowned and ran into Tord's arms. She started sobbing. Tord chuckled. "It's okay, hon...calm down...what's wrong? Do you not like your outfit?"

Marie sniffled. "G-G-Grammy s-said I u-ugly..." she nestled her face into Tord's shoulder and sobbed.

"Darling, Grammy isn't here, okay? You're okay. I'm here..." Tord said softly.

"T-Tan I s-stay w-with you?" Marie muttered softly.

Tord smiled. "On the alter?"

Marie nodded, and Tord smiled. "Of course you can."

Marie smiled shyly and Tord picked her up. She sighed and nestled her face into
Tord's shoulder. "Alright, so it is almost time, yes?"

Pat nodded. "Yep! Tom should be out soon! And I'm going to be twenty bucks richer!"

Edd thought for a minute. "Now that I think about it, Matt don't you owe me twenty bucks?"

Matt shook his head. "Oh gee, I dunno mister "they hate each other, they'd never date."

Edd froze. "Shit..." he mumbled softly. He handed Matt twenty bucks and frowned.

Tord chuckled. "We should head to the alter."

Paul smirked. "You should."

Tord sighed, he took a deep breath and walked up. Marie clung tightly onto him. Tord smiled. "Honey, do you want to stay beside me?"

Marie nodded slowly as Tord put her down. She clung tightly onto Tord's cape and smiled shyly up at him. Tord smiled down at her and made silly faces, making Marie giggle. Tord smiled. "See? You can't be serious all of the time. Your papa taught me that."

Marie frowned. "W-Where p-papa?"

"He's coming soon." Tord said smiling.

Marie frowned. "S-Soon?"

Tord nodded. "Soon."

And with that, the wedding began.


"Holy shit Tom!" Edd exclaimed.

Tom panicked. "What?! Do I look bad?!"

Pat shook his head. "You look amazing!"

Tom sighed in relief. "Oh, okay...wait, where's Marie?!"

"She wanted to go up on the alter with Tord." Paul shrugged.

"Okay...God, why am I so nervous?!" Tom exclaimed in a panic.

Paul chuckled. "I was nervous on my wedding day!"

"Heck, we got married yesterday, and I'm still nervous!" Matt chuckled.

Helen nodded. "So was I. It's just anxiety, it'll go away, and you'll be happy."

Kathy piped in. "If you still aren't sure, I can cause a distraction! We can postpone the wedding!"

Tom smiled. "No, I-I...I think I'm good!"

Eliza smiled. She handed Tom a small earring. Tom gasped. "I...It's..."

"It's your fathers. He gave it to me before he died. He wanted me to keep it safe and give it to you when you were getting married." Eliza said smiling.

Tom put the earring on and smiled. "I love it."

Kathy smiled. "So...we have new...the skirt, old...let's say the earring, which is also blue!"

"Yeah, now you need a 'something borrowed'." Edd stated.

Paul smiled. As did Pat. They walked up to Tom and handed him a small pin. It had a small flower and mockingbird on it. Paul smiled. "Pat gave it to me on our wedding day. He put the ring on my finger, and pinned this to my jacket. Now, you can give it to Tord."

"Then back to us!" Pat chimed in.

Tom smiled. "Thank you so much! This is amazing!" He frowned. "But...where's Uncle Tony? And Uncle Brandon? And Grampa?"

Just then Tord walked into the room. He gasped. And back away, covering his eyes in the process. "Sorry Thomas! I-I...Marie wants to see you, and your uncles and grandfather are here!"

Tom sighed. "It's fine, Babe!"

Tord smiled and walked back to the alter. Edd smiled. "Hey, Tord?"

"Yeah?" He called.

Edd smiled. "You did good."


Kathy smiled. "Hey Marie! I have a present for you later!"

Marie gasped. "For m-me?"

Kathy nodded, and Marie ran into her arms. Kathy smiled. "You're such a cute lil nugget."

Tord chuckled and walked out to the alter, with Helen and Eliza following. Tom smiled.
"Okay, so it almost time! Oh god..."

Brandon smiled. "Tom! You look amazing! Tord is one lucky man."

Tony nodded, and Tom blushed. "T-Thank you..."

Tom's Grandpa walked up to Tom and smiled. "Damn, I'm glad your mother isn't here to screw this up. Because you have a good thing going."

Tom wrapped him into a tight embrace and smiled. "Thank you..."

Tom's grandpa smiled and walked out to take his seat. Edd and Matt gasped. "Matt! It's our turn to go down!" Edd cried happily. Matt beamed, he held Tomi and the two walked down, with Kathy following shortly after.

Kathy smiled. She took Marie's hand and smiled."You ready Nugget?"

Marie nodded shyly and walked out with Kathy. Tom smiled. "I'm glad Marie grew to like Kathy. She's pretty shy."

Tony snickered. "Like you?"

Paul smirked. "True that. She doesn't get it from Tord."

Tom rolled his eyes. Paul and Pat stood on one side of him, with Tony and Brandon on the other side. Tom exhaled and smiled. His life was finally coming together. He smiled as the curtains opened, and he started walking.

Tord gasped when he saw Tom. He looked amazing! God, he wished he could just wrap him up and kiss him. But he couldn't, he needed to wait.


He smiled at Tom as tears brimmed his eyes. He smiled as Tom walked and stood beside him. Tord beamed. "You looked beautiful, Love..." he whispered.

Tom smiled. "I could say the same about you."

The priest smiled. "Before we begin, does anyone object to this wedding?"


Tord held his breath in a small panic, and thankfully, no one objected. Tom sighed with relief. As did the priest. "So, now that that's over-..."

The wedding continued as planned. With both Tom and Tord tearing up. Tord, luckily remembered his vows. He sighed. "Look, I love you so much. You know that. We've been through hell together. Literally."

That earned chuckles from around the room, including a small giggle from Tom. Tord continued, "we have two amazing children together, and you're are a fantastic parent. Better then me by the long shot. I love you so, so much. Much more then I can say. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tom blushed. " going soft on me now?"

More laughter was heard as Tord smirked. "Anything for you min kjærighet."

Tom chuckled. "Not sure how I'm going to follow that up, but look, I know I don't show it, but you've done so much for me. I died, and you brought me back! You cared when no one else did, and loved me when I thought no one would. You make me so damn happy, and I'm lucky to have you."

Tord chuckled. "Now look at who's soft."


Tord slipped Tom's ring over his finger and smiled, and Tom did the same, and pinned the pin Pau and Pat gave him onto Tord's jacket. Tord smiled. "Where did you get that?"

Tom smiled. "Something borrowed."

The priest smiled. "Okay then! Tord Lost, do you take Thomas Rose to be your loving husband, for now and ever?"

"I do."

"Thomas Rose, do you take Tord Lost to be your loving husband, for now and ever?"

"Of course I do!"

The priest beamed. "Tord, you may now kiss your husband."

Tord beamed and pulled Tom into a passionate kiss. He smiled as Tom smiled into the kiss and Tord slowly pulled away. He smiled. "I love you, husband."

Tom smiled. "Right back at you, husband."

Cheers and shouts were heard from people in the crowd. Or more specifically, Edd and Matt. Tord smirked and picked Tom up bridle-style. He walked down the aisle and smiled. He ran into one of the room's in the White House; yes, they got married in the White House. He smiled. "So...what now?"

Tom thought for a minute. "Well, we have the After Party."

Tord sighed. "Then the honeymoon, where we can relax, and do whatever we want."

Tom smiled. "I can't wait!"

Edd walked into the room and beamed. "Hey Newlyweds!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "Why are you talking to yourself?"

Matt giggled. And held Millie. "So, we were thinking about maybe...sharing a honeymoon!"

Tom beamed and turned to Tord. Tord shrugged. "Sure. Makes Pau and Pat's jobs of watching the kids easier."

Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. He smiled. "I love you Tordy..."

Tord smiled and turned to Tom. "I love you too my Thomas..."

Kathy ran in and smiled. "Tom! It's time to get to the after party!"

"Come on Tord! Let's go!" Tom beamed.

Tord chuckled. "Alright! Alright! Want to bring Chess?"

Tom nodded. He smiled and picked up Chess. "Hey puppy!"

Tord smiled. "Let's go!"


Pat smiled. "Oh! Guys, you need to go see Kathy, Tomi and Marie!"

Tom and Tord shrugged and walked to Kathy, who was playing with Marie and Tomi.

Tom gasped and beamed. "Kathy!"

Kathy jumped. "Oh! Did you not want me to spend time with the kids? It's okay! I can leave!"

Tord shook his head. "No! We're impressed! Tomi is hard to go down to sleep!"

Kathy shrugged. "I mean... I got them presents, and he really seems to like the stuffed robot I got him!"

Marie smiled. "L-Look it!" Marie held up a blanket, with an attached hood with cat ears, and small gloves with cat paws.

Tom smiled. "You even got Marie to talk to you? God, Kathy you work miracles!"

Tord agreed. "Do you want to watch them while we're on our honeymoon?"

Kathy beamed. "Can I?! I can watch Chess too! And Millie!"

Edd walked in and shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! I love kids!" Kathy beamed.

Edd smiled. "I'll go tell Matt the good news!"

Tord smiled. "You are quite the person Kathy!"

Kathy smiled. As did Tom, and the night continued with snacks, cake cutting, and dancing. Tomi and Marie enjoyed seeing relatives and eating sugar, and Tord loved seeing Tom having fun and enjoying himself. Eventually, the night had ended, and everyone left. Tom smiled as him and Tord cuddled in their bed. "I love you, husband..."

"So...would you guys have another kid?" Edd asked with a smirk.

Tom blushed and frowned. "Edd!"

Edd giggled. "Oh come on! It's just a question!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "Focus on your own baby-making stuff!"

Edd stuck his tongue out at Tord and sauntered off. "Screw you guys!" He called.

Tom snickered. "God, Edd's nosy."

Tord shrugged. "Gotta love him."

Tom's grandpa walked to Tom and smiled. "What are you two love birds up too?"

Tom smiled. "We're just talking!" He gasped and grabbed his grandpa's arm and gasped. "Oh! Is it time for the dance yet?"

Tom's grandpa smiled. "I'd assume so!" He held his arm out expectantly, and Tom gladly took it.

Tord watched happily as Tom and his grandpa danced around happily. He grinned at the happy sight of Tom finally being happy. Paul smirked. "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?"

Tord cringed. "Weren't you an english major? That whole sentence was an error."

Paul rolled his eyes. "Too much work, not enough self-insert smut."

Pat groaned. "Holy shit Paul..."

Tord snickered. "Funny, I was just thinking about how...senere, med Toms tillatelse selvfølgelig, skal jeg feste Tom til sengen og knulle ham så hardt at han ikke kan gå på en uke." Tord exclaimed somewhat loudly. Though, Marie is asleep, and apart from Tord, his parents, and Tom.

Pat choked on his drink. "TORD THOR LOST!"

Tom waltzed over to Tord and snickered. "You're in trouble!"

Pat frowned. "Tord. Apologize."

Tord sighed. "Thomas...I'm so so sorry for saying that...that's was rude...and inappropriate."

Tom smiled. He kissed Tord's forehead. "Wait for the honeymoon, okay? But Pat, give him hell."

Pat huffed. "I intend too."

Paul hugged Pat tightly and sighed. "Love, I practically started it. And it's his wedding day!"

Pat frowned. "Fine. I'll let Tom deal with him..."

Tom kissed Tord gently and smiled. "I plan too..." he giggled. "I love you!"

Tord smiled. "My darling husband, I love you too." He placed a gentle kiss onto Tom's forehead and smiled. Tom blushed faintly and nestled closer towards Tord.

They were finally happy.


ITS DONE! ITS DONE! I kinda don't want it to be honestly...I love this journey we've had with you all! This been so surreal! But luckily, a second book is on the way! We'll need some time to think of tags, a description, and we'll need to make a book cover, BUT! WE HAVE A TITLE!

Forever is a Promise.

Editor: this all stated as a small nothing, a little hobby that we didn't think would go anywhere, but look at it now! We're so happy to have experienced this with all of you guys!


ITS DONE! ITS DONE!! Though...I'm not sure that either of us want it to be done! We've had such a great time reading you guys' comments, and annoying you guys with adding random shit. (Tord cheating *cough cough*) This has been such a surreal experience, and we were glad to share it with you.


So stay turned for the new upload! With more drama, suspense, characters and quite possibly... s m u t.

Oh and Paul's really sassy in this one(?) I dunno why...but eh.

See y'all in the next one. ;)

Editor: this started with a dream the author had and it's crazy how far it has gone. We love you guys so much, thank you for everything!

-Sincerely, the author and the editor.

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