Home is Where the Heart is [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

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The heroes made it to Neverland to save Henry and Julia who had been taken there by Greg and Tamara who were... More

Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest Cast List
The World Without Light Cast List
World Within Snow Cast List
1 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
2 - The Hearts of the Truest and Fairest Believers
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
8 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
12 - Impossible Girl (Original Ep: Ariel)
13 - Christmas Special
14 - Christmas Special
15 - Dark Hollow
16 - Dark Hollow
17 - Think Lovely Thoughts
18 - Think Lovely Thoughts
19 - Save Henry and Julia
20 - Save Henry and Julia
21 - The New Neverland
22 - The New Neverland
24 - Going Home
25 - New York Serenade
26 - New York Serenade
27 - Witch Hunt
28 - Witch Hunt
29 - The Tower
30 - The Tower
31 - Quiet Minds
32 - Quiet Minds
33 - It's Not Easy Being Green
34 - It's Not Easy Being Green
35 - The Jolly Roger
36 - The Jolly Roger
37 - Bleeding Through
38 - Bleeding Through
39 - A Curious Thing
40 - A Curious Thing
41 - Kansas
42 - Kansas
43 - Snow Drifts
44 - Snow Drifts
45 - There's No Place Like Home
46 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

23 - Going Home

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By bethanyjanebooks

Pan and Felix were walked toward the well, to enact the new curse that Pan had in mind for the whole of Storybrooke, "You never cease to amaze me, Peter. Outwitting the Evil Queen in less than a day," Felix inhaled sharply, "Impressive," Felix said.

"She loves the children... That makes her weak... This is it. This is where we'll cast it... The ingredients," Pan said in Henry's body.

Felix handed over the ingredients, "When it's done, will they all be dead?" Felix asked.

"Worse. They'll be slaves to this new land we're making, with no idea who they once were... Death is final, Felix... Their suffering will be eternal," Pan said in Henry's body as he dropped the first ingredient into the well and once the ingredient hit the water it started to turn green.

In Regina's vault with the heroes, they were talking about the curse, "Another curse? It's happening again?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Gold, this curse, is it gonna work like the last one?" Elaine asked.

"The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desire. I would count on something hellish," Mr Gold looked at Faye, "You gotta get out of town, now," Mr Gold said.

"No, I'm not going anywhere while that demon child is in Henry's body," Faye said.

"I'm not arguing with you about this," Mr Gold said.

"Yes you are, you are currently arguing with me and we don't have time to argue," Faye said.

"Then go!" Faye flinched and Mr Gold sighed, "Priscilla... He indeed loves you but he also isn't stupid, whatever he's planning... He's going to turn you against everyone you love, including your children," Faye looked at Elsie and Kerr, "And all of your family, you need to go and you need to go now," Mr Gold said calmly.

"I...I..." Faye said.

"Hey, hey," David turned Faye to him and he smiled at her softly, "Your dad's right, Pri," She shook her head, "You need to go," David said.

"I can't... I can't leave you or anyone else," Faye said.

"Pan will ruin you, he will destroy you. Pri, please... I love you so much," David teared up as did Faye, "For me, so you don't end up thinking killing us is what you truly want... For me and your children, go back to your realm," David said.

"David, I..." Faye said.

"Shhh," David kissed her forehead, "Then one day, you're going to come back and we'll be happy," David said and they kissed.

"Actually," They looked at Evangeline, "We will be useful, besides... I can't let Priscilla and David part like this during a fight, it's unfair," Faye smiled, "And I don't think I would be able to live with myself while Priscilla sulked at home," Evangeline looked at Regina, "You cast the first one, anything we should know?" Evangeline asked.

"You're not at your full strength," Sebastian said.

"You can keep that mouth of yours shut, I'm staying and helping our daughter be with her loved ones longer. You can go if you want," Evangeline said.

Faye smiled, "Thanks mom," Faye said and Evangeline smiled then Sebastian raised his hands in defence and looked at Regina.

"The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done," Regina said.

"Well, it is possible to stop," Mr Gold said.

"What?" Regina said.

"Did we miss that part out?" Faye asked.

"Told ya so," Evangeline said as she glanced at Sebastian who rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Yes," Regina, David and Mary Margaret said.

"You can stop it by using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina," Mr Gold said.

Back at the well with Felix and Pan, "What she did is child's play compared to what I have in mind," Pan said in Henry's body and he dropped in another ingredient into the well, once the ingredient hit the water it began to bubble.

"I knew you'd win... Peter Pan never fails," Felix said and Pan smiled as he dropped in another ingredient.

Back at the vault, "What do I have to do?" Regina asked.

"You must destroy the scroll. Both your curse and his shall be ended, but know this there will be a price. A steep one," Mr Gold said.

"We don't know the price you'll have to pay, but you'll realise it when it's time," Faye looked at Evangeline and Sebastian, "Your portals, do you have to prepare for it or is it like bean and open up straight away?" Faye said.

"Open up straight away, so when this is over we can go there," Evangeline said.

"I can deal with that," Faye said.

"What do you two suggest we do?" Regina asked Faye and Mr Gold.

Faye and Mr Gold looked at each other, "Plan one or plan two?" Faye asked.

"Plan two," Mr Gold said.

"What?" Regina asked.

Mr Gold looked at her, "Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell one that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies," Mr Gold said.

"But if Pan enacts the curse... He needs the heart of the thing he loves most... Who does he love most?" Faye raised her hand as Mr Gold pointed to her, "And you're staying? You got a death wish?" Regina asked.

"He can't get my heart. No one can, well..." Faye looked at David then back at Regina, "Not physically anyway. However, I fear, he'll find another way," Faye said.

"You need to leave," David said.

"Get to use this... I am stubborn, I will not budge when I set my mind to something," Faye said.

"Dad fought her daily, now... That's your job... Oh and stubbornness runs in our family, just like yours," Elsie said with a smile.

At the well, Pan had thrown in all the ingredients and the water continued to bubble in the well, waiting for the remaining ingredient, "Are we missing something?" Felix asked, noticing the curse hadn't been enacted.

"Yes," Pan said in Henry's body.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"The heart of the thing I love most," Pan said in Henry's body.

"You mean your daughter's heart? Priscilla? Or your son? Rumpelstiltskin?" Felix asked.

"No, no, I... I never loved Rumpel... I love Priscilla, but I cannot get her heart, no matter what I try, I can't break her magic, she's stronger than I even though she doesn't know it," Pan said in Henry's body.

"Well, then whose heart do we need? Who else do you love?" Felix asked.

"Love can mean many things, Felix. It doesn't just come from romance or family. It can also come from loyalty. Friendship. Only one person has always believed in Pan," Pan said in Henry's body.

Felix realised where Pan was going, "That's me," Felix said in horror.

"Doesn't be afraid. Be flattered," Pan said in Henry's body.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Felix yelled.

Pan stuck his hand into Felix's chest and pulled out his heart then he crushed it over into the well, watching as Felix dropped the ground dead as the ashes of Felix's heart dropped into the well, enacting the curse.

Back with the heroes, they gathered outside the vault, telling the others what was going on, "If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I...I can bring it to you guys," Henry said in Pan's body.

"Exactly right, Henry," Mr Gold said.

"Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell," Regina said.

"Well, given the proper tool, I could be," Mr Gold said.

"Please," Mr Gold glared at Sebastian who was pointing to Faye, "We both know who's the strongest in this town," Sebastian said.

Everyone looked at Faye who looked surprised, "Is it too late to go the World Without Light?" Faye asked.

"You need the darkest object of this realm to enact the spell," Sebastian said.

"Seriously? Let's go see this castle I was born in," Faye said.

"I've never seen you scared," Regina said.

"Even I am afraid someone," Faye said.

"The Black Fairy's wand. One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her. But before she did, she took her wand," Tinkerbell said.

"I assume our dearly departed Mother Superior had it hidden at her residence," Mr Gold said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hit the convent," David said.

"Can I come? I should pay my respects to Blue, after all," Tinkerbell said.

"Then it's settled. The rest of us should get back to my shop and prepare Henry for the spell," Mr Gold said.

"But..." Faye said.

"Come on, dearie," Mr Gold said and gently pushed her forward to walk and they walked together.

"Killian," Elaine said.

Killian looked at her and smiled, "I'll come back to you," Killian said, he kissed her forehead and walked off with Neal, Kerr, Tinkerbell and David, but what they didn't know was they were being watched by Pan's shadow.

At the well, Pan finished crushing the heart, and opened his palm to let the remaining dust fall into the well, he watched with satisfaction as a thick green smoke rapidly rose to the surface.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest

Inside Elaine's and Emma's nursery, a pregnant Snow White approached the Blue Fairy and Priscilla as Prince Charming listened in, "What if it fails?" The Blue Fairy and Priscilla looked at her, "A magic wardrobe? It's a long shot. We all know this, so, what do we do if this plan doesn't work?" Snow White asked

"Then the Queen's curse will transport us to a new land. We will lose our memories and become slaves to her darkest desires. So, we have to have faith your children will find a way to save us," The Blue Fairy said.

"If we don't know who we are and we can't tell them that they're the Saviours, how will they know what to do?" Snow White asked.

"One day, when the time is right, our story will reveal itself to them," Priscilla said.

Snow White: "Story?" Snow White questioned.

"You have to trust us," Priscilla said.

"O...Our story? What does that mean?" Snow White asked.

"You don't know yet. But I do know it will happen," The Blue Fairy said.

"Then how can you two be so sure?" Snow White questioned.

"Because I have the one thing you now need more than ever," Snow White gave the Blue Fairy a questioning look, "Hope. Good luck, Snow. Have faith," The Blue Fairy said and flew out of the room.

Prince Charming walked into the room, "That's easy to say when you have magic wings and a wand," Snow White said.

"Snow... You have something greater than wings and a wand... Love and hope," Priscilla gasped, "I forgot... A little lady is visiting with her grandpa," Priscilla said.

"A little lady?" Snow White asked.

"Snow! Char!" Young Katelyn said as she ran into the nursery and Prince Charming scooped her up.

"You're getting heavy, princess," Prince Charming said.

Young Katelyn looked insulted and turned away, reaching for Snow White who chuckled and took her, "What are you doing here? Your mother," Snow White said worriedly.

"She doesn't know... Hmm... Grumpy is threatening grandpa... But I need grandpa my gift is too big and heavy for me," Young Katelyn said and poked out her bottom lip.

"Grumpy! Let Henry go!" Prince Charming called out.

Henry Senior walked in and bowed, "Thank you, Your Highnesses," Henry Senior said.

"Henry... What do we owe the honour?" Snow White asked.

"Katelyn has bought... Well... Picked out a gift for your twins," Henry Senior said and held out a box.

"Katelyn..." Snow White said.

"Open it!" Young Katelyn said with a big smile.

Prince Charming opened the box and he looked at Young Katelyn shocked, "Katelyn..." Prince Charming said.

Snow White walked over as she held Young Katelyn and saw two tiara's, "Oh, my gosh..." Snow White said and they looked at the young five-year-old in Snow White's arms.

"Mommy mentioned that she stole your tiara your mommy gave you," Young Katelyn looked at Snow White, "And I tried looking for it... Branston and Aleena tried helping... But it's all locked up tight... So... I had two made for them... They can't exactly share one," Young Katelyn said.

"But sweetheart the curse," Snow White said.

"It'll come to the new land... I'll find them... Plus... They aren't baby size," Young Katelyn said.

"She's right Snow..." Prince Charming held one, "It's for adults... For when they find us?" Prince Charming said as he looked at Young Katelyn.

"She's a smart five-year-old," Priscilla took Young Katelyn, "Gets it from her daddy, don't you?" She poked her nose causing the five-year-old to giggle, "I bet one day, like your girls, this one can make the impossible possible," Priscilla kissed Snow White's cheek then Prince Charming's, "I'll get her and Henry home... Trust in hope you two," Priscilla said and left with Young Katelyn and Henry Senior.

"Really easy for them isn't it?" Snow White said.

Prince Charming placed the box of tiara's down, "What can we do but choose to believe them?" Prince Charming asked.

She doesn't answer and walked over to stare sadly at the unicorn mobiles hanging over the baby cribs, "This was supposed to be theirs. We had such plans," Snow White said.

"Listen to Pri and Blue. Have hope we can prevail," Prince Charming said as he walked over to her.

"This curse has destroyed every dream this family ever had," Snow White said.

"We don't know what the future holds for us," Prince Charming said.

Snow White turned around, "How do you know it holds anything good?" Snow White asked.

"Because the unknown isn't always bad," Snow White looked at him in disbelief, "Life is full of twists and turns you never see coming. This curse... It's just another turn and I trust Pri, she would never tell us to have hope if there was none," Prince Charming said.

Snow White let tears fall down her cheeks, "But all I ever wanted was for us to raise our children together. That was our happy ending and now it's gone," Snow White said.

"The future we imagined is gone, but that doesn't mean we can't find another one. An unexpected one," Prince Charming said as he grasped her hands. 

Snow White contemplated his words for a moment, "I choose hope," She turned around to glance at the unicorn mobile, "I can believe it," Snow White said.

End of Flashback

In the backroom of the pawnshop, Mary Margaret was staring at a glass unicorn mobile, that would have hung above one of the twins' cribs as the Swan twins watched her.

"This mobile hung above one of your cribs. Um, it was supposed to hang over one of your cribs," Mary Margaret said.

"We like the unicorns," Emma said.

"They're pretty... The other one is in the front, seen it before," Elaine said.

Mary Margaret looked at them, "I want you two to know that giving you both up when the curse hit was the hardest thing I've ever had to do," Mary Margaret said.

"We know," Emma said.

"Every time I look at the two of you, I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't had to," Mary Margaret

"I do the same thing with Henry and Julia," Elaine said.

"You were doing your best. You were giving them..." Mary Margaret said.

"Their best chance. Yeah. But still, things would've been very different if I had kept them. We would've had a life together. A normal one. Back in Boston or someplace else," Elaine said.

"Found them!" The three turned to see Katy rushing back in, "Daddy had them... Obviously, but whenever I mentioned them he always brushed it off... Usual... And these are a lot lighter than when I was five," Katy said.

"What are you on about?" Elaine asked.

"When Snow was pregnant, I knew she was worried about you two would never have anything from our land... We weren't sure what would come over and what wouldn't... So, I had two things designed for when you were adults," Katy said.

"Seriously?" Emma asked.

"She was very bright," Katy looked at Mary Margaret, "And still is," Mary Margaret said.

Katy chuckled then looked at the Swan twins, "Here," Katy handed the box over to them, Emma took it, they looked at the tiaras and looked at Katy, "I need to know I got the right fit," Katy said.

"Fine," Emma looked at Elaine, "For you Katy... And Mary Margaret," Elaine said as she picked out a tiara.

"Alright," Emma said as she took the other one and they both placed the tiara's on their heads.

"How do they feel?" Katy asked.

"They fit," Elaine said.

"Thank you," Emma said and Mary Margaret smiled as they took the tiara's off, placing them in the box.

"They're beautiful," Elaine said.

Regina, Faye, Sebastian and Callie walked in with Henry and Julia as Mary Margaret looked at the Swan twins, "What is it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"But I guess all that was just not meant to be, besides we had a pretty good childhood. Give Katy some slack okay? She was a good mom," Elaine said.

"I am not your mom," Katy said.

"See? We had that all growing up," Emma said and Mary Margaret nodded as Katy smiled.

Elaine turned to Henry and Julia, "You doing okay, kids?" Elaine asked.

"Yeah. I'm just ready to be me again," Henry said as he sat on the cot.

"I'll be okay when my brother stops being Pan," Julia said and Henry smiled.

"Not much longer now, kids. Not much longer," Faye said as she flipped a page.

"Once we have the wand, all will be as it should," Mr Gold said.

At the church, Tinkerbell, David, Neal, Kerr and Killian walked inside and saw some nuns standing near Mother Superior's casket, "Sorry to interrupt," The nuns turned to Tinkerbell, "But we need your help," She said.

"With what?" A nun asked.

"The Black Fairy's wand is here. We need it," Neal said.

"We can never..." A nun said worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah. It's a terrible thing, but what's coming is worse. Where is it?" Kerr said.

Before the nun could answer, a pounding noise came from outside. They all turned to see something flying at high speed around the building windows.

"What the hell was that?" David asked.

"Pan's shadow," Killian said as there was a loud thump as the shadow hit the window as it shrieked and roared.

"What does it want?" A nun asked.

"The wand," Killian said.

"Run," David told the nuns and they ran out before the shadow made its way inside.

"Stay covered! Over here!" Killian said as they ran over to benches as the shadow growled and flew around them.

Flashback: Neverland

Captain Hook and Mr Smee were traversing through the island jungle, "Mr Smee, you might want to pick up the pace. It would do our journey and your physique some good," Killian said.

"Sorry, Cap'n," Mr Smee stopped walking and heard a brief rustle in the bush, he turned to look but there was nothing, "It's just this place gives me the creeps," Mr Smee resumed walking after the siblings, not seeing the eyes that were watching them poke out from the bush, "Don't you think we should head back to the ship?" Mr Smee asked them.

"Not until I've found a way off this accursed island. We've dawdled here for too long, the longer we're here I'll never get to look after Esme's children's," Captain Hook said.

"Why can't your purpose be back at the ship where it's safe?" Mr Smee asked, he went to follow them but someone knocked him out.

Captain Hook turned around, "Smee?" Captain Hook called out.

Suddenly a knife was against his throats as someone grabbed hold of his hair, pulled his head back a little, "Are you a little old to be a Lost Boy?" Tinkerbell asked.

"I'm not part of Pan's brigade and I can assure you I am anything but a boy," Captain Hook said.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Tinkerbell asked.

"I'm the captain of the Jolly Roger and I'm here..." Captain Hook winced as Tinkerbell tugged harder on his hair, "...Looking for some magic to help me make our way home to our land," He glanced at her, "You don't have any, do you? Magic?" Killian asked.

"Fresh out," Tinkerbell said and Captain Hook turned around, freeing himself from Tinkerbell's hold.

"I don't buy it for a second," Captain Hook forced Tinkerbell back a few steps, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are a fairy," Captain Hook said.

"And if I didn't know any better," She glanced at his attire, "I'd say you're a pirate," Tinkerbell said.

"Guilty. So tell me, fairy, can you help me?" Captain Hook asked.

"Help you?" Tinkerbell pressed her blade to his throat and dragged it along his skin, "Aren't you worried about me slitting your throat?" Tinkerbell asked.

Captain Hook set his lantern on a rock and moved his face closer to hers, "Well, that's not the fairy way. You should be helping me find my 'happy ending' or something else equally as precious," Captain Hook said.

"I was a fairy. A long time ago. But then my wings were taken away. As for your 'happy ending', they will be better off without you. You're on your own," Tinkerbell pulled out something from his jacket, "Watch it!" Tinkerbell said.

Captain Hook smirked, "A little jumpy aren't we?" He held his flask, "In the traditional sense," He uncapped the bottle and offered it to her, "Rum?" Captain Hook said.

Tinkerbell took the flask, "What's so important back home?" Tinkerbell asked and took a sip.

"The Dark One murdered the woman I care for," Captain Hook took it back, "And I intend to make him suffer for it. And I need to look after the children of the woman I love... She died," Captain Hook drank from the flask.

"And killing him is your happy ending? Even by doing so, you could end your own existence," Tinkerbell said.

"I'd risk my life for two things, love and revenge. I lost the first, and if I die for my vengeance, then that's enough satisfaction for me as I get to be reunited with Esme White," Captain Hook said.

"The Impossible Girl?!" Tinkerbell covered her mouth as Captain Hook looked at her intrigued, "I shouldn't have said that," Tinkerbell said.

"Well... What's this you know about my love, fairy?" Captain Hook asked and Tinkerbell looked at him worried.

End of Flashback

At the convent, David, Kerr, Neal, Tinkerbell and Killian were still hiding from the Shadow, "So all we have to do is light the candle again, that's how you trapped it in Neverland?" David asked.

"Yeah, but this time I say, we get rid of it for good," Neal said.

"I'll draw it here," Killian said.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?" Tinkerbell asked him.

"If it's the only way to prevent this bloody curse from obliterating us all, then it's a risk I'm willing to take," Killian said.

"I thought you'd only risk your life for love or revenge," Tinkerbell questioned him.

The shadow roared as it flew past them and they all ducked, "Two other important things, me and my loves kids," Killian said and he got out from the benches then Neal looked at him.

Killian got the shadow's attention, the shadow missed once then the shadow shoved Killian to the others and David pulled him back towards them.

"Can you trap it?" Tinkerbell asked.

"No, it's too high. We've got to get closer," David said.

"And I can't fly up there... Tink," Neal said.

"If you didn't notice, I don't have my wings," Tinkerbell said.

"But you have pixie dust," Kerr said.

"That doesn't work," Tinkerbell said.

"No, no, no, Tink. You made it work once, you can do it again," David said.

Tinkerbell walked out from behind the benches, opened the bottle of pixie dust and she closed her eyes as she inhaled the pixie dust. She took the candle from Neal and lit the candle with her own magic. Tinkerbell flew up to the shadow, capturing it inside the coconut and threw it into the fire pit, destroying the shadow for good.

"Look who's still a fairy," Killian said as he walked to her.

"Look who's still a pirate... You alright?" Tinkerbell asked him.

"Well, I lost a hand once, this is nothing," Killian told her.

"For the record, I know why you risked your life back there and it wasn't for yourself or revenge... It was for Elaine, your Impossible Girl... Hook, I never apologised for telling you the way I did," Tinkerbell said.

"Not like I gave you much of a choice," Killian said.

"Well done, Green," They all hear and turn to see Mother Superior alive and well.

"Blue!... But you were..." Tinkerbell said.

"Gone. I know, but when you killed the shadow, mine was returned and I was revived, thank you. You finally believed in yourself, Green... Tinkerbell, welcome back," Mother Superior told her.

"I'm a fairy again? Even after I disobeyed all your rules?" Tinkerbell questioned.

Mother Superior chuckled, "I might have been overly strict. You deserved your wings, Tinkerbell, and you have earned them back many times over," She said.

"Thank you," Tinkerbell whispered as she tried not to cry.

"As for the Black Fairy's wand," Mother Superior said and made it appear, handing it to David, "Go, save us all," She said.


David, Killian, Kerr and Neal arrived back at the pawnshop with the wand, Killian walked up to Elaine and they hugged each other, "She's back the Blue Fairy, she gave us the wand," David said.

"Do we need anything else?" Emma asked.

"Only one more item," Mr Gold said as he went into a cabinet and took out a cuff.

"What is that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"This is one of the only useful things I managed to pilfer from Greg and Tamara before they left for Neverland. It renders anyone with magic utterly powerless," Mr Gold said.

Regina turned to Killian, "I haven't forgotten about all of that, by the way," Regina said, as Elaine rested her head on his shoulder.

"Let me see your wrist, Henry," Mr Gold walked to him, Henry stuck out his wrist and Mr Gold placed the cuff on him, "I wanna make sure that when my dear old dad awakes, that he's weakened... This will block his powers," Mr Gold said.

"So, what happens now?" Henry asked in Pan's body.

"I enact the spell, you fall into a deep sleep and when you awake, you're back in your own body," Faye told him.

"And then you hang onto that scroll and you come find us as fast as you can," Regina said.

David handed over the Black Fairy's wand to Faye, "When I gave my heart to Pan," Henry scoffed, "I thought I was being a hero... I'm sorry," Henry said in Pan's body.

"We both did, Henry... It's not our fault, I know that now," Julia said.

"Julia's right, you're not the one that needs to be sorry, Pan does," David said.

"It's time," Henry laid down on the cot as Faye waved the wand above him, "Keep your eye on the wand," Faye said.

Faye tapped the end of the wand on Henry's forehead and Pan's body started shaking and he was gasping and grunting.

"What's happening?" Elaine asked.

"Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body," Faye told her and seconds later, Pan's body stopped shaking.

"It worked!" Regina said.

"Let's go find our son," Elaine said and everyone left but Callie, Neal, Faye and Mr Gold.

Neal and Callie looked at them, "You two not coming?" Callie asked.

"No, no. I think now. My father and I have, uh... Some unfinished business," Mr Gold looked at Gaye, "Go," Mr Gold said.

"Punch the bastard for me," Faye said.

"I'll do worst than that," Mr Gold said and Faye, Callie and Neal walked out.

Flashback: Storybrooke: October 2011

On the outside school grounds, Henry and Julia looked at a family tree assignment they were supposed to complete. It was not filled in. Henry tucks it into a folder and slid it under his open lunch box.

Mary Margaret walks up to them, "Henry? Julia? You two didn't turn in your homework again. Is there a problem?" The Mills twins don't answer, so she sat down with them, "Oh, Julia, Henry. Things really will change if you just believe it," Henry closed his lunch box, "Life is unpredictable," Mary Margaret said.

"Is your life unpredictable? Because it seems to me like everything is pretty much the same around here. Except us. Out birth mom didn't love us. Regina says she does, but she doesn't. We don't belong here," Julia said.

"You do belong here, children. You are loved," Her expression perked up as she came up with an idea, "I wanna show you both something," She reached for something in her bag as the Mills twins watched her, "This morning, I was cleaning out my bedroom closet. Like I've done every week, thousands of times, and do you both know what happened? I found something. Something I've never noticed before," She pulled out a large book, entitled in golden letters as Once Upon a Time, and placed it down in front of then, "It was just there. Like magic," Mary Margaret said.

"That's not possible," Henry said.

"Well, of course not," Henry opened the book, "But it happened. This book somehow arrived," Henry turns to a page with a drawing of an older man and young boy, the young twins studied the pages together, "Was it given to me? Did I forget about it? I don't know, but there it was. And do you know what I saw when I looked inside?" Julia and Henry looked at her expectantly, "Hope," Mary Margaret said.

Julia glanced down at the book, "Looks like fairytales to us," Julia said and Henry nodded.

"And what exactly do you both think fairytales are? They are a reminder that our lives will get better if we just hold onto hope. Your happy ending may not be what you expect, but that is what will make it so special," Mary Margaret said.

Julia tilted her head as she glanced at the book before looking back at her teacher, "Can... Can we borrow this?" Julia asked.

"You can have it," Mary Margaret said.

The Mills twins smiled, "Really?" They said in unison.

"Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a powerful thing. Think you could use it," She got up and patted them on their shoulders, "I'll see you two in class," Mary Margaret said and she walked away.

Henry flipped to another page of a princess and her prince, the young twins looked shocked, "Miss Blanchard," They both called out.

"Yes?" Mary Margaret said.

Henry and Julia looked up and looked stunned to see her dressed as the same princess in the book, a moment passed and she appeared normal. Julia smiled, "Thank you," Julia said.

Mary Margaret smiled, "You're both very welcome," Mary Margaret said and she continued to walk away.

Henry and Julia looked back to the book, Henry turned the page and they saw the Princess and Prince with two infant children, "Emma and Elaine," The Mills twins said.

End of Flashback

Everyone was looking for Henry with help from Granny as she walked with her crossbow, "I've got his scent! He's nearby," Granny said.

"The tower?" Adam said as they approached the clock tower.

"Yeah," Elsie said.

"It's me! It's me, it worked," Henry said and he was pulled into a hug by his moms and sister, "Mom, mom, Julia, I just saw you guys... You guys just saw me," Henry said.

"But we didn't see you," Regina said.

Henry handed the scroll to Elaine as Julia clung to him, he kept one arm around her, "I'm okay, I promise," Henry said as he rubbed Julia's back.

"I know... But it's been us two for so long... I don't like knowing you're in danger," Julia said.

"Says you who had your heart crushed," Henry said.

"Says the hero who created your heart from ash," Katy commented.

"Really?" Julia asked as she pulled away.

"Everyone helped," Henry said and Julia jumped up and hugged him, "Wow!" Henry said and fell back and the young twins chuckled.

"I think we've lost them," Katy said.

Elaine looked at Regina, "It's up to you now," Elaine said as she handed it over to her.

Regina took the scroll from Elaine and it glowed, knocking Regina unconscious, "Regina! Regina," Emma shook her.

"Mom!" Katy said as she knelt by her trying to wake her up and the Mills twins looked worried.

Back in the pawnshop, Pan started to wake up and he saw Mr Gold near him, "Hello, Papa," Mr Gold said.

"Thought you'd have killed me in my sleep, laddie. I guess you've changed you," He sat up and inhaled deeply, noticing the cuff on his wrist, "Oh, wait. I see," He scoffed, "You've taken away my magic. That's why it's so easy for you to strut around and pose now, isn't it?" Pan said.

"I wanted to talk to you. I wanted you to see me and think about what you've done," Mr Gold said.

Pan grinned, "Of course. To look at my son here at the end and really see him and think about what might've been. Is that what you want? Because I do. I remember looking at you... The littlest babe. Helpless and all mine. Those big, big eyes full of tears... Pulling at me... Pulling away my name, my money, my time. Pulling away any hope of making my life into something better for myself. This pink, naked, squirming little larva that wanted to eat my dreams alive and never stop! How old are you now? A couple hundred? Can't I be free of you?" Pan said.

"You don't feel that way for Priscilla. Why is that?" Mr Gold said.

"Why? Jealous?" Pan asked.

"No. Curious," Mr Gold said.

"She never cried, she never pulled away at my hope, she never ate away my dreams. She brought light into my life, where you, brought nothing," Pan said.

"And yet, you left her with me," Mr Gold said.

"I did... The boys needed me, and I was gonna come back, I did come back, but I gave her and Bae and choice and they both chose you, remember? But you didn't take my deal... She told me you were her Papa and she'd never leave you, that broke me, but, I gave her a fun night to remember... I never forgot her laugh, her smile that night... I remember her crying because you didn't trust her," Pan said.

"You really want to be free of me, that much?" Mr Gold said.

"That I do," Pan said.

"Oh, you will be," Mr Gold picked up a sword, "In death," Mr Gold said.

"Then, one last lesson, son. Never make a cage you can't get out of," Pan ripped off the brace from his own wrist as Mr Gold looked in shock, "I made this cuff, you know. Doesn't work on me. But on you..." He materialised it on Mr Gold's arm, "Down, boy," Magically he flung Mr Gold backwards into a shelf, "Let's see how you do without magic," Pan said as he stood up as Mr Gold crawled towards the fallen sword, but Pan kicked him away from it.

"I've come too far for this. For them," Mr Gold said frantically.

"For your son and Priscilla? No. It's too late. Soon, that fine green smoke will fill their lungs and fog their brains. Not like the rest of this town. I'm not just going to take their memories. No. Because of their special meaning to you, I'm going to take their lives, I'm gonna keep Priscilla alive, of course, but... She'll hate you and there'll be no stopping her hate and her revenge on all Dark One's," Mr Gold looked surprised, "And you won't do a thing to stop me. Do you know why? Because without magic, you are right back to where you started. The village coward," Pan said and he walked out of the shop.

Mr Gold breathed heavily as he tried to get the cuff off of his wrist but it wouldn't budge. He saw the sword on the ground, picked it up and thought about cutting off his hand to get the cuff off as he looked at his hand.

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