Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

30 - The Tower

370 24 0
By bethanyjanebooks

At Mary Margaret's loft, David was about to drink his tea with the night root inside, "Now," David glanced at Zelena halting his movement, "You've already gone through so much together, I'm really surprised you two haven't worked through this," Zelena said.

"Oh, yes. We know but not all soulmates are forever," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, it's been almost 30 years. I'm sure we've had a good run," David said as he went to drink his tea again.

"Well, keep in mind that your healing David and Mary Margaret's are completely different," Zelena said.

"Well, that's putting it mildly. I feel like I've lost everything about who I was," Mary Margaret said.

"How's does that make you feel, David?" Zelena asked.

"Oh, me?" He lowered his cup, "I'm... I'm fine. I'm great," David said.

"Well, Mary Margaret was telling me earlier about what happened in the first curse, and losing your daughters, it's tragic... Look, I...I don't mean to pry, and then Priscilla wormed her way into your relationship like a snake," Zelena said.

"Okay, that's enough," David said.

"David, we're missing a year of memories in the Enchanted Forest. We suddenly find ourselves in Storybrooke and you're about to have a baby? It's a bit disconcerting," Mary Margaret said as she looked at him.

"I think it's best," David and Mary Margaret turned to her, "To just get these comments out in the open. Feelings, especially those we keep bottled up, can affect a pregnancy just as much as diet and exercise. Look, I suppose what I'm trying to say is that if you've got any fears at all about any of this, it's best to just get it out into the open," Zelena said.

"I don't... Whatever's coming, I'll get through it. I just need all your comments to stop before she comes home," David said.

"Maybe you're right," Mary Margaret said.

"Maybe? If it was you who was pregnant and people who say this about your unborn baby, you wouldn't stand for it and I won't allow you to say it about her again because we both know Aleena wouldn't lie about you commenting about her mother," David said.

"...You're right. I'm sorry," Mary Margaret said.

They sat in silence and drank their teas, Zelena watched as David drank his with the night root inside.

Zelena chuckled softly, "Do fearless... Speaking of which, Mary Margaret alluded that we pulled you away from some important town business. You know, I think we've done enough for today. We should just let you get back to it," David glanced at Mary Margaret who nodded and he stood up and shook Zelena's hand, "It was wonderful to meet you, Mr Nolan," Zelena said.

"Uh, David. Nice to meet you, too, Zelena," David said.

"Pleasure's all mine," Zelena said.

"I'll pack your things up, the girls need you more than the packing needs to be done," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you," David said and left the apartment building, he got into his truck and drove towards the forest to meet the Swan twins and Killian. Once he arrived at the woods, he pulled out his sword as he got out of his truck. Unknown to him, behind him, a person who stood in a dark cloak appeared and started to follow him into the woods.

Meanwhile, Regina, Julia and Henry walked by the pond together, the young twins were eating ice cream as they walked, "The ice cream good?" Regina asked.

"Delicious. Our mom and aunt used to take me for gelato in Little Italy. But this is just as good," Henry said.

"Well, Storybrooke's got its own charms, though I know it must seem quaint compared to the big city," Regina said.

"It's nice, actually. New York's great, but there are not many people, it can make you feel..." Julia said.

"Alone," Regina said.

"Yeah," The young twins said with a nod.

"Mm. Yeah. That's the best part of a small town. Everybody knows everybody. It's like a big family," Regina said.

"Can we tell you something?" Henry asked.

"Sure," Regina said.

"I don't think it was just the joint case that brought my mom and aunt to Storybrooke," Henry said.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Regina asked.

"The company they work for hardly ever puts people together for cases, especially those two... We think our mom wanted to get out of New York for a while and our aunt couldn't leave her," Henry said.

"W...Why do you think that? With your mom needing to leave the big city," Regina said.

"Our mom's boyfriend... His name was Walsh. He proposed to her," Henry said.

"Oh," Regina said.

"And two days later, she's taking us out of school for some job in Maine. She wouldn't take a job in Queens if it meant we'd miss school," Julia said.

"And we wouldn't leave New York without Aunt Katy and Daniella with us or said goodbye," Henry said.

"What do you think happened?" Regina asked.

"I don't know. But we doubt we'd be here if she said yes and hopefully mom, Aunt Em and Aunt Katy are okay," Henry said.

"And how do you feel about it? Did you like him, this Walsh? And I'm sure they are," Regina asked.

"I liked how happy he made her. Plus, it might be nice having more than six place settings during the holidays," Henry said.

"I think one day, you'll both have more family than you'll know what to do with," Regina said.

"You think so?" Julia asked.

"I really do," Regina said.

In the forest, Elaine, Emma and Killian were walking around until they came across a holly berry bush. Killian used his hook to pull away from the berries from the bush.

Elaine looked at his actions, "You'll look for any excuse to use that thing, won't you?" Elaine said.

"At least we know we're in the right place... What now?" Killian asked her.

"Now, we start searching," Elaine said as she walked ahead of them.

"You know something, Swans? Whenever you're both around, I inevitably find myself trekking through some manner of woods or forest, courting danger," Killian said.

"Here I thought you weren't afraid of anything, always looking for the next adventure," Emma said.

"Oh, is that what this is?" Killian asked.

"Isn't it? The hell were you doing for the last year alone on that ship?" Emma said.

"We're guessing it was on swashbuckling tale after another until you decided to come back and save us," Elaine said.

"Exactly," Killian said.

"You're lying," Elaine said.

"Excuse me?" He said as he stopped walking and so did the Swan twins.

"What happened back there? What aren't you telling me?" Elaine asked.

"Nothing. It's my tale and I'm sticking to it," He said and started to walk but Elaine pushed him backwards.

"Still don't believe you. Did something happen that you're not telling me?" Elaine asked.

"Just leave it, alright?" Killian said.

"No I won't just leave it, Killian," Elaine said.

"You're impossible," Killian said with a sigh.

"It is my name... You're an annoying asshole," Elaine said.

"An annoying asshole you should be thanking," Killian said.

"For our memories? I already did... We both did," Elaine said as Emma walked away silently.

"Well, for saving you from another loveless marriage," Killian said.

"Is that what you thought you were doing?" Elaine asked.

"He was a flying monkey and tried to kill you," Killian said.

"I didn't know that," Elaine said and walked on.

"You never know that... Hey!" Killian followed after her, rounded her and stood in front of her, "Were you considering it? His proposal?" Killian asked.

"Does it matter?" Elaine asked as Emma tried to get away from them.

"Humour me," Killian said.

"Yes! Okay? I was in love, so of course, I was considering it," Emma looked at her and stepped forward but stopped, "As usual, he wasn't who he said he was, and I got my heart broken... That enough humour for you?!" Elaine answered annoyedly.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad to hear that," Killian said.

"You're glad to hear I had my heart broken?" Elaine asked.

"If it can be broken," He stepped closer to her, "It means it still works, can be fixed by the right person," Killian said as they looked at each other.

"Killian... I'm sorry... I... I shouldn't have said that," Elaine said.

"Don't be sorry. This is what happens with us, you love someone else and they want to hurt you, then I mend your heart before... The... Accidents," Killian said.

"Killian..." Elaine said.

"I know you're confused about everything, love, but you have to trust me... I will never hurt your heart," Killian said as he pulled her to him and they kissed.

"Are you two done?" Killian and Elaine pulled away and looked at her, "Good, come on," Emma said and she started walking then Elaine and Killian followed after her.

The three of them continued walking until they reached the top of a hill and they saw a farmhouse ahead.

"A farmhouse," Elaine said.

"You have to appreciate the irony," Emma said as they walked towards it.

Elsewhere in the woods, David had come across a different holly berry bush. The hooded figure was still following him from behind. David felt uneasy and he looked around and noticed the hooded figure who was no longer attempting to hide from him.

David took out his phone and called Alana, "You have reached Elaine Swan of Big Apple Bail Bonds. Leave a message, and I'll call you back," Elaine's voicemail said.

"Elaine, it's David. I'm at the trailhead. And I think I found her... The Wicked Witch... I'm going after her," David said and he hung up, he held his sword up as he carefully approached the hooded figure.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

The cloaked witch was climbing up the tower towards the window, "I should never have called out to you both! I'm the one she wants! If you two leave now, maybe she'll spare you!" Rapunzel said.

"Doubtful," Adam said.

"No, that's not the way this works. We're getting you back to your family!" Prince Charming said.

"We are?" The other prince looked at him, "We are!" Adam said.

"Please! She'll kill you both! Neither of you can save me! There's nothing you two can do!" Rapunzel said, begging them both to leave her to her fate.

"No. We can save you and we will," Prince Charming said as he drew his sword.

"Yeah, we will," Adam said.

Prince Charming went over to the window and yelled as he swung his sword but when he looked down the witch wasn't there. He looked up to see the witch on the roof, his eyes widened slightly as the witch jumped down onto the windowsill and threw him across the room of the tower.

Adam readied himself to fight as they watched the witch dropping into the room of the tower and he was thrown towards Prince Charming.


Katy was standing on the balcony, Will walked up behind her, "Love?" Katy turned around to him, "Baelfire's going," Will said.

"Okay," Katy said and walked back into the room.

Neal and Daniella were hugging each other, "Be good for your mom, okay?" Neal said.

"Promise," Daniella said with a smile.

Neal and Daniella pulled away and he looked at Katy, "Papa would be happy for you," Neal said.

"I hope so," Katy said and they hugged each other.

"It was good to see you again, Katy," Neal said.

"You as well," Katy said.

End of Flashback

David walked over to the tree where the cloaked figure was standing, when he swung his sword the figure was gone. He frowned and turned to see the hooded person right behind him. The figure grabbed him and threw him into a tree, knocking him out.

At the farmhouse, Elaine, Emma and Killian were looking through a window, seeing the empty but the twins noticed a few things that showed them that someone lived there, "There's definitely someone living here," Elaine whispered.

"Looks empty right now, though," Emma whispered.

"Why are we whispering?" Killian whispered.

"Because good hideouts always look empty. Trust us, we spent a lot of time tracking down people who didn't want to be found. We know about hiding out," Emma whispered.

"Why don't you give him our entire biography while you're at this Em?" Elaine looked out, away from the house to see a storm cellar a few feet from the house, "A storm cellar," Elaine said quietly and they walked towards it.

Elaine saw that the cellar was locked and she took out her gun but the pirate captain placed his hand on hers to stop her, "Woah, wait, wait, wait. It's one thing walking around a desert farmhouse. It's quite another descending into a one-way cellar with no way out," Killian said.

"Scared?" Elaine asked.

"There's a difference between fear and strategy. We know she's got flying monstrosities. Who knows what's down there. If this witch is a powerful as we think, we could use some magical backup, unless you've both been practising in New York City," Killian said.

"Fine," Elaine walked past him, "I'll call Regina and have her drop Henry at Granny's. I'd like to see those flying monstrosities try to get past her crossbow," Elaine said as she took out her phone.

"And her lunch special," Killian said.

Elaine rolled her eyes at his comment and saw she had a missed call from David, "It's David," She said and played the voicemail.

"Elaine, it's David. I'm at the trailhead. I think I found her... The Wicked Witch. I'm going after her," The voicemail said.

With David, he was laying on the ground but he quickly grabbed the sword and stabbed the cloaked figure in its chest. The cloaked figure grabbed David but his throat and lifted him into the air, which gave David a chance to remove the figure's hood, when he does he saw himself under the hood, not the Wicked Witch.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Rapunzel stood terrified against the wall as she watched the hooded figure wrap her hair Prince Charming and Adam with a wave of its hand. The hooded figure looked over at Rapunzel and walked closer to her.

"Hey! Get away from her!" Prince Charming yelled.

The hooded figure turned to the princes and they saw Rapunzel under the hood, "I am her," The witch said.


Katy removed her tiara and placed it carefully in its place as Will undid his jacket, "You okay love?" Will asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Katy smiled, "I saw my big brother... I'm fine," Katy said.

Will walked over to her and placed his hands on her waist, "We did it," Will said.

Katy turned around in his arms and smiled at him, "We did. Sorry, it took me so long," Katy said.

"It's okay... I know I come second to your sisters and daughter, but you will always be first to me," Will said.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Katy asked.

"That would be telling, love," Will said as he leaned in and they kissed.

End of Flashback

David was still being lifted in the air by something that looked exactly like him, "What are you?" David asked, his voice was strained as the figure gripped his neck.

"I'm you," The figure said and laughed. It shoved David to the ground and they both grabbed their swords, preparing to fight each other.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Prince Charming realised what had happened with the night root, "Rapunzel, it's not a witch. It's you... You said she appeared after you had the night root. You thought it didn't work, but it did. The root allows you to overcome your fears by facing them," Prince Charming said.

Adam looked at him, "She has to fight herself?" Adam asked, realising that Calliope will face the same fate.

"I can't. Please help me," Rapunzel said.

"She's your fear! Only you can defeat her!" Prince Charming yelled.


Daniella was laying on her bed looking at a picture of her and August, she smiled as she hugged the photo, "I miss you, papa," Daniella said.

End of Flashback

"You can't defeat me. I can smell your fear. It's like a stench the stench of a scared shepherd boy who strayed too far from his farm," The figure said.

"I'm not scared of anything," David said as he swung his sword at the copy of himself.

The copy blocked his attack, it was clear whatever David to attack the copy already knew it, "Ah, if that were true, I wouldn't be here," The figure said and forced David to kneel to the ground by pushing him down with his own sword.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

"You have to face it, Rapunzel! You must!" Prince Charming yelled.

"No. I can't," Rapunzel said as she sobbed in fear.

Prince Charming and Adam looked at each other then they charged at Rapunzel's copy but they all ended up falling out of the window. The copy grabbed onto Rapunzel's hair and the princes grabbed onto the vines that grew around the town.

Rapunzel's copy began to climb up the tower, using her hair, "Listen to us! Your fear was you could never be a leader like your parents, like your brother! Own it, and you do this!" Prince Charming yelled.

"No, I can't!" Rapunzel yelled.

"Yes, you can! Cut it away. Let it go! If you do, you can't finally have what you want. You can leave this tower!" Adam yelled.

"I don't want to leave!" Rapunzel said.

"I understand. Believe me, I do. To be frightened of an uncertain future. It may feel safe here, but if you don't face that future, Rapunzel, you will die here, alone! Is that what you want?!" Prince Charming said.

"No!" Rapunzel said as she shook her head.

"You know what you have to do!" Adam said.

"Do it!" Prince Charming yelled.

Rapunzel quickly grabbed one of their swords, she ran back over to the window just as the copy of herself was nearing the window, she cut her hair.

The copy of Rapunzel fell towards the ground but before it hit the ground, it vanished into dust, "I did it!" Rapunzel said with a smile.

End of Flashback

David continued to be pushed down by his copy self, then it swung its sword at David's, cutting his in half, "Don't you see? Your fear makes you weak," The copy said.

"No. I'm not afraid," David said.

"Saying that doesn't make it so," The copy said.

"I'll die to protect the ones I love," David said.

"That doesn't make you fearless, even as the point is proven," The copy grabbed David by his throat, "Give in. It's easier," The copy said.

David saw Elaine's car coming up the road, towards his truck, "I am afraid, afraid I won't be a good partner. But I won't let that stop me, not now!" David said as he grabbed the broken part of his sword and stabbed the copy with it. The copy was hurt this time and it disappeared into dust.

David knelt on the ground as he reached for his broken sword, it disappeared in a cloud of green smoke as Elaine, Emma, Killian and Regina rushed over to him.

"David, are you okay?" Elaine asked and he nodded.

"Well, where is she?" Regina asked.

"It wasn't her," David said.

"Then who was it? You look whiter than a fresh sail," Killian said.

"Himself," Adam said as he stepped out from behind a tree.

"Adam? When did you get there?" David asked.

"Been here a while... We fought a familiar foe in the Enchanted Forest," Adam said.

"We did?" David asked.

"Yeah, the day Priscilla visited you to tell you that you were going to be a dad... Again," Adam said.

"Is she really coming home?" David asked.

"Of course she is... She's just... She's just..." Elsie said as she walked out from behind a tree.

"What?" Regina asked.

"She's just dealing with something..." Elsie repeated.

"And what's that?" David asked.

"When you said himself, what did you mean?" Emma asked.

"Exactly that... We fought a familiar being in the Enchanted Forest when I was put on a mission to retrieve something for Calliope," Adam said.

"So the witch. She's toying with us," Regina said.

"Indeed," Adam said.

"They're coming home," David stood up, "Until then, we need to do all we can... Did you guys find where she might be hiding?" David asked.

"A farmhouse," Elaine said.

"And we think it's hers," Killian said.

"Then let's end this. Let's send that witch back to Oz, ready for the Queen's return," Elsie said.

"Queen's?" Emma said.

"Katy, Calliope and Priscilla," Adam said.

Flashback: The Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Prince Charming, Adam and Rapunzel were now on the ground in front of the tower, "I was swimming in the river, where I shouldn't have been, where my parents had always warned us to avoid," The princes looked at her, "And I got caught in the rapids. My brother dove in after me. He... He saved me. But... But couldn't save himself," Rapunzel said.

"I'm sorry," Prince Charming said.

"So am I, Rapunzel," Adam said.

"The throne was his. I didn't know if I could be Queen. And if I didn't know, how could my parents believe in me?" Rapunzel said.

"My sister has a similar fear," Prince Charming and Rapunzel looked at Adam, "Royal life... It is what she knows, but learning her magic on top of that, she's not adjusting, not properly anyway," Adam said.

"Callie's afraid? She could handle Rumpelstiltskin," David asked.

"There are some things even my sister can't handle without him," Adam looked at Rapunzel, "But fear, makes a person who they are, you fear makes you, who you are. You can't hide from it forever, or them," Adam said.

"You really think they'll forgive me?" Rapunzel asked.

"You're their child. Of course, they'll forgive you," Prince Charming said.


Prince Charming and Adam took Rapunzel back to the castle where everyone was waiting for them, including Rapunzel's parents, "Mother? Father?" Rapunzel said.

They turned and stared in surprise before they rushed over to her and they embraced her with open arms.

Prince Charming and Adam walked over to Priscilla, Aleena and Branston, "Are you going to tell me why you were out in the woods all night?" Priscilla asked.

"I was there because I was afraid," Prince Charming said.

"Afraid?" Prince Charming looked down at her pregnant stomach and she realised why, "'Cause you lost Elaine and Emma," Priscilla said.

"Once as babies, then again when we were forced to return to the Enchanted Forest without them," Prince Charming said.

"No, neither time was your fault," Priscilla said.

"I know. But because we lost them, I was never their father," Prince Charming said.

"You have been a great father," Priscilla said.

"To them now. But I didn't raise them, Katy did and I'm grateful for her stepping up... And this child, this one... I don't know. I've never done this before and I don't know if I can," Prince Charming said.

"You don't have to. We're going to do this the way we do everything... Together," Priscilla said.

Prince Charming smiled, "Now, how did I forget that? Now, come on. We have a nursery to build," Prince Charming said.

"How are you two going to do that?" Aleena asked.

"The same way your father and I did... By making sure it works," Priscilla said and Prince Charming smiled.

"But before that," The Evil Queen walked up, "This Wicked Witch," Priscilla tensed up, "I knew it... Priscilla who is she... Really, who is she?" The Evil Queen asked.

Priscilla sighed, "Fine... She's an obsessive bitch who has a thing for looking at the past," Priscilla walked over to a window and The Evil Queen and Prince Charming followed her, "She was our student..." Priscilla said.

"What really happened?" Prince Charming asked.

"She wasn't able to do the task," Priscilla said.

"And I could?" The Evil Queen said.

"You did. And what she wants, is crazy. She's bat crazy and obsessed over you," Priscilla said.

"It's because of me?" The Evil Queen asked.

"It's because Cora kept you and you got... All this and she got nothing and was given away. She is uncontrollable," Priscilla said.

"Right... Thank you," The Evil Queen said.

"So... Tell us," Prince Charming placed his hand on her back and she looked at him, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Prince Charming asked.

Priscilla smiled, "I'm keeping that a secret," Priscilla said.

"Priscilla. David," They turned to Snow White, "I wanted to apologise for my words earlier. Though, I am surprised you allowed your daughter to punch me," Snow White said.

"You did ask for it," Aleena said.

"Is that the kind of queen you're going to be, Priscilla? A brutal one?" Snow White asked.

"That's not the kind of Queen I'm going to be," Priscilla said.

"Enough Snow, this back and forth between you both is getting annoying," The Evil Queen said.

"Says you," Priscilla said.

"True," The Evil Queen said.

"In the end of the day, Snow. Neither of them planned to have this baby as they were drugged. If you're going to apologise, mean it instead of making bitchy comments," Adam said.

Priscilla took a deep breath, "I should head back home because another war breaks out," Priscilla looked at Prince Charming, "See you soon, promise," Priscilla said and they kissed.

World Within Snow...

Calliope walked into the throne room and approached her throne, she sat down and sighed, covering her eyes, "Callie?" She hummed, "Are you okay?" Austin asked.

"I will be... I just need this night root," Calliope said.

Adam walked into the throne room, "About that... I'm afraid I wasn't able to get you any," Calliope looked confused, "The root... It turns into your fear and you have to battle it... Physically," Adam said.

"Reason why I wanted it," Calliope said.

"Why fight it physically when you could fight in in your mind, that's all your worry is... It's in your mind and you can fight it," Adam said.

World Without Light...

Priscilla, Aleena, Branston and Sebastian walked through the portal back into their throne room, "We start tomorrow," Sebastian said.

"We do," Priscilla said and took a deep breath as she placed her hands on her stomach.

End of Flashback

Elaine, Emma, David, Regina, Anastasia, Elsie, Adam and Killian were still in the small clearing where David fought the Night Root copy of himself, "Any particular reason she would send a demon who looks like you?" Killian asked.

"No idea, it was just there, wearing my face, harping on my deepest fears," David said.

"It knew your deepest fears?" Regina asked.

"Yeah, things I never told anyone, even Pri. It wasn't until I'd admitted them that I was able to defeat it by stabbing it with the hilt of my sword," David said.

"Where is it? Your sword?" Aleena asked.

"Well, that's the strange part. After I killed it, the hilt... It disappeared," David said.

"What's that mean, then?" Killian asked.

"When we face our deepest fears, our true courage comes out. When you used the hilt of your sword to vanish your fears, your courage transferred into it," Regina said.

"Then why'd it disappear?" David asked.

"It didn't disappear, she took it," Elsie said.

"Hang on. The Wicked Witch stole his courage?" Elaine asked.

"Well, a symbol of it, at least and symbols can be powerful totems," Regina said.

"Let's head back to the farmhouse and check out that storm cellar," Emma said and they all left.


They arrived at the farmhouse and they walked to the cellar to see the lock was busted, "That lock, it wasn't busted before," Emma and Elaine took out their guns, "Ready," Elaine said and David quickly opened the cellar door and nothing happened.

"So far, so good," Killian said.

"Everyone, stay alert," Emma said.

"Come on," Elaine said and she walked into the cellar first and the others followed her.

"Really wish she stopped going first," Killian commented.

"There's definitely dark magic here. Can you feel it?" Regina asked.

"I don't know, maybe, whatever I feel it's not good," Emma said.

They looked forward and saw a cage door, "What would the Wicked Witch keep in a cage? Monkeys?" Adam asked.

"No, not monkeys," David pulled on the light switch and they all saw a spinning wheel in the middle of the cage, David crouched down and picked up a piece of golden straw, "Now, how many people do we know who can spin straw into gold?" David asked.

"Rumpelstiltskin..." Elaine said as Killian looked at the cage.

Elsie walked to the cage, she opened the cage door, "Aleena..." Adam said and stepped forward but both Regina and David stopped him, shaking their heads.

"He's alive?" Anastasia asked.

"Of course he is..." Elsie crouched down and touched the spinning wheel, "I'll find you, grandpa, I promise," Elsie looked at Anastasia and Adam, "We need Katy and Calliope here now," Elsie said.

"Oh, yeah, and your mother?" Anastasia asked.

"She's on her way. I sent Zara back to my mom to help with preparations," Elsie said.

"If she has Rumpelstiltskin... Then it means she..." David said.

"We need everyone here now," Elaine said.

"We're on it," Elsie said and left with Adam and Anastasia.

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We know the story of Emma Swan, mother of Henry, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. But what about the story of Elias Swan, father of Henry...
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Magic is in Storybrooke. Memories have returned. Families reunited. Curse is broken. As the curse is broken, Elias and Emma finally meet their parent...