Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

26 - New York Serenade

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By bethanyjanebooks

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Everyone was walking through the forest towards the Evil Queen's castle. Belle and Neal were walking beside each other, "You'll see them again... Julia and Henry," Belle said.

"Well, let's hope I don't have to curse an entire kingdom to get back to them," Neal said.

"I heard you talking to David about Rumpel. You know, we never saw his knife. I think we can get him back," Belle said as she fiddled with her sister's necklace.

"She'll visit," Neal said.

Belle smiled, "I know, I just worry when that is," Belle said.

At the front of the group, Snow White and Prince Charming were walking together with the dwarves behind them, "Regina's castle's just beyond the mountains," Snow White said.

"Snow, I think you mean your castle," Prince Charming said.

"That's going to take some getting used to... The last time I was there was just after my father's death. And I've always dreamed of returning. I just never imagined it would be with Regina by my side," Snow White said.

"It'll be fine... And don't worry, once I make myself a farm I'll be out of your hair," Prince Charming said.

"David... You're welcome as long as you need, but if you'd prefer a farm I'm not stopping you. How are you doing?" Snow White said.

"Missing her already... Sorry," Snow White shook her head, "You and Regina will be fine," Prince Charming said.

Grumpy walked up to them, "I wouldn't count on that, brother," They looked at him, "The Queen, she's missing," Grumpy said and Snow White sighed.


Katy, Daniella, Will, Alice, Cyrus and Anastasia walked into the castle's dungeons, "It's really dark in here," Alice said.

"Scared of the dark?" Anastasia asked.

"No," Alice said.

Katy flicked her wrist, lighting the candles in the dungeons and they saw the Jabberwocky with the Vorpal Blade pierced through her, keeping her pinned against the wall of the dungeon, "Jabber," Katy said.

The Jabberwocky woke up and saw Katy, "Impossible... I saw Jafar kill you," The Jabberwocky said.

"Yeah, well, he brought me back, I died again and then the Nyx brought me back and here we are," Katy walked towards her, "I told you I'd free you for your assistance against Jafar, apologies it's taken me a while. Family issues, I'm sure you understand," Katy said.

"Jafar... What became of him?" The Jabberwocky asked.

Katy looked at Cyrus and Alice, "He stole the water and so he's cursed to be a genie," Cyrus said.

"Ironic, becoming the very thing he hunted," The Jabberwocky said.

"Indeed, I agree with you Jabber. Now, all I need to do is remove the blade, correct?" Katy asked.

"That's right, but are you strong enough?" The Jabberwocky asked.

Katy smiled slightly, "We shall see," Katy held her hand out and the Vorpal Blade flew into her hand and she caught the blade, they watched as the Jabberwocky fell to the ground, "Please... Follow us," Katy said as the Jabberwocky stood up and they all walked out of the dungeons and Katy put out the dungeons candles.

World Within Snow...

Calliope was sleeping on her bed when she felt her bed dip and she woke up, "You're a light sleeper," Calliope sat up suddenly and looked at the elderly woman dressed in black, "Just like me," Calliope looked confused, "Don't know me?" She said.

"You're... Dominique, my grandmother," Calliope said.

"Hello, dear. Your mother told me about your idea of a truce," Dominique said.

"And you want to change my mind? Not happening," Calliope said.

"You're got spirit, that's good, that means you'll last and you'll be amazing. I'm here to teach you, your father isn't much for teaching," Dominique said.

"Oh, thank you, Dominique," Calliope said.

Dominique smiled, "Come on, let's get you something warm to drink it'll perk you up," Dominique said and Calliope nodded then they left the room.

World Without Light...

Branston and Aleena walked into their mothers' room, gold and purple with a circular bed, Priscilla was asleep on her bed with Evangeline watching over her looking at a piece of parchment, "Grandma?" Evangeline looked at them, "Is everything okay?" Aleena asked.

"Once your mother fell asleep, I called the physician," Evangeline said.

"Is she okay?" Branston asked.

"She's fine... He said he can't do much with her asleep, he needs her awake," Evangeline said.

"What?" Aleena asked.

"Just how he works... But he's said your mother is just exhausted and to let her rest for now," Evangeline said.

"Okay," Branston said with a nod.

Enchanted Forest...

In an area of the forest, the Evil Queen was burying something in the ground as Snow White walked up behind her, "What are you doing?" Snow White asked.

The Evil Queen sighed, "So, now you're following me?"She asked.

"We were worried, and it looks like we were right to be. What are you burying?" Snow White asked.

"Nothing that concerns you," The Evil Queen said.

"Why does that make me think it does? What have you done?" Snow White took a closer look and saw her burying a heart, "Is that a heart?" Snow White asked.

"Go away," The Evil Queen said.

"It's your heart, isn't it?" Snow White asked.

"I'm not having this conversation with you," The Evil Queen said as she continued to bury her heart.

"I know you miss your family," Snow White said.

"Not as much as I did when that was still beating in my chest," The Evil Queen said.

"But, Regina, this isn't the answer. No matter how much pain you may feel, you can't just bury it in the woods," Snow White said.

"Watch me and it's not just my family I miss," The Evil Queen said.

"Who?" Snow White asked.

The Evil Queen looked at her, "Doesn't matter," She said.

"You won't feel better. You won't feel anything," Snow White said.

"That's the point... I can't keep walking around, knowing that I'll never see my family, that two of my children don't even remember who I am," The Evil Queen said.

"I know exactly how you're feeling... I just said goodbye to my daughters for the second time... Henry and Julia, too. But I promise you it will get better with that. Right now it might be causing you pain, but I promise you, it will let you feel something else soon enough," Snow White said.

"What's that?" The Evil Queen asked.

"The one thing your twins always wanted you to find... Happiness," Snow White said.

"I can't be happy without them," The Evil Queen said with tears in her eyes.

"Find a way for your family," Snow White said.

Regina sighed and sniffled as she picked up her heart and shoved it back into her chest as she inhaled sharply as her eyes watered, "Now, let's get back to our castle," The Evil Queen said as she stood up.

There was a rustling coming from a bush as red eyes were staring at them then it flew out as wind, rushing past Snow White, "Did you hear that?" Snow White looked at the queen, "There was something there, in that bush," Snow White said.

The Evil Queen checked the bush, "There's nothing here, unless it flew away," The Evil Queen said.

Snow White looked up at the sky, "It did!" There was screeching as they saw something flying towards them, "We need to find cover," Snow White said as she and the Evil Queen took off running.

The creature's screeching continued as it flew above them and the Evil Queen stopped running, "No... I don't run from monsters. They run from me," The Evil Queen said as she made a fireball and threw it at the creature but it just screeched and dived towards them.

"Regina!" Snow White yelled.

"Oh!" The Evil Queen yelled as the creature was lifting her in the air.

"Regina!" Snow White started to pull her down and the creature tore a bit of Regina's sleeve, cutting her a little, "It's too fast!" Snow White said.

"Well, I'm open to suggestions!" The Evil Queen said.

"Get down!" A voice yelled.

"Aah!" Snow White yelled as the creature flew towards them.

The two women ducked as the creature got shot with an arrow and flew away. The person who shot the creature walked up to them, it was Robin Hood, "Milady... You're injured," Robin said as he offered her his hand to help her up.

"It's Your Majesty, and I'm fine," The Evil Queen said.

"A simple thank you would suffice," Robin said as he continued to hold his hand out for her.

"We didn't ask for your help," The Evil Queen said as she stood up without his help.

"Well, I'm grateful for the assistance," Snow White said as she grabbed his hand.

"Robin... Robin of Locksley," He helped her up, "And these are a few of my Merry Men," Robin Hood said as some of the Merry Men stood behind him.

"Snow White," She said.

"At last we meet... You know, there was a time when our faces graced wanted posters side-by-side," Robin said.

"If you're really Snow White, why are you with her?" Little John asked as he glanced at the Queen.

"Her? Show some respect or at least some restraint at the buffet," The Evil Queen said.

"You'll have to excuse Little John, but before you cursed this land, we spent many a day running from your Black Knights," Robin said.

"Well, I'm sure you deserved it... What the hell was that thing?" The Evil Queen asked as she looked at the sky.

"I have no idea. We've never encountered the likes of it before," Robin said.

They heard screeching once again in the distance, "Come on. This way. We need to warn the others," Snow White said.


They all sat back at the dining table with the Jabberwocky and Katy looked at the Vorpal Blade in her hands, "Rather... Unique," Katy said.

"Can I have it back?" Katy looked at the Jabberwocky, "It is mine," The Jabberwocky said.

Katy smiled, "Betray me and I'll end you," Katy said and threw over the blade to her.

The Jabberwocky caught it, "You trust me?" She asked.

"It's my flaw with villains. I know how to make them trust me and so, I trust them. A villain is just a person who hasn't had their story told and those who listen can help those who deserve it... Now, Jafar... He was too far gone, like some but some can change... Ana, you, my mom... My... My daddy," Katy said and took a deep shaky breath.

"Katy? What is it?" Alice asked.

"We watched my dad die... Saving us... From my grandfather... Who was too far gone," Katy said.

"I'm sorry, love," Will said and took hold of her hand.

"So... The people are afraid that the Jabberwocky is still here? And you two were arguing about what?" Katy asked.

"Who'd free her," Anastasia said.

"I did, glad that's finished with," Katy said.

"I have missed you," Alice said.

"I'm glad," Katy said and they chuckled.

"Also, the fact that the people say that a few farmhouses aren't as they wanted, so we've had to rebuild from scratch as they don't trust my magic and Will won't convince them otherwise," Anastasia said.

"I see, I don't see a problem with that... I shall visit those who are rebuilding from scratch to see if they need anything or would like to redo their homes," Katy said.

"You just got back," Will said.

"And? It's what I have to do, it's my job... Besides, Daniella needs to know where everything is so she doesn't get lost," Katy said.

"It'll be fun, please?" Daniella said as the two of them looked at Will.

"I wasn't stopping you..." Will said.

"Good, because you are coming with us," Katy said.

World Within Snow...

Calliope and Dominique were sitting in the family room, Dominique was smoking as Calliope was looking through a book, "These are beginner to expert spells our family has learnt over the years. Your father was too proud to consider this book as a way for him to learn, but you..." Calliope looked at her, "I know you are new to our magic and you need to learn it all," Dominique said.

"Will it postpone the coronation?" Calliope asked.

"No. We need a new leader Calliope, we need you, now. We have lived in the past for too long... Bailey called me over the minute you arrived. We're going to make you the greatest Queen this realm has ever had," Dominique said.

"Is Raphael... Evil?" Calliope asked.

"No... Just a very proud man... Which can sometimes be worse," Dominique said.

Calliope chuckled, "I feel like you have more power than he does," Calliope said.

"You're right about that, my dear, and then you'll have more power than myself and your father... Now... When would you like to begin your lessons?" Dominique asked.

"I, uh..." Calliope said.

"Tristian and Adam have already explained that you are still learning and have explained you lost Rumpelstiltskin and that's why I'm asking when you want to start," Dominique said.

"Can we just look at the beginner stuff today? I've been told not to try anything while my emotions are everywhere since I'm still new," Calliope said.

"Of course," Dominique said with a smile and the two looked at the book.

Zara walked in, "Oh, sorry," The two looked at her, "Do you want any help? We'd like to help," Zara said and Bailey poked her head into the room.

"Sure," Calliope said and the two walked in.

"Calliope, you haven't met Bailey Dixon... She's Austin's wife," Zara said.

"Hello," Calliope said.

"Welcome home, Calliope," Bailey said with a smile.

"Any other wives for my brothers?" Calliope asked looking at Zara asked.

"Sadly, no," Zara said.

"Not too many names to remember... I'm happy with that," Calliope said with a smile.

"In that sense, she's got a point," Dominique said.

"Indeed, so what are you two doing?" Zara asked.

"Looking at the book of spells," Dominique said.

"You going to learn today?" Bailey asked.

"Oh, uh, no... Just looking at the spells and understanding what they do," Calliope said.

"Okay, sounds like a good place to start," Zara said.

World Without Light...

Priscilla was awake and she looked at the physician who was leaving, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this. No one needs to know just yet," Priscilla said.

"Of course, Milady," The physician said and walked out.

Aleena and Branston walked in, "Mom? What did the physician say?" Aleena asked as Priscilla's family walked in.

"After my fire burnt out, then Neverland then the portal... It led me to exhaustion. A few days without using too much magic, I'll be fine," Priscilla said.

"You're a terrible liar, mom..." Priscilla looked at Branston, "What did he say?" Branston asked and Priscilla looked away.

End of Flashback


Elaine, Julia, Henry and Emma were walking across the street as they walked towards their apartment building, "You want to talk to us about Walsh, don't you?" Henry said.

"Why would you say that?" Elaine asked.

"You bought us candy at the drugstore," Julia said as she looked at their chocolate bars.

"So, what's up?" Henry asked.

"Okay. Maybe you're right. I have been thinking about him. Maybe what happened in my past with your birth father has kept me from living my life now. And maybe it's time for me to start looking forward... That we start looking forward," Elaine said.

"So, does that mean..." Emma linked her arm with her sisters', "You're gonna marry him?" Emma asked.

"So that's a yes. How are you gonna tell him?" Henry asked.

"Wait. Wait. First, I didn't say that I..." Elaine said.

"You could tell him at dinner tonight," Julia said.

"We're not having dinner," Elaine said.

"I might have sent him a text from your phone this morning. He's coming over at 8:00," Julia said.

"And I've booked Henry, Julia and me in a hotel for the night, you can romance your man and I can annoy my niece and nephew," Emma said and chuckled.

"No..." Elaine said.

"It's okay, mom. If your gut's telling you to marry him, trust it," Henry said.

Elaine stopped walking and Emma looked at her, "Elaine? Think it over," Emma said.

"I can't marry someone I don't love," Elaine said.

"Mom..." Julia said.

"We forgot to pick something up. Here," Elaine took out a white envelope of photos and handed the bag to Julia, "Take this... Go see if you can beat level 24 and uh... Go arrange a sleepover at Avery's, I'm gonna need your aunt for a while," Elaine said.

"Alright," The young twins said.

"We'll meet you later... See ya," Elaine said.

"See ya," The young twins said as he ran up into their apartment building.

"Elaine? What is it?" Emma asked.

"I'm done lying to you," Emma looked confused, "I know that man you got arrested," Emma looked shocked, "Do you trust me?" Elaine asked.

"Of course I trust you, why did you tell me?" Emma asked.

"I was telling you I didn't love Walsh but you weren't listening to that either... Take a look," Elaine said and handed the white envelope to Emma.

Emma took the envelope, took out the photos they had developed from Henry's camera and Emma looked shocked, "How?" Emma asked.

"I need the man I love out of prison Emma," Emma looked at Elaine and noticed she was upset, "Please... I need Killian, Elaine said.

"Okay, let's go... Whatever you need," Emma said.


Elaine and Emma were outside the police station and Killian walked out, walking towards them, Emma looked at him, "Hey... We need to talk," Emma said.

"Ah, Swan's. I knew you wouldn't let me rot in that cage," He stood in front of them, "I've been in my fair share of brings, but none as barbaric as that," He pointed to the station, "They force-fed me something called bologna," Killian said.

"Tragic," Elaine said sarcastically with a smile.

"I have not missed your sarcastic attitude or the fact you like chaining me up," Killian said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

Emma showed him a picture, "What the hell are these? We never lived in a town called Storybrooke. We never took a flight from Boston to New York. We never did any of this," Emma said as he looked at the photos of the twins, Julia and Henry with their friends from Storybrooke, including their family.

"So, you believe me, then?" Killian asked.

"I believe my sister, not you... She told me she needs you, but I don't trust you. You could have photo-shopped these pictures," Emma said.

"Photo-shopped?" Killian said confused.

"Faked," The Swan twins said.

"If you think these are forgeries, then why'd you spring me from the brig? Because as much as you deny it, deep down, you know something's wrong. Deep you, you know I'm right and you know when your sister is involved I will do anything to make sure she is happy, safe and with me," Killian said.

"It's not possible. How could we forget all of this?" Emma said.

"I promise you there's an explanation," Killian said.

"Not one that makes sense," Emma said.

"Emma please..." Emma looked at Elaine, "I trust this man with my life and my heart... Please, listen to him," Elaine said.

"If you drink this, it will all make sense," Killian said as he held up the small potion bottle.

"If...If what you're saying is true we'd have to give up our lives here," Emma said.

"It's all based on lies," Killian said.

"It's real and it's pretty good. We have Julia, Henry and each, a job," Emma said.

"Emma..." Elaine said.

"Perhaps there's a woman that you in that life that you've lost... Regardless, if you want to find the truth, drink up. Do you really want to live a life of lies? You know this isn't right. Trust your gut, Emma. It will tell you what to do," Killian said.

"The twins always says that," Emma said.

"If you won't listen to him, at least listen to your niece and nephew," Elaine said.

Emma took the potion, she offered it to Elaine who shook her head and Emma frowned before she drank the potion. Emma remembered everything Henry and Julia visiting the Swan trio in Boston, Elaine leaving to go to Storybrooke with them. Emma and Katy went to Storybrooke when Elaine was arrested for the second time. When the Swan trio fought the dragon, the Swan twins broke the curse, the encounter with the Wraith. Saying goodbye to Katy and Daniella before they went to Wonderland and Regina erasing Storybrooke.

"Regina..." Emma said.

"Not my name, love," Killian said, amused.

Emma looked at him, "Hook," They said.

Killian smiled, "Did you miss me?" Killian asked.

"I know I did," Elaine said.

Killian chuckled and pulled Elaine to him, "I know you did," Killian said and they kissed.

"This is why you wanted to break up with Walsh," Emma said.

"Yeah," Elaine said.

"Wait... You've been awake... How long?" Emma asked.

"A day... Killian came to the apartment... And I hid him in the closet," Emma looked surprised, "He woke me up..." Elaine said.

"True Love's Kiss," Emma said.

"Yeah," Elaine said as she looked at Killian and they both smiled at each other.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago

Robin and his Merry Men had joined everyone on the way to the castle, "Good to see you again, Robin," Neal said.

"You, too, Baelfire," Robin said.

"Well," Belle cleared her throat as she caught up to them, "We've come a long way, haven't we?" Belle said.

Robin looked at her, "Belle!" They hugged, "I believe you already know she and her sister once treated a poor thief far better than I deserved," Robin said.

"They do that a lot," Neal said.

"I don't see your sister, is she okay?" Robin asked Belle.

"Oh, we... We don't know, she's gone home... To another realm," Belle said.

"I see, and what of you?" Robin looked at Neal, "What of your journey? Were you able to find your children in Neverland?" Robin asked.

"Yes, thank you," Neal said.

"I don't mean to pry, but I don't see them," Robin said.

"It's complicated, but, uh, they're safe. They're with their mother and aunt. And Priscilla and her children are safe, they're with their biological family," Neal said.

"A happy ending for them?" Robin asked.

"We don't know, it was a way to save them," Belle said.

"Well, I'm glad you all found your family," Robin said.

"Thank you," Neal said.

At the front of the group with the Evil Queen, Prince Charming and Snow White, "So, what do you think of our new friend? Can we trust him? He is a thief," The Evil Queen said.

"Think of it from his perspective. How do you think he looks at you?" Snow White asked.

"Point taken," The Evil Queen said.

Snow White chuckled, "He's kind of cute, huh?" Snow White said.

"He smells like forest," The Evil Queen commented.

"Not your type?" Snow White asked.

"Not even close," The Evil Queen said.

They soon reached the Dark Palace where they saw a line drawn in front of it, "Look," Prince Charming said.

"What happened?" Snow White asked.

"That's exactly what I'm about to find out," The Evil Queen walked over and she reached forward to see a green shimmer surrounding the palace, "A protection spell the entire castle's encircled by it," The Evil Queen said.

"Didn't you do this? Undo it," Prince Charming said.

"Well, don't you think if I could, I'd be halfway home by now? No. Someone hijacked it," The Evil Queen said as she walked over to them.

"Who? Who's in there?" Snow White asked.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out whoever's eating my porridge. Nobody sits in my chair. Nobody takes our castle," The Evil Queen said.

"Hey. We've got a lot of people looking to us. They're scared, and rightfully so. Let's get them to safety first," Prince Charming said.

"They'll be safe when whoever's in there is dead," The Evil Queen said.

"Rushing in there is a bad plan, Regina. You know that," Snow White said.

"I can offer safe harbour in Sherwood Forest, it's not far. We can offer food, shelter and a thick canopy no creature will spy you under," Robin told them.

"Do you have weapons?" Prince Charming asked.

"We're lousy with them," Robin said.

"Fine. Lead the way. But we're coming back. And whoever did this is going to suffer," The Evil Queen said.

"Regina, it's our home. We'll make it safe again," Snow White said.


Katy was standing on her balcony looking at her family looking at her lockets and Will walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "What are you thinking?" Will asked.

"That I hope my mom is okay," Katy said.

"She's your mother, she might struggle but she'll get stronger," Will said.

"How do you know?" Katy asked.

"Because you love her and she will always know that. Same with your sisters, niece and nephew," Will said.

"I can still visit them... Not my mother though..." Katy sighed, "She had to let go of the things she loved the most... I'm still on that list," Katy said.

"I'm sorry, Katy," Will said as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

Katy lightly rested her head against his, "Thanks... I couldn't find August to tell him about the engagement either," He hummed, "He turned back into a boy... His dad says for me not to hold my life off, especially with true love," Katy said.

"We're getting married? When did I propose?" Will asked, jokingly.

"Careful," Katy said.

Will kissed her cheek, "I'm joking, of course, I remember. So, you ready to get married?" Will asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Katy said as she turned around and they kissed.

"Mama?" They pulled away to see Daniella walking towards them, "Will we still see twins?" Daniella said.

"Of course, we will. They have memories of us, so we will still be a part of their lives, but not as much," Katy said.

"Oh, okay," Daniella said.

"No matter what happens, we will work it out," Katy said.

Daniella nodded, "Yeah, I know," Daniella said.

World Within Snow...

Calliope and Dominique walked into the throne room, "So this is where the coronation will be held," They saw Raphael on the throne, "You will replace your father and your brothers will be your council. We keep family in the council along with some elders of the realm. They hold history and will teach you more about the realm than any book you could read," Dominique said.

"I understand," Calliope said.

"What are you two doing?" Raphael asked.

"Teaching. What are you doing, son?" Dominique asked.

"Listening to you talking when you shouldn't be here," Raphael said.

"You really don't like me do you?" Raphael looked at Calliope, "You don't like my thought of a truce, why is that?" Calliope asked.

"The Nightingales... They have dragon fire, they control dragons... Dragon's breathe fire and we are a realm of snow. Do the math," Calliope sighed, "Reason why our ancestors stole their dragon eggs," Raphael said.

"They did what?" Calliope asked as she walked towards him.

"Calliope," Dominique said and followed after them.

"Our ancestors took their dragon eggs. Just collecting dust," Raphael said.

"That's why the war started," Raphael glared at her, "We stole something sacred from them... That's why their fire burns out, without dragons to light the main fire..." Calliope said.

"Good riddance," Raphael said.

Calliope smiled sarcastically and she placed her hands on the arms of the throne, "Where are the eggs?" Calliope asked.

"I'm not telling you," Raphael said.

"Adam!" Calliope glanced to a door and Adam walked in as he looked confused, "How do I do that thing again?" Calliope asked.

"You want to do that on our dad?" Adam asked.

"Yes," Calliope said.

"Okay... Uhh...Look into their eyes and think of what you want to happen," Adam said unsure.

"Thank you," Calliope said and looked into her father's eyes as she smirked.

Raphael sat there and suddenly gasped as he grabbed his throat and threw himself backwards, tipping the throne backwards as Calliope watched him. Her brothers, Bailey and Zara ran in and saw Raphael withering on the ground crawling at his throat.

"What's going on?" Zara asked.

Calliope walked around then crouched down, looking at Raphael, "I'll ask you one more time before you lose your life," Raphael looked at her, "Where are the dragon eggs?" Calliope asked.

"Dun...Dungeons," Raphael forced out.

Calliope released the magic and he panted, "Now that wasn't so hard now was it?" Raphael stared at her, "You might be a proud man, but I've dealt with someone worse than you and as you've just witnessed I'm not afraid of you. Now, Raphael, get up, you look pathetic," Calliope stood up as Raphael started to get up, "Now... Take me to the dungeons, I want the eggs," Calliope said.


The Winter family walked into the dungeons and Raphael unlocked a cell where a chest was and he looked at Calliope who was looking at him, "I'm not stupid enough to enter a cell," Calliope said.

"Fine," Raphael walked into the cell and picked up the chest then walked back to them, "Now what?" Raphael asked.

"We're sending them back," Calliope said.

"You can't be..." Raphael looked at Calliope who wasn't backing down then he smiled, "You really are my daughter," Raphael said.

"Of course she is! She has your attitude," Dominique said.

"I don't have an attitude," Raphael said.

"You do," The Winter siblings said.

"That's been your problem? You didn't know if it was me," Calliope said.

"We've had people saying you were dead and stuff like that," Raphael said.

"Understandable," Calliope took the chest, "Let's get these back home," Calliope said.

World Without Light...

Priscilla was looking out her bedroom window at the realm and there was a knock at the door, "Come in," Priscilla said.

Spencer opened the door, "Auntie?" She looked at him and looked confused, "You've forgotten my name haven't you?" Spencer asked.

"No, no, I've got it... Theodore?" Priscilla said.

Spencer smiled, "Close... It's Spencer," Spencer said.

"How is Theodore close?" Priscilla asked.

"He's my dad," Spencer said.

"You're Fleur's son... Sorry, still getting used to the names... And not using cursed names," Priscilla said.

"I thought you'd be struggling with names and roles we play for the realm... May I?" Spencer said as gestured to the room.

"Oh, yes. Come in," Spencer walked in and closed the door, "I made you this," Spencer brought out a photo album as she walked over to him and he handed her the album and she took it and they sat on the edge of her bed, "It's our family," Priscilla opened the album to see a picture of herself, "So it all starts with you as the ruler of the realm," She turned the page, "Branston is the heir and Aleena the second in line for the throne. If you are ill they will take control," Priscilla touched her stomach and nodded then turned a page, "Does this help?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, thank you so much... Do Branston and Aleena have a copy?" Priscilla asked.

"I can do that," Spencer said.

"Thank you," Priscilla turned the page more, "Oh, this was the physician that tended to me," Priscilla said.

"Yeah, mom thought all roles would be useful for you to know," Spencer said.

"I appreciate it, thank you," Priscilla said.

There was a knock at the door, "Expecting someone?" Priscilla shook her head and Spencer walked over to the door and opened it to see a messenger, "Delivery for Princess Priscilla," The messenger said.

"Right, thank you," Spencer signed for it, "Do you know who it's from?" Spencer asked.

"The heir of the World Within Snow," The messenger said.

"What?" Spencer asked.

Priscilla walked over, "Callie?" She said.

"It's too heavy to carry, your parents told me to leave it in the throne room," The messenger said.

Spencer and Priscilla looked at each other and they quickly made their way to the throne room, then their family looked at them, "A gift from Callie," Sebastian said.

Priscilla walked over to the chest as Sebastian stood the opened the chest to reveal the three dragon eggs, "Dragon eggs," Priscilla said.

"There was a letter as well, mom," Aleena said handing the letter to Priscilla.

Priscilla took the letter and opened it, "Priscilla and her family, I found out that my ancestors stole your dragon eggs years ago due to fear of your ability to control dragons and so their fire which isn't good when we're a realm of snow. No excuse, I've already spoken to my family about the changes that we have discussed in Storybrooke. I'm sorry that it has taken so long for these to be returned but I'm sure you'll figure out what you need to do, Cilla. Looking forward to seeing you but first I need to finish," Priscilla laughed, "But first I need to finish turning my proud father into a scared little puppy dog, the way Rumpel taught me. All my love, Callie," Priscilla readout and Branston and Aleena chuckled.

"Well, knowing Callie as briefly as I do, I feel like making her father into a scared little puppy dog, is exactly what that woman will achieve," Sebastian said.

"Why are you friends with them?" Phyllis asked.

"We're family... She is... Was my papa's True Love before he died... We're signing a truce, this war between the realms is over," Priscilla handed the letter to Branston who read it with Aleena as Priscilla picked up a dragons egg, "So beautiful," Priscilla said.

End of Flashback


At night in the Swans apartment, Elaine poured coffee into their cups as they sat around the dining table, "Snow and the Queen settled their differences. Frankly, I was bored. I had a life to get back to a pirate's life," Killian said.

"Glad to see you haven't changed," Elaine said as she poured him a cup of coffee before sitting beside Emma.

"There wasn't anything for me in the Enchanted Forest, since you weren't there," Elaine smiled a little, "Why would I stay?... All was well until I got a message, a message saying that there was a new curse and that everyone had been returned to Storybrooke. The message told me that the only hope was the two of you. I contacted your sister for help who is unable to travel between realms right now," Killian said.

"We haven't seen her in months," Emma said.

"She's well, do not worry... She allowed me to borrow her husband who assisted me with what I needed," Killian said.

"You came all the way back here to save our family?" Elaine asked.

"I came back to save you, Elaine. The curse on you is not broken, our kiss does not affect it and you need your family and your friends in order to break it. But now this curse on your family, I don't know anything about it, all I know is you two are the one's who can break it," Killian said.

"Who could have done this?" Elaine asked.

Killian shrugged, "Someone powerful enough to reach into this world," Killian said.

"Any more specific thoughts," Emma asked.

"Alas, you're both the Saviours not me," Killian said.

"You know what I was yesterday? An aunt, a sister, till you showed up and started poking holes in everything I thought was real. When I drank the potion, it was like waking up from a dream a really good dream," Emma said.

"Emma..." Elaine said.

"Don't act like you're not pissed," Emma said.

"I'm not though. And don't act like your not grateful, we both heard you say Regina when you woke up," Emma glanced at Elaine, "I'm not stupid. If you don't like it, I don't care, but I'm not being without Killian again just because you are afraid of feeling something," Elaine said.

"Loves," The Swan twins looked at him, "Well you have what matters most your family," Killian said.

"Now I have to figure out how to explain this to the kids," Elaine said.

"Alas, I could only scavenge together enough for one dose of memory potion as... Elaine didn't need a potion," Killian said.

"And if it didn't work?" Elaine asked.

"I knew it would," Killian said.

"What are you gonna do, El?" Emma asked.

"Better start figuring out what I'm gonna tell them," Elaine said and the doorbell buzzes.

"Who's that?" Killian asked.

"Crap..." Emma muttered.

"Walsh... The kids invited him, for me to give him an answer, can't run away tonight," Elaine said.

"I could get rid of him," Killian said and started standing up.

"No..." Elaine stood up, "My memories might not have been real, but he is and so are the eight months we spent together," She sighs, "I owe him an explanation," Elaine said.

"What are you gonna say to him?" Emma asked.

"I don't know... But I care about him too much to drag him into all this... Wait here," Elaine said.

"Elaine," She looked at Killian, "Be careful, I don't trust him," Killian said.

"I'll be fine, it's me we're talking about," Elaine said and walked off.

"That's why I'm saying it..." Killian sighed and noticed Emma was looking at him, "What?" Killian asked.

"I'm not ready for another niece or nephew, Hook. She's not ready for another kid," Emma said.

"Emma, love. I can assure you, having kids is not on my to-do list when she could lose her life any moment," Killian said.

"Any closer to figuring out how she can break her curse?" Emma asked.

"There's one idea... But it's never been done before," Emma looked intrigued, "I'm not doing it, it's a great risk, love," Killian said.

"Hook..." Emma said.

"I'm not saying anything Emma. If Elaine wants that path... I'm stopping her," Killian said and Emma's eyes widened.

Elsewhere, Elaine and Walsh walked onto the roof of the building, "Sorry. My place is just kind of a mess right now," Elaine said.

"Elaine, it's okay to make a bold, romantic gesture without passing it off as a housekeeping malfunction," Walsh said.

Elaine looked at him, "Walsh, I..." She sighed, "I can't marry you," Elaine said.

"It's too soon, huh?" Walsh asked.

"It's not that. I need to go home and take care of some things," Elaine said.

"Home? You said you and your sisters were orphans. You said it was just the three of you and Julia, Henry and Daniella, that this was your home," Walsh said.

"That wasn't a lie. There's a part of my life that I've been blocking out, and I think it would be impossible for you to understand," Elaine said.

"Come on. How do you know that? What changed overnight?" Walsh asked.

"Someone from my past showed up," Elaine said.

"The twin's father? Another ex?" Walsh asked.

"Someone I didn't want to let go," Elaine said.

"Okay, so that's how I'm supposed to sleep at night? You're trading me in for someone else?" Walsh said.

"Pretty much," Elaine said.

"Elaine..." Walsh said.

"It has been an amazing few months Walsh, I've loved every day we spent together," Elaine said.

"Elaine, if you love this life, then keep it. Stay... Just stay," Walsh said.

"I can't. I wish you could see this the way I see it," Elaine said.

"And I wish you hadn't drank that potion," Walsh said.

"What?" Elaine said in confusion.

"You both just couldn't leave well enough alone," Walsh said as he threw a chair.

"What are you talking about? I didn't drink a potion," Walsh looked confused, "Whoever you are you don't understand much, do you?" Elaine said.

"It's too bad... I actually kind of liked you," Walsh said.

"Who are you?" Elaine asked.

Walsh's eyes turned red as he charged at her, she ducked and he fell off over the wall and off the roof. Elaine stood up and looked down, to see nothing at first but then she saw a monkey with wings. 

"You gotta be kidding me!" Elaine said as she backed up and grabbed a pipe that was laying around. She swung the pipe at the flying monkey, hitting it and pushed it off the roof, she watched as it fell.

The flying monkey hit the ground and turned into smoke. She sighed as she dropped the pipe and sat on the floor.

Killian and Emma came running onto the roof, "Elaine!" Emma said and ran over to her sister.

"What the blazes was that?" Killian asked he rushed over and helped her up.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," Elaine said.

"El? What happened?" Emma asked.

"A reminder that we were never safe, that what we wanted, what we thought we could have was not in the cards for the Saviours... We leave in the morning," Elaine said coldly and walked past them.

"Where's Walsh?" Emma asked.

Elaine looked at her, "A bloody flying monkey, tried to kill me and so it's dead!" Elaine said and she walked away as Killian and Emma looked at each other stunned.

Flashback: Wonderland - One Year Ago...

Katy was running down the corridor with the Jabberwocky, "What are you talking about, fear? There's nothing to fear anyway, well... Not much," Katy said.

"This is just like the fear when Jafar was here. Trust me," The Jabberwocky said.

"I do trust you, let's go," Katy said.


Katy, Will, Daniella, Anastasia and the Jabberwocky ran into the town where the people were screaming and running, "They're running from that direction," The Jabberwocky said.

The group ran towards there the people were retreating from then they heard something screeching, "What the bloody hell is that?!" Will asked as they stopped running.

"No idea... Ana, take Daniella back to the carriage, put a protective barrier over yourselves. We'll be back soon," Katy said.

"We will?" Will asked.

"You can go with them, I'm not stopping you," Katy said and ran off with the Jabberwocky.

"Like hell, I'm leaving you alone," Will said and chased after them as Anastasia and Daniella went back to the carriage.

Katy, the Jabberwocky and Will reached a farm and they saw a flying monkey with a woman dressed in black with a pointy hat, "Who's that?" The Jabberwocky asked.

"Never seen them before," Will said.

Katy created a fireball and threw it at the flying monkey that screeched and the person glanced at them, "Hate to interrupt... Actually, I do... Now, who are you and what are you doing in Wonderland?" Katy asked.

"I'm looking for someone... The Dark One's daughter," The person said.

"Why?" Katy asked.

"Why should I tell you?" The person asked.

"I want to know why you're looking for me," Katy smirked, "I'll ask again, why?" Katy asked.

"Perfect," The person turned around, the Wicked Witch, "I need your assistance," The Wicked Witch said.

"You a Slytherin fan? You got something... Like... Everywhere... Growing mould?" Katy said.

"You're rude," The Wicked Witch said.

"And pissed off, get the hell out Wonderland," Katy said.

"Fine. I'll leave, for now," The Wicked Witch mounted her broom, "I'll be back and when I do, I'll take you with me," The Wicked Witch said and flew off, laughing as the flying monkey flew after her.

"Was that who I think it was?" Will asked.

"The Wicked Witch of Oz," Katy said.

World Within Snow...

Calliope was wearing a silver dress as she stood in her room with her mother and grandmother, "So this is what you will be wearing during your coronation, it needs to be perfect. How do you feel?" Zara asked.

"It's fine, I'm comfortable," Calliope said.

"Don't forget to smile... Let's see your smile," Calliope moved her hands around her face then smiled, "Perfect," Dominique said.

"Any other preparations? Outfit wise?" Calliope asked.

"No, you're absolutely fine," They heard the fire crackle, "That's new," Zara said.

Calliope walked over to the fireplace and crouched down then she saw Katy's face appearing in the flames, "Callie, you look lovely, have I interrupted something?" Katy asked.

"No, dear we've finished," Calliope said.

"Fabulous... Back up a little bit, please, we need to talk," Katy said.

Calliope backed up and they watched as Katy climbed out of the fire, "How..." Calliope said.

"Fire doesn't burn those who have dragon's fire... I blame Priscilla," Katy stood up and dusted herself off, "Hello," Katy said and they hugged.

"Dear, what's going on? We just saw each other a while ago," Calliope said.

Katy noticed Zara and Dominique, "Oh, hello," Katy looked at Calliope, "Thought I'd warn you about a visit I just had," Katy said.

"Who from?" Calliope asked.

"The Wicked Witch... She knew my daddy... Thought I'd warn you considering who you were to him," Katy said.

Calliope nodded, "Thank you, darling," Calliope said.

"No problem, I've sent word to Priscilla. She might just be after me, but I couldn't risk it... The three of us meant something to daddy and each of us are powerful," Katy said.

"What does she want?" Dominique asked.

"I don't know, I didn't let her stick around to chat. I've put a barrier on looking glasses, beans and portal hats so no one can enter Wonderland the usual way," Katy said.

"How do we enter?" Katy looked at the fire, "You're joking?" Zara said.

"It would burn the Wicked Witch, so... You know... Useful," Katy said.

"Thank you for letting me know, Katelyn," Calliope said.

"It's alright, Callie. I have to get back, people to calm down, daughter to put to sleep... Fiance to... Assure me I'm coming home," Katy said and walked back to the fireplace.

"Good luck," Calliope said.

"Thank you," Katy said and jumped into the fire, disappearing.

World Without Light...

Priscilla was standing on the balcony of her bedroom when her balcony shook and she turned to see Will climbing out of a rabbit hole with the White Rabbit, "Will? What are you doing here?" Priscilla asked.

"Katy... She wanted me to let you know some information," Priscilla nodded, "The Wicked Witch came looking for Katy," Will said.

"Is she okay?" Priscilla asked.

"More than okay. She's telling Callie now, whoever that is," Will said.

"Almost stepmother," Priscilla said.

"I see... The witch has left, Katy's put a lock on beans, looking glasses and portal hats... The only way to get there is your other way and the way that I just took," Will said.

Priscilla nodded, "The witch trying to find those who were close to papa?" Priscilla asked.

"That is what Katy is fearing since the witch didn't know her name and just called her The Dark One's daughter... She wanted Katy to leave with her, she didn't. Just be careful Priscilla," Will said.

"Promise. Thank you, Will," Priscilla said and Will and the White Rabbit left through the rabbit hole.

Priscilla placed her hands on the wall of her balcony as she looked at the realm, "Papa... She's coming," Priscilla said.

End of Flashback


The next day, Elaine was whisking eggs for their breakfast a little aggressively as Henry, Julia and Emma watched her. Henry and Julia glanced at Emma before looking back at Elaine, "Mom...Mom!" Julia called out and Elaine looked at her twins.

"You're hurting the eggs," Henry said.

"Right... Can I ask you both something?" Elaine said as she turned to them after she began to fry the scrambled eggs.

"Sure," The young twins said.

"Do you believe in magic?" Elaine asked and Emma looked surprised as they looked at the young twins.

"Of course," Elaine raised her brows, "And the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny... If it gets us a present, we believe..." Julia said as Henry nodded.

"You're not sure you made the right decision, are you?" Henry said.

"I just didn't feel like pancakes," Elaine said.

"About Walsh," The young twins said.

"Oh," She laughed a little, "I made the right decision," She chuckled, "I'm certain... It's just gonna be the four of us for a little while. Aunt Katy can't visit at the moment," Elaine said as she served them their eggs.

"As long as you're happy," The young twins ate some of his eggs then got off his chair, "Tasty, but we got to run. We're going to be late for school, you kind of overslept," Henry said as he picked up his backpack as Julia picked up her bag.

"Nope, no school today. How about we go on a trip?" Elaine said.

"Like a vacation?" Julia asked they walked back to them.

"Like we got a new case, and it's in Maine and they want us to work together as it's pretty big and we might be a while," Emma said.

"I think we should go, it would be an adventure," Elaine said.

"No school? A trip with you two? Sold," Henry said with a smile.

"Me too!" Julia said excitedly.

Elaine walked over to them and kissed their heads, "Good, 'cause I already packed," Elaine said.

"When do we leave?" Henry asked.

"Now," Elaine said.

There was a knock on the door, "You two expecting someone?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, Em, can you?" Elaine said.

"Sure," Emma said and walked over to the doors letting Killian in.

"You ready, Emma?" Killian asked as he walked in and headed towards the living room as Emma closed the door and went after him.

"Swan," Killian said.

"Henry, Julia, this is Kilian," The young twins looked between Killian and Elaine, "He's...We're, uh, we're helping him with his case," Elaine said.

"Did you skip bail?" Henry asked.

"Oh, he's still a little spitfire," Killian said.

"Still?" Henry said in confusion.

"He's not a perp... Well, not all the time... He's a client," Elaine said.

"You handcuff all your clients?" Killian asked as he looked at Elaine amused.

"Just you," Elaine said.

"Aren't I the lucky one?" Killian said.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Henry said as he looked at his attire.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Killian said slightly offended.

"Alright, alright. Just make yourself useful, Killian, and get our bags. Henry, Julia, lend him a hand... Literally," Elaine said as she walked past them.

"Wait," Elaine turned back to Julia, "W...We're really going?" Julia asked.

"Yep," She handed him his coat, "We just need to get one last thing each," Elaine said.

Elaine and Emma walked into their bedrooms and to their closets. Emma opened hers, moved some clothes until she found her red leather jacket and put it on. Elaine opened her closet and crouched down, bringing out black high heel ankle boots and she put them on and grabbed the shell Killian gave her when they went to Neverland and placed it around her neck.



After hours of driving, Elaine drove them all into Storybrooke late at night and she parked up, near the B&B and they all got out but Henry and Julia who were asleep in the back of the car, The Swan twins looked around at the quiet town, "It's really back... We're really back," Emma said.

"As quaint and homey as you remember?" Killian asked as he walked to them.

"As cursed as we remember," Elaine said.

Killian sighed as he put his hook back on, "That's more like it, isn't it, Swan?" Killian said as he gently pushed Elaine's hair back by the curve of his hook.

"How are you gonna explain that to them?" Elaine asked.

"Well, that's more your concern... Well, perhaps it'll jog their memory," Killian said.

"Or give them nightmares... Last time, this curse took everyone's memories. This time..." Emma said.

"We don't know what it did," Killian said.

"Then we'll find out... Stay here and watch the kids. Don't wake them or scare them or just let them sleep," Elaine said and the Swan twins started to walk away.

"Aye... Where are you both going?" Killian asked.

"To talk to our mother," They told him.

"Oh, wait," Elaine rushed back over to him and kissed him, "See you soon," Elaine said and walked away with Killian.


Emma and Elaine arrived at their mother's apartment, Emma knocked on the door and David answered, "Hi," The Swan twins said together in surprise as David looked at them in surprise.

"Don't close the door. W...we... My name is..." Emma said.

"Emma. Elaine," David said.

"David?" The Swan twins said and they hugged for a few minutes.

"You both remember," David said.

"You remember," Elaine said as they pulled away.

"Of course. What are you two doing here?" The Swan twins walked in as David shut the door behind them, "How?" David asked.

"Well, Killian found us. He brought us here, he said you were cursed," Elaine said.

"Yeah, we're back or we never left, or well, we don't know, but we're trapped again," David said.

"But you know who you are," Elaine said.

"Girls, this curse we don't know who did it or who. All we know is our last year it's been wiped away," David said.

"Wiped away?" Elaine questioned.

"All we remember is saying goodbye to you two. It feels like yesterday," David said.

"What are you doing here?" Elaine asked.

"I woke up in Pri's home, it's completely empty. Went into town and saw everyone then I came to check on your mother. Been here ever since. Took your bed," David said.

"But if you can't remember, then how do you know that it's been a..." Emma said.

"Emma! Elaine!" Mary Margaret called out and the said twins looked at her then she hugged them.

"Year..." Emma said.

"Internet," David said.

"Ah, makes sense," Elaine said.

"Where's Katy?" David asked.

"All we know is she can't go through a portal... So, nothing of Faye? Callie?" Elaine asked.

"Nothing, only us and those who were sent to the Enchanted Forest," Mary Margaret said.

"Who the hell would have done this?" Emma asked.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Inside the Dark Palace, the Wicked Witch landed on the balcony and walked around when a flying monkey that attacked The Evil Queen flew in.

"Did you get what I need?" The flying monkey screeched, "Show me," The flying monkey showed her the blood dripping from its claws, "That's her blood... This Queen's?" The flying monkey screeched and nodded, "Lovely," She grabbed a potion vial that was filled with a clear liquid and the flying monkey dropped the blood into it and it glowed, "Now I shall get my revenge," The monkey screeched, "Of course, I will," She walked over to a mirror, "The Queen's may be evil, dark, cold and white," She looked at her reflection, "But I'm wicked... And wicked always wins," The Wicked Witch of the West said as she smirked.

End of Flashback

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