Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
24 - Going Home
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

25 - New York Serenade

744 22 0
By bethanyjanebooks


In the Swan apartment, Killian and Elaine were still in Elaine's room, reuniting after a year apart, both not wanting to separate after so long apart.


Killian and Elaine cuddled in her bed as they breathed heavily, "You said... My family was in trouble," Elaine said.

"Aye, love... But we need your sisters, where's Katy?" Killian asked as he stroked her shoulderblade.

"Wonderland... She does have an apartment but, uh, we only visit when we get a text asking us round... We have the memory of growing distant in the sense of having children and living apart," Elaine said.

"Sorry to hear, love," Killian said.

"Oh, no. It's that bad, we're both mothers, and since she's in Wonderland and I remember everything so I'm okay with it," Elaine said as she lightly drew circles on his chest with the tip of her finger.

"So... This boyfriend..." Killian said.

"Yeah... He's different, but, uh, he won't be anymore after tonight," Elaine kissed his jawline, "Told you we'd find each other... How did you find out where our apartment was?" Elaine asked.

"Magic," Killian said.

"You asked Katy," Elaine said.

"I did, aye... She's doing fine... But she's said for now it's up to you and Emma... Something's happened in Wonderland," Killian said.

"Oh, okay..." Elaine said.

Killian looked at her and kissed her, "The year was terrible without you," Killian said.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

Prince Phillip was riding on a horse in the forest, heading towards a gazebo where Aurora waited for him with a picnic, "You're late," Aurora said.

"I came as quickly as I could," Prince Phillip said as he got off his horse.

"I'm hungry, and I miss you," Aurora said.

Prince Phillip gave her a quick kiss, "You are always hungry now," He said as she rubbed her small pregnancy bump.

"And cranky... I'm sorry. I know there are royal responsibilities I just..." Aurora said.

"None that match my responsibilities to you... And our family. I'm the one who should be sorry," Prince Phillip said.

There was suddenly a loud rumbling sound and the wind gushed as a purple cloud came out of the sky, "What is that? Is it a storm?" Aurora asked.

The crackling sound from the cloud spooked the horses and they ran away. The wind rushed towards them along with the purple cloud, "That's no storm. That's magic. Come. We need to get you to safety now," Prince Phillip said.

The cloud growled as it moved towards them and they ran towards the gazebo and hugged each other protectively as the cloud passed over them but nothing happened.

"Are you alright?" Prince Phillip asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I think so. What was that?" Aurora said.

"I don't know," Prince Phillip said.

They turned to see the dwarves, Captain Hook, Granny, Belle, Neal, The Evil Queen, Snow White and Prince Charming, standing in front of them in the outfits they wore when they were last in the Enchanted Forest.

"Snow... What happened?" Aurora asked.

She walked forward a little, "We're back," Snow White said.


Katy and Will walked through the Wonderland Castle with Daniella between them, "I'm glad you're back," Will said.

"Me too, thank you for being patient with me," Katy said.

"Don't mention it. Seriously don't," Will said.

"You hated it didn't you?" Katy asked.

"Every day," Will said.

Daniella looked at Will, "What do I call you?" Daniella asked.

"Anything you want, lass," Will said.

"Oh, so dumbass and idiot are on the plate of names are they?" Katy asked with a smile.

"Hey! Anything but insults," Will said and they chuckled.

"Is Will okay for now?" Daniella asked.

Will smiled, "That's fine, lass. Ah, here we are," Will said and opened a door then Daniella walked in to see her bedroom.

"What do you think?" Katy asked.

"It's like my room in Phuket," Daniella looked at Katy, "How did you know?" Daniella asked.

"Your papa showed me a picture then I sent it to Will," Katy said as she walked up to her.

Daniella smiled and they hugged, "Thank you," Daniella said.

"We'll let you get settled in," Katy said and kissed her head before she left with Will.

World Within Snow...

Calliope was walking down a corridor with Tristian and Adam, she was dressed in a black off the shoulders dress, "And this is our grandmother Dominique Winter... Our father's mother," Tristian said.

"She seems... Nice," Adam and Tristian looked at Calliope who shrugged, "What I say?" Calliope asked.

"She's fierce and you said she's nice," Adam said.

"I wouldn't know, now would I?" Calliope asked.

"No... Come... Much more to see," Tristian said and they led her into a room.

"This is our family room, photos of our family and it's where we sit together and socialise," Adam said.

"A living room?" Calliope questioned.

"Yes," Tristian said.

"Okay," Calliope nodded, "Makes sense," Calliope said.

Zara walked in, "Hello, dears... Can I have a moment with Calliope?" Zara asked.

"Of course, mother," Adam said and he and Tristian left.

Calliope looked around the photos, "A lot of photos..." Calliope saw a picture of Raphael and Zara with a baby, "Who's the baby?" Calliope asked.

Zara walked over, "Ah, that's you," Calliope looked at her, "One of my favourites we had of you," Zara pointed to another, "There's one too," Zara said.

"Oh... You and Raphael... Seem to have a different opinion about my birth," Calliope said.

"Nonsense, we were both over the moon about your birth... Raphael, is a difficult man to love," Calliope chuckled, "What is it?" Zara asked.

"Sounds like Rumpel... He was a difficult man to love but I loved him and accepted him regardless," Calliope said.

Zara linked her arm with hers, "Tell me about him?" Calliope looked at her, "I want to know about the man my daughter lost and loves," Zara said and Calliope smiled softly then nodded.

World Without Light...

Priscilla walked into a room to find Aleena and Branston arguing, "You're making a scene," Aleena said.

"I am not making a scene! What were you and Adam doing the night before we left when the Shadow escaped?!" Branston asked.

"Everything okay?" Freya asked as she walked up to Priscilla.

"No idea," Priscilla answered.

"I'm not telling you!" Aleena said.

"Yes, you are," Branston said.

"Hey!" The two looked at Priscilla, "Enough arguing. What's going on?" Priscilla asked

"Mom. Aleena and Adam when into the B&B the night the Shadow escaped, but she won't tell me what they did," Branston said.

"And she has to because?" Priscilla questioned.

"Aren't you upset?" Branston asked.

"No, not really... She's an adult," Priscilla looked at Freya, "Everything okay?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes, it's time to meet the rest of the family," Freya said.

"Okay, lead the way," Priscilla said and Freya led the three of them down the corridor.

End of Flashback


Elaine walked into a restaurant and she walked over to her date, who was sitting at a table waiting for her, "Hey," He said as she stood up.

"Sorry, I'm late," Elaine said.

"I'm guessing it means you caught the guy," He said and they hugged, the man tried to kiss her but she turned her head making him kiss her cheek.

"Oh," Elaine smiled, "I didn't work today, I wasn't feeling well this morning," Elaine said.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Well, if I wasn't feeling better, I wouldn't be here," Elaine said.

"That's true," The man said as they sat down at the table as a waiter walked over and gave Elaine a glass of wine.

"Oh, my drink," She looked at the waiter, "Thank you," Elaine said.

The man looked at the waiter, "Thank you," Elaine and the man looked at each other, "Hey, how'd the twin's volcano do at the science fair?" He asked.

"It was Pompeii all over again. Thank you for your help, Walsh," Elaine said as they clinked their wine glasses together.

"Come on. All I did was convince them not to use real lava and rocks," Walsh said.

"Their teachers did appreciate that... Let's eat. I'm starving," Elaine said as she looked at her menu.

"Le's do it," Walsh said.


Elaine Walsh was halfway down with their meals, "You happy?" Elaine looked at him confused, "With your food, you happy?" Walsh asked.

"We are happy," Elaine said as she smiled at him.

He held her hand, "I'll be right back," He said.

"Okay," Elaine said and Walsh walked out.

The waitress came over and she took their plates, Elaine thanked her as her phone buzzed, she looked at it. Someone walked over to her and sat in front of her and she thought it was Walsh, "Hang on. I'm just gonna finish one quick work thing," She looked up at saw Killian, "Killian? What are you doing here?" She said.

"I don't like this Walsh, you need to run," Killian said.

"Run? From Walsh? Now, what are you on about?" Elaine asked.

"He's dangerous, Elaine," Killian said.

"He's not," Elaine said.

"I'd never lie to you, love. He's going to hurt you," Killian said.

Elaine looked at him confused and annoyed, "You're acting like a crazy person, he won't hurt me," Elaine said.

"I prefer dashing rapscallion," Killian said.

"I know you do, my love," Killian looked at her shocked as she looked confused at her words, "Sorry, but you need to leave. Killian, please, trust me... I need you to go," Elaine said.

"You really don't believe me?" Killian asked.

"No, I don't, now leave," Elaine said.

"Try using your superpower," Killian said.

Elaine started to get annoyed as she looked at him, "Just because you believe something is true does not make it real, if you believe you're doing the real thing, you end up believing it yourself. And given your history with the face's ex's I understand your worry... But we are not engaged, we are not married, it's only an 8-month relationship it is not a deep relationship, he will be okay," Elaine said.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I know you, Swan, better than you know yourself sometimes. You sense something's off," Elaine sighed, "Just promise me, you will be careful," Killian said.

"I promise... Now, please, go," Elaine said.

Killian sighed and stood up, he walked around the table and kissed her head, "Come back to me," Killian whispered.

"Promise," Elaine whispered and he walked off.


Emma was sat in a bar and Killian sat beside her, "Hello, love," Killian said.

Emma looked at him, "Not my type," Emma said as she looked away.

"You're not mine... I'm here about your sister," Emma looked back at him, "Elaine... She's in danger and she won't listen to me," Killian said.

"Danger? She's on a date with her boyfriend," Emma said.

"He is the danger," Killian said.

"I don't think so. He's going to propose tonight," Emma said.

Killian looked shocked, "Does she know?" Killian asked.

"Uh, no... Why would she know?" Emma asked.

"He's dangerous, Emma," Killian said.

"How do you know my name?" Emma asked.

"Emma, your parents are in great danger," Killian said.

"You really have no idea what you're talking about," Emma said.

"Because you think you and your sisters are orphans?" Emma looked at him, "Because that's haunted you and your sisters your whole lives? Well, I'm here to tell you everything you believe is wrong," Killian said.

"You don't know me or Elaine," Emma said.

"Alas, I know you both better than you know yourselves. I have proof. Take a gander," He put a piece of paper in from of her, "Here's an address. If you want to know who you really are, who your parents are, go there," Killian said.

"You have to leave," Emma said.

"You've been there before, a year ago. You just don't remember," Killian said.

"A year ago, I was in Boston, until a fire destroyed mine and my sisters' apartment and we moved to New York to have a fresh start with my nieces and nephew," Emma said.

"Regina really did a number on you," Killian said.

Emma looked at him confused and annoyed, "You're a crazy person or a liar or both," Emma said.

Killian sighed, "You and your twin are a damn pair, you know that?" Killian said.

"You were at the apartment this morning? Have you been stalking us? Elaine?" Emma asked.

Killian sighed, he leaned over and pointed to the paper, "Go to that address. Take a chance. Then you'll want to talk and get Elaine to see reason about this Walsh. And when you do, I'll be in Central Park, by the entrance to the Zoo. Don't do it for me or you. Do it for your family, your sister. They need yours and your sisters' help," Killian said and he stood up, walking away, leaving Emma alone and confused as she looked at the address.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

"How have things been since we left? The ogres?" Snow White asked Aurora as they stood under the gazebo with Prince Phillip, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Captain Hook and Neal.

"Oh, defeated. We're restoring our kingdom and our lives," Aurora said.

"And congratulations," Snow White said.

Aurora laughed softly, "Is it that obvious?" Aurora asked.

"You're glowing," Snow White said.

"Why is she pregnant and I'm the one who's sick?" The Evil Queen whispered.

"We have much to celebrate. And know that you and your friends are welcome in our kingdom. If you need anything, we're at your service," Prince Phillip said.

"Thank you, but all we need is horses. We have our own kingdom, our own castle," Prince Charming said.

"Our castle was destroyed in the curse," Snow White said.

"Well-played, Your Majesty. You laid waste to everything," Captain Hook said.

"Not everything," Neal said.

"He's right, her castle still stands," Aurora said.

"Of course it does. I protected it," Regina said.

"Well, technically, the castle doesn't belong to her. It was Snow's before she took it," Prince Charming said.

"Well, to be fair, I married into it," The Evil Queen said.

"That you did... And now I'm taking it back..." Snow White approached her, "And you are coming with me," She said.

The Evil Queen scoffed, "You can't be serious," She said.

"Regina, everyone out there is scared and confused. They need hope. And what better way to do that, than to return united? You're coming with us. I know you don't like it. You'll learn to, for our good for yours," Snow White said.

"Thank you again for the hospitality. We should begin preparation," Prince Charming said as he shook Prince Phillip's hand.

"Good luck to all of you," Prince Phillip said.

They walked out of the gazebo, leaving Aurora and Prince Phillip as they began their preparations to leave.


Katy and Will walked into their room and Katy looked around, "Ooo, it's nice," Katy said.

"Nice? Nice?! That all I get?" Will asked.

Katy looked at him and smiled, "Beautiful," Will smiled, "Devine," Katy said.

"Oh? Devine?" Will said and chuckled.

"Magical," Katy said.

Will walked up to her and placed his hands on her waist, "Prefer those words than nice," Will said.

"How's Wonderland been?" Katy asked as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"My fiancee hasn't been home for longer than an hour and she's already talking about work," Will said.

"Is this your way of telling me that you left it all to Ana?" Katy asked.

"I did no such thing," Katy smiled a little at him, "Okay... Maybe a little, but we both know I'm not King materiel," Will said.

"No, you're a Knave," Katy said.

"Jack of all trades, love," Will said.

"Knave," Katy said.

Will chuckled and kissed her forehead as she smiled, "I'll let you get settled in and call the others... We'll have a nice dinner together," Will said and walked out of the room.

Katy sat on the bed and opened up her swan locket to see pictures of her with Elaine and Emma, she closed the locket and kissed it, "I'm sorry girls," Katy whispered.

World Within Snow...

Zara and Calliope were talking, "He took you and your sister to be his maids and you fell in love with him?" Zara questioned.

"Well, I told me I don't clean and he got my sister, then I always argued with him and he liked the fact I wasn't afraid of him," Calliope said.

"I'm sorry to hear about his death, Calliope," Zara said.

"Thank you... I never thought he'd die or risk everything, but he is a family man... I mean he was," Calliope said.

"It'll take some time, but I promise all will be okay," Zara said.

"How do you know?" Calliope asked.

"We thought you were dead," Calliope looked at her, "But then we sensed her love for someone, I'm guessing this Rumpelstiltskin... It was 29 years ago," Zara said.

"When I started to break the spell... The Dark One spell?" Calliope asked.

"More than likely," Zara said.

"I see... It wasn't long before I locked away," Calliope said.

"That's why it took Tristian a long time to find you and bring you home," Zara said.

"Must... Must have been," Calliope said.

"Tell me more... Your sister, uh, Belle," Zara said.

"Oh, she's... She's lovely, I can't believe we're apart after all these years... Again," Calliope said.

"I have to ask... The necklace I gave you when you were a baby... Loveheart... Where is it?" Zara asked.

"It came from you?" Zara nodded, "Oh, I'm... I'm sorry, I gave it Belle... See with the curse, a lot of my belongings went missing but the necklace never left me... I knew it would be something of me she could keep," Calliope said.

"I see, no need to apologise. It was a thoughtful gift for your sister," Zara said with a smile.

"You're not mad?" Calliope asked.

"Of course not... You didn't know I gave it to you, I can't be mad, but yes... That necklace holds a lot of memories of our family and now it will hold some of you and your sister, best for those who have no magic, way to help them remember," Zara said.

"I see," Calliope said with a smile.

Raphael walked in, "Oh, sorry... Didn't know you two were in here," Raphael said.

"It's okay dear... Come in and join us," Zara said.

"Oh, no... I should... I should do work," Raphael said.

"Raphael. We're writing the truce whenever you like it or not. Calliope is the one who has the say very soon," Zara said.

"I don't trust them," Raphael said.

"I lived with the new ruler, I know her better than you," Calliope said.

"Careful girl," Raphael said.

"Nah, I'm good. If I can handle the Dark One, you are no different, Raphael. We're making this truce, end of discussion, am I clear?" Calliope said.

"You can only make decisions when you are in charge, not before," Raphael said.

"And when's that?" Calliope asked.

"When you turn 25," Raphael said.

"I'm 28," Raphael sighed, "So... What I say goes doesn't it? And I say we're making a truce," Calliope said.

"Fine," Raphael said and walked off.

"Don't worry about him. He's lived his life thinking the Nightingale's are our enemy, but if they can change, so can we," Zara said.

"Thank you, Zara," Calliope said.

Zara smiled, "No need to thank you... I've been on my own with five men for a long time, it's great to have you home," Zara said and Calliope smiled a little at her.

World Without Light...

Freya led Priscilla, Branston and Aleena to the dining room where five new faces were sat with their family, "More people..." Aleena said.

"Priscilla," Sebastian stood up and Priscilla, Aleena and Branston walked over to them, "I'd like to introduce, Jared, he is Freya's husband and Faith's father. Theodore, Fleur's husband and their son, Spencer," Sebastian introduced them.

"Hello," Priscilla said.

"My sister's, Diana and Phyllis," Sebastian said.

"Nice to meet you all," Priscilla said.

"It is so wonderful to have you back," Diana said.

"Thank you," Priscilla said.

"These are, Branston and Aleena... Priscilla's children," Sebastian said.

"Hello," Branston said.

"Hi," Aleena said.

"Please join us for dinner," Sebastian said.

"Thank you," Priscilla said.

"You'll sit my place... The head of the table, with your children near you," Sebastian said and the three of them glanced at each other and took their places at the table.

End of Flashback


Elaine was looking at a text from Emma, letting her know that she's just had a visit from someone saying she was in danger and to go to an address, Walsh walked over and sat opposite her, "Hey, what's that?" Walsh asked.

"Nothing," Elaine said as she put her phone into her bag.

"Hope you're still hungry," Walsh said as the waitress came up with their desert.

"Oh, Walsh, I couldn't eat another bite," Elaine said.

"You remember our first date? You were being you," He chuckled as Elaine playfully glared at him, "So I couldn't swing a dinner. I brought you here for lunch, which didn't stop you from ordering an ice-cream sundae, which wasn't on the menu. I bribed the chef. They made one up," Walsh said.

Elaine smiled at him bashfully, "I remember. I was nervous, I eat ice cream when I'm nervous. But, now I'm full," Elaine said.

"Will you at least look at it," He turned the plate around and Elaine looked to see an engagement ring placed on the plate, Elaine's eyes widened in shock, "Elaine, I don't want to freak you out, but I couldn't wait any longer," She looked at him, "I love you. I love Henry and Julia. I love your crazy-ass sisters and niece, you know when they're not glaring at me. I love our lives together and I wanna have a future together," He stood up, knelt down at her side and took her hand, "Elaine Swan, will you marry me?" Walsh said as Elaine's shocked expression never changed.


Elaine had walked out of the restaurant and was waiting for a cab to pick her up, Walsh ran over to her, "Taxi!" Elaine yelled as she hailed a cab.

"Here I thought the worst thing that could happen was you'd say 'no', but I never thought you'd walk out on the bill," Walsh said.

"Walsh..." Elaine said.

"No, no, no. I was gonna pay. It was... I'm kidding," Walsh said.

"I'm sorry... This wasn't... You just took me by surprise is all," Elaine said.

"Look, a surprise was kind of the plan, but I can see now it was not a great plan, so..." Walsh said.

"Doesn't it all just seem a little fast to you? I mean, we've only been together eight months. I...I've had leftovers in my fridge for longer than that," Elaine said.

Walsh chuckled, "I know. I thew them out might have saved your life," Walsh said.

"How do you... Know that this is right?" Elaine asked.

"Elaine, speaking for myself I've known this was right since the moment you walked into my furniture shop. Why do you think your order was ready two weeks early?" Walsh said.

"Your commitment to excellence?" Elaine said.

Walsh chuckled, "I couldn't wait to ask you out," Elaine sighed, "It seemed the most non-stalkery way to speed things up," Walsh said.

"I do love that end table," Elaine said.

"That's a start," Walsh said with a smile.

Elaine sighed again and looked at him, "I'm just... I'm not good... At fast," Elaine said.

"I know... I knew who I was proposing to. I knew you would say this was too fast, and that's why we don't have to get married anytime soon. We can wait a year or more. Look, I don't care if we don't get married until we are 65 years old and Henry and Julia already have kids, okay?" Walsh stepped up to her and gently tilted her head up to look at him, "All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Walsh said.

"I...I..." Elaine stuttered as a cab pulled up beside them.

"It's okay, take as much time as you need. I will be here when you're ready," Walsh said.

"Goodnight," Elaine said, he opened one of the doors for her and she got into the back of the cab.


Elaine was about to walk into her apartment, "Elaine!" Elaine turned to see Emma walking up to her, "Wow, you look like you just seen a ghost," Emma said.

"I'm okay," Elaine said.

"You sure? Did you two fight? Was it my text? I'm sorry I put a downer on your night," Emma asked.

"No, no, your text didn't do anything wrong... I needed to know, thank you," Elaine said.

"Need ice cream?" Emma asked.

"I'll never look at ice cream the same again," Elaine walked inside with Emma behind her and they heard Henry and Julia playing a video game in the living room then the Swan twins walked over, "Mrs Cuse said you were quiet tonight," Elaine said.

"Not quite... Concentrating. We finally reached level 23," Henry said.

"You mind if a fifth level wizard joins you?" Elaine asked as she kicked off her heels and sat next to him.

"At level 23? Good luck with that," Julia said.

Elaine scoffed as she grabbed the spare controller and Emma sat in the one-seater, "Don't mind your mother, kids, she's cranky," Emma said.

"We can tell. So, what'd you say? To Walsh?" Julia asked.

"Oh, yeah, what did you say? I thought you'd be smiles not quiet," Emma said.

"You three knew? How?" Elaine asked.

"Come on, mom. First-date restaurant, special night out," Henry said.

"Writing was on the wall," Emma said.

"Technically, the writing was in the desert," Elaine said.

"So, what did you say?" Julia asked and Elaine stayed silent.

"Poor guy," Emma said.

"I didn't say no," Elaine said.

"Well, if you didn't say yes, I stand by my poor guy assessment," Emma said and Henry and Julia nodded, agreeing.

"I went there to break up with him," Elaine said.

"Say what?" Emma asked.

"Yep. We've got a good thing here... Don't want to ruin it," Elaine said.

"Yeah, and we'd still have a good thing if it was just the five of us," Henry said.

Elaine glanced at Henry as they continued to play the video game, "Do you think Walsh is worthy of joining our little family?" Elaine asked.

"He's okay, but given your news," He paused the game and turned to her, "Mom, not every guy is like our dad. Not every guy's just gonna leave you," Henry said.

"He didn't just leave...He set us up to take the fall for his crime and left us in jail. He doesn't even know you exist and he doesn't deserve to," Emma said.

"Yeah..." Elaine sighed, "Honestly, it's just too fast, I don't like it. Your dad was... Fast," Elaine said trying to come up with an excuse.

"And this guy is not that guy. He wants to be with you," Henry said.

"Why were you really going to break up with him?" Julia asked.

"Because... Because... I don't feel the same way for him anymore," Elaine said.

"Elaine, what's happened?" Emma asked and she watched as her sister glanced at her then Elaine pressed play on the game.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Ago...

The dwarves were gathered together, "Grumpy, look at us. We're back to normal," Sneezy said.

"We're handsome again!" Happy said as he laughed.

Jiminy landed on Grumpy's shoulder, "Hey, Jiminy, is that you?" Jiminy chirped, "Where you been?" Jiminy chirped again, "Really? No kidding?" Jiminy chirped again, "Okay," Jiminy chirped, "Okay," Grumpy nodded and Jiminy flew off, "Hey, David," Grumpy walked over to Prince Charming, "According to Jiminy, fifty more Storybrooke folk landed not two miles from here. They're popping back all over the place," Grumpy said.

"That's good. At this rate, we'll have the whole kingdom back in no time. Grumpy, you and the dwarf's spread the word all new arrivals make haste for the Queen's castle," Prince Charming said.

"Consider it done," Grumpy said as he shook his hand.

Prince Charming chuckled and he walked over to Captain Hook who was packing supplies on a horse, " That's a lot of supplies you have there, Hook," Prince Charming said.

"Well, you know what they say about preparation and all that," Captain Hook said.

"Well, there's no need to overload your horse. The Queen's castle's less than a day's ride from here. We'll have everything we need once we get there," Prince Charming said.

"Aye, well," Captain Hook said as he looked down then to the side.

"That would be lovely if I were going to the Queen's castle," Captain Hook said.

"You're not coming with us?" Prince Charming questioned.

"You are a perceptive prince, aren't you?" Captain Hook said as he looked back at him.

The prince sighed, "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Listen, mate, the Enchanted Forest is your home. Mine is the Jolly Roger," Captain Hook said.

The prince sighed again, "Hook, you don't even know if it's-," Prince Charming began to say.

"Regina told me how this bloody thing worked that it returned all our belongings to this land, as well as us. That means that somewhere out there is my ship. All I have to do is find her," Captain Hook said.

"And what if you can't?" Prince Charming asked.

"I'll just have to take another one, then, won't I? That's what pirates do," Captain Hook said as he turned to the horse.

"Huh and here I thought you'd gone and changed," Prince Charming said.

Captain Hook got on his horse, "I tried the hero thing, didn't take," Captain Hook said.

Snow White walked up to them, "So, that's it. Elaine's gone, and you gonna go back to being a pirate," She said.

"Back, Milady? I've always been a pirate," Captain Hook said and rode off.

"Hey," Neal walked over to Prince Charming and Snow White as they turned to him, "What Hook said just now about all our stuff being brought back here that true?" Neal said.

"W...What are you looking for?" Prince Charming asked.

"I was thinking maybe we could stop by my father's place on the way to the Queen's castle," Neal said.

"Neal, I...I know you're hurting, but Rumpelstiltskin is gone," Prince Charming said.

"Maybe, maybe not. And if he's not, maybe he can get me back to Elaine," Neal said.

"Neal, it's impossible... Regina was clear the price of our return was a complete reset no more portals. This is our realm for good. There's no way to cross over, not without another curse... Priscilla, Branston, Aleena, Katy, Daniella, and Callie are the only ones who escaped that fate," Snow White said.

"We have to move on. This is our home now... Now, I know you miss them. So do we. But even if there were some way to get to them, they wouldn't remember us... The best thing we can do for Elaine, Julia, Henry and Emma is the only thing we can do... Let them be and know we gave them their best chance," Prince Charming said.


Katy and Daniella walked into the dining room where they saw Will, Anastasia, Alice and Cyrus, "Mama, who're these?" Daniella asked.

"Well, this is Anastasia, she helped Will look after Wonderland when I left and these are Alice and Cyrus, who I am surprised to see. What happened to Victorian England?" Katy asked.

"Well we weren't about to let these two welcome you back to Wonderland without referees," Alice said with a smile.

"We doubt they've actually told you the truth," Cyrus said.

"Now I'm intrigued. What's been happening?" Katy asked.

"You fiancee doesn't know left from right," Anastasia said.

"We all know that. What don't I know?" Katy asked.

"The people, they're afraid," Katy folded her arms as she looked at Will, "The Jabberwocky, though she is locked up... She remains, I think we all agree we do not need a Jafar repeat," Will said.

"Oh, yes, I was meant to free her straight away... Lead the way," Katy said.

"Now?" Will asked.

"Better late than never," Katy said and they all left the dining room.

World Within Snow...

Calliope and Zara were walking through the castle, "So there will be a coronation in a few days, we need to prepare... Shortest time is a week to wait, the longest a month, depending on how big you want it to be," Zara said.

"Not very big," Calliope said.

"Very well. Oh and your grandmother needs to be present so that might cause a delay," Zara said.

"Okay," Calliope said as she nodded.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Zara asked.

"I'd, uh... I'd rather rest," Calliope said.

"Of course, this way," Zara said and led her towards a room, she opened the door.

Calliope walked inside and looked around to see her bedroom, royal blue, white and gold, "This mine?"

"Yes. If you'd prefer another room, we can arrange one," Zara said.

"Oh, no, this is okay, thank you," Calliope said.

"I know it's a little small, I'll arrange for another to be prepared for you," Zara said.

"It's okay," Calliope said.

"I'm happy to," Zara said.

"Okay... I'll just rest up in here until then though," Calliope said.

"Certainly... Rest well," Zara said and walked out of the room, shutting the door.

Calliope sighed and walked over to the bed, she laid on the bed then she curled up, closing her eyes.

World Without Light...

The Nightingale's were sat together at the dining table eating and Priscilla looked at the food confused, "Darling?" She looked at Evangeline, "Is everything okay?" Evangeline asked.

"Oh, uh... I just don't feel too good," Priscilla said.

"Mom?" Aleena said.

"You haven't been right since Neverland... What happened when you and David got separated?" Freya asked.

"Oh... About that..." Priscilla said and she looked away.

"Priscilla..." Sebastian said.

"I'm fine..." Priscilla said.

Evangeline stood up, "I'll take you to your bedroom, where you can rest... Excuse us," Evangeline said as Priscilla stood up and they left the room.

Branston and Aleena watched their mother leave then they looked at each other, "What are you thinking dad?" Freya asked.

"Branston how was she when she was pregnant with Aleena?" Sebastian asked.

Branston looked at Sebastian, "I was too young to remember... There's no one alive who would know, but mom now," Branston said.

"Well... Hook might know," Aleena said.

"Doubt it," Branston said.

"You think she's pregnant again?" Aleena asked.

"They were gone for hours when we were looking for Tink, something must've happened, they weren't... Themselves when they came back," Sebastian said.

"Grandpa's right," Faith said.

"We'll talk to mom after she's rested," Aleena said.

End of Flashback


The next day, Elaine was washing dishes as Emma was rushing around, "Aunt Em, can you slow down, you're making us dizzy," Henry said as he was getting ready for school.

"Sorry, kids," Emma said.

"Mom, do you have it?" Elaine looked at the young twins confused, "Our permission slips?" Elaine dried her hands still looking confused, "It's due today, and if we don't hand it in, I'll miss the museum trip next week," Julia said.

"Oh, yeah," Elaine walked over to her bag and took out the permission slip, "Yeah, your permission slip it's right here," Elaine said as she handed it over as she looked at the address silently.

Emma took out the address that Killian gave her yesterday, "Aunt Em? You okay?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, mom, is there something going on?" Henry asked as he took the permission slip.

"I'm fine," Emma pocketed the address, "It's your mother we should be worried about," Emma said.

"I'm fine, nothing is going on," Elaine said.

"No, no. You're doing it again. You're worrying," Julia said.

"Mhm, what's up?" Emma asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm thinking, there's a difference," Elaine said.

"Are you thinking about Walsh?" Henry asked.

"Talk to us," Emma said.

"I... Yeah. I am... Thinking of Walsh... Can you three blame me I went to break up with him and he proposes, what else would I be thinking about?" Elaine said.

"You're always looking for something to be wrong. You don't have to do that, you know," Elaine looked at Julia, "Sometimes it's okay to accept things are good and Walsh is a good guy," Julia said.

"We got to go. Gonna be late... See ya. Love you two," Henry said as he walked towards the door.

"Love you two, too," The older twins called out as younger twins left.

"What's going on with you?" Emma looked at Elaine, "You're hiding something, what is it?" Elaine asked.

"Errr... Nothing," Emma said.

"Rather attractive in a Jack Sparrow kind of way... Black hair literally looks like he's been pulled out of a fantasy," Elaine said.

"How'd you know?" Emma said.

"Already met him," Elaine said.

"What?!" Emma asked.

"Now answer my question, what's going on with you?" Elaine asked.

"He found me last night and gave me this," Emma handed over the piece of paper, "He wants me to go there and convince you with something," Emma said.

"Fine, let's go," Elaine said.

"What?" Emma asked.

"I said let's go," Elaine said and they both left the apartment.


At Neal's Apartment, Emma broke in and walked in with Elaine, they looked around the apartment. Emma noticed the dreamcatcher hanging on the window and she walked over, picking it up, "Flypaper for nightmares... Neal," Emma said.

"What'd you find?" Emma showed her the dreamcatcher, "Oh-," Emma began to say and she saw a camera, she picked it up and looked at the name embroidered on it, Henry, "This is..." Elaine said.

"What?" Emma walked over, "Henry lost that last year. How'd it get here?" Emma said.


Elaine and Emma met Killian at Central Park and he turned to them, "Swan, I knew that'd work. It's good to see you both again," Killian said.

"Why didn't you tell me that was Neal's apartment?!" Emma asked him angrily and Elaine stood there awkwardly.

"I think the tone of your voice answers that quite clearly. You never would have gone if I had," Killian said.

"What does Neal have you up to? Is he trying to get into Henry's and Julia's lives? Wanting to get back with Elaine? How does he even know about the children?" Emma asked.

"I'm not here because of Neal. I'm here because your parents are in trouble. Your mother's kingdom has been cursed, ripped back to Storybrooke," Killian said.

"What are you talking about? Our parents? Mother's kingdom? A curse? Do you know what you sound like?" Emma said as she stood beside her sister.

"Like a madman, I'm sure," Killian said.

"A crazy person!" Emma said.

"Emma..." Elaine said.

"But it's true. Your parents need you both. You're the only ones who can save them. If you both don't believe at all, why did you both come here?" Killian asked.

"Because Neal has a camera with my nephew's name on it. How?" Emma asked.

"Killian glanced at Elaine who shook her head then he looked at Emma, "Don't you see? That is proof of what I'm saying. Henry must have left that in the apartment when you all were in New York last year," Killian said.

"Not good enough. We want answers real ones," Emma said.

"There's only one way you'll get those," He took out a small potion bottle, "Drink this," Killian said.

Emma laughed, "Drink the thing the crazy guy just offered us. No, thank you," Emma said as she scoffed.

"It'll help you remember everything you have lost. If one small part of you senses that, don't you owe it to yourself to find out if I'm right? What do you say, loves? Take a leap of faith. Give it a go," Killian said.

Emma handcuffed the pirate captain's hand to the bench, "Emma?!" Elaine said.

"Call us 'love' one more time and you lost the other hand," Elaine said.

"Emma, what are you doing? Elaine, why are you doing this?" Killian asked as he tried to pull his hand from the cuff.

"I'm making sure that you never both my family again," Emma whistled to the police and they walked over, "This is the guy, the one who's been following us," Emma said.

"I just followed you to that bar and found your apartment," Killian said.

"There. He confessed. Come on Elaine," Emma said as she took her sister's hand and pulled her away.

"You're under arrest for criminal harassment, sir. You have the right to remain silent," A copper said to Killian.

Killian looked at the Swan twins, "Elaine, please, you're making a mistake..." Killian said.

"Anything you say can and will be used..." A copper said as the Swan twins walked away.

"A terrible, terrible mistake! Swan! Your family needs you both! Elaine!" Killian yelled, as the police held him still and he watched as Elaine looked back at him, she pulled her hand from Emma's and ran off covering her mouth then Emma chased after her.

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