Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9.7K 247 802

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Sweet Tom of Mine!
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You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!

110 1 17
By mrtobiaz_

Tord sat up in a cold sweat. He panted heavily as he held his head in his hands. "Holy shit." He then looked around and his heart dropped. "Hello...?" He called nervously.

Seeing as how he was sitting on the couch in the living room. But how did he get there? He looked down and saw Tomi sleeping softly in his lap. He chuckled. "Hey...sorry if I scared you..." he cooed, rocking him closely to his chest.

"Tord?" Pat called.

Tord stood up and ran into his dad's arms. Pat gasped. "O-Okay! This is...unexpected."

Tord stared at his dad in a panic. "Is Tom okay?!"

Pat chuckled. He led Tord back to the couch and sat down, with Tord doing the same. Pat smiled. "Okay, so Tom left 3 hours ago remember? We ate breakfast, then Tom and Marie got ready, and they left. Then you said you were going to put Ponyo on for Tomi, but passed out on the couch." He grabbed Tord's hand and frowned. " were talking a lot in your sleep...what were you dreaming about?"

Tord sighed. "I-...It was so weird! And it was fucking creepy!"

Paul ran in and gasped. "He's awake!"

Pat sighed. "Tord had a weird dream..."

Tord looked down at Tomi and hugged him gently. "I just want to protect them..." he sniffled then groaned. "God, this is stupid..." he chuckled lightly. "But I'm not crazy....right? Like, I couldn't find anyone! I couldn't find Tom or the kids or you guys, and you were hurt..."

Paul scoffed. "Absolutely."

Tord stared at Paul, and Pat smacked him in frustration. "Paul!"

Paul sighed. "Kidding!" He held Tord's hand and sighed. "Whatever you saw...I think it's just your fear. I had the same thing whenever we were adopting you! I I would be a horrible father...and that I wouldn't be able to protect you and your dad from the we moved. But, knowing you, that didn't last long..."

Pat rubbed Paul's back lovingly. Tord chuckled. "So...then what did you do? I don't like being...."


Tord nodded, and Pat smiled and hugged his son tightly. "Well, Pau just got off the phone with Tom, and he's perfectly fine!"

Tord sighed. "Really?"

Paul smiled. "Really."

"Now, are you feeling good?" Pat asked.

Tord shrugged. "I'm tired?"

Pat smiled. "Good! Now, you're a bit warm, I could tell from the hug I gave you, so let us watch Tomi, you go take a nap."

"HELL NO! I'm keeping him close to me!" Tord frowned. "At least in his crib!"

Paul took Tomi and Tord frowned. "He might get hurt!"

Paul rolled his eyes. "I helped to protect you since the moment I first saw you, Tord. And I will always treat my grandkids the same."

Tord sighed. "I know that Far...I just-...I need to watch him."

Pat sighed. "You need to rest..."

Tord frowned. "God I hate you guys sometimes..."

Paul frowned. "How does Tom put up with you?"

"It's a challenge for sure."

Tord jumped up and ran into Tom's arms. "Oh thank fuck!"

Tom hugged him back and smiled. " deg ned...I wasn't even gone for that long."

"It was long enough for me..." Tord mumbled.

Tom frowned. He cupped Tord's face in his hands and gasped. "You're burning up!"

"He BETTER not be! He needs to pick out his suit tomorrow! We have a fitting scheduled and everything!" Kathy exclaimed in a panic.

Tord frowned. "I'm fine..."

Tom snickered. "No, you're not. I'm putting you to bed."



Tord grumbled as Tom led him to their room. "Lay down." Tom stated.

Tord laid down on the bed and scoffed. "Now you're just sound kinky."

Tom snickered. "If you don't sleep, I will not hesitate to tie you down."

"Don't make any promises."

Tom grabbed some medicine, and a glass of water. "Take these."

Tord did as requested and sighed. "I still feel like shit...maybe...tell me about what you did today...that'll help..."

Tom smiled. "Well, turns out they took me wedding planning."


Tom nodded. "Yeah! I found a suit I like, it's white, and I think you'll like it!"

Tord smiled. "Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy."

Tom smiled and kissed Tord's forehead. "Now go to sleep big bear..."

Tord hugged Tom and frowned. "Don't leave me...please..."

Tom smiled. "I won't."

Tord sighed deeply, then fell asleep, hugging Tom tightly.


Tom frowned. "Tord...sit up..."

"You said to sleep." Tord grumbled.

"C'mon kjærighet! Please?"

Tord sat up and gasped. "Marie? Tomi? What are you guys doing here?"

Marie held a large book and some papers in her hands. She smiled widely. "W-Wedding!"

Tomi giggled in Tom's arms. "I was able to steal em' for a bit!" Tom giggled.

Tord stretched and smiled as he pulled Marie not his lap. "What do you have there?"

Marie opened the book and smiled. "L-Lookit!" She flipped through this large book that was full of wedding values. "Dis a c-castle!"

Tom smiled. "Hm...I don't think we should get married in a castle honey..."

Marie nodded. She pulled out a drawing of a small pond. "Dis one..."

Tom gasped. "Who drew that?"

"K-Kathy and E-Eddie! Is the p-pond!"

Tord looked down at the drawing. "Well, that seems like a fabulous place to have a wedding, don't you think?"

Tom nodded. "It's perfect."

Matt peeked his head through the doorway and frowned. "So...Edd and I have a wedding date! Is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Tord asked.

Matt smiled. "I just wanted to check! Oh and can Marie be our flower girl with Millie?"

Tom shrugged. "What do you think baby?"

Marie nodded shyly. "O-Otay..."

Matt smiled. "Thank you!!" He exclaimed before running down to meet with Edd.

Tom smiled. "So...this is almost the end of our story Tord..."

Tord chuckled. "I'd like to think of it as a new beginning. For us, and everyone else."

Tom rested his head on Tord's shoulder and smiled. "I like that Tord...It's perfect."


So guys!! This is the second last chapter of this book!! We're so happy to have spent this whole journey with you guys!! We can't wait to see you guys next chapter!! (Though don't worry, this story is far from over. ;)





(Don't ask I was was to tired to do any lineart lmao)


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