Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

44 - Snow Drifts

514 20 0
By bethanyjanebooks

Later that day, Snow White was in a harbour tavern quietly talking to Blackbeard, "Well?" Blackbeard said.

"I need to get far away from here. As soon as possible. And I need my destination secret," Snow White said as she handed him a pouch.

Blackbeard weight the pouch in one hand, "Then you're talking to the right captain. However, turning a blind eye will cost double," Blackbeard said.

Meanwhile, the group from the future were stood on a hill looking over a valley, towards the Dark Castle in the distance, "Hmm... Missed this place more than I thought," Katy said.

"A little more imposing than the pawnshop. So, what do we do now? Knock on the door and introduce ourselves?... Hey, we're from the future," Emma said.

"Might be best if I stay back. The Dark One and I have a rather complicated past. I'd wager he want to kill me on sight," Killian said.

"Oh, I'll take that bet," They all turned to see Rumpelstiltskin giggling, "I can't tell you how long I've been looking forward to this. Oops. I suppose I just did," Rumpelstiltskin said as he twisted his hand and magically strangled Killian.

"Swan..." Killian said with a strained voice.

"Stop!" Elaine said.

Rumpelstiltskin used his other hand to fling the Swan trio aside, "I don't know who you three are, dearies, but why don't you ladies run off and let me enjoy my killing in peace," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Katelyn..." Killian said.

"Daddy, he's not gonna hurt you. You have to listen to me," Katy said.

"And why would I listen to you? You're not my daughter, she's five years old... And you... Clearly are not," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Because if you don't... You'll never see Bae again," Katy said.

Rumpelstiltskin released the pirate captain and he pointed to Katy, "How do you know that?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Look at my eyes, daddy," Rumpelstiltskin looked at her as she smiled, "It's me... All grown up. You wanted me created to kill me, to enact your curse," Katy said.

"I see why she struggles to trust her parents," Killian said as he stood up.

"The blondes are the product of true love, who break the curse... I raise them," Katy said.

"That's speculation. Part of my plans, but we haven't done it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You will and you will succeed," Elaine

"If that's true, then that means..." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"We're from the future, mate," Killian pointed to Katy, "That is your little lassie, all grown up," Killian said.

"But time travel hasn't been done, mate," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Yeah, well. Someone's cracked that code. We need your help," Elaine said.

"Help?" Rumpelstilskin giggled, "You need my help? Then answer me one question. Do I find my son?" The group hesitated, "Answer me!" Rumpelstiltskin yelled.

"Yes," The Swan trio answered.

"Bae... I find Bae. How do we find him? No! Don't tell me. If I succeeded, I don't want anything in my head that might throw it off," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"It might already kind of be thrown off," Emma said.

"You've changed things. What have you done?" Rumpelstiltskin said looking at Katy.

"Why are you looking at me? I haven't done anything, Hook stopped that," Katy said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at the Swan twins, "We interrupted our parents' meeting," Emma said.


They all walked into the Dark Castle, "Thank you, Mr Gol... Rumpelstiltskin, for believing us. I know that time travel is hard to swallow," Elaine said.

"Not as hard as the other mystery you've presented me," He pointed to Killian, "Why haven't I killed him?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't for lack of effort. Let's just say we bury the hatchet," Killian said.

"Yes, but why not in your skull?" Rumpelstiltskin said as he gestured a chopping motion.

Priscilla walked in, "Papa, you're back," Priscilla looked at the group, "Uh... Hello, captain? What's going on?" Priscilla said.

"Faye/Cilla," The Swan twins and Katy and Killian said.

"Faye? Who's Faye?" Priscilla asked.

"Sorry... That's how we know you... The curse," Emma said.

"My name is changed to Faye... Hmm... Cool," Priscilla looked at Katy, "Do I know you?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes. I'm five in this time," Katy said.

"Huh?" Priscilla walked closer and looked her in the eyes, "Katelyn?" Priscilla asked.

"Hi," Katy said with a nervous smile.

Priscilla looked at Elaine, "Esme?" Priscilla asked.

"Uh... No... Elaine... The fourth," Elaine glanced at Killian who nodded, "The fourth White doppelganger," Elaine said and Rumpelstiltskin looked at her.

Callie and Belle walked into the room, "Oh, Rumpelstiltskin. You're back. Do you, uh, do you need anything?" Callie asked.

"Callie," The Swan trio accidentally said.

Callie looked at them, "Sorry, do we know each other?" Callie asked.

"Ah... Sorry, no... Mr um... Rumpel... The Dark One told us about you," Emma said.

"Did he?" Callie asked as she looked at him with a slight smile.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at her confused, "No," He made a dismissive gesture, "Go away and read a book or whatever it is you like to do. Come back and clean later," Rumpelstiltskin said as he turned away.

"You could ask nicely," Belle said.

"How many times, I do not clean," Callie said.

He turned back to her, "I could also turn you into a toad," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"That is threat number 557 and yet, I'm still here," Callie said as she turned around and left with Belle.

"It's a miracle you two fall for each other," Emma muttered.

"Nah, I see how," Elaine said.

"Same," Katy and Priscilla said.

"What?! I mean, first I'm told that I let the pirate live. Now you're telling me I fall for the no-help," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Yes. They have a strange sense of humour," Killian said.

"Can we get back to their parents?" Katy asked.

"Yes... You're right... Whoever you are... Who are they?" Rumpelstiltskin asked as he walked over to his seat.

"Snow White and Prince Charming," Emma said.

"Prince Charming?" Rumpelstiltskin questioned.

"His real name is Prince James," Elaine said.

"Well, he's known at that... It's actually David, this twin brother," Katy said and Priscilla looked at her.

"That's King George's son whose wedding I just arranged?" Rumpelstiltskin said as Priscilla walked over to her seat and sat near her father.

"See, that's what we're trying to tell you. This marriage isn't supposed to happen because the ring he was going to give her gets stolen by Snow but still falls for... Someone else," Elaine said.

"It's quite a tale you're spinning," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Daddy!" Katy said.

"Gosh we know, whoever wrote this story has one active imagination," Elaine said.

"Whoever wrote... You're talking as if we're stories, child," Priscilla said.

"Here, let me show you. It's in the book," Emma took the storybook from the pirate captain's sachet, she put it on the table and turned the pages but they were all blank, "Wait. What?" Emma said.

"It's all gone," Elaine said.

"Anything that was supposed to happen after they met has disappeared," Killian said.

"It's the ripple effect," Katy said.

"Correct. Once you change something in the past, anything from that point forward becomes uncertain. The future, as you can see... Is a blank page," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"We need to get Snow to steal that ring, so we can put their story back on track," Emma said.

"You're in luck. There's a ball tonight at King Midas'castle. Prince James will be there and so will his ring," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So, we just need to get Snow there," Katy said.

"How? We don't even know where she is," Killian said.

"Allow me," Rumpelstiltskin said as he walked over to a crystal ball and waved his hand over the crystal ball which showed Snow White sitting opposite Blackbeard.

"There she is," Elaine said.

They watched Snow White and Blackbeard, "She's with Blackbeard. She's trying to secure passage on his ship," Killian said as they watched Blackbeard walk away from the table.

"And it appears failing," Priscilla said.

"She can't escape the Queen without the money she's supposed to get for the ring," Elaine looked at Rumpelstiltskin, "Can you help us?" Elaine asked.

"Help you? I can work on getting your portal to the future open again. But getting your parents together? You made that mess, dearies. Only you know what you did. Now go, undo it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"If she's looking for passage out of town we might know a ship's captain who might help us," Killian said.

"Who?" The Swan trio asked.

"Me," Killian said with a smile.

"Captain... A word," Priscilla said and the two walked towards a corner.

"Yes?" Killian asked.

Priscilla glanced at Elaine, "So I was right... It is Snow's child," Priscilla said.

"Aye," Killian whispered.

"You're tampering with a lot of forces if you get involved," Priscilla said.

"She has to be born, Cilla," Priscilla folded her arms looking at him, "She's different than the others," Killian whispered.

"How?" Priscilla asked.

"Promise me. If I'm ever separated from her in the future, you will guide her," Killian whispered.

"How is she different? Her ex is going to kil-," Priscilla began to say.

"Her ex is dead," Priscilla looked shocked, "Her father isn't crazy, as you know, lass," Killian leaned closer to her ear, "She's thirty years old, Cilla," Priscilla looked at Elaine, "I have to do this," Killian said.

"Fine," Priscilla said.


Later at a harbour tavern, Killian watched Captain Hook and his crew play with dice, "There I am," The group from the future glanced over, "Rather dashing, don't you think?" Killian said as he looked at Elaine.

"I'm gonna keep my answer a secret... Love. Though I do like that rest vest," Elaine said with a smile.

"Ew," Emma and Katy said.

"Is this even a good idea? What about preserving the future?" Katy asked.

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum. Just make sure that I... He... Remains occupied. Doesn't return to my ship. We'll take care of the rest," Killian said.

"I got it," Elaine said as she pulled her hood back and unlaced her corset.

Killian, Katy and Emma looked back at her, "Wait. What are you doing?" Killian asked.

"Making sure he stays occupied. And you and I both know, it won't be difficult as I'm his type," Elaine said as she stood up.

Killian stood up and stopped her, "Swan, that man over there," He paused, "He isn't me... Just be careful," Killian said.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous," Elaine said with a smirk.

"Move it," Emma said as she pushed Killian out of the tavern.

"Be careful," Katy said as she followed them out of the tavern.

Elaine took a deep breath and tucked some hair behind her ears before walking over, she placed her hands on the table and Captain Hook looked at her, "What are you boys playing?" Elaine said with a smirk as he looked at her.

Outside the tavern, Emma and Katy stood against a wall, "Are you seriously trusting this plan?" Emma asked.

"They make a hell of a team, even when they don't realise it," Katy looked at Emma, "Trust me, they're good together," Katy said.

"You don't want to leave Storybrooke do you?" Emma asked.

"Nope. Elaine's just scared... She's scared to open herself up to him knowing the fate that awaits her. She's forgetting to live... This trip is going to remind her of that... And," Katy looked at Emma, "Let you two say goodbye," Katy said and Emma smiled at her slightly.

On the Jolly Roger, Mr Smee chased rats around the shop as he went to strike one, Killian blocked him, "Captain. I wasn't expecting you back from the tavern so early," The rat ran off, "Vermin. I'll get the bugger, sir," Mr Smee said.

Killian grabbed his arm holding him back, "Let it be," Mr Smee looked at him confused, "You'll understand someday, Smee," Killian said.

Mr Smee noticed the black vest, "Is that a new vest?" Mr Smee asked.

"Of course not," Killian said.

"Are you feeling alright, sir? You seem different," Mr Smee said.

"Maybe, that's because I'm used to my first mate asking me what his captain needs when he's on deck," Killian said.

"Of course. Sorry. Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" Mr Smee asked.

Killian gestured him closer and pointed out Snow White, "I need to speak to that woman. Bring her on board. Do it quietly," Killian said and walked down into the captain's cabin.

Back in the harbour tavern, Elaine and Captain Hook were drinking and flirting, "I have a confession to make," Elaine said.

"Most women do," Captain Hook said.

Elaine brushed her fingers against his hook, "I want to know how you got the hook. You hear so many stories," Elaine said.

"Mhm," He leaned a bit closer, "You know who I am and here you haven't even told me your name," Captain Hook said.

"What fun would that be? You already know much about me," Elaine said.

"Tell me, love," He downed his drink and Elaine looked at him, "Are we just two ships passing in the night?" Captain Hook said.

"Passing closely, I hope," Elaine leaned closer, "What do you say, Killian?" Elaine whispered.

He smirked, "Speaking of ships, what do you say we leave this place, and I'll show you mine," Captain Hook said as he began to stand up but Elaine placed her hand on his thigh pushing him back down.

"Wait. How about we have a few drinks first," Elaine said as she handed him his cup.

Aboard the Jolly Roger, Snow White entered the captain's cabin, where Killian waited for her in the shadows, "Who are you?" Snow White asked.

"It doesn't matter. I'm a captain and I can help you," Killian said and gestured to the seat at the other side of the desk.

Snow White sat down, "So, what do you want?" She asked.

"It's not what I want. It's what I can offer. I hear that you seek passage out of the Enchanted Forest," Killian said.

"That's true. But I haven't enough money," Snow White said.

"I don't give a damn about money. It's treasure I want. I think you can get it for me," He took out a wanted poster with an illustration of herself on it, "Snow White. You are a thief, aren't you?" Killian said.

Back in the harbour tavern, Captain Hook drank his drink as Elaine threw hers over her shoulder. He looked and pointed at her, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to get me drunk, which is usually my tactic," Captain Hook said.

"What's wrong, captain? Can't hold your rum?" Elaine questions with a smirk.

He smirked at her, "No, not only can I hold it," He stood up and picked up the bottle of rum, "But I can carry it right out the door. What do you say we set sail? Come back with me for a nightcap," He offered his hook to her but she hesitated, "Or shall I find someone else?" Captain Hook said.

Elaine carefully wrapped her fingers around the curve of his hook and stood up. She walked around him and gently pulled him out of the tavern as he smirked.

Outside the tavern, Katy and Emma saw them leave and turned around, "What is she doing?" Katy asked in a whisper.

"I don't know," Emma whispered as Elaine and Captain Hook walked past them.

Aboard the Jolly Roger, inside the captain's cabin, Killian and Snow White continued their discussion, "So, if I procure this item for you, you'll grant me save passage on your ship?" Snow White asked.

"To any realm you wish," Killian told her.

"Then, tell me, what I have to steal," Snow White said.

"A wedding ring," Killian told her.

Near the Jolly Roger, Elaine and Captain Hook were nearing to board when Elaine pretended to stumble drunkenly against him, "Oh! I think I had a bit too much," Elaine said and smiled at him.

"I got you, love, I've always got you," Captain Hook said.

"You mean that? Always? No matter what?" Elaine asked looking at him.

"Of course I do, no matter what," He lifted her and she held on, looking at him surprised, "Told you, love, I've got you," Captain Hook said and they chuckled softly as he walked towards the ship as Snow White passed them quickly.

"Oh, Actually, I feel much better," Elaine said.

"Behold! The Rolly Joger!" Captain Hook said and Elaine tried not to laugh.

"Captain," They looked at Mr Smee as Elaine hopped out of Captain Hook's arms, "H...How did you... I thought you were still below deck... And why does your vest keep changing?" Mr Smee said bewilderedly.

Elaine turned to Past Captain Hook and loosely wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him, "I seem to remember a nightcap was promised. Find one and I'll be waiting," Elaine said as he leaned in but she pulled away teasingly before going downstairs to the captain's cabin and Captain Hook watched her.

Mr Smee looked at his captain, "Captain, something's not right here," He said.

"You're right..." He jabbed Mr Smee in the chest with his finger, "You're still here. I think you know what nightcap means. It means that we want our privacy," Captain Hook said.

"Of course," Mr Smee said and walked off the ship.

The past pirate captain turned around, "Oh, yes," Captain Hook whispered as he climbed the staircase to the quarter deck.

Elaine entered the captain's cabin and bumped into Killian, "What are you doing here?" Elaine asked.

"I could ask the same of you. I thought I told you to keep him occupied," Killian said.

"I am," Elaine said.

"By taking him back to my ship?" He asked.

"His ship," Elaine corrected.

"You know what I mean," Killian said.

"I stalled as long as I could. I thought you'd be gone by now. I'll try to keep him above deck so you can get out of here," Elaine said.

The door opened, Killian ducked into the shadows as Elaine turned around to see Captain Hook walking inside, "Where may you be going? I do hope you're not having second thoughts," Captain Hook said.

"No. I just got tired of waiting for my man in black," Elaine said and took his hand, pulling him closer and they kissed, holding each other close as Killian snuck past them keeping an eye on them both.

"Apologies. A woman as beautiful as you deserves my full and prompt attention," He pulled the string to undo her cloak, letting it fall to the floor, he turned her around and gently moved her hair to the side as he kissed her neck and she tilted her head back onto his shoulder as he began to pull the ribbon the back of her dress, "Still sensitive as always," Captain Hook said with a smirk, he turned her around, kissed her and started to gently push her down, to lay her on his bed.

Killian grabbed his past self by the shoulder, he turned to face himself then he punched his past self across his face.

Elaine sat up, "Are you kidding me?! How's that not gonna have con-" Elaine began to say but he crashed his lips against hers, holding her close as she wrapped her arms and legs around him automatically. He pushed her down onto the cot, neither of them breaking the kiss.

They pulled away for air and looked at each other, "Never do that again," Killian said as he breathed heavily.

"What? Kiss you?" Elaine questioned as she breathed heavily.

"You know what I mean," Elaine pulled him down and they kissed again, "Come on love," Killian said and they got up.


Later at night, the group from the future looked out at King Midas' Golden Castle, as they stood at a distance, Killian used his telescope to watch Snow White climbing the walls of the castle, "A predictable access of pomp and grandeur. Snow should have no trouble sneaking inside," Killian said.

"What about us? We're supposed to just sit here and hope that she pulls it off. I don't like leaving things to chance," Elaine said.

Rumpelstiltskin appeared in red smoke behind them, "You know, I feel exactly the same way," They all turned to him, "Which is why you and I never do," He magically produced a piece of paper, "See? An invitation to the ball," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So, you'll be inside to watch out for her?" Emma asked.

"No. No. I'll be far too busy sorting out how to get you home," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Well, who's the invitation for?" Katy asked.

"Well, isn't it obvious? The invitation is for the four of you... Let me just multiply this," Rumpelstiltskin said and used his magic to make two copies of the invitation.

"So, when we're done inside, you can open our portal?" Killian asked.

"There's a powerful wand which I came to possess. Anyway, legendary says, it can recreate any magic that's ever been wielded. Now, with a little work, I can use it to recreate whatever portal brought you here," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Please do it quickly. We'll be in and out before you know it. We want to get the hell out of here," Elaine said.

"Uh, confidence. I like it," They turned to leave, "Wait," They looked back at him, "Not like that," Rumpelstiltskin giggled as he covered the group in red smoke and they were all in royal attire, "The saviours can't come this far and not play princess for a day," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"But we're not supposed to stick out. What if someone remembers us in the future?" Elaine questioned doubtfully.

"Because what you had before was such an intricate disguise. Now speaking of which I've returned those stolen rags. Luckily, before they were missed. I mean, it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amateurs," Rumpelstiltskin said as he pointed between the four.

"It's not like we go back in time a lot of the time, daddy," Katy said.

"Allow me," He magically produced a mirror so the group could see their new faces, "It's a glamour spell. This is how you will appear to everyone," He snapped his fingers and two men appeared out of the smoke in Prince attires, "A princess shouldn't attend a ball alone, once the ball is over they will disappear. Now, run along and do everything you can to make sure Snow White gets that ring. Once they're back on track, everything else will be, too," Rumpelstiltskin said.


The group for the future and the conjured man walked into the castle and divided into their pairs, Elaine and Killian, Katy and A Conjured Man, Emma and A Conjured Man.

Killian handed his and Elaine's invitation to a valet, "Just when I thought the clothes here couldn't get any worse," Elaine said.

"You might not be able to move, Swan, but you cut quite the figure in that dress," Killian said and Elaine smiled at him.

King Midas approached them, "Greetings. I'm King Midas, father of the bride. Who do I have the honour to welcome into my home?" King Midas asked.

"I'm Prince..." Killian said.

"Charles. Prince Charles. And I'm Princess... Hermione," Elaine said with a smile, Killian bowed as Elaine curtsied.

King Midas bowed, "I'm honoured to have you both," He turned to the valet beside him, "Announce Prince Charles and Princess Hermione," King Midas said.

The two of them entered the ballroom, Elaine looked at him, "You know, Mary Margaret and David were always going on about this ball and that ball... What's the big deal about these things?" Elaine asked as she looked forward and watched the dancers in amazement.

Killian smiled at her and leaned in, "You were saying?" He whispered.

"What am I supposed to do?" Elaine asked.

Killian took hold of her hand with a smile, "Blend in," Killian whispered in her ear and led her onto the floor.

Elaine walked with him, "Wait. Are you saying you know how to do what this is?" Elaine asked.

"It's called a waltz. There's only one rule," Killian said.

"And what's that?" Elaine asked.

Killian took hold of her hand, "Pick a partner who knows what he's doing," Killian said and started to lead her.

"Wait... I recognise this... From a dream," Elaine said.

"This was a dance Esme and I first did, on her birthday, on the day we met, well we tried... I was drunk but it didn't stop her. She taught me a lot of things... Mainly dances, she loved to dance," Elaine looked at him, "What?" Killian asked.

"I don't know... Just the first time you've spoken about them and I haven't hated it," Elaine said.

"You're your own woman Elaine, you're different from them," Elaine looked confused, "I'll let you figure it out," Killian said as they continued to dance.

Meanwhile, Snow White climbed Midas' Castle's walls. She jumped down the parapet she quickly sneaked over to a door, opened it and entered the room.

Back in the ballroom, Killian and the men knelt on the ground as the women rounded them. Killian smiled in amusement as he watched Elaine, she smiled at him.

"Watch the mocking, Jones. I'm actually getting the hang of this," Elaine said.

"I'm not mocking you, Swan. I'm just thinking about what you said in Storybrooke," He stood up and they continued the waltz with the other pairs, "About not being a princess," Killian said.

"Really? You get my first real dance and my first royal ball and all you can say is 'I told you so'?" Elaine said.

"I believe what I'm trying to say, Your Highness," He briefly bowed, "Is that you appear to be a natural... And I'm not surprised, it is in your blood," Killian said.

Elaine noticed Prince Charming standing outside the dancing pairs, "There's Charming," Elaine said, the three pairs looked over to see Prince Charming talking to Abigail.

Prince Charming turned to Abigail, "Would you care to dance?" He asked.

"My feet are killing me. If only I'd thought to wear my comfortable shoes," Abigail said.

"Would you like to fetch them for you, my dear?"Prince Charming asked.

Abigail looked at him, "My hero," She said with a forced smile and she walked away.

Prince Charming walked past the three pairs as they continued dancing while he exited the room.

Elsewhere in the palace, Snow White was looking for the wedding ring around the room and in chests, "Where's that ring?" Snow White asked as she dropped an empty casket to the floor. She looked around and turned to another in a cupboard for the ring.

Back in the ballroom, the doors magically flung open as the Evil Queen entered with Young Katelyn. King Midas turned around to face his new guest, realising who it was, he stiffened briefly before he bowed deeply, "What a pleasure, my Queen, Princess. I... Thank you both for honouring my daughter with your presence," King Midas said.

"And thank you for your generous hospitality. I hope you don't mind I brought some friends," The Evil Queen said and some of her black knights entered the room as Young Katelyn grabbed hold of the skirt of her mother's dress.

The three pairs were still dancing as they watched the scene, Katy looked away, "Regina is here. Damn it. That definitely was not in the plan," Elaine muttered.

"Breathe, Swan. She's a guest. The king's head would vanish to another realm if he didn't invite her," Kilian said.

"Yeah, good point," Katy said.

Emma looked at the Evil Queen and Young Katelyn then looked around, "Where's Charming?" Emma asked.

Upstairs, Snow White continued to search the cupboard for the ring until she finally found Prince Charming's satchel, she took out the ring, "My ticket to freedom," Snow White said

The door opened and Prince Charming walked in and he looked at her, "Who are you?" Snow White quickly headed for the window, "Stop! Thief!" He launched himself on her, knocking her over and he was surprised to see her face, "You're a girl," Prince Charming said.

She smiled at him, "Woman," Snow White said as she grabbed the casket and hits him, knocking him off her as he groaned.

Abigail entered, "James, what is taking you so..." Abigail saw Snow White climbing out of the window, Snow White smiled at Abigail, "You're... You're Snow White..." She looked down the hall, "Snow White! Snow White!" Abigail called out to the knights.

In the ballroom, a knight approached King Midas, "Milord, Snow White was spotted in the castle," The Knight said.

"The bandit Snow White? Here? Get her!" King Midas said.

The three pairs looked at each other before they all left the ballroom.

Outside, Snow White climbed over the castle's parapet, Katy, Emma, Elaine, Killian and the Conjured Men arrived in time to watch her ride off on a horse.

Prince Charming was looking out the window, "You can't hide from me!" They looked up at him to see the wound on his chin, "Wherever you are I will find you!" Prince Charming yelled.

Elaine smiled and turned to Emma, they took hold of each other's hand, "Mission accomplished," Elaine said.

"Now all we have to do-," Emma began to say when she was roughly pushed into Elaine by a Black Knight armed with a bow.

"You'll find her sooner than you think, milord," The Black Knight said as he aimed his arrow.

Emma and Elaine launched at him as the archer loosen his arrow, the knight lost his balance. As Snow White galloped off and the arrow hit a tree trunk behind her.

As the Swan twins got up, Emma noticed the wedding ring and she picked it up, "The ring," Emma said.

"You two have got to get it to Snow. Go! We've got this," Katy said as threw a fireball at a knight.

Emma and Elaine hurriedly exited as Killian drew his sword and the two of them charged at the Black Knights confronting them.

Elaine and Emma entered the ball as the escaped Black Knight entered the room and he pointed at them, "There they are. They helped the bandit escape," The Black Knight said.

Emma and Elaine tried to run for it but four Black Knights blocked their way, the Evil Queen approached them, "Going somewhere?" The Evil Queen said.

"Regina, we..." Emma said.

"Is a bit informal, wouldn't you say?" She interrupted her, "Show some respect. It's Your Majesty," The Evil Queen said.

"Mommy?" Young Katelyn said as she walked over to her mother.

Two Black Knight seized Emma and the other two seized Elaine but their arms, the twins struggled to break free. Killian and Katy entered the ballroom, many people blocked their view, they walked forward and withdrew when they saw the Black Knights holding the twins.

"You two aren't going anywhere. Snow White may have left the party early, but, I suspect, your night has just begun," She turned to her guards, "Take them away," The Evil Queen said as she picked up her daughter.

The Black Knights escorted Emma and Elaine towards the exit of the ball. Emma briefly opened the palm of her hand, showing them Charming's ring, Katy and Killian glanced at each other before hiding behind the crowd. The Evil Queen walked after them as Young Katelyn held onto her mother.

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