Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

27.8K 1K 80

The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

38 - Bleeding Through

327 20 0
By bethanyjanebooks


Prince Leopold and Young Cora were walking in the wood together and Cora was telling him a story about herself, "There it was my oldest nightdress. The boys tied it to the top of the windmill, it's flapping in the wind for the whole village to see," She chuckled, "And I am the maddest little 8-year-old that you have ever seen," Young Cora said.

Prince Leopold laughed, "Did you ever get revenge for that?" He asked her.

"That's a long-term plan. You see, there aren't that many young people in my village, and, odds are, one of them will end up married to me. That should do it," Young Cora said.

Prince Leopold laughed, "You're wonderful," He saw her rubbing her arms, "And cold," He said.

She chuckled, "It's a bit frosty, but I'm okay," Young Cora said.

"Uh, I...I'd build a fire for you, but I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how," Prince Leopold said.

"I do," Young Cora said as she took his dagger and began making a fire on a bunch of wood on the ground.

"I'm going to be king," Prince Leopold said as he was sat on the log.

"I gather that happens when you're prince," Young Cora said.

"And I want to do right by that gift. I keep telling myself I want to be a man of the people, and then I realise I can't even build a fire, a task any reason can do," Prince Leopold said.

"Well, this peasant can fix that," She motioned him to kneel next to her and they both blew on the straw lightly and the first was soon lit.

"See? Just have to let air get in it," Young Cora said and they sat on the fallen log with the fire crackling in front of them.

"When the throne becomes mine, I'll need to provide an heir of my own," Prince Leopold said.

"You'll have to marry," Young Cora said.

"And start a family immediately," Prince Leopold said.

"That actually sounds nice. Anyone in mind?" Young Cora asked hopefully.

"Yes... Princess Eva from the Northern Kingdom. We've been engaged since her birth," Prince Leopold told her.

"Oh," She sighed, "Is she nice?" Young Cora asked.

He sighed, "I'll let you know after I meet her... That's tonight," Prince Leopold said.

"You don't sound very excited. I'm sure she's... A lovely choice," Young Cora said.

"I'm sure she is. She's just not a choice I made," Prince Leopold said.

Young Cora looked at him, "What's the use of having power if you can't choose whom to wed?" She said.

End of Flashback

In the mayor house, Regina and Faye were in the kitchen, Regina washed the cups as Faye was holding an apple in her hand, "I want to apologise, Regina. For Cora, for..." Faye said.

"Having a hand in her murder?" Regina asked as she turned to her.

"Right... Yeah... I don't take it lightly. I think about it every day... And how I'd do it again... Wait... That's not helping," Faye said.

"So do I. And when I do think about it, I remember... That she did kill your first real friend... So, I'll admit that it's complicated," Regina said.

"I'm sure you had something's you wanted to say to her," Faye said.

Regina scoffed, "Yes, well I'm realising that my mother walled off a lot of her life from me," Regina said.

"Mm," Faye said.

"She wasn't the warmest mother, but... At least I thought I occupied a singular spot in her heart," Regina sighed, "A sister... Zelena," She sighed again, "Why would she give her up? Why would she make us strangers to one another?" Regina said.

Faye sighed and shrugged, "That was before I knew her I'm afraid," They suddenly heard a squeaking sound above them, "What was that?" Faye asked.

"I have no idea," Regina said.

"It's upstairs," Faye said.

The two women made their way upstairs and towards the squeaking that seemed to be coming from behind a door at the end of the hall.

Regina pointed to the door, "It's in there... There isn't anything in this room..." They walked towards it, "It's..." Regina went to open the door but it got blown open and they saw a transparent person sitting at a spinning wheel, they were glowing blue and turned to them, Cora, Regina gasped, "Mother?" Regina said.

At the diner, Emma, Elaine and Killian were in the booth as the Swan twins at the counter with two cups of cocoa. They closed their eyes and their cocoa's disappeared and reappeared in the booth with the others, "Boom! Granny's to go," Emma said.

"We should open a franchise," Elaine said as she walked over and joined Killian at the booth.

"It's impressive," Killian said as he moved her cocoa off the book.

"You want to see something really impressive?" Elaine said as she smiled at the pirate, she waved her hand and made his hook disappear, appearing on the coat rack behind them, she chuckled.

"That's bad form, Swan. Tampering with a man's hook," Killian said and walked over to retrieve.

"Okay, seriously," Elaine turned to look at him, "What is up with you? Have I done something wrong? If so just tell me so I can apologise," Elaine said.

Killian put his hook back on, "I apologise for my rudeness. It's a long story... Too long for now," Killian walked over to her and knelt beside her, taking her hands, "Love, you have nothing to apologise for. It's just... We both need time with this one," Elaine looked confused, "I'm not going to allow anything to happen to you," Killian said.

"Okay. Obviously, something's-," Elaine began to say when Callie and Belle came running in.

"Emma! Elaine! Belle found it!" Callie said as Killian stood up.

"We have to tell Regina and the others," Belle said as she panted, putting the book in front of them.

"Okay, Belle, slow down. What did you guys find?" Elaine asked as Emma walked over from the counter.

"Zelena's plan. I figured out what she's doing," Belle said.

At the farmhouse, Zelena and Mr Gold were in the kitchen/dining room together, "You should have a woman dress you more often. Please, do have seat," Zelena said.

Mr Gold walked over to the table and he sat down, "I wonder how much civility I'll be asked to endure before this evening's true purpose is revealed," Mr Gold said.

Zelena chuckled, "Relax. You know I'm not one for subtlety," Zelena said.

"Oh, how lucky for me," Mr Gold said.

Zelena poured them both a glass of wine, "Play coy if you like but we both know that it wasn't a dagger that brought you into my kitchen," Zelena said.

"Well, coercion takes many forms, my dear, but I can assure you, I'm not here for the boiled peas," Mr Gold said.

A timer dinged, Zelena walked over to the stove and took out the food that she was cooking, "No, you're here for my secret, aren't you? Hmm? Why a heart? Why courage? Why a brain? Why this particular baby?" Zelena said.

"And more to the point, why is it of any interest to me? Aside from it being my grandchild," Mr Gold said as Zelena put two meals in front of them and she sat opposite him.

"Because my secret will allow you and your daughter to be reunited with your long-lost son," Zelena said.

"My son is not lost, he's dead. You watched him die," Mr Gold said.

"This isn't idle cruelty, I promise you. He's alive and waiting for you to find him," Zelena said.

"Find him where?" Mr Gold asked.

"Not where. When. I'm going to change the past," Zelena said.

"No. Time travel spells have been written since the dawn of the dark arts but never cast. It's against the fundamental laws of magic," Mr Gold said.

Zelena chuckled, "Magic doesn't fail. People fail. Laws only exist until they're broken by someone... Superior," Zelena said as she smiled at them.

"You?" Zelena chuckled, "You've deciphered the laws of time travel," Mr Gold said.

"When that baby's born, I am going back to claim the life that I deserved and there's no reason that you can't come with me," Zelena said.

"To have my family. Perhaps never give him up, keep Priscilla safe from Pan and be a proper father to Katelyn," Mr Gold said.

Meanwhile, at the Mayor's house, the ghost of Cora was floating towards them in the room at the end of the hall, "This can't be. The spell opened a limited portal for talking," Regina said.

"It's me. I helped to kill Cora. She sensed mine and Snow's presence and found a way to bleed through into our world," Faye said.

"Is that possible?" Regina asked.

"Yes, with as much hate as she holds me, it is. And with my pregnancy... My magic isn't up to scratch," Faye said.

Cora's ghost charged at Faye, "Watch out!" Regina stepped in the way and Cora's ghost stopped instantly, "Back down mother," Regina said.

"Regina?" Faye said in surprise.

"You will answer my questions. Now, tell me. What did you do to Zelena?" Regina asked.

Cora's ghost shoved Regina to the side and began floating to Faye who gasped and backed away then Regina recovered and waved her hands, making her and Faye disappear in purple smoke.

They appeared back in the study, "Oh!" Faye stumbled a little before getting her footing then Cora's ghost came bursting through the wall towards Faye but Regina held her off with her magic, "You're holding her off?!" Faye said.

"But I can't hold her forever!" Regina said.


Young Cora was sat in the garden in a new dress, in the gazebo as she admired her gold engagement ring. Jonathan walked up and grabbed her hand, "Well, low and behold, it turned into gold after all," Jonathan said.

She pulled her hand from his hold, "How dare you. You must have the brain the size of a pixie to show your face in this kingdom," Young Cora said.

"Well, I had to see for myself if the commoner who said yes to Prince Leopold was the same one who said it to me... Several times... In one night. It was quite impressive," Jonathan said.

"In two days, I will be a princess, and you will bow down and count yourself lucky to pull the weeds at my feet," Young Cora said.

Jonathan chuckled, "Been practising in front of the mirror, eh? You're as much of a fraud as I ever was," Jonathan said.

"My love for Prince Leopold is true, as is his for me," Young Cora said as she smiled.

"But does he know how much of you there is to love?" He sat beside her, "Or were you hoping to keep our baby a secret?" Jonathan asked, unknown to both other them, Princess Eva was listening from behind the gazebo wall.

"What is it you want? Gold? Jewels?" Young Cora asked.

"Mm, yes, whatever you can get. Enough for me to live happily for the rest of my days, just like you wanted from me. Bring it here tomorrow night and your secret shall remain just that," Jonathan said.

She thought about it for a few moments, "It will be done... Now leave before someone sees you," Young Cora said.

Jonathan walked away, and Princess Eva carried on standing where she was as her handmaiden walked up to her, "Princess Eva, your carriage awaits... Princess Eva?" The handmaiden said.

"I'm coming," Princess Eva whispered.

End of Flashback

In Regina's study, Regina was still holding back Cora's ghost with her magic, "I don't know how much longer I can hold her off," Regina said.

"Cora, we both know if it was the other way around, you'd have killed me," Faye said as Cora's ghost continued to fight through Regina's magic and she gasped backing up some more.

"Save your breath. Your mother is nothing like my mother. She only understands power and weakness. But if she wants to kill you, she's gonna have to go through me!" Regina said.

"Regina..." Faye said.

"This isn't about you. This is about her... And me," Regina lowered her arms and looked at her mother's ghost floating there, "It's time for answers, mother... What did you do to Zelena?!" Regina asked, Cora's ghost slapped Regina to the side.

Cora's spirit jumped into Faye causing her to gasp and fall back into a chair and she started to see a flash of Cora's life before Zelena was born.


Young Cora was walking down the great hall when she saw Prince Leopold standing in front of her, "My love, you frightened me," Young Cora said and she gave him a quick kiss.

"What are you doing in the great hall at this hour?" Prince Leopold asked.

"Well, a wedding won't plan itself, and there's endless amounts of work to be done... Is something wrong?" Young Cora said.

"Word has spread throughout the castle that... That you are with child," Prince Leopold said.

She sighed, "My love, I am so sorry for the terrible trouble that this lie has brought upon you," Young Cora said.

"Gossip means nothing to me. I've pledged to marry you, dear Cora, and I will keep that pledge as long as I know I can trust you," Prince Leopold said.

Young Cora grabbed his hand and sighed, "There is no baby... Only my love for you," Young Cora said.

"You only love yourself," Princess Eva said as she walked out from behind a pillar.

"What is she doing here?" Young Cora asked.

"Princess Eva is here because she overheard your rendezvous in the garden yesterday," Prince Leopold said.

"And just as I said, the Millar's daughter is a worthless liar," Princess Eva said.

"You awful child... Yes, I was in the garden yesterday. A man was roaming the grounds. I feared he might steal something, so I made him leave. Whatever else Eva has told you is the invention of a jealous brat who would say anything to marry you," Young Cora said.

"Check her pockets," Princess Eva said to Prince Leopold.

Prince Leopold sighed and checked Cora's pockets to find a jewelled necklace, "No..." Young Cora said quietly.

"There's nothing left to say," Prince Leopold said as he started to walk away.

Princess Eva followed after him, "You deserve better than her lies," She said.

Two guards came and started to drag Cora away, she exhaled sharply, "Leopold! Don't let me go!" Young Cora said.

"Come, Eva. Help me break this terrible news to the king," Prince Leopold said.

"Today your heartaches, your highness, but I promise a more worthy wife will give you the child that you deserve. On that will be pure. Pure as snow," Princess Eva said.

End of Flashback

Inside the study, Faye was laying back on the chair and shaking as Cora's ghost was still inside her, "Priscilla!" Regina stood up and rushed over, "Hold on. I won't let you go," Regina said and she used her magic to pull Cora's ghost out of Faye and pushed Cora back into the blue vortex portal in the ceiling and it closed up as the other ran in.

"What the hell was that?!" Elaine asked.

"Cora," David ran over to Faye, Regina turned to them, "Is she okay?" Regina asked.

"Pri, can you hear me?" David asked as he checked on her.

"Cora... Not what we thought...She's trying to communicate," Faye said weakly as she took hold of David's hand.

"She was? What'd she say?" Regina asked.

"Leopold, Eva... Eva..." Faye said weakly.

"What about my parents?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Shh. Priscilla, relax," David said.

"She's not making sense. We need to call a doctor," Emma said.

"If she knows something that could help us..." Regina said.

"Regina, it's gonna have to wait. This stress isn't good for the baby," Killian said as he walked over and knelt beside her.

"It can't wait! If we want to stop Zelena, we have to know what the hell she's doing and why!" Regina said as Callie waved her hand over Faye, scanning her as her hand glowed blue.

"We can help with half of that," Belle said.

"What?" Regina asked as she looked at her.

"She's planning on going back... Back in time," Callie said.

"Are you certain?" Belle and Callie nodded, "No one's ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time," Regina said.

"Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed. She has brains, courage and a resilient heart... Those ingredients are in every time-travel spell," Callie said.

"Why go back in time, I mean, we have no idea what she's trying to accomplish," David said.

"I do. She... She didn't..." Faye said as she sat up.

"Don't push yourself," David said.

"Cilla," Killian said as he took hold of her other hand.

"She didn't want to give up Zelena. She was forced to by...Mm... By Eva. Princess Eva... She exposed a secret... Just like Snow did," Faye said as she looked at Mary Margaret.

"Seriously?" Mary Margaret said and Faye nodded.

Elaine and Emma looked confused, "Wait. I thought our family were the good guys," Elaine said.

Mary Margaret sighed, "Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple," Reigna said.

"You're saying if it wasn't for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena," Killian said.

"She would have been tutored by Rumpelstiltskin and myself," Faye said.

"All if it weren't for this Princess Eva?" Killian said.

"So that means..." Emma said.

"Zelena's going back to kill my mother," Mary Margaret said.

Regina gasped slightly, "You'll have never been born," Regina said.

"I'm guessing this is where your help ends," Elaine said to Regina.

"Now, think it through, Miss Swan. That means you'll have never been born, and neither will Henry and Julia," Regina said.

"And on this different path, Regina, you may not be, either," Mary Margaret said.

"It's a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time-travel nonsense," Killian said.

"The baby," Faye said as she and David looked at each other.

"What?" Killian asked.

"That's what's missing. That's why none have succeeded. Somehow, someway, our baby is the key," David said.

"What is she going to do with it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"It doesn't matter, she's not gonna get it. We're gonna stop her. Since our baby's not born, she's stuck, and we have what we need... Time," David said.

Faye touched her stomach, "Just not very much of it," Faye said.

"She's got two babies..." Faye looked at Callie, "Katy's son," Callie said and she quickly ran over to a mirror and waved her hand over the reflection and Katy appeared in the mirror.

"Oh, hello Callie. Everything okay?" Katy asked in the mirror.

"Stay in Wonderland," Callie said as everyone joined her.

"What are you talking about? I was just starting to leave," Katy said in the mirror.

"No!" Katy looked at her mother, "No, you have to stay in Wonderland... The Wicked Witch she's after a baby," Katy looked down into her arms where her son laid then she looked at Faye, "We have a little bit more time with Priscilla's birth, but you... You have to stay in Wonderland," Regina said.

"But..." Katy said in the mirror.

"Katy, please. Stop thinking we need you, it's time you thought that with the baby in your arms," Katy looked at her baby, "You know I'm right," Elaine said.

"Fine. You've got a bit longer. That's it. My daddy's alive, and I'd like him to meet his grandson. I'd like my mother to meet him. And I do not care if I have a crazy aunt on the loose, I'm done doing as I'm told. You have a bit longer, are we clear?" Katy said in the mirror.

"Fine," The Swan twins said and Katy cancelled the magic.


Young Cora gave birth to Zelena and she was walking in the forest with a basket that held Zelena with a green ribbon. She set Zelena down in the middle of the woods.

"Poor baby," Zelena cooed, "Life is cruel and full of betrayal. That is my only lesson for you. Now I must give you away," Zelena cooed, "To give me... My best chance. As long as I have you, I can never be anything more than a Miller's daughter," Young Cora said as her voice broke.

As soon as Young Cora walked away, Zelena cried and the wind picked up, suddenly a green tornado came towards Zelena, picking her up and taking her away from the Enchanted Forest.

End of Flashback

Back at the farmhouse, Mr Gold and Zelena had finished their meal, "Thank you," Mr Gold said.

"For what?" Zelena asked him.

"It's never easy for a man to admit he's wrong, but I wronged you and hurt us both," Mr Gold said and walked around the table to her.

"Those mistakes can't haunt us. Not anymore. Soon, history will be wiped clean," Zelena said.

Mr Gold chuckled, "Until then," He helped Zelena up and perched her on the table, "A gentleman always makes amends for his failings," Mr Gold said and they kissed. 

Mr Gold's hands roamed from Zelena's shoulder down her waist, kissed her neck making her gasp and moan. He lifted her leg to his waist and reached down for his dagger that was in her boot.

Zelena froze him with her magic, panting, "Sorry, love," Zelena said as she got off the table and straighten out her dress.

"Never on the first day, eh, dearie?" Mr Gold said.

"You just wanted the knife," Zelena exhaled sharply, "I hope you enjoyed the taste because you just squandered your only chance to have your son!" Zelena said.

"My son gave his life so I could stop you and I can see only one way to honour that sacrifice and that's by killing you," Mr Gold said.

Zelena held up the dagger, "Celebration's over. Back to your cage... Doll," Zelena said and Mr Gold obeyed, walking away.

Back at the mayor's house, Regina and Mary Margaret were cleaning up and Faye walked up to them, "Need a hand?" She asked.

"Shouldn't you be on bed rest?" Regina asked.

"Yes she should," Mary Margaret said.

"Dr Whale just left. He cleared me and the baby. Apparently, the human body has a surprising tolerance for ghost possession. And he told me I have a tough placenta, which somehow came out creepy. May I?" Faye grabbed a broom and Regina shrugged, "You want to talk about it?" Faye said.

"What's there to talk about? You officially have a less damaging relationship with my mother than I do... And you helped kill her," Regina said.

"Well, at least we know, you and me, our history it's more complicated than we thought," Mary Margaret said.

"I know how much you looked up to Eva," They looked at Regina, "I'm sorry you had to learn she had such darkness in her past," Regina said.

"That wasn't the woman I knew... It makes me wonder what happened that changed her. I suppose I'll never know," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, we... We can never know our past completely," Faye and Mary Margaret looked at Regina who was looking at Mary Margaret, "If we had, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time trying to kill you," Regina said.

"Well, we would've found something to fight about... I mean I was such a brat," Mary Margaret said.

"Your mother's child," Regina said jokingly and the three women chuckled.

"I think we've wasted our last day being haunted by the past," Faye said.

"Now, we can focus on being haunted by our impending lack of a future," Regina said.

"Zelena isn't going to win. Not with all of us united against her," Mary Margaret said.

"Hope isn't easy when I know she holds my heart," Regina said.

"Which you'll get back, stronger than ever. That's what it means to be the most resilient," Faye said.

"That could be another one of her tricks, too," Regina said.

"Regina, we've seen what life has thrown at you... And you still fight against the darkness every single day. Sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness," Faye said.

Regina chuckled lightly, "That doesn't feel possible," She said.

"But it is," Faye held her hand, "We know you, and you feel things deeply. With or without it, you feel things with your whole would. Don't let anything hold you back," Faye said and Regina sighed.

David walked in, "Hey," The three women looked at him, "Ready to go, Pri? You need your rest," David said.

"I'm not a child," Faye said.

"For me?" David said.

"...Fine," Faye looked at Mary Margaret, "However you carried twins of his, I will never know," Mary Margaret chuckled, "See you both tomorrow," Faye said and walked out with David.


At the Bed and Breakfast, Emma opened the door to her room to see Regina standing there, "Regina? Is everything okay?" Emma asked.

"Yes, everything is fine," Regina said.

"Again, I'm really sorry about your losing your heart, I promise, I will help your get it back," Emma said.

Regina smiled at her then she pulled her in for a kiss, they pulled away and looked at each other before kissing again, stepping backwards into Emma's room and closing the door behind them.

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