Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

36 - The Jolly Roger

313 19 0
By bethanyjanebooks

At Granny's Diner, Killian stood with Faye, David and Ariel talking about Prince Eric, "Come on. Think hard, Hook. Are you sure you can't remember anything that can be useful?" David asked.

"My apologies, mate, but if I'd run across a prince during my adventure, I think I'd remember it," Killian said.

"I just... I don't understand. How could he vanish without a trace?" Ariel said.

"That's it. Maybe he didn't," Faye said.

"What do you mean?" David asked.

"When the curse brought us back here, it brought our things, too. My papa's shop is filled with them," Faye said.

"And if we find something of Eric's, we can use a locator spell to track him," David said.

"Let's go," Ariel said.

"Sounds like a plan. Best of luck with that," Killian said as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Oh, wait, no. You should come with us. You might remember something that we won't... Or can't. You'd be far more helpful than us," David said.

"Well, someone has to keep an eye on the twins," Killian said.

"Well, Priscilla and I can take over. She needs her rest now anyway," David said.

"Speaking as if it's my naptime?" Faye said.

"I didn't mean it like that," David said.

Killian looked at David, "Could we have a talk for a moment?" Killian said and the two moved to the side to talk in private.

"What is it?" David asked.

"You sure this is such a good idea, mate? Let's be honest... There's only one obvious explanation why the little mermaid here can't find her prince. He's dead. There's no reason to ply her with false hope," Killian said.

"In my experience, there's no such thing. You just have to believe. Now go. Good luck," David said.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Killian, Ariel and Mr Smee were walking through the forest, "Trudge, trudge, trudge. If you ask me, there's nothing more boring than land travel. I'll take my tail in the ocean any day," Ariel said.

"That's one thing we can agree on... Minus the tail, of course. You won't be bored for much longer. Our destination is just past this rise," Captain Hook said.

"Then it won't be long until I'm reunited," Ariel said as her cloak got caught on a branch and she stopped walking.

Captain Hook walked to her, "Here. I got it," He said and pulled the cloak from the branch harshly.

Ariel saw the ripped cloak, "You've ripped it!" Ariel said and she turned to her.

"It's a cloak," Captain Hook said.

"It's Eric's cloak. And he's had it since before we met. He left it with me while he was away to keep him close and now you have ruined it!" Ariel said.

"If mending a cloak is our biggest obstacle, we're gonna be fine. You realise you might not find him... Or survive?" Captain Hook said.

"I will," Ariel said.

The pirate captain looked at the little mermaid, "Didn't you see the fear Blackbeard's name struck into my crew? You don't become a pirate captain through mercy. If I were you, I would prepare myself for the worst," Captain Hook said.

"Why? What are you saying... That you would kill Eric if you had him?" Ariel asked.

"You don't believe that?" Captain Hook asked.

"Well, honestly, I was a little surprised to hear that you might be responsible for Eric's kidnapping... After the stories that I've heard," Ariel said.

"What stories?" Captain Hook asked.

"Well, the ones of you helping reunite Snow White and her family in Neverland. Helping your true love to save her children. Some people say that you're a hero," Ariel said.

"Don't believe every story you hear, love," Captain Hook said to the little mermaid before he continued walking.

"Being good is nothing to be ashamed of. People change. Look at me. I have legs and I fell in love with a human. I don't think anyone saw that coming," Ariel said.

"You might have changed. I haven't. I'm a pirate and I always will be," Captain Hook said.

World Within Snow...

Calliope, Priscilla and Katy were sat together in Calliope's family room catching up, "You did it? You actually got married?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes, I did," Will walked into the room and Katy smiled at him, "Didn't we?" Katy asked.

"Didn't we what?" Will asked as he sat beside her, placing his arm around her shoulders.

"Get married," Katy said.

"Aye, at last," Will said.

"Where's my invite?" Priscilla asked.

"Yeah, and mine?" Calliope asked.

"You two couldn't do portals then," Katy said.

"Hmm... True," Priscilla said.

"You two mad at me?" Katy asked with a smile.

"Could never be," Priscilla said.

"I agree," Calliope said and Katy smiled.

"When's your due date?" Will asked looking at Priscilla.

"Well, it would've been two months ago, but something happened," Katy and Calliope looked worried, "I'm fine and the baby is fine... Nearly in a few months... What about you?" Priscilla asked looked at Katy.

"8 months to go," Katy said.

"You're going to be a great mom," Calliope said.

"I hope so... Never done this with a child before," Katy said.

Daniella walked in, "Mama," They looked at her, "Alice and Cyrus had to go," Daniella said as she joined Katy and Will on the couch.

"Okay, thank you, sweetheart," Katy said.

End of Flashback

Killian and Ariel entered the pawnshop to find Belle inside working, "Belle?" Ariel called out.

Belle turned to them as Killian closed the door behind them, "Ariel? Where... Where have you been? I...I was... I was worried I'd never see you again," Belle said and they hugged each other.

"I've been looking for Eric. He's been missing since we all returned. Where's Callie?" Ariel said.

"Helping to teach the Saviours their magic," Belle said.

"We were hoping we could find something of his here," Killian said.

"Oh, of course... To see if he's in Storybrooke," Belle said.

"Have you seen anything of his?" Ariel asked.

"Callie and I, um, I only just started sorting through things, but, uh... Don't despair. Let's... Let's start looking," Belle said.

Belle and Ariel looked in the front room as Killian walked into the backroom, he spotted his telescope on top of a drawer and walked over to it. He chuckled and picked it up, "I've been wondering where you went," Killian said and used his telescope to look around the room until he spotted the button of Eric's cloak, the button of the Sea Goddess Ursula. He walked over to it and got a closer look at it.

Ariel and Belle walked into the back room, "That's Eric's," He looked at them, "How did you know that was his?" Ariel asked.

"I, uh... I wasn't sure. I saw the sea-creature clasp and remembered he was from a maritime kingdom," Killian said.

"He is. He was. And now he's here," Ariel said and she hugged him.

At the bridges with Callie, Regina, Elsie, Kerr and Adam were watching the Swan twins as they stood on the rickety bridges, "Are you out of your mind?!" Emma yelled.

"Every time you two have exhibited your powers, it's been spurred by your instincts. So today, we're going to push those instincts until you both have mastered them," Regina said.

"A little reading doesn't sound so bad now. Does it, girls?" Elsie said.

"You can stop me," Regina told them.

"Stop you from what?" Elaine asked.

"This," Regina said and she waved her hands using her magic, one by one the wooden planks of the bridge flew off and the ropes the Swan twins were holding onto slowly tore.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Emma asked as the force of the planks flying off caused the bridge to shake.

"Making the bridge collapse. You two can either it... Or die," Regina said

"Ah!" Elaine and Emma screamed as the planks broke under their feet and they grabbed the rope looking at them.

"Regina! Enough!" Elaine yelled.

"Stop this!" Emma yelled.

"No, you two stop it. No more hand-holding. You both have to do this," Regina said.

"Reach into your guts. You both know you can do this. It's inside the both of you, girls. Save the bridges. Save yourselves," Anastasia said.

The Swan twins screamed as the ropes snapped causing them both to fall. The others rushed to the edge of the cliff, Regina went to wave her arm to grab them but saw them standing on planks of wood rising up to them.

"Did we... Did we just do that?" Emma asked as they looked at the planks of wood and stepped onto the cliff.

"Yes. When all we wanted was for you both to retie the rope," Regina said.

"Well... They're alive," Elsie said.

"It was like you all said... Instinct," Elaine said.

Emma looked at Regina, "Why are you pissed? We did it. Why does it matter how?" Emma asked.

"You think I'm mad because you two didn't listen to me?" Regina asked.

"You normally are," Elaine said and Emma nodded.

"I'm mad because... Look at all this potential inside of you both and you've been wasting it," Regina said.

Elsewhere, at the pawnshop, Belle poured a potion onto Eric's cloak as Ariel and Killian watched her, "This is a locator spell, so whatever object it's poured on becomes enchanted and returns itself to its rightful owner," Belle said.

Callie appeared in lightning with Adam, "Oh... Hello... What's going on?" Callie asked.

"How's the twins?" Belle asked.

"Well, they fell down a cliff but came back up... Regina's not happy that they weren't listening, but they're okay now," Callie walked over to Belle, "What's going on?" Callie asked.

"Making a locator spell," Belle said.

"Ah, okay," Callie said with a smile.

"Thank you, Callie," Callie looked at Ariel, "I know that you've been busy trying to find a way to break your Mr Gold out of the Witch's control. You didn't have to let Belle do this," Ariel said.

"No, I did. You know. Perhaps a little good news around here will be contagious," Callie said and the cloak flew out of the shop.

Ariel looked at the pirate captain, "Let's go!" Ariel said and she left with the captain following her.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

At the docks, the Jolly Roger stood and Captain Hook, Mr Smee and Ariel were hiding behind barrels, "Up close, she's even more beautiful than I remember. Don't worry, my dear. You'll soon be back in my loving arms," Captain Hook said.

"You do realise you're talking a boat?" Ariel said.

"You have your love. I have mine," Captain Hook said.

"So, how are we gonna get on board, Captain? Blackbeard's crew outnumbers us," Mr Smee said.

Captain Hook stunned a pirate and got on board his ship with the others following him as he took out his sword, "Stand at attention, mates! Now boarding the ship... The rightful captain of the Jolly Roger. Now, if the coward who tried stealing her from me would kindly show his face, I'll give him the punishment he deserves," Captain Hook said.

Blackbeard walked on deck, "Gladly. But it's not me who'll be punished. You want your ship back? Then take it," Blackbeard said as he drew his sword.

"With pleasure," Captain Hook said with a smirk.

Captain Hook and Blackbeard began to fight while Ariel went below deck to find Eric as Mr Smee waited on deck, watching the two captains fight.

"I was afraid you weren't gonna show up. Word on the waterways is Captain Hook had gone soft," Blackbeard said.

"The only thing soft will be your guts spilling on this deck. I'd never give up the Jolly Roger without a fight," Captain Hook said.

The two pirate captains continued their battle around the deck of the ship and Mr Smee moved out the way, "You think you know the ship?" Captain Hooks asked as their sword clashed against each other.

"Oh, every inch of it. I assure you," Blackbeard said.

"If that was the case... You'd know not to step there!" Captain Hook said.

Captain Hook pushed the other pirate onto a loose floorboard, Blackbeard yelled in pain as the floorboard broke around his ankle and he fell back against the steps of the ship.

"Oh, I've been meaning to fix that," Captain Hook said as he looked at Blackbeard.

"Finish it!" Blackbeard yelled.

"Fancy a shave, do we? Well, I'll be happy to oblige," Captain Hook said with a smirk, just as he was about to run his sword through the other pirate captain.

Ariel ran above deck, "Wait!" Captain Hookpaused, "Eric's not on board. You have to get him to tell you where he is," Ariel said.

"You heard the lady. Where is he?" Captain Hook asked as he pointed his sword to Blackbeard's throat.

"So, that's what this was... A rescue mission for some wench? Ha! They were right about you, Hook. You have gone soft," Blackbeard said.

"I can either make this painful... Or quite painful. Now answer!" Captain Hook said.

"I have him stashed safe and sound on a deserted island. Only I know where. I was planning to ransom him when the time was right," Blackbeard said.

"Whatever it is, I'll pay it," Ariel said.

"Money's not what I'm after anymore," Blackbeard said.

"Then what is it you want?" Ariel asked.

"The satisfaction of proving Captain Hook is no longer a pirate," Blackbeard said.

"How are you gonna prove that?" Captain Hook asked.

"By giving you a choice. Surrender the Jolly Roger to me, and I'll tell you where I'm holding her prince. Or refuse and he dies along with me," Blackbeard said.

World Within Snow...

Calliope, Katy, Daniella, Will and Priscilla were sat in a carriage together travelling through the realm, "It's still weird to think... That this is yours," Katy said.

"Now that we're away from my parents, we can finally tell you something, Katy," They all looked at Calliope, "Rumpel's alive... Neal brought him back," Calliope said.

"I'm sorry what?" Katy asked.

"Grandpa?" Daniella said.

"He's back," Calliope said.

"Impossible... The only way to bring the Dark One back is by..." Katy sighed, "Going to the Dark One vault and sacrificing yourself," Katy said.

"Rumpel absorbed Neal," Calliope said.

"Absorbed..." Will said.

"Can we save them both?" Katy asked and they looked at Priscilla.

"I'm not sure..." Priscilla said.

End of Flashback

At the docks in Storybrooke, Killian and Ariel were following Eric's cloak as it floated across the street, "We must be getting close. Maybe he's on one of these boats," They saw the cloak land on the water and they watched it, "It must be searching..." The cloak sunk into the water, "If the spell worked and... It's taken us to Eria, then... He's gone," Ariel said sadly and hugged the pirate captain as she sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorry," Killian said as he hugged her back.

On the other side of town, Faye and David were standing on the side of the road, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Faye asked.

David looked at Faye, "Pri, you always say to take action, so we're taking action," David said.

"This isn't what I meant David," Faye said.

"Pri... My grandchildren would rather spend time with a pirate than me, but not after today," David said.

"You're jealous of Killian?" David stayed silent as she shook her head, "It's dangerous... Not to mention, illegal!" Faye said.

"It couldn't be safer. And as far as legality, I'm the sheriff," David said and he kissed her forehead before walking over to his truck.

"This isn't going to end well," Faye said as they watched David getting into the truck and Julia walked over to Faye.

"So, are you sure this is okay?" Henry asked David.

"Well, if Killian can teach you and Julia how to steal a boat, I can teach you how to drive," David said.

"Technically, we borrowed it," Henry said.

"Well, what do you say we see how you can handle a land vessel?" David said.

Henry started the truck and as he started to drive it, the truck stopped every second.

Julia and Faye held hands as they watched the truck, "Glad I'm not in here..." Julia said and Faye nodded.

In David's truck, "Okay. Steady, steady. There you do. Alright. Steady. Steady," David said as Henry continued to drive a little bumpy.

"I...I got it. I got it," Henry said as he started to speed up.

"Steady. Steady," David said.

"Okay," Henry said as he struggled to keep the car straight.

"Watch out!" David yelled as he saw them heading towards a mailbox where a woman was posting a letter and Henry crashed into the box and the woman moved out of the way.

Julia and Faye watched the whole thing, then covered their eyes, "Oh!" They said.

At the docks, the sun was beginning to set as Ariel continued to look out into the ocean with Killian beside her, "I saved Eric from the sea once before. I just never thought I would lose him to it in the end," Ariel said sadly.

"A sailor couldn't hope for a better resting place," Killian said.

"Thank you," Ariel said as she looked at him.

"I didn't do anything," Killian said.

"You found Eric's cloak. I would have never stopped looking for him. At least now I know that our story's over. I just wish I knew how it ended. You're more than a pirate, Hook. You have a true heart. I'll always be grateful that you tried to help me," Ariel said as she turned and left.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Captain Hook was about to push Blackbeard off the plank of the Jolly Roger. Ariel tried to stop it but Mr Smee was holding her back, "You can't do this. We had an agreement. You promised me that you would help find Eric. Please. I know that you are a good man, and I know that man is still in there somewhere. It's not too late to do the right thing. Isn't true love more important than a few planks of wood and a sail?" Ariel said.

"She might just be a few planks and a sail, but she's mine. She's all I need. Love brings nothing but wasted years and endless torment," The pirate captain looked back at Ariel, "I'm doing you a favour," He looked back at Blackbeard, "A little something to whet the appetite of our razor-toothed friends below," Captain Hook said and he pushed Blackbeard off the plank into the ocean.

"No!" Ariel yelled.

"Enjoy the feast, boys!" Captain Hook stepped back onto the deck, "The Jolly Roger is mine! Any man willing to swear an oath to me shall be given quarter. Those who don't, you're welcome to follow your former captain," Captain Hook said as she addressed the crew on board.

"Captain Hook!" The crew cheered.

"You may release her, Mr Smee," Captain Hook said.

Mr Smee released Ariel and she slapped him across the face, "I was wrong about you, Captain. You're selfish, and you're heartless. And that is what will bring you wasted years and endless torment. I feel sorry for you. You'll never be happy," Ariel said as she walked onto the plank.

"Where do you think you're going?" Captain Hook asked.

"Eric's still out there, and whatever it takes, I will find him, no matter what it takes," Ariel said and dove into the ocean, swimming away.

End of Flashback

It was nighttime, Ariel was walking down the docks when Killian ran up to her, "Ariel! Wait!" Killian called out.

Ariel stopped and turned to him, "What is it?" She asked.

"I have a confession. I haven't been entirely truthful with you... With myself. You and I met before. Our paths crossed during the missing year," Killian said.

"What?" Ariel questioned.

"Eric had been kidnapped by the pirate Blackbeard. You asked me to find him," Killian said.

"I...I don't understand. Why didn't you say anything?" Ariel asked.

"Because I was too ashamed. I sacrificed saving your prince for my ship. I am so sorry," Killian admitted.

Ariel slapped him across his face, "You're a coward! And a monster! You let a man die for your ship?! What kind of person does that?!" Ariel said angrily.

"The kind who's empty, who believes that a ship can fill a void left by a broken heart," Killian said.

"And that makes it okay?!" Ariel yelled.

"No, it doesn't. I would give anything to take it back, to make things right," Killian said.

"Anything?" Ariel asked.

"Yes... Anything," Killian said.

"How am I supposed to trust a man who no longer believes in love?" Ariel said.

"I still do," Killian said.

"Then swear to me on it. This woman that broke your heart... Do you still love her?" Ariel asked.

"Yes," Killian said.

"Then swear to me on her name," Ariel said.

"I swear on Elaine Swan," Killian said.

Ariel smiled, "Thank you, Captain. that's exactly what I needed to hear," She said and used magic on his lips, making them glow green as she leaned back with slight force.

"What the hell?" Green smoke engulfed Ariel as she turned into Zelena, "Zelena? It was you. Where's Ariel?" Killian asked as he took out his sword.

Zelena waved her hand, sending his sword flying off to the side, "Relax. She was never really here. After she left you on your beloved ship, she actually found where Blackbeard had been keeping her prince," Zelena said.

"She found him? How do you know that?" Killian asked.

"My spies are always circling, Captain, through every realm... Always circling. She found him on Hangman's Island, which was outside the force of the curse. They've been living happily ever after since. Don't you just love a good twist," Zelena said.

"I don't understand. Why would you pretend to be her?" Killian said.

"To corrupt your love. As I said earlier, I've known about your dirty little secret for quite some time... Seen the guilt on your face over the decision you made that day. I knew it haunted you. And I know I could use it," Zelena said.

"Use it for what?" Killian asked.

"When you invoked the name of your love, in a selfish plea for redemption, I was able to curse you, more specifically your kiss," Zelena said.

"See, the next time your lips touch Elaine's, all of her magic and her sisters will be taken. Everything that makes them special, everything that makes them powerful, everything that makes them a threat, will all be gone," Zelena said.

"I won't do it. I'll tell her and they'll defeat you," Killian said.

"Then I'll send the Dark One to kill them before you can," Zelena said.

"No, you won't. If you could have killed the Swans, you would have. You need their powers removed. It's why you didn't kill Elaine and Emma when they came to the town. It's why you had a monkey look after them in New York, instead of killing her. For some reason, you can't," Killian said.

"It no longer matters because you're going to remove her powers. I may not be able to hurt the twins, but I can hurt those around them. Their parents, their friends, their children," Zelena said.

"Do not go near them," Killian said threateningly.

"Oh, yes. You've become quite fond of the twins, haven't you? Think of them as your own, don't you? I will enjoy turning them into a monkey's breakfast," Zelena said with a smirk.

"I'll stop you," Killian said.

"No, you won't. That pointy hook of yours can scratch a mere mortal, but me? You're out of your depth, pirate. The choice is yours. Kiss Elaine and remove her powers and Emma or everyone they love will die," Zelena said and she disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.


Killian knocked on Mary Margaret's loft door and Elaine answered it, "Swan? I didn't expect to see you here," Killian said.

"What do you mean? Where's Henry and Julia? Is everything alright?" Elaine asked as he walked in.

"Your children are fine, they're with their grandfather and Priscilla's with them. I thought they might be back here," Killian said.

"We haven't seen them. If you're not with them, what have you been doing all day?" Emma asked as she turned to them.

"I was enlisted to help Ariel find her lost prince," Killian said.

"Really? That fish is in Storybrooke?" Regina asked.

"Regina, be nice," Mary Margaret said.

"Says you with David and Priscilla," Regina said.

"She was, yes. And we found a clue in Gold's shop which led us to discover that Eric had been shipwrecked on Hangman's Island, just off the coat of the Enchanted Forest," Killian said.

"Zelena's curse must not have reached that far," Emma said.

"Ariel's on her way there now. She wanted me to say good to Mary Margaret for her," Killian said and looked at Mary Margaret.

"Oh, thank you," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh. At the rate mermaids swim, she's probably already here. In fact, let's find out," Regina said.

"I thought you couldn't use mirror magic to look between worlds," Emma said.

"No, but after seeing the raw power you two possess, I think maybe you both can," Regina said as she walked over to the full-length mirror in the corner.

"There's no need. I'm sure she's fine. Anyway, it's bad form to spy on such a private affair," Killian said.

"How do we do it?" Elaine asked as she and Emma walked over to Regina.

"Well, you've focused, you've let emotions awaken your powers. Now, you have to look inward," Regina said.

Emma and Elaine closed their eyes and the mirror glowed then they all saw Eric and Ariel, happy in the mirror and reunited, "Wow," Emma said.

"You did this?" Elaine looked at him, "You brought them together?" Elaine asked.

"No. It was Ariel. She never stopped believing," Killian said.

"Modesty? You're full of surprises lately," Elaine said with a smile.

Henry, Julia, David, and Faye walked in, they all looked at him, "Where have you guys been?" Emma asked.

"Only having the best day ever. David let us drive his truck," Julia said with a smile.

"You let them what?!" Henry and Julia looked at Regina confused, "Oh. A...As mayor, I can't let an unlicensed, underage driver on the streets of Storybrooke," Regina said.

"As mayor, you might wanna throw a little money at road repair," David said and Henry and Julia chuckled.

"Excuse me?" Regina asked.

"Nothing," David said.

"This is a terrible mistake," Regina said.

"She's right. Someone could have been seriously hurt," Elaine said.

"Only if you're a mailbox," Faye said.

"Mom, it was so much fun," Henry said and Elaine looked at her children then sighed.

"What can I say? I've got a reckless, carefree... Fun side," David said.

"Of course, you have," Faye turned to Killian, "Killian? Where's our friend?" Killian asked.

"It turns our her missing... Husband was back home after all," Killian said.

"It's true. We just checked in on them on... Skype," Elaine said with a nod.

"She sends her regards, but she was too excited to wait," Killian said.

"A happy ending. Well, maybe our luck's about to change. Dinner at Granny's?" Faye said.

"Can I drive?" Henry asked.

"No!" Elaine, Emma and Regina said in unison.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it," Killian said and he walked out the door.

"Go," Emma whispered to Elaine.

Elaine walked after the pirate captain, "You're not coming?" Elaine asked.

"Another time, perhaps," Killian said and turned to leave.

"Well, if you change your mind, you know where we'll be," He nodded and turned to leave again, "And Killian," He turned back to her, "Whatever happened this past year, whatever you're not telling me, I don't care. I'm tired of living in the past. I want a future with you Killian, I can't keep thinking in the past, but we both know why I can't stop fearing it," Elaine smiled, "I do care about you," Elaine said.

"I know how you feel," Killian said and walked downstairs.


Emma, Elaine, Regina, Julia, Henry, David, Faye and Mary Margaret were eating at a table, "You okay, mom?" Julia asked.

"Mhm, yeah, I'm fine," Elaine said.

"You're lying," Emma said.

"Mhm, you are... Is it Killian?" Henry asked and everyone looked at her.

"It is, isn't it?" Julia said.

"It's just... Complicated... One minute he's wanting us to try and the next... The next he's walking away from me," Elaine said.

"Not like you can talk," Regina said.

"I know we are both as bad as each other," Elaine said.

"Where did you meet?" Henry asked.

"...College," Elaine said.

"Oh," The young twins said.

"Well, we like him," Julia said.

"I gathered," Elaine said.

"Killian is..." Elaine looked at Faye, "Killian is... How do I put this... He wouldn't do anything without reason," Faye said.

Outside, across the street, Killian watched Elaine from afar with his telescope sadly before lowering it.

Elsie snuck up behind Killian and placed her hands on his shoulders, he flinched and turned around to her, "What are you doing?" Elsie asked.

"Nothing, don't worry about it, love," Killian said and walked off as she watched him confused.

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