Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
23 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

24 - Going Home

839 24 8
By bethanyjanebooks


Rumpelstiltskin was in his tower lighting a candle as he put his hand on Baelfire's shawl, "Too many years to count, Bae, but I've counted everyone," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Young Katelyn ran into the tower, aged 4 and Callie followed, "Katelyn, I told you no," Callie picked up the young girl and looked at Rumpelstiltskin, "I'm sorry Rumpelstiltskin," Callie said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at them, "Go away," He said harshly and turned off the candle in front of him.

"I'm sorry," Callie said again and turned to leave.

"Daddy? Remembrance?" Young Katelyn said.

"He's not dead... He's just lost," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Lost?" Young Katelyn questioned.

"Today would be your big brother's birthday," He walked to her and took her from Callie, "We should be with him, celebrating. We had a chance to be happy together, but I was afraid," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"It's not too late," Priscilla said as she walked in with Belle, Aleena and Branston.

"What are you all doing here?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"Really think I forgot? I may be in my own little world since Regina took my husband and with whatever is going on with my heart... But I'd always remember my best friend's birthday," Priscilla said.

"He is your brother now," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I know, but he was my friend a lot longer than he was my brother... Big brother Baelfire... I like the sound of that, to be honest," Priscilla said.

"Big brother Bae!" Young Katelyn said happily.

"She's right, grandpa. It's not too late," Aleena said.

"I hope you're right," Rumpelstiltskin sighed, "Now, my ending shall not be a happy one," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Can I light a candle for my big brother?" Young Katelyn asked.

"If you'd rather be alone, Rumpelstiltskin, I can light a candle with her downstairs," Callie said.

Rumpelstiltskin shook his head, "No, no, it's fine. We'll do it together every year from now on... As a family," Rumpelstiltskin said and looked at Priscilla and her children who smiled at him.

"We'll leave you alone. Call us if you need anything," Callie said and turned to leave.

"No, can they stay daddy? They live here," Young Katelyn said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at Callie, "Very well..." He noticed the necklace she was wearing, "You've worn that every day, from your fiancee?"  Rumpelstilskin asked.

Callie took a deep and touched the love heart necklace, "It's been with me as long as I can remember. Papa said it's my connection to my family... Whatever that means," Callie said.

"I tell her it's in case she gets separate from our papa, she has something from home to remember them by," Belle said.

"That's a nice thought... I'm sure that's the reason," Priscilla said with a smile as she collected more candles for them.

End of Flashback

At the pawnshop, Mr Gold was still struggling to tear off the magic cancelling cuff, which was completely ineffective. In desperation, he eyed a sword and picked it up then glanced at his wrist.

Meanwhile, with the heroes, Katy, Elaine and Emma were trying to wake up Regina in the middle of the street, "Regina!" Elaine said.

"Regina! Regina!" Emma said.

"Mom!" Katy said.

Regina gasped away and her eyes fluttered open, "Emma," Regina said and Emma helped her off the ground as Katy and Elaine stood up.

"What happened?" Katy asked.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. It was just.." Regina said.

"What is it? What happened when you touched it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Mom, a...are you gonna be okay?" Henry asked as he and Julia looked at her worriedly.

"The important thing is, you both will be," Regina said and suddenly the scroll disappeared from Regina's hand and it appeared in Pan's hand as he appeared in front of them,

"No, he won't," Pan said.

Killian gently pushes Elaine behind him and Neal as Faye and David pull Henry and Julia to them and Katy and Mary Margaret covered Daniella, "He has the-," Killian began to say.

Pan waved his hand and immobilised them, no one could speak or move, "Curse? That I do," Pan said as he held it up and smirked at them.

Pan looked at them, "Look at you all. A captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I? But I think I'll start with these five," Pan walked over to Faye, Katy, Daniella, Neal and Callie, "Hmm... You three look so adorable. Hard to tell which one to kill first... No, it isn't," He looked at Callie, "You, you first," Pan said as he pointed at her.

Mr Gold arrived and pulled Pan away from them, "Stay away from them," Mr Gold growled.

"Well, how about this? The worm has teeth. What, you're here to pwotect your wuved ones?" Pan said.

"I'm not going to let you touch either one of them," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, and I'd like to see that," Pan said.

"Oh, you will. Because I have a job to finish and I have to do it, whatever it takes. No loopholes and what needs to be done has a price... A price I'm finally willing to pay," Mr Gold looked at Neal, "I used the curse to find you, Bae, to tell you I made a mistake, to make sure you had a chance at happiness," He looked at Faye, "Priscilla, I'm sorry I never told you the truth about your family, all of your families, you deserved the truth. Go and find out who your real family is, stop running from them, Cil... Never forget how I raised you and be happy with your children and never give up on your future with the Prince," He looked at Katy, "I wish I was a better father to you, I never should've agreed to create you with the intention to kill you. I knew when you first grabbed my finger, I was done for, I regretted my decision but I was too blind to realise that there was a loophole which your mother found. I never tell you enough and I feared if I told you, it would ruin everything but I do love you, sweetheart, you are the light in my darkness, I'm so sorry," Mr Gold said as frozen Katy teared up.

"Pretty, pretty words," Pan said.

Mr Gold looked at his children, "I love you, Bae, I love you, Priscilla and I love you, Katelyn," He whispered and looked at Callie, "I love you, Callie, you made me stronger," Mr Gold said.

"Stronger?" Pan scoffed, "Yes, but still no magic," Pan said.

"Oh, but I don't need it. You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting," Mr Gold said.

"And what's that?" Pan asked.

"So have I. I sent it away with something to hide," Mr Gold said and raised his hand into the air.

Suddenly they heard a shrieking of a shadow as Mr Gold's shadow flew over, carrying his dagger and his shadow returned the dagger to Mr Gold before it went back inside him.

Mr Gold grabbed Pan who grunted, "Uh! What are you doing?" Pan asked.

"You see, the only way for you to die is if we both die and now... Now, I'm ready," Mr Gold told him as his father continued to grunt and Mr Gold stabbed Pan through his back and into his chest, and Pan yelled in pain.

Faye, Daniella, Neal and Callie's eyes were watery as Katy's tears fell from her eyes and they watched frozen. Black smoke engulfed both Mr Gold and Pan, as the smoke disappeared Pan was back to his older self, Malcolm, "Hello, Papa," Mr Gold said.

Malcolm wheezed, "Rumpel, please. You can stop this," Malcolm's breathing was laboured, "Remove the dagger. We can start over, we can have a happy ending," Malcolm said.

"Ah, but I'm a villain and villains don't get happy endings," Mr Gold said.

Mr Gold twisted the dagger even deeper into both of them gasped in agony. A golden light peeked out from the blade and began to shine brighter as Malcolm stopped resisting. Mr Gold kissed his father on his cheek, the light engulfed them.

The Dark Curse scroll dropped to the floor and the freezing spell wore, everyone stood shocked at seeing Mr Gold risking his life to save them. Faye covered her mouth as she sobbed and David brought her into his arms, letting her cry into him as Mary Margaret hugged her, rubbing her back trying to help to comfort her. Neal had tears in his eyes as he stood there quietly as he hugged Katy who cried into him as Daniella hugged her mother also sobbing.

Callie sobbed as she dropped to her knees, "No! Rumpel!" She sniffled, "He's... He's gone," Callie said.

Belle, Adam, Casey, Austin and Cameron rushed over to their sister and crouched down, Belle brought her into her arms and rubbed her back.

Regina walked forward and picked up the scroll from the ground, she froze as she finally knew the price she had to pay, "Regina? Are you okay?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I'm fine," Regina said.

Elaine walked over to Neal, "I'm so sorry," Elaine said.

"My father did what he had to do. He saved us..." Neal said as his voice broke and Elaine rubbed his back.

"Regina, don't let him die for nothing," Faye said from David's arms but Regina didn't respond.

"Regina," Neal said.

"What?" Regina asked.

"We're here for a reason, love. Pan?"Killian said.

"He's dead," Regina said.

"The curse remains, though," Katy said.

"Can you stop it? Or should we all start preparing our souls?" The pirate captain chuckled, "'Cause mine's gonna take some time," Killian said.

"Priscilla..." Sebastian said.

"I know, dad," Faye said, she looked at David and he looked at her, they kissed passionately as the green smoke from Pan's curse was rapidly coming out from the well and into town.

"I love you," David whispered.

"I love you," Faye whispered.

Leroy came running towards them, "It's here! It's here! The curse! It's here!" He panted, "It's coming! From all sides. There's no escape," Leroy said.

"It's not too late. We can still stop it, right?" The curse rumbled in the distance, "Mom?" Katy said.

"Yes... Yes," Regina said as her eyes were watery.

"Wh...What's the price? Gold said that there was a price. What is our price?" Emma asked.

"It's not our price... It's mine," Regina said as she turned to face the group.

"What are you talking about?" Katy asked.

"It's what I felt when I first held it. I have to say goodbye to the thing I love most," Regina said.

"Your children and granddaughter?" Elaine said as Katy, Daniella, Julia and Henry stood next to her.

"I can never see them again... I have no choice. I have to undo what I started," Regina said.

"Never?" Katy questioned.

"The curse that brought us to Storybrooke," Mary Margaret said.

"That created Storybrooke. It doesn't belong here and neither do any of us," Regina said.

"Breaking the curse destroyed the town," David said.

"It will wink out of existence as though it were never here and everyone would go back to where they're from, prevented from ever returning," Regina said.

"You'll go back to the Enchanted Forest," Elaine said.

"All of us, except the children. They will stay here because they were born here," Regina said.

"Alone?" Elaine and Katy questioned.

"No... You two and Emma will take him because you're the saviour and the one of those I love the most," Regina looked between the Swan twins, "You both were created to break the curse and once again, you can escape it," Regina said.

"W... We don't want to. We'll go back with everyone," Emma said.

"That's not an option, I can't be with him. If I don't pay the price, none of this will work," Regina said.

A thunderclap and rumbling spread throughout the sky as the wind picked up, "Girls, you have to go," Mary Margaret said.

"We just found you," Elaine said.

"And now it's time for you two to leave us again. For your best chance, for his," Mary Margaret said.

"No... N... No. W...W...We're not done. We're the saviours, right? We're supposed to bring back all that happy endings. That's what Henry and Julia always said," Emma said.

"Happy endings aren't always what they think they will be. Look around you. You've touched the lives of everyone here," Mary Margaret said.

"But we're a family," Emma said as their eyes watered.

"Yes and we always will be. You two gave us that," Mary Margaret said with tears in her eyes.

"You three and your children can be a family, and you can get your wish. You can be like everyone else. You can be happy," David said with watery eyes.

"It's time for you two to believe in yourselves, girls," Mary Margaret said.

"It's time for you both to find hope," Faye said.

"I've known you both for some time," The Swan twins turned to Regina, "And all I've wanted was for you, Elaine, to get the hell out of my life so I can be with my children and mend my bond with my firstborn," Regina's voice broke, "But, really, what I want is for them to be happy. We have no choice, you all have to go," Regina said as the rumbling continued.

"Okay..." The Swan trio whispered.

"Girls..." The Swan twins looked at Katy as she smiled sadly at them, "I, uh..." Katy said.

"Go back to Wonderland..." Katy looked shocked, "You've given up so much for us, your childhood, we're not taking your happiness or your future," Elaine said.

"Girls..." Katy said.

"Elaine's right, Katy... It's your turn to be happy but promise... You'll visit," Emma said.

Katy smiled and hugged them, "I love you both, so much," Katy took a deep breath and crouched down to Daniella, "Sweetheart," Daniella took hold of her hands, "It's your choice, darling... You can go with Elaine and Emma or you can come with me," Katy said.

Daniella looked at Elaine and Emma who smiled, "Whatever you want, Daniella," Elaine said.

Daniella looked at Katy, "I want to go with you... Papa's a kid... Uncle Neal is going to the Enchanted Forest... You're all I have," Daniella said and they hugged as Neal brushed his fingers through his niece's hair before he picked her up and Katy stood up.

Katy took out a mirror and walked away from the group, "Will Scarlet," The mirror glowed and Will appeared, "I need the White Rabbit to meet me at the border of Storybrooke... My daughter and I are coming home," Katy said.

"I'll send the Rabbit straight away, love," Will said in the mirror and the magic was cancelled.

Flashback: Phoenix - Eleven Years Ago

"Okay, now, big push. Big push," Elaine screamed as she held her twin sister's hand, "Push, push, push!" The doctor said.

The electricity crackled as Elaine gave birth to Henry and she fell back on the bed, "You did it," Emma said as she smiled at her younger sister who was panting.

"Great. Here we go," Baby Henry was crying in the doctors' arms, "Good, one more time," Elaine screamed as she gave birth to Julia, "That's it, that's beautiful... I know. It's a boy and a girl, Elaine," Elaine looked away and closed her eyes, "Elaine?" Elaine shook her head and the nurse whispered to the doctor as baby twins continued to cry, "Elaine, just so you know, you can change your mind," The doctor said.

"Katy will be back soon, she can look after them until we get out," Emma said.

"No... I can't be a mother," Elaine said as her voice broke.

Katy rushed in and briefly August is seen outside the room but the Swan twins don't notice, "Elaine! I'm so sorry I'm late," She rushed over, "Elaine?" Katy said seeing her sadness.

"I can't do this... Katy," Elaine said and the Swan trio hugged each other as Elaine cried into her sisters.

"I'm here now, I'm here," Katy said.

"Is it cold outside?" Emma asked noticing the jumper.

"...Yes," Katy said with hesitation.

End of Flashback

Everyone was at the town line and they were all saying goodbye to Faye, Katy, Daniella, Elaine, Emma, Julia and Henry, Elaine's car was parked in front of the town line, "This isn't fair. It's all our fault," Henry said to Regina.

"What do you mean?" Regina asked.

"If we had never gone to get Elaine and Emma, if we just lived under the curse with you, none of this would've ever happened. We thought we were alone. We thought you didn't love us. But we were wrong," Julia said.

"Julia, Henry," Regina's eyes watered, "I was wrong, too. It wasn't your fault. It's mine. I cast a curse out of vengeance. And I'm... I'm a villain. You heard Mr Gold, villains don't get happy endings," Regina said.

"You're not a villain. You're our mom," Henry said as his voice broke and Julia teared up.

Sebastian waved his arm and a portal opened up, he turned to Faye and David, "Priscilla, sweetheart, whenever you're ready," Sebastian said.

"Okay," Faye said as she nodded.

"I love you, Pri," David said.

"I love you too, David," Faye said and they kissed, holding each other close.

"Priscilla," Faye looked at Mary Margaret, "I'm sorry for everything," Mary Margaret said.

"Nonsense, I've had worse said and done to me... I did ruin your marriage, I am sorry," Faye said.

"I've never seen David smile at anyone or me the way he smiles at you... Until you both know if it's true... I'll keep an eye on him," Mary Margaret said.

"I need to be watched?" David asked.

"For my peace of mind, thank you," Faye said.

Elaine walked over to Neal, "Neal, I'm sorry," Elaine said.

"Don't be. You gotta get our children the hell out of here," Neal said as Henry and Julia walked up to them.

"And you have to go back there," Elaine said.

"Yeah, I do," Neal and Elaine hugged, "Hey. This isn't over," They looked at each other, "I'll see you four again," Neal said.

The ground shook, "What the bloody hell is that?" Killian asked.

"Our ride back to Wonderland," Katy said as the rabbit hole opened up and the White Rabbit climbed out.

"Your Majesty," The White Rabbit said.

"Keep the portal open Rabbit, we won't be long," Katy said and the White Rabbit nodded as Katy walked over to Neal and they hugged each other with Daniella.

"Don't let her forget me," Neal said.

"Impossible," Katy said.

"Daniella," Daniella walked over to Marco and they hugged each other, "It was great knowing you," Marco said.

Katy walked over to them, "Geppetto," Marco looked at Katy and she handed him a mirror, "This is connected to my magic mirror, I'd like you to try and contact us in Wonderland when you return home... So you can still be in her life," Katy said.

Marco took the mirror, "Thank you, Katelyn. I'll try it straight away... Dear... Get married when you return to Wonderland," Katy looked shocked, "August wouldn't want you to hold your life, you know that," Marco said.

Katy looked hesitant, "Are you sure?" Katy asked.

"I am... Be happy," Marco said and they hugged.

Faye kissed Katy's cheek, "See you soon darling," Faye said.

"See you soon," Katy said as Faye walked over to her family.

Adam looked at Callie, "Callie..." She looked at him, "Would you like to meet our family?" Adam asked.

Callie looked at Belle worriedly, "Go, sister... It's time you meet all of your family, you just lost Rumpel, you need to be happy," Belle said and the two sisters hugged each other.

"Look after Bae," Callie said.

"Promise," Belle said.

"I'm an adult," Neal said.

"Hush, she's looking after you, end of discussion. I went against your father a lot, you will never win with me," Callie said.

Neal chuckled and they hugged each other, "Thank you, enjoy your new life, Callie. You deserve it, papa would want you to be happy and know your family," Neal said.

"He's right," Katy said.

Callie nodded and looked at her brothers, "Let's go," Callie said.

"Okay," Adam said and flicked his wrist opening up a portal.

"When you're ready Callie," Cameron said.

Elaine walked over to Killian, "Hey..." Elaine said and she held his hand and hook.

"That's quite a vessel you captain there, Swan," Elaine giggled softly, "There's not a day that will go by that I won't think of you," Killian said.

"Good," They smiled at each other, "Wish I could say the same," Killian shook his head lightly, "I'll still dream of you and we'll find each other again, however it will be, we'll always be together," Elaine stepped closer to him, "I love you, Killian Jones," Elaine said.

"I love you too, Elaine Swan," Killian said and they kissed each other.

"Don't stop your life Killian, try and be happy, for me," Elaine said.

"I'll try, love," Killian said.

"Elaine, Emma," Killian nodded to Elaine and the Swan twins turned to Regina and walked over to her, "There's something I haven't told you two," Regina said.

"What now?" Elaine asked as she wiped her tears.

"When the curse washes over us, it will send us all back. Nothing will be left behind including your memories. It's just what the curse does. Storybrooke will no longer exist. It won't ever have existed. So these last years will be gone from your memories. And we just go back to being stories again," Regina said.

"What will happen to us?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Regina said.

"That doesn't sound much like a happy ending," Elaine said.

Regina chuckled, "It's not. But I can you all one," Regina said.

"You can preserve our memories?" Emma asked.

"No. I can do what I did to everyone else in this town and give you new ones," Regina said.

"You cursed them, and they were miserable," Elaine said.

"They didn't have to be," She grasped their hands, "My gift to you two is good memories, good life for you and," She turned to look at Henry and Julia who walked over to her side, "Henry and Julia. You'll have never given them up and Katy," Katy and Daniella walked over, "You'll have chosen to be with your sisters and have your daughter. You'll have always been together," Regina said tearfully.

"You would do that?" Katy asked.

"When I stop Pan's curse and you cross that town line, you will have the life you three always wanted," Regina said.

"But it won't be real," Emma said.

"Well, your past won't. But your future will. Now go. There isn't much time left till the curse will be here any minute," Regina said and Herny, Julia, Katy and Daniella gave her one last hug and kissed them on the forehead.

"I love you mom," Katy said.

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'm sorry this is happening again," Regina said.

"I know you and daddy love me this time... I'm sorry I'll get married without you there," Katy said.

"Don't stop your life for anyone again, you've done that enough," Regina said and they hugged each other.

"You're my mother, you're the best one who could have ever been mine," Katy said and Regina smiled as Katy and Daniella hugged Henry and Julia before they walked over to the rabbit hole.

Mary Margaret approached the Swan twins with a smile and plants a kiss on them on their heads. The curse is rapidly surging towards the group as Elaine, Emma, Julia and Henry walk towards the cars.

Faye ran back to David and they hugged each other, "I don't want to go," Faye said.

"We'll see each other again, I promise. I'll never forget you and I'll never let you forget me," David said.

"Sweetheart, we gotta go," Evangeline said and he took hold of his daughter's hand.

"Until you learn how to make a portal, I'll always bring you to the Enchanted Forest to see him," Roxanne said and Faye nodded, relaxing.

"Priscilla," They watched as the Nightingale family headed to their portal, "I love you," David said and Faye smiled at him, blew him a kiss them ran into their portal, it closed straight away.

Callie looked at Belle and smiled, "I'm sorry Belle," Callie said.

"It's okay, we'll always be family," Belle said.

Callie walked over to her and removed her love heart necklace, "Here... I want you to have this," Callie said and placed the necklace on Belle.

"Are you sure? It was from your mother," Belle said.

"I'm sure," Callie said and they hugged before the Winter siblings all ran through their portal and it closed straight away.

"Get that happy ending Katelyn," Katy looked at Regina, "Be a better Queen than your grandmother and I ever were," Regina said.

"I love you," Katy said.

"I love you too, grandma," Daniella said.

"I love you both so much," Regina said tearfully.

Katy held Daniella's hand and they looked at Elaine and Emma, "I love you both so much," Katy said.

"We love you too," The Swan twins said and watched as the White Rabbit, Katy and Daniella jumped into the rabbit hole then closed up.

The Swan twins got into the yellow bug where Julia and Henry were waiting in the back seat for them.

Regina looked at Emma sadly, Emma glanced at Regina and they smiled sadly at each other, Regina tore off a piece of the Dark Curse scroll as it glowed purple then she turned around to the green cloud that was approaching them.

David and Mary Margaret watched the yellow bug, David hugged Mary Margaret and she leaned into him, "They're our daughters, they will be fine," David said.

"Aye, love, he's right," Killian smiled, "Elaine is the strongest doppelganger I know," David, Neal and Mary Margaret looked at him, "Your daughters will be absolutely fine, I promise," Killian said.

"Thank you, Hook," David said and Killian nodded.

Regina crumbled the curse scroll into a ball and generated it into magic on both her hands then struck the massive cloud of green smoke as a counter effect.

Elaine began driving out of town as both the green and purple smoke mingle and engulf all the townspeople. Once they cross outside of town, the line on the ground is no longer visible. Henry and Julia looked from where they had just come from. Elaine glanced back at them then looked at Emma briefly before she looked at the road.

Meanwhile, the curse was spreading through the remaining parts of town. It reached Henry's old room while the storybook is swallowed up, too. Elaine, Emma, Julia and Henry's memories change.

New Alternative Memory: Pheonix - Eleven Years Ago

"Elaine, just so you know, you can change your mind," The doctor said.

"Katy will be back soon, she can look after them until we get out," Emma said.

"No... I can't be a mother," Elaine said as her voice broke.

Katy rushed in and August was no longer in the corridor, "Elaine! I'm so sorry I'm late," She rushed over, "Elaine?" Katy said seeing her sadness.

"I can't do this... Katy," Elaine said and the Swan trio hugged each other as Elaine cried into her sisters.

"I'm here now, I'm here. I can look after your children, I'm back and I'm home," Katy said.

Elaine looked at her sister and turned to the doctor, "Wait... Let me hold them," Elaine said.

The doctor smiled, "Here you go," He said and handed Henry and Julia over to her.

Elaine held them in her arms as they fussing and she smiled at them, "Oh! They're..." Elaine said.

"They're beautiful, El," Emma said with a tearful smile.

"Are you crying?" Elaine asked as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Like you can talk," Emma said and they chuckled looking at Baby Henry and Baby Julia in Elaine's arms.

"Miss Swan?" The Swan trio looked at the doctor as he looked at Katy, "Do you need to sit down? You rushed in here while your pregnant," The doctor said.

"You're pregnant?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I am..." Katy touched her stomach, "A little girl," Katy smiled, "We're going to be a big family, just like we always wanted," Katy said.

"I'm so happy for you, Katy," Elaine said and the trio hugged carefully because of the baby twins in Elaine's arms.

End of Alternative Memory

World Without Light...

A portal opened up in a dark throne room and multiple people turned to the portal, Evangeline, Sebastian, Roxanne, Aimee, Elsie, Kerr and Faye walked through the portal. Faye, Elsie and Kerr looked around, "Lighter than I expected," Faye said.

"We get that a lot," Aimee said.

Sebastian and Evangeline looked at the black-haired woman on the throne, "Sorry we were a long time Fleur, dear," Sebastian said.

"It's okay, dad... Is that her?" Fleur asked as she stood up.

Faye looked at Fleur, "Hello?" Faye said.

"Faye, darling," Evangeline took hold of her eldest daughter's hand and they walked towards Fleur, "This is our youngest, Fleur... She's been looking after things while we were with you," Evangeline said.

"Oh... Hello," Faye said.

"Oh, another F imagine that," Fleur said as she glanced at Roxanne who chuckled.

"Well, it's actually Priscilla... It's what I've been called since... Someone found me... But er... Faye's also my name," Faye said.

"Which do you prefer?" Fleur asked.

"Priscilla," She answered.

"Priscilla it is," Fleur hugged her and Faye slowly hugged back, "Welcome home," Fleur said.

"Thank you," They pulled away, "And uh... I guess, thank you for looking after things while our parents came to find us," Faye said.

"Oh, it's okay... I work on the council so it wasn't much of a change. Once you've gotten your feet we'll go over everything you need to learn and do, it's easy," Fleur said.

"Doesn't sound it, but okay," Faye said.

World Within Snow...

A portal opened up and two people looked over to see the Winter siblings running through, "Boys, you're home," The man said.

"Dad," Callie looked around, "We'd like you to meet, Calliope," Callie looked over, "Callie, this is our dad, Rapheal and our mom, Zara," Adam said.

"Hello... Sorry, I must look a state," Callie said.

"Calliope?" Zara walked over and hugged her as Callie slowly hugged back, "It's fine, my darling," She pulled away, "You feel broken, what's happened?" Zara asked as Raphael walked over.

"My, uh, my love... He just, uh... Killed himself to save everyone from a villain," Callie said.

"Oh, dear, we're sorry to hear that," Raphael said.

"You'll be happy again, nothing is ever horrible for long... Did the World Without Light take you?" Zara asked.

"No, Zoso... The previous Dark One did... He wanted to destroy both realms... The next leader... Priscilla... She is my love's adopted daughter... We both want this war to end," Callie said.

"What?" Raphael asked.

"She just lost her papa... And I need her still... Please... Let me make a truce between the realms... This war has to stop," Callie said looking at her birth parents tearfully.

Zara teared up, "You can do whatever you want... A truce? We'll do that for you and Priscilla... Seeing you all safe is all I need to know that the next leader of their realm will not harm us," Zara said.

"Thank you so much," Callie said.


The White Rabbit, Katy and Daniella climbed out of the rabbit hole in the throne room, "Thank you, Rabbit," Katy said.

"You're welcome your majesty," The White Rabbit said.

Katy and Daniella looked to see Will at the thrones, "Katy," Will said.

"Will," Katy said and they ran over to each other, embracing each other and they kissed.

"I've missed you," Will said.

"And I, you," Katy looked at Daniella who walked up, "Will... This is my daughter, Daniella... Daniella, this is Will," Katy said.

"Hello," Daniella said.

"Hi, love... Welcome home," Will said.

One Year Later: Manhattan...

In Manhattan, a siren wailed in the distance and multiple honking sounds were heard. At 8:15 a.m. Elaine pushed the snooze button on her alarm clock as she got out of bed.

It wasn't long before she was in the kitchen cooking breakfast with Emma for Julia and Henry as he watered their houseplants. Emma carried over the plates of pancakes as Elaine walked over with the cocoa, placing them on the table.

Julia and Henry looked up at Elaine, "Mom, you forgot something," The young twins said.

"Right. Cinnamon," Elaine grabbed the cinnamon and sprinkled some over the cocoas, "There we all go," Elaine said.

Elaine sat beside Emma opposite the young twins and they clinked their cups together when they were about to drink it there was a knock on the door, "Someone coming over?" Henry asked.

"Not that I know of," Elaine looked at Emma, "Another girl forgot something Em?" Elaine asked playfully.

"No," Emma said.

The pounding on the door continued, "You three, wait here," Elaine said and walked away from the table.

Elaine opened the door to see Killian dressed in his usual attire, he smiled at him, "Swan," Killian said.

"Do I... Do I know you? You seem familiar, somehow," Elaine said.

"At last-," Killian began to say and he tried to enter her apartment.

Elaine stopped him, "Wow, do I know you?" Elaine asked.

"Look, I need you and your sisters help. Something's happened. Something terrible. Your family is in trouble," Killian said.

"My family's right here... Well... Besides Katy and Daniella, they have their own place... Who are you?" Elaine asked.

"An old friend. Look, I know you can't remember me, but... I can make you," Killian said as he placed his hand on the back of her head and kissed her.

Elaine's eyes opened wide as flashes of her real memories appear in her mind of the years before Storybrooke, in Storybrooke, the Enchanted Forest and Neverland. Killian pulled away, "Swan?" Killian said.

Elaine touched his cheek as she looked at him and he stood there patiently, "You..." She slapped him across his face, "What took you so long?" Elaine asked and pushed him out of the apartment and closed the door behind her.

"Elaine?" Killian said.

"Yeah, hi, Killian," Elaine said.

"So our kiss works with this spell on you but not to break you from Esme's curse?" Killian asked.

"I know, rather annoying... Right... Uh..." Elaine said.

Killian stepped closer and pulled her towards him and they kissed passionately, "God, I've missed you," Elaine sighed, "I know, love. It's okay, you can't miss someone you didn't remember," Killian said.

"Stay quiet, okay?" Killian nodded and Elaine led him into the apartment, she opened the closet door, he looked at her confused and she pointed inside the closet, he walked inside and she kissed him quickly, "Stay quiet," Elaine whispered again then shut the door.

Elaine took a deep breath and walked back to Emma, Henry and Julia, "Who was that?" Henry asked.

Elaine looked at him, "No idea. Someone must have left the door open downstairs. Come on, let's eat," Elaine lied as she walked back to the table.


Elaine finished washing up, Emma, Julia and Henry had left the apartment, Elaine dried her hands then she walked to the closet and opened the door, "Come on," Elaine said and Killian walked out of the closet.

"Not every day I'm told to hide the closet, love," Killian said.

"I'm the only one who remembers can't have a pirate in the apartment, my sister and children will think I'm crazy," Elaine said.

"Guessing we're alone," Killian said.

"Yeah... We're alone," Elaine said.

Killian walked up to her and they kissed passionately as they held each other close, Killian picked her up by the back of her thighs, pushing her against the wall. They pulled away for air and looked at each other breathing heavily, "I love you," Killian said.

"Down, down," Elaine said and Killian put her down.

"Everything okay?" Killian asked, slightly worried.

"Yeah... I, uh... I called in work sick... So, we could... Talk, but uh..." Elaine said and glanced down.

"Aye... Sorry love," Killian said and chuckled.

"Come on," Elaine walked to the door and locked it as Killian watched her, "Big sisters orders... Both of them," Elaine said and she took hold of his hand and led him towards her room.

"Love?" Killian said.

"Sit down anywhere, it's fine," Elaine said and walked to her closet as Killian sat on the bed.

"Your nightclothes are cute," Killian said.

"Thanks," She took out an outfit, "There we go," Elaine said.

"We going outside?" Killian asked.

"Oh, no... We're staying inside... This is for later... I'm uh... A lot's happened, something I need to sort out," Elaine said.

"Talk to me," Killian said.

Elaine walked over to him and he placed his arms around her waist pulling her closer, "I hmm... I have a boyfriend... And meeting him tonight..." Elaine said.

"Ending it?" Killian asked.

"I wasn't originally, but I am now because you're here," Elaine said.

"Perfect," Killian said and they kissed.

Elaine pulled away and smiled at him, "I'm not dreaming am I?" Elaine asked.

Killian smiled, "No way, love. You're not dreaming," Killian said and they kissed, laying back onto Elaine's bed, Killian flipped them over as they held each other close, never separating their lips, terrified that if they let go, the other will disappear from them again.

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