Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

40 - A Curious Thing

391 20 0
By bethanyjanebooks

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

South from the Dark Castle, Snow White, Priscilla, Prince Charming and The Evil Queen walked through the woods, "You shouldn't be here," The Evil Queen said.

"Well, tough. I am," Priscilla said.

"You're putting yourself in danger," The Evil Queen said.

"I'm not letting you go to see this Glinda about my baby without my presence. End of discussion," Priscilla said.

Prince Charming stopped to pick a lily and handed it to Priscilla, "For luck," Prince Charming said.

She smiled, taking it and turned to see the look on the Evil Queen's, "What?" Priscilla asked.

"We're at the edge of the Dark Forest, trying to find the one person who can stop our imminent doom and save your unborn child. And you two stop to smell the roses?" The Evil Queen said.

"Lilies," Priscilla said and Prince Charming smiled.

"I don't care if they are dancing daffodils. I need to destroy my sister and so do you," They started to walk through the woods, "And if that babbling mad man sent us on a wild goose chase, I swear I'll-," The Evil Queen saw a door standing, "What's that supposed to be?" The Evil Queen said.

"Well, it appears to be a door," Prince Charming said as he carefully approached the door. He's able to see that the path continued through it.

"Through the door, step inside. If pure of heart, then she won't hide. It's Rumpel's riddle. It's Glinda," Snow White said as she stepped through the door and vanished.

"Snow!" Priscilla yelled and followed after her.

"Pri!" Prince Charming yelled and followed them.

The Queen scoffed, "A portal with a cheap cloaking spell," She said and walked through the door but for her, it was just an archway in the woods as she had continued on the path the four of them were on, she wasn't allowed through the portal.

The Evil Queen sighed in frustration, turned around, briskly walked back through the door and closed the door behind her.

In Glinda's Pocket Dimension, Snow White, Priscilla and Prince Charming walked through the portal into a place covered in snow, "I thought she was supposed to be the Good Witch of the South," Snow White said.

Glinda appeared, "I was," They looked at her, "Before I was banished here," Glinda said.

"Where's Regina?" Prince Charming asked.

"I'm afraid your travelling companion has a heart heavy with vengeance. Only a good witch may pass through my door," Glinda said.

"I'm not a witch," Snow White began to say.

"And I'm not good... Well... Not pure," Priscilla looked at the stomach then looked at Glinda, "I'm-," Priscilla began to say.

"I know who you are. I've heard many tales of your power and what power you will possess in the future, and now you hold not one pure heart, but two. I sense powerful magic there," Glinda said.

"I have a pure heart?" Priscilla asked and she glanced at Snow White who smiled at her and she looked at Prince Charming who winked at her.

"More than you know, dear," Glinda said.

"That's new... Don't tell my papa," Priscilla said and Prince Charming chuckled softly.

"That's why we're here," Snow White said.

"We were told your light magic could help defeat the Wicked Witch. We've come to ask for your help," Prince Charming said.

"I'm sorry. My magic is not powerful enough to defeat Zelena. It never has been," Glinda said.

"You know her?" Prince Charming asked.

"We were friends long ago when things were different. But she made her choice. She gave into her dark magic. I tried to stop her. I failed," Glinda said.

"Story sounds familiar," Priscilla sighed, "There must be some way to defeat her," Priscilla said.

"There is. She was born with great power. Long ago I gave her a pendant to help focus it. Her magic has resided inside of it ever since," Glinda said.

"So, if we can remove it, she'll lose her power and we can defeat her?" Prince Charming asked.

"But, only a purveyor of the strongest light magic will be able to accomplish such defeat," Glinda said.

"Light magic?" Snow White asked.

"Magic created from love," Glinda said.

Snow White realised who could defeat her, "Emma and Elaine. Our daughters. They're the products of true love. Well... Were. They're the saviours," Snow White said.

"No, they still are, don't you worry about that. There's also the White Queen of Wonderland... Katy..." Priscilla said.

"If they are as pure and powerful as you say, then yes. They... And only they... Can defeat Zelena," Glinda said.

"But they're not in this land and we can't get back to them," Prince Charming said.

"Then I'm afraid your quest is futile," Glinda said.

"Actually, there is a way. But there's a steep price," Snow White said.

"No, Snow you can't mean..." Prince Charming said.

"Yes," She looked at them, "We must enact the Dark Curse," Snow White said.


South from the Dark Castle, Snow White and Prince Charming discussed their plan with the Evil Queen, "Are you out of your minds? Even if I believe this Glinda, which I don't, to cast the Dark Curse I'd have to destroy the heart of the thing I love most, which for me is Henry, Julia, Katy or Daniella," The Evil Queen said.

"There has to be another way to enact it," Snow White said.

"If there were, do you think I would have sent my daughter away and killed my own father?" The Evil Queen questioned.

"What about a magic bean? If we had one, we could open a portal. Or Jefferson's hat?" Prince Charming asked.

"There are no more portals. Not for us. Not for anyone the curse brought back. When I undid the first curse to escape Pan to bring us here, it divided our realms. It placed a wall between them," The Evil Queen said.

"The Dark Curse is the only way," Prince Charming said.

"Haven't you been listening? I can't cast it," The Evil Queen said.

"Who?" Snow White asked.

"Her," Prince Charming looked at his ex-wife and the three women looked confused, "It's the only way. You can use my heart to cast the curse. We have to think of my child," Prince Charming said.

"Your child needs you. Priscilla needs you. We'll find another way. We always find another way," Snow White said.

"This is why you told Priscilla and her children to go back to their realm and stay there... You knew they'd try to stop you," The Evil Queen said.

"She's struggling with her magic, she needs her family more than me, right now," Prince Charming said.

End of Flashback

At Granny's Diner, Elaine walked in and approached Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Faye, Elsie, Kerr, Adam, Anastasia and Emma, "They're gone," Elaine said.

"What do you mean, gone?" Kerr asked.

"I mean they're not in their room. They're not in the parlour and my keys are gone. My car keys," Elaine said.

"Give me something of theirs. I'll try a locator spell," Regina said.

Elaine got her phone out, "I'm way ahead of you. I've got GPS on their phones, they're at the docks," Elaine said.

With Henry, Julia and Killian, they met up with Mr Smee, "Henry, Julia, this is a friend of mine, Mr Smee," Killian said.

"Like from Peter Pan?" Henry said as he and Julia held hands.

"You remember?" Mr Smee asked.

"We've seen the movie a million times," Julia said.

"It's quite a common name in the seafaring world. As luck would have it he's making sail to New York and would be happy for the company," Killian said.

"I am?" Mr Smee quickly glanced at Killian who looked at him sternly, "I mean, I am," Mr Smee said.

Henry and Julia looked doubtful, "Really? Where is your ship?" Henry asked.

Mr Smee turned around and noticed a small boat moored behind him, "Um... There she is," He said and pointed to it.

"You're stealing it, right?" Julia asked.

"You two wanna go to New York or not?" Killian asked.

"Why are you helping us?" Henry asked.

There was a distant sound of wings flapping, gradually getting louder and Julia tightened her hold on Henry's hand, as Mr Smee looked uneasy, "Captain?" Mr Smee said.

The pirate captain heard the noise, "Mr Smee, we need to get the children to the boathouse," Killian said.

"Why? What's going on?" Henry asked.

In the sky above them, a flying monkey circled them and descended to the group, "Killian, what is that?" Julia asked.

"Now!" Killian yelled and they took off running into the boathouse.

Mr Smee locked the door behind them, "What now, Captain?" He asked.

Henry held Julia as they looked at Killian, "Take the children there. Far exit. Find a new boat. I'll stay here to deal with our winged friends," He looked at Henry and Julia, "Henry, Julia, go with Smee. Don't stop, no matter what you hear," Killian said.

Henry and Julia followed Mr Smee as he left but they both stopped and turned to see a flying monkey descending on Killian, "Henry, Julia go!" Killian yelled.

Killian fired his pistol killing two flying monkeys, Henry tripped over a soiled rope, quickly twisted his body to land on his back and so Julia wasn't harmed. Julia saw the third flying monkey descending towards them, "What the hell is that!!" Julia yelled in fear, Henry turned to see the monkey, he leaned over Julia, bracing himself to take the attack.

"No!" Killian yelled and he aimed his pistol at the flying monkey, as he tried to fire his pistol he found that the magazine was empty.

A bullet was fired behind him, hitting the third monkey, as Elaine ran in with her gun raised, "No one threatens my kids!" Elaine said as Elsie, Kerr, Adam, Anastasia, Emma, Regina, David, Faye and Mary Margaret ran in after her.

David and Mary Margaret threw their swords at two more winged creatures, Emma shot at another, "I hate these nightmare creatures," Elsie said and fired magic at the monkeys.

"I never liked pets," Regina said as she, Kerr, Adam and Anastasia launched fireballs at the flying monkeys sitting above them.

Elaine and Emma shot at the last two monkeys, Elaine and Emma ran over to Henry and Julia, "Henry, Julia," Elaine helped them up, "Are you okay?" Elaine asked.

"Y...Yeah. What were those things?" David and Mary Margaret sheathed their swords, "Why do they have a sword?" Henry asked.

"It's all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise," Elaine said.

Henry and Julia looked at her confused, "What are you talking about?" Julia asked.

"I'm sorry we have been keeping things from you. You were right. You deserve to know the truth," Elaine said as she took the book from Emma and handed it to the young twins.

"About fairytales? I don't understand," Henry said.

"Do you trust me?" Elaine asked.

"Yes, of course, we do," Henry said.

"Then I need you both to believe," Elaine said.

"Believe in what?" Julia asked.

"Belief in magic," Elaine said.

Henry and Julia looked at her doubtful, "From a book?" Henry asked.

"It's more than just a book. Do you believe in me?" Elaine said.

"Yes," The young twins said.

"Then take it," Elaine said.

Henry and Julia took the book from Elaine, as soon as their mother released the book, they remembered visiting Katy, Emma and Elaine in Boston, the three of them sat at his castle, Elaine and Emma breaking the curse, using pixie dust to fly in Neverland, practice sword fighting with Neal, leaving Storybrooke with Elaine and Emma.

Henry and Julia blinked at looked at Elaine and Emma, "Mom? Aunt Em?" Elaine and Emma smiled and the young twins looked at Regina, "Mom?" Regina hugged them, "I remember," He looked at Elaine and Emma, "I remember," Henry said.

"Me too," Julia said.

"Do it, girls. Break the curse," Faye said as she walked in with Elsie then Elaine and Emma leaned forward to kiss Henry and Julia but they disappeared.

Zelena appeared and trapped Henry and Julia in her arms, "So, sorry to interrupt. Now, who wants to say goodbye first?" Zelena said.

Henry and Julia were struggling to break free, "Who are you?" Henry asked.

"You can call me Auntie Zelena," Zelena said.

A portal opened up and Daniella walked through, "Hello, auntie Zelena," Daniella said.

"Daniella?" Regina said.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked and the portal closed behind Daniella.

"Enough of this," Regina said as she took a step forward but Zelena raised her hand, magically pushing her backwards.

"That... Was so evil," Daniella said dramatically and everyone looked at her confused.

"And? What are you going to do about it?" Zelena asked.

"Let them go. They have nothing to do with this," Daniella said.

"Don't blame me. The captain failed me," Zelena said.

The pirate captain glared at her, "Damn you, Zelena," Killian said.

"Killian, what's she talking about?" Elaine asked.

"He knew what the price of that failure was, your son's life," Zelena said.

"Mom," Henry and Julia said with a strained voice.

Elaine and Emma used their magic on Zelena, freeing Henry and Julia, "Run!" Elaine yelled, Julia and Henry ran over to her and they hugged.

"Well then little princess," Zelena looked at Daniella, "Like I said... What are you going to do about it?" Zelena said.

Daniella smiled at her, "Zelena... I'm not going to do anything... Because she is," Daniella said and pointed behind Zelena.

Zelena turned around to see Katy behind her holding her baby, "I forgot to warn you about something," Katy said.

"Oh, yeah... What's that?" Zelena asked.

"Never piss off the Evil Queen's daughter," Katy flicked her wrist, sending Zelena flying and she walked over to Daniella who took her baby brother and Katy turned to Zelena, "Or the Dark One's daughter," Katy said and appeared in front of Zelena, she turned around and kicked Zelena through the doors of the boathouse.

"You... You're both of their kid? How did I not get back into Wonderland?!" Zelena asked.

"I don't use blood magic," Katy walked towards her, "I was never allowed secrets, but I got them because there's something else... I have some of the Dark Sorceress's magic, meaning you are nothing compared to me," Katy said.

"We shall see," Zelena whistled and two flying monkeys flew over, "Beautiful ones, deal with her!" Zelena said.

Katy looked at the flying monkey's then she jumped out of the way, but as she raised her arms she levitated off the ground, "Wow... Uh, this is new..." Katy said.

Zelena looked at Katy, "Enjoy this moment together because you don't have many left!" Zelena yelled angrily before she disappeared into a cloud of green smoke.

"Henry, Julia are you okay?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah, yeah," They knelt because Regina and gently shook her to try and wake her, "Mom! Mom! Mom!" Henry and Julia said.

"A little help!" Katy said.

"Oh, right!" Adam ran over with Anastasia, they grabbed her ankles and pulled her down, "You okay?" Anastasia asked.

"Yeah," Katy walked over to Regina, Henry and Julia and crouched down, "Let me," Katy said and the young twins looked at her.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago

At the Dark Palace, The Evil Queen, Snow White and Prince Charming watch the Dark Curse boil in a great cauldron, "It's ready," The Evil Queen said.

"No, there has to be another way either to get the twins," Snow White said.

"There isn't you know if there were, I'd have gone back to my children. This is it. This sacrifice," Regina said.

"Snow, we have to do this. You have to do this," Prince Charming said.

"I can't. I can't crush your heart. Pri can't lose you," Snow White said.

"This is our only chance. Think of my baby," Prince Charming said.

"Your child will never know its father. Pri can't raise the baby without you," Snow White said.

"Of course, it will. Through Pri. We used to share one heart. And now me and Pri do, and it'll only grow stronger when she looks at our baby's face and see the love I have for her in its eyes," Prince Charming said.

Snow White started to cry, "I've loved you since the first moment I saw you," She said.

"I know you have Snow, that's why it needs to be you. I am the thing you love the most, even now," He turned to the Queen, "Okay, do it," Prince Charming said.

"I won't lie. This is going to hurt, but it will work," The Evil Queen said, she trusted her hand into the prince's chest and took out his heart.

"Charming?" Snow White said.

"What is it?" Prince Charming asked.

"I love you. I love you more than anything," Snow White said.

"Which is why you have to crush it," Prince Charming said.

The Evil Queen handed Snow White, the heart, Snow walked over to the cauldron, she looked at her ex-husband as she crushed his heart, adding the last ingredient to the Dark Curse.

Prince Charming fell, Snow White sobbed as she dropped beside him, "This won't be in vain. We will get back to Storybrooke, we will defeat..." The Evil Queen said.

The Wicked Witch flew in on her broom and descent on them, she hovered above the cauldron, adding a green potion and soon landed.

The Evil Queen faced her sister, "Zelena," She said with hatred.

"Did you really think you could enact Rumpel's Dark Curse and I wouldn't know about it?" The Wicked Witch said.

"No, but I didn't really care? You're too late," The Evil Queen said.

"Actually, I'm not," The Wicked Witch turned to Snow White, "I'm afraid you sacrificed your charming ex-husband for nothing," The Wicked Which said.

"Regina, he can't die in vain," Snow White said.

"She's bluffing. Once the curse is enacted it can't be stopped," The Evil Queen said.

"I may not be able to stop it, but that doesn't mean I can't spice it up a bit. How does a forgetting potion sound?" The Wicked Witch said.

They all looked over to the cauldron as the curse clouds began to expand. Snow had a shocked look on her face whilst the Evil Queen was cold with annoyance.

"Mm, sorry. Did you need your memories in this new land? Were you planning to stop me? Or, for that matter recognise me?" The Wicked Witch gloated with a smirk.

"We'll find a way," Snow White said.

"Without knowing any of this? I doubt it. You'll be too busy looking for your ex-husband. You won't even know about his sacrifice. Just endlessly wondering where he could be, always fearing the worst," The Wicked Witched looked at her younger half-sister, "Pay attention, sis. This is how you take away a happy ending," The Wicked Witch said before she flew off on her broomstick.

Snow White and the Evil Queen looked at Prince Charming's body, devasted.

End of Flashback

At the boathouse, Henry, Julia and Katy were still trying to gently wake Regina, "Mom! Mom, please. Wake up! Mom! Mom!" Henry said as he shook her awake.

Regina woke up, "Henry, Julia, Katelyn," She said as she looked at them.

"Mom," The three of them said with a smile.

Regina stood up and they hugged, "Oh, Oh," She smiled, "I will never let you go away again. I promise," She looked at him, "I love you, Katelyn," Regina said and she kissed her eldest daughter on the forehead, a burst of magic came from the kiss breaking the curse.

Mary Margaret turned and she and David looked at Faye, "What is it?" Faye asked as she looked between them.

Elaine turned to Regina and Katy, "It wasn't us. It was you two," Elaine said.

Emma turned to the other, "Mary Margaret, David, did it work? Do you remember the missing year?" Emma asked.

"Yes, everything," Mary Margaret said.

"How did Zelena cast the curse?" Elaine asked.

Mary Margaret shook her head, "She didn't, girls. We did," Mary Margaret said.

"You cursed yourselves?" Emma asked in shock.

"What?" Faye asked.

"Zelena's weakness is light magic. I mean, it's clear now, more than ever. You two are the only ones who can defeat her," Mary Margaret said.

"That's why we paid the price for Regina's curse. To find you both," David said.

"The price of the curse is the heart of the thing you love most. If one of you cast it... How are you both still here?" Elaine asked.

"How did it even work?" Emma asked.

"Your father is still the one I love the most," Mary Margaret said.

"How are you alive?" Faye asked as she looked at David.

"About that..." David said.

"What did you do?" Faye asked as she looked at Mary Margaret.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago

At the Dark Palace, Snow White mourned her husband as the curse clouds continued to expand above them. Snow White got an idea and looked at her step-mother, "Regina," She looked at her, "I need you to rip out my heart," the Queen looked at her confused, "Charming's right. We used to be of one heart since the day he woke me from the sleeping curse. If you split my heart in half, we can both survive," Snow White said.

"Snow, I know your love for him is strong, but this isn't like plucking a flower. How do you know it will work?" The Evil Queen asked.

"Faith. Belief. I believe. I believe my heart is strong enough for both of us to live, long enough for him to return to Priscilla," Snow White said desperately.

The Evil Queen looked at her concerned, "But if you're wrong, you'll both die," She said.

"Please. Please, Regina. Do it," Snow White said.

The Evil Queen knelt in front of Snow White who placed her arms on her shoulders. The Queen shoved her hand into her chest and pulled out her heart then she carefully broke the heart into two halves. The Evil Queen placed the two halves in both, Snow White's and Prince Charming's chest. The Evil Queen stood up and the two women watched anxiously for the prince to wake up.

After a few moments, Prince Charming inhaled deeply, waking up and Snow White placed her head on the back of his head.

The Evil Queen smiled at him and Prince Charming looked at his ex-wife, "Snow? Snow, what's happening?" Prince Charming asked.

Snow White smiled with tears in her eyes, "You're okay. We're going to be okay, you're going to be a father and we're going to get you back to Priscilla," She said.

They all looked up to see the Dark Curse spilling out from the cauldron.

The Dark Curse began to surround them, and engulf them up first.

End of Flashback

Faye looked between Mary Margaret and David, "You've got to be kidding me..." Faye said.

"I knew how you struggled without the Huntsman. How you ran away," Faye and Killian glanced at each other, "I couldn't let you do that again, I couldn't let you be alone again... I know you have the Huntsman's children but... You need David, and I'm not stopping that, I gave you both a second chance, use it," Mary Margaret said.

"Snow..." Faye said.

"You two have a future with your baby, I wasn't about to ruin that," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you," Faye said tearfully.

"We're not going to talk about he has half of his ex-wife's heart in his chest?" Kerr asked.

"I'm trying not to think about that... Thank you, Branston," Faye said.

"Sorry..." Kerr said.

Katy was holding her baby boy as she stood with Regina, Henry, Julia and Daniella, they were talking about New York, "New York was awesome. The pizza. The Yankees. My school," Henry said.

Regina chuckled, "Slow down. I wanna hear it all. The entire year," Regina said.

Julia turned to her, "We found an apple tree in Central Park that looked exactly like the one by your office. Of course, we didn't know back then, but now we do. And guess what..." Julia said.

"What?" Regina asked.

"I've gonna pretty good at math," Henry said.

"No," Regina said with a smile.

"Pretty good. Not Stephen Hawking good, but good," Henry said.

"That's great," Regina said.

"And I made a CD at school... I'll give you a copy," Julia said.

Regina smiled, "A full CD?" Regina asked.

"Yeah, even got mom singing too," Julia said.

"I'd like a copy," Regina said and Julia smiled at her.

"What did we miss here?" Henry asked.

"Nothing much. Nothing that matters now," Regina said.

"Are you sure about that? Not even about a kiss," Henry asked.

"What kiss?" Katy asked.

"Let's stay focused on New York. Tell me about the pizza," Regina said.

"Mom, who were kissing?" Katy said.

"Aunt Em," The Mills twins said.

Katy smiled at Regina, "Stop enjoying this," Regina said.

"Never," Katy said.

Regina cleared her throat, "It's new... We just started seeing each other," Regina said.

"Seriously? Emma?" Katy asked.

"What about me?" Emma asked as she walked over.

"You're dating grandma?" Daniella asked.

"What?" Elaine, David and Mary Margaret said looking over.

"Uh, yeah... I guess we are," Emma said.

"Aunt El, don't you have something to deal with?" Daniella asked and pointed to Killian.

"Come on," Emma said.

Elaine looked at Katy, "I'll go with you, both," Katy handed her son over to Regina, "Meet your grandson," Katy said and Regina smiled at the baby in her arm.

Katy took hold of Elaine's have and the Swan trio approached Killian, "Are you gonna tell me what Zelena was talking about? She said you failed her," Elaine said.

"Don't listen to her," Killian said.

"Killian, what's going on? Were you working for her?" Elaine asked.

"The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans," Killian said.

"So, whose idea was it to kidnap Henry and Julia and stick them on a boat?" Elaine asked.

"It was mine. I was trying to save them," Killian said.

"From what? What is she doing?" Elaine asked.

"She cursed me," Killian said.

"What?" Elaine asked.

"My lips, actually," He said.

"Your lips? Why?" Elaine asked.

"She wants to steal your magic. She thought I was the best way of doing that," Killian said.

"You..." Elaine said.

"She knows what we all know, that you two can defeat her," Killian said.

"It should have been my decision to protect Henry and Julia. Whether she forced your hand or not, it doesn't matter. I can't trust you now. How can I?" Elaine asked.

"Elaine... You know I wouldn't do anything to harm your children, I never would," Killian said and Elaine shook her eyes as she teared up.

"She's right not to. He has lied about more than just this," David said as he and Mary Margaret walked over to them.

"You said you brought the girl to Storybrooke because you received a message from us with a memory potion," Mary Margaret said.

"Aye, what of it?" Killian questioned.

"We didn't send you any message," David said.

"Well, I got one. It's the truth. Somebody blood well sent me the message. Who else would have an antidote? Who else would have known where to find the saviours?!" Killian said.

"I know," They looked at Katy who smiled, "Because I'm the one who helped him out," Katy said.

"Who?" Elaine asked.

"Bae," Katy said.

"I told you not to come here, not with your baby," Faye said.

"I don't listen... Besides Elaine was crying and from where I was, no one was actually listening to her," Katy said and everyone looked at Elaine who looked away.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago

At Dark Castle, The Wicked Witch was prepared a memory potion as Rumpelstiltskin watched her. Rumpelstiltskin giggled, "Wolf's blood. Dragon's scale. I've tasted this brew before," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"We're about to take an unplanned trip, my pet. The curse is coming," The Wicked Witch said.

"You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed," Rumpelstiltskin chanted.

"Don't be so dour. What I need to do," She walked up to his cage and opened the door, "Can be done from any land. I will succeed in changing the past. My spell will work," The Wicked Witch said.

"But only, if you remember it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Which I will," She showed him the memory potion, "With this. To keep my valuable recollection safe and sound," She drank a potion and handed the second bottle to Rumpelstiltskin, "Here Drink it. Dump it out. Sing it a song. Your brains are still mine. If you want to remember the loss of your son, so be it. But, if you prefer to stumble about blind and stupid with the rest of them, be my guest," The Wicked Witch said as she took her leave with the Dark One's dagger.

Rumpelstiltskin wandered out of the cage, "Memories are pain. Pain is strength," He removed the bottle's cork, "For vengeance," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Rumpelstiltskin raised his hand to drink the potion, but a portal opened up and a heavily pregnant Katy walked through, "Sorry papa, but you don't need your memories," Katy said and snapped her fingers then uncontrollable spam shook Rumpelstiltskin's body, making him fall to the ground and he violently trembled.

Neal broke free of his father's body, Rumpelstiltskin lost consciousness. Neal staggered towards the table and Katy steadied him, "Katy?" Neal said.

"We don't have much time," Katy said.

"How are you here... The curse?" Neal asked.

"My magic provides a lot of loopholes. If I just had daddy's and mom's magic I couldn't be here... But using Priscilla's, I can overcome a lot of barriers... Seriously, Bae. We do not have a lot of time," Katy said.

"Elaine and Emma need to remember," Neal said he tore a piece of cloth from his sleeve and hurriedly wrote a note on it.

Neal grabbed the potion and clothe he wrote on, he stumbled over to the window whistling. A pigeon landed on the window and sill and Neal tied the not and bottle to its leg. Neal held the bird, "Find Killian Jones. One the Jolly Roger. Find Captain Hook. Go!" Neal said and letting the bird fly away.

"See you soon, brother," Katy said and walked through the portal.

Neal fell backwards, emerging with Rumpelstiltskin's body. Rumpelstiltskin woke up, with no idea what just happened.

End of Flashback

The group were stood by Neal's grave, mourning him, "He really was a hero," Henry said.

"He was, kids. He didn't give a second thought to sacrificing himself for you. For all of us," Elaine said.

Henry and Julia placed a red rose on the tombstone, "Yeah. Was it hard? Coming back to Storybrooke, when you knew it'd be dangerous? I mean, life in New York was pretty good," Julia said.

"It was better than good. But I had these voices stuck in my head that I couldn't shake," Elaine said.

"Whose?" Henry asked.

"Yours. I knew how you would have voted on this," Emma said.

Henry nodded, "Yeah. And you know this means?" Henry said.

"Operation Cobra is back on," Julia said.

"Yeah!" Henry said with a smile.

"I don't think it ever ended," Katy said and they turned to Faye and Callie.

Faye and Callie raised their hands and their bodies glowed, "What are they doing?" Emma asked.

"Bringing their realms here... So they aren't separated from their families again. I found a spell," Katy said.

"You never stopped bringing our family back together," Elaine said.

"Nope, never," Katy said.

"What's his name?" Regina asked as she walked up with her grandson in her arms.

"Noah," Katy said and they all looked up to see the two realms appearing on the water.

"They did it," Emma said.

Suddenly Faye gasped in pain and everyone turned to her, "Hey," Callie said as she supported her.

"Faye/Pri," Emma, Elaine, Katy and David said as they rushed over to them.

"Hey. Hey. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths. I'll get the truck," David said as he ran off.

"Faye, are you okay?" Emma asked as she grabbed her hand.

"It's the baby... It's coming," Faye said as Callie supported her.

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