Yours, Forever & Always.

By mrtobiaz_

9.7K 247 802

Tom is at the end of his ropes. He left Edd and Matt, He's moving from apartment, to apartment, and has no on... More

A Knock In The Night.
Go Back To Biology Class.
Houston, I Have So Many Problems.
Time For a Bit of Improvisation.
Never Call a Crazy Guy Crazy.
Papa Bear: Gone Wild
I Found Out That Car Chases are Really Intense, My Therapist Would Not Approve.
How The Hell Did Our "Relationship" Change in One Night?
A Hoodie a Day Keeps The Assholes Away.
Les I'm Miserable.
T is for Trauma
Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt.
A Million 'What ifs?"
Can One be Funny When Stuck in a Room?
You Won't Believe This False Hope.
"You Threw Away My Milk!!"
I Should've Stayed in Bed.
My Baby's a Demon, You Know- From Hell?
Embrace for Impact.
Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop.
Please Don't Leave...
Old Habits Don't Die That Hard
I Am Running On Spite And Fury
The Sneakiness Is Strong With This One.
New Year? No Thanks.
Grumpy Beginnings
How It All Began...Kinda.
Sleepy Heads and Smelly Beds
Runnin' High On Serotonin
A Difficult Call
I wont hesitate BITCH
You Took My Hand And You Made Me Run~
Lemon Trees
Th𝙴 𝚏𝑢𝑡ᴜᖇ𝙚 Ⓓo͜͡e͜͡s̆̈n̆̈'̆̈t̑̈ 🄴🆇🅸🇸 𝓽
Life of My Dreams Would be Promised and Someday be Mine~!
You Can't Marry a Man You Just Met.

Sweet Tom of Mine!

152 2 76
By mrtobiaz_

Tord sighed as he rubbed down Tom's back. "You know, I still need to talk to Edd and Matt..."

Tom yawned. "About what?"

"Well, my dad accidentally gave Millie Marie's souther, and Marie freaked out."

"Yeah...I've heard." Tom frowned. "Is Marie mad at someone? Like your dad or Millie?"

"No...she's...well...she's mad at herself..."

Tom sighed. "Yeah...I get that..."

Tord kissed Tom's shoulder, and smiled. "So, I wanted to apologize for her, because she doesn't exactly know how."

Tom smiled at Tord. "Aw Tord..."

Tord pulled out his phone and texted Edd, and soon after, Edd and Matt walked into Tom and Tord's room. Tom groaned. Edd scoffed. "Really? You can't even be a little bit nice to us?"

Tom groaned again. "Tord can you...? Just..." he attempted to gesture to an itchy spot on his back.

"Ah..." Tord smiled. He took off Tom's shirt, then frowned at a large mark on his back.

Edd winced. "Holy fuck..."

Tom frowned. "What? What's wrong?"

Matt frowned at Tom's back. He gently touch a rough patch of skin. Tom chuckled. "Oh right...that's from the..." he turned to Tord, and touched his scarred cheek gently. "We both got scarred that day I suppose..."

Tord kissed Tom's cheek and smiled. "So...back rub?"

Tom nodded, and Edd frowned. "So...why did you call us here?" He yawned.

" remember when my dad gave Millie a souther?"

Matt nodded. He sat down on Tom and Tord's bed, and pulled Edd onto his lap. Edd giggled and kissed Matt's cheek, before frowning. "Is Marie mad at us? Or Millie?"

"She's mad at herself really," Tord exclaimed. "She wants to apologize, but doesn't want you guys to get mad at her."

Edd chuckled. "She's almost two, and she's already practically Tom!"

Tom rubbed his eyes and yawned softly. Tord rubbed Tom's shoulders lovingly and snickered. "Better her be like Tom than me, honestly."

Matt smiled. "I mean...I'm not mad at Marie! It's her souther anyway."

Edd nodded. "So Tord...mind if we sleep in here with you?"

Tord looked at him and Tom's relatively HUGE queen sized bed, and shrugged. "Sure, get your own sheets though."

Edd ran to get more blankets, and Matt smiled. "I never thought we'd be here..."

Tord frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Like, you and Tom being together, me and Edd, and us all having kids! Heck, we're getting married soon! and Edd are? Are you and Tom still getting married?"

Tord looked down at Tom and frowned. "What do you think?"

Tom yawned again and turned around. So he was now sitting on Tord's lap, facing him. He nestled his face into Tord's shoulder. "I want to...marry you...." He muttered between yawns.

Tord kissed Tom's forehead and smiled. "I love you Thomas..."

Tom sighed deeply attempting to fall asleep in Tord's warm embrace. Tord chuckled. "Aw...are you sleepy darling"

Tom nodded. "Lay down or something..."

Tord smiled and laid down. Tom frowned. "Blankets...." He mumbled.

Tord scoffed lightly, and Tom frowned. He sat up on Tord's lap, and stared at him with sleepy eyes. He stared intensely, before yawning again; only this time, small tears streamed from his eyes. You know? That thing that happens when you yawn, you kinda cry...thou this seemed more...real. Matt stared at Tom and gasped. "Whoa! Tom! What's wrong?"

Tord at up and hugged Tom tightly. "Thomas! I was joking..."

Tom rubbed his eyes and frowned. " you know what today is...? I just remembered...and-..." Tom continued with a series and mutters and mumbles.

Matt gasped and frowned. Edd walked into the room, dropped a basket full of blankets, and ran to Matt. 'Matt? Why do you look so sad? Baby...what's wrong?" He turned to Tom and gasped. "Tom?!"

Tom frowned. "I'm sorry..." he chuckled sadly. "I'm probably just tired...and s-sometimes this happens...and...I can't even go to see him..."

Tord frowned. "Is this about...your dad?"

Tom nodded. He laid back down on Tord and sniffled. "I miss him..."

Tord rubbed Tom's back and kissed his forehead. "It's okay baby...let it out..."

Tom cried softly into Tord's chest, before shakily falling asleep. Tom sighed. "It's okay Tom...I'll protect you..." he frowned. He grabbed some cotton-balls, and stuffed them into Tom's ears.

Edd nodded. "Good...if Marie or Tomi wakes up, we'll help you, but Tom deserves a good nights sleep."

Matt held Tord's hand and smiled. "You're a good person Tord!"

Edd nodded. "Agreed."

Tord kissed Tom's cheek, before he too, fell asleep.


"Tord-! Tordy...wake up..."

Tord blinked his eye open, and frowned. "Far...? Hva gjør du? La meg sove..."

Paul rolled his eyes. "C'mon...we have shit planned to do today."

Tord nestled his face into Tom's hair, and promptly gave his father the finger. "Fuck off..." he mumbled.

Paul scoffed. "Love, we need reinforcements."

Pat frowned. "Tord, we'll wake Tom up if you won't get up."

Tord sat up and groaned. "Fine....fine...I'm up..." he looked down at Tom and smiled. He pulled the cotton balls from his ears, and kissed his forehead. "'s morning...!"

Tom blinked his green visor eyes open. He smiled lovingly at Tord as he sat up. Tom's shirt, (which was one of Tord's) had one of the sleeves draped over his shoulder. He giggled as he flipped his bangs out of his eyes. "God morgen elskling!"

Tord's heart practically melted. He hugged Tom tightly and kissed him lovingly. "God Tom! You're the cutest fucking thing!"

Tom giggled. He hugged Tord and smiled. "I had such an amazing sleep..." he looked down at the cotton balls in Tord's hand, and he smiled. "Thank you..."

Tord kissed Tom's forehead lovingly, then glared at Paul and Pat. "You would've had longer to sleep, but apparently we have to do something today."

Tom snickered. "Don't get mad at your parents! There's probably something important happening! Right?"

Paul nodded. "Yep! You're hanging with your family today! Just you though, Tord's staying here."

"Wait, what?!" Tord questioned.

Tom frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Erm..." Paul frowned. "Love?"

Pat thought for a minute, before smiling. "Your aunts and uncles want to take you out shopping! Maybe get Tord something!" Pat winked.

Tom frowned. "I alright got Tord something though...?"

Tord smiled. "Really?"

Tom nodded. "Wanna open it?"

Tord nodded. "Yes! I'd love too! Though, you didn't need to get me something...Christmas is over. It's almost Valentine's Day..."

Tom nodded. "Yes! This is for Valentines!"

Tom dug around in the closet, before Tord did the same in his shirt drawer. The two pull out some neatly wrapped presents, as Paul and Pat watched in anticipation. Tom gasped. "Maybe we should open them I the living room! So everyone can see!"

Tord smiled. "Perfect."

So the four walked into the living-room, where Paul told everyone to go. Kathy gasped. "OH! Early Valentine's Day presents?"

Tom nodded. His present for Tord was fairly large. More than fairly. It was huge. Edd snickered. "So Tom...whatcha got in there?"

Tom smiled. "It's what Tord has always wanted!"

A series of answers flooded the room.


"He-....a poster?"

"A weapon?"

"A spoon and a fork?"


"A giant robot?"

"Something red?"

Tom clapped his hands gleefully. "Yes! Red! You're close! Now open it Tord!"

Tord took the present and gleefully opened it. He gasped as the box uncovered a large photo, where in different shades of red, it had a portrait of Tom and Tord. Tord gasped. "This...this was from the plane! When you first saw Marie...when we first got did you get this?" He asked, his eyes tearing slightly from joy.

Tom smiled. "Edd painted it! And Ginny the picture that night! But look," he gently grabbed Tord's hands and turned the painting.

Tord gasped. "It changed! It's Marie and Torin! Thomas... you didn't have to do this..."

Tom kissed Tord's hand gently. "Well, it's not over yet..."

"What are you implying?"

"Turn it the opposite way and find out!"

Tord turned the painting, and gasped. "It''s me and...Dad og far! Dette er utrolig! Hvordan har du laget dette? Gud Tom, jeg elsker deg så mye! Så jævla mye! Jeg-...jeg har ikke de rette ordene! Dette er utrolig! Det er vakkert Tom! Herregud, senere skal jeg skjemme deg bort! Thomas min kjære...Jeg elsker deg så mye...Takk takk takk!" He wrapped Tom into a tight hug and kissed him lovingly.

He then looked into the box and found a long coat. He gasped. "A new jacket! And it's leather!"

Tom nodded. "It has hidden pockets! You can store knives, guns or anything else! And...there's something in the pocket..."

Tord reached into the pocket to see a picture of Tom, Marie and Torin. He stroked it gently and smiled. He put it back into the pocket gently. He looked back at Tom with a look of pure bliss.

Paul and Pat smirked. "He likes it Tom. A lot."

"I can tell!" Tom grinned. He kissed Tord gently and smiled. "I'm glad you like it elskling!"

Tord hugged Tom tightly and kissed his forehead. He cupped Tom's face in his hands and stroked his cheeks gently. "Thank you...thank you so much Tom...I love this so much..."

Tom kissed Tord's forehead and chuckled. "I-...I'm glad you like it Tord..."

Tord smiled, before frowning. "Wait SHIT!"

Paul rolled his eyes. "You're lucky the kids are asleep."

Tord turned to his present just as Tom was about to grab it. It was fairly large. Wider than it was taller. Though the size alone made Tom question it's contents. Tord held it above his head and frowned. "Haha..." he chuckled nervously. "You...shouldn't open It's trash, I'll get you a better one! I promise!"

Tom tried grabbing it, yet failed due to his height. He frowned and crossed his arms. "Really?"

Tord frowned. "Look, I just want to get you what you deserve! And that's definitely not this!"

Pat, who's taller then Tord; grabbed the present from Tord and handed it to Tom. Tom held the box and turned to Tord. "Tord, if you got this for me, it means you think'd I like it. It doesn't matter how big or elaborate it is."

Tord looked at the floor and sighed. "Alright...just...prepare to be disappointed..."

Tom excitedly ripped away the wrapping paper. He gasped. " fixed got me a guitar?! And a record player!?" He looked up at Tord with excited eyes.

Tord looked away awkwardly. "I didn't know what records to get you...I did some googling...and Matt stalked your I got what came from that...My Far put some movies you used to like in there...but everything else was all me..." he muttered softly.

Tom continued digging until he came across a small book. He stared at the cover inquisitively. He opened the book and red the first page. "Poem's About Him..."

Pat gasped. "You put that in there?!"

"You even kept it?!" Paul gasped.

Tord groaned as he covered his face in embarrassment. "Yes!"

Paul rubbed his back and snickered. "He's finally gonna see the sap that you truly are. So poetic. what's the man's name?"

Pat frowned. "Alexander Hamilton?"

Paul shrugged. "Eh, close enough."

Tord groaned again. Kathy frowned. "Tord! I think Marie might be awake!" She exclaimed loudly as she subtly gestured to Maries room.

Tord nodded. "Right! I'll go see her!" He exclaimed before turning around to see Marie standing there, Tomee Bear in hand.

"D-Dada?" She frowned.

Tord picked her up and kissed her forehead. He sat down on the couch and groaned. "Look, Tom...I'll get you something else. This is a bad gift, just say it..."

Tom looked at Tord and chuckled. He read the first poem shown, and gasped. He silently put the book down, and kissed Tord's forehead. "You noticed my bruises when we were in high school?" He asked softly.

"Of course I did! You look horrible!" He scoffed. "Well, the bruises did. You looked really cute Thomas."

Tom rolled his eyes. " still liked me..." he whispered.

Tord nodded. "Of course! I just..." he gestured a bit with his hands and frowned. "You don't have a good enough word in English..."

Eliza smiled. "You couldn't get the words out?"

"You felt like nothing you could say would be enough?" Brandon added.

Tord gasped. "Yes! That's a good way to put it! How do you know?"

Eliza and Brandon smiled. "Because that's how we felt!" They exclaimed in unison.

Tord chuckled. He looked at Marie who lovingly looked back at him. She giggled and hugged him. "Daddy!"

Tom smiled. "I love it Tord! It's perfect!" He looked at his gift, before scoffing. "You added that song?"

Tord handed Marie to Pat and nodded. "Of course! It's a classic! Remember when we first heard it?"

Tom snickered. "We were blackout drunk and sang karaoke."

"And you said you'd date me~!" Tord added with a smirk.

Tom rolled his eyes. "If you start singing, I swear to Jehovah-!"

Tord stood up and grabbed Tom's hand. "Where it began...I can't begin to know when...but then I know it's growing strong~..."

Edd frowned. "What song is this?"

Helen shrugged, whereas Tony and Brandon let out a series of whoops and whistles. (Luckily, Pat covered Marie's ears.)

Tord smirked as he spun Tom around. "Wasn't the spring...and Spring became the Summer...Who'd have believe you'd come along~?"

Brandon moved Tom and Tord's presents onto the couch to make room for dancing, while Tony placed the song on karaoke from his phone. And Matt went to check on Millie and Tomi.

"Hands~...touching hands...reaching out...touching me...touching you~! Sweet Tom of mine!" Tord sang.

"BUH BUH BUH!" Everyone exclaimed as they sang.

Tom giggled. "Good times never seem so good!"

Tord held Tom's hand and bowed as he continued. "I've been inclined..."

Tom rolled his eyes as another "BUH BUH BUH!" rang through the house.

"To believe it never would, I..." he winked at Tom as he smirked.

Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled. He smiled as Edd walked in the room with Tomi. He took Tomi and smiled. "Look at the night...and it don't seem so lonely...we fill it up with only two~..."

He began swaying his hips; almost seductively as he continued, sneaking quick glances at Tord. "And when I hurt...hurting runs off my shoulder..." he looked at Tord and smiled. "How can I hurt when holding you?"

Tord picked up Marie and smiled. "One...touching one..."

"Reaching out..." Tom giggled.

Tord smirked. "Touching me...touching you~! Sweet Tom of mine!"

"BUH BUH BUH!" Everyone laughed.

Tom smiled. "Good times never seem so good!"

Tord kissed Tom and smiled. "I've been inclined~!"


"To believe they never would, no..." Tord smirked.

Tord took a dramatic bow with Marie and smiled. "So?"

"Definitely bring back memories Tord...good ones!" Tom laughed.

Kathy giggled. "So? Who's up for breakfast? Then Tom can get dressed to go!"

"Go where?" Tom questioned.

Kathy giggled. "It's a surprise~! But don't worry! It's just me, you, my moms, Matt, Patryck and Marie!"

Tom's grandpa scoffed. "Fuckin' lameos."

Tom gasped. "Grampa! Language!"

Tom's grandpa scoffed. "Let em' learn it young." He turned to Marie. "Right Nugget?"

Marie frowned. She held Tomee Bear up to cover her face as "he" spoke. "Grrr...n-no bad w-words..."

Paul snickered. "Tom! You used to do the same thing!"

Tom's grandpa nodded as everyone agreed. Except Tom.

"What?!" He exclaimed. "I did not."


How'd you guys like this chapter? Also don't worry, Tom has a nice surprise waiting for him! ;)


Heyo! Author here! In our writing duo, there's me, and the Editor. I'll write lil things in bold, so things aren't too difficult haha!

Together, we make drawings for the chapters, but imma put the ones I made here as a gallery type thing! Oh and fanart is always welcome! Message us here on Wattpad, or on our insta: jellydoughnutsss (three s' because two was taken) We'll post some of our art there too!!


Our pfp!

(Pls don't steal ;-;)

The cover! (I made this so long ago it's so uglyyyyy)

The recent chapter page! very nice. much wow

This is by the editor! (Not me :D )

I hate this one. This one...MMMM I only feel RAGE. No. Hard pass. Hard as Tord's d-

Ah the first....also made by the editor!! Lookit lil Marie! She's so big now!

Speaking of which....who wants to see how the kids look right now?!?!

Alright! Here they are!!

Torin's so young I had no idea what personality to give him lmao!



Oh and Marie and Torin both have a fuck-ton of freckles like Tom. 👍👍👍

That's all from me folks! Catch you later! ;)





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